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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 735 The killing begins

The starry sky.

The boundless void suddenly twisted and turned into a whirlpool, and the billions of stars that were sucked into it were instantly turned into dust.

The long river of time and space manifested, winding through the starry sky dome. A green lotus came against the water of the long river and slowly stopped in the starry sky.

After a while, the long river of time dispersed, the lotus petals stretched, and two figures slowly walked out.

“Emperor, is it the origin now?”

Looking at the empty starry sky in all directions, Ying Qianqiu subconsciously tightened his palms, feeling a little uneasy.

“She should have stayed here for a period of time before the immortal path was destroyed and on the eve of the decisive battle, leaving behind a time and space anchor.”

Qinglan’s face was a little pale. The heavy load brought by crossing the long river of time and space was unbearable for ordinary masters, not to mention that she also brought a living being with her, and the backlash was even heavier.

If the ancient history of the Origin Era had not been fixed, she would not have been able to reach the current point.

“I’m going to go to hell, you can do what you want, and I’ll come find you later.”

After calming down the turbulent breath in her body, Qing Lan raised her finger and lowered it, directly penetrating the wall of Yin and Yang.

The water of the underworld surged past, reflecting the dim divine light and exuding a strong sinister aura of death. The souls of countless creatures drifted in it, leading to the other shore.

Watching Qing Lan’s figure slowly disappear in the water of Huangquan, Ying Qianqiu turned around, and his spiritual thoughts spread out, covering the endless star field.

The next moment, he took a step forward. Two steps later, he had already crossed the boundless starry sky and stood in front of a great world.

“May I ask the Immortal Lord, what is your purpose in coming to Qinghong Realm?”

A question came from the blazing sun not far away, with a gentle tone.

Looking at the big world in front of him, Ying Qianqiu looked slightly startled. In the distant past, he had been here before. Although many memories could no longer be seen clearly and were very blurry, there was always a voice echoing in his soul, making him regain his senses. Return here.

He didn’t know who he was looking for, but when he saw this world again, his memory seemed to be gradually recovering, and he vaguely saw a figure.

“Looking for an old friend.”

After being silent for a long time, Ying Qianqiu finally spoke.

“Immortal Lord, move slowly.”

After another wave of spiritual thoughts came from the big sun, it fell into silence and did not stop him from entering the world.

Ying Qianqiu stepped into the Qinghong Realm. As soon as he crossed the world barrier, the world around him changed, and the space was moved. When he came back to his senses, he was already in a majestic fairy palace.

Above the palace, a figure stood with a blurry face. The blazing fire of destiny burned fiercely behind him, distorting the void.

Under the jade steps, there was still a person standing, wearing a green shirt. He looked to be in his early twenties. His cultivation was unfathomable. He was already standing on the top of the Immortal Lord. His face, for some reason, made Ying Qianqiu feel extremely familiar. .

Feeling the pressure of the Lord above the palace, Ying Qianqiu came back to his senses, his expression changed slightly, and he bowed and saluted:

“I, Ying Qianqiu, have met the Immortal Emperor and have taken the liberty to disturb you. I hope you will forgive me.”

Nowadays, Qinghong Realm is under the control of Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty, and the identity of the Immortal Emperor in front of him is self-evident.

“You are not from this world.”

The Immortal Emperor revealed Ying Qianqiu’s origins with a hint of surprise. After a few breaths of silence, he slowly said, “No matter why you are here, I have something to ask for.”

Hearing this, Ying Qianqiu was startled, but without refusing, he bowed and said, “Please speak frankly, Emperor Immortal.”

An Immortal Emperor begs for help. Even if he wants to refuse, he still has to weigh it. What’s more, he is now considered a member of the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty, so there is no need to shirk directly.

“This great world has been blocked by several masters. The heavenly secrets have been cut off and no one is allowed in or out. But you are not from this world. They cannot predict your movements and there is still a chance to leave the world.”

After saying this, the Immortal Emperor turned his palm and took out a jade token, wrote the word “Heavenly Fire” on it, and handed it to Ying Qianqiu:

“I hope you can take my imperial order and go to Heaven to meet the Jade Emperor and ask for help. If Heaven cannot escape, at least bring back the Immortal Scriptures created by the Three Saints of Heaven. This is related to the future of the Immortal Way. We are all Immortal Dao monks. I wish you You can help me.”

Ying Qianqiu took the token, and his heart sank slightly. Now it was the beginning of the battle to destroy the immortals. He was going to heaven now, and he was afraid that good fortune and misfortune would be unpredictable.

“According to my calculations, they won’t take action rashly for at least ten years. You won’t have much risk in this trip.”

Xu was aware of Ying Qianqiu’s embarrassment, so the Immortal Emperor explained.

Heaven is not that far away from here. With Immortal Lord’s cultivation, not to mention ten years, even two days is enough to go back and forth.

“Please Immortal Emperor wait for the good news.”

Ying Qianqiu made some calculations and had an idea in his mind. He put the token away and agreed to the matter.

“Now that I am entangled in the luck of immortality, it is inconvenient for me to take action, so I must be careful in everything.”

The Immortal Emperor warned, and then looked to one side: “Ji Li, send Qianqiu away from the border for me and take the road of Huangquan.”


The man in green on the side responded respectfully, pulled out a fairy sword from the void with his backhand, and opened the path of reincarnation:

“Please come with me.”



The moment the long river of time and space changed, the master who happened to be standing on the other side of the long river immediately noticed something was wrong.

The green lotus rising against the long river of time and space was too eye-catching, and the endless fairy light overflowing from it was caught in their eyes.

“What the God King said at the beginning was true. After the Great Destruction, the Immortal Way will indeed rule the universe!”

“If you don’t take action now, what are you waiting for? Will you wait until Yuqing completely swallows the source crystal before starting a war with him?!”

“Start immediately and destroy Heavenly Court first!”

A green lotus with fairy light aroused the nerves of all the masters, and the originally deadlocked situation was instantly broken.

There was a violent uproar in the universe, and a dark light and shadow instantly arrived outside the Nantian Gate. Without any hesitation, it fell with a palm.

The same scene happened in the four poles of Yunei.


The four heavenly gates connecting Xingyu up to Tianyuan below failed to hold on for a single breath and suddenly exploded.

Without the barrier of the Heavenly Gate, it was as if a fig leaf had been torn off the Heavenly Palace, and the thirty-third Heavenly Palace was completely exposed to the starry sky.



The other side of the underworld.

“Three Life Stones, I will only take a small piece.”

Looking at the man in white not far away, Qinglan spoke lightly with a dazzling fairy light lingering around her side.

“I’m on duty now, so I can’t let you take it away directly. If something happens, I won’t be able to explain it easily.”

The man in white spread his hands with a helpless expression. He was not aggressive, and he did not want to fight with the person in front of him, but now it was his turn. If he did nothing, he would obviously be derelict in his duties.

What’s more, the Three Life Stones are related to the past and future lives of all living beings, and their importance is self-evident.

“I’m not negotiating with you, just informing you.”

Before he finished speaking, Qinglan raised his hand. Under the reflection of the underworld water, the phantom of the green lotus slowly stretched out, taking root in the endless underworld. The rich evil spirit of death was absorbed in a snap, and the fairy light flowed, turning the place into a ghost. Prison paradise.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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