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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 72 Burial (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 72 Burial (please vote for recommendation~)

After running for two steps, Shi Lan’s mind moved slightly, and the innate true energy in his body surged to the soles of his feet, and his body rose into the sky, stepping into the void.

Looking at the ground dozens of feet away from the soles of his feet, Shi Lan was in a daze. After coming back to his senses, he glanced at the Feiyun boots he was wearing and rushed straight towards the city wall.

Most of the entire city wall on the west side has collapsed. The rubble has completely buried the city gate, leaving only the remains of bones looming among the remaining bricks and rubble.

Shi Lan rummaged through the ruins for a long time before he found less than ten white bones wrapped in black armor. The rest of the armors were broken into pieces, and the bones were scattered everywhere, making it impossible to find them completely.

Demon Suppression Order Shi Lan found twelve of them.

“Zhang Ding…”

“Liu Yunsheng…”


“Yuan An…”

“Jiang Li…”

Shi Lan sensed the demon-suppressing order and watched the names pass through his mind. He couldn’t help tightening his palms and sat down on the broken bricks, feeling at a loss.

Those familiar or unfamiliar comrades, now only the bones are lying there, and some even the bones cannot be found…

Shi Lan had already anticipated this situation when she made plans to escape, but when this scene fell in her eyes, she couldn’t help but feel guilty in her heart.

No matter the reason, running away is running away, even if she is just preparing to do so and has not yet had time to take action.

After calming down, Shi Lan left Shuangyue City and came to the battlefield where the demon-suppressing army was fighting the demonic beasts.

The corpse of the monster beast has also turned into a pile of white bones, and the flesh and blood have been eaten clean. The bones in front of the city wall are several feet high.

After looking around in the air, Shi Lan saw the figure standing in the wilderness.

After all, Huangfu Yun is a warrior at the ninth level of the Xiantian Realm. His body has been warmed by the Xiantian Qi for many years, and has already reached a certain level of toughness. Coupled with the protection of the killing Qi of the Demon Slaying Platform, the monsters dare not get close, and the body is still intact. No different than before death.

Seeing Huangfu Yun’s half-open eyes, Shi Lan’s eyes felt a little sour, and he stepped forward and closed his eyes.

After sending Huangfu Yun’s body to Shuangyue City for placement, Shi Lan began to search for the scattered bones, armor, and demon-suppressing orders.

Most of the bones were incomplete, and the armor was left and right. In the end, only about 220 bones were recovered by the Demon Suppression Order. The rest should have been trampled into the ground by the monsters along with the blood and white bones.

After doing this, it was already midnight.

Pulling out a steel knife from the ruins, Shi Lan used local materials to build a simple coffin for Huangfu Yun and buried him. Then he came to the Shuangyue City Gate and launched the Heavenly Eye Qi Technique.

After turning around Shuangyue City with his Sky Eye, Shi Lan came to the gate of the North City and started digging a hole.

While digging, Shi Lan felt a sense of bitterness in her heart. She had never used Qijutsu so far this day, which was comparable to the Feng Shui pattern. The first time she used it was to find a burial place for her colleagues.

Just thinking about it made Shi Lan feel choked up.

By the time Shi Lan dug the hole, the sun was already overhead.

The pit is about five feet deep, five feet long and five feet wide.

Except for Huangfu Yun, it was impossible to tell who was who among the other corpses. After placing Huangfu Yun’s coffin, Shi Lan put the piles of armored bones into the pit.

After putting all the demon-suppressing orders into the pit, Shi Lan filled in the soil and smoothed it, took a piece of bluestone from the city wall that was nearly ten feet high, and began to carve a tombstone.

After listing the names of everyone in the tomb one by one, Shi Lan placed the demon-slaying platform right in front of the tomb and compacted it with tombstones.

This demon-slaying platform can allow all the heroic spirits in this tomb to sleep peacefully without being harassed by hyenas, snakes, insects, rats, and ants. Naturally, Shi Lan will not take them away.

“I hope the feng shui here can bring some good luck to your family. There is only so much I can do for you now…”

Shi Lan caressed the tombstone gently. After a while, he bowed to the tombstone and turned to leave.

From beginning to end, Shi Lan never said anything about avenging them. With her current strength, she was not qualified to make such a promise.

What killed these people in the tomb was the boundless tide of beasts, the demon clan far away in the boundless demon realm, and the supreme overlord who occupied one-third of the Lingyang Realm.

She is still too weak now. If she is strong enough for some things, she will naturally do them without talking about them.

Shi Lan had just taken two steps when she remembered the Ziwei Seven-Star Halberd that she had forgotten. She flew up the city wall and found it after rummaging through the ruins for a while.

Holding the halberd tightly, the innate true energy in his body poured in. Soon the nearly ten-foot-long halberd began to shrink, and finally turned into a little aura, which was put into Shi Lan’s cuffs.

After entering the Xiantian Realm, the ability to store magic weapons is much better than the Body Tempering Realm.

After standing there and thinking for a while, Shi Lan flew to the sky above the City Lord’s Mansion.

There are especially many bones near the City Lord’s Mansion. It must be that when the city was destroyed, people were rushing to the City Lord’s Mansion to seek shelter.

In front of the door of the city lord’s mansion, there was a glazed mirror that was more than five feet long. The mirror was broken and scattered on the ground.

The houses in the mansion were particularly badly damaged and were almost razed to the ground. Shi Lan searched for a while before he found his residence.

After rummaging for a long time, Shi Lan found a broken package among the ruins.

After tearing open the package and taking out the white crane skirt, Shi Lan left the city lord’s mansion.

After walking around, Shi Lan found a small building that was not seriously damaged. There was a deep well in the backyard of the small building.

Shi Lan fetched two buckets of well water, took a shower, and washed away the blood scabs adhering to his body. In just one day, half of the wound on his lower abdomen had healed without applying any medicine. This kind of healing power can be called A perverted sound.

After re-bandaging the wound, Shi Lan used Qi to steam dry his long hair, took out the white crane skirt and put it on.

The White Crane Skirt and Feiyun Boots are both two-star stars, so naturally they are also magic weapons.

Shi Lan had some resistance to wearing skirts, but after waking up this time, she figured it out.

It doesn’t matter what she’s wearing, what’s important is that she can save her life. If she was wearing a white crane skirt that day, it would be impossible for the fragments of the armor to hurt her, nor would she be nearly killed by the giant tiger’s blow. .

This is not Tenglong City, and she doesn’t have to hide it from anyone.

Besides, she is a woman in this life, and she has been wearing men’s clothes pretentiously. Can she change back?

But these are just side things.

Having said that, Shi Lan was inevitably a little nervous when she wore a skirt for the first time, and her fingers were trembling a little.

Fortunately, the style of the white crane skirt is very simple and not complicated to wear.

It feels like ice silk and sticks to your body, making you feel extremely comfortable.

Moreover, this was the first time that Shi Lan gave up something like a bra wrap. The relaxation on her chest made her breathe much easier.

Thanks to Walking Pile Driver t, Mysterious Apocalypse, and book friends Pi Qingqinghao Zijin for their rewards, thank you~


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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