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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 737 Past or Future

The current situation in Heaven, in the eyes of all the creatures in the universe, is that it is on the verge of collapse.

The demon tribe’s heavenly court was divided, and the two supreme giants stood on opposite sides. The major ethnic groups fell apart, taking away most of the demon tribe’s main combat power, leaving only the Immortal Qi Refiner lineage, which was simply unable to support itself.

Under such circumstances, the choices made by these incense gods were without any fault in their own eyes.

The incense god’s defection in battle was undoubtedly beyond the expectations of everyone in the heaven, and there were heavy casualties in an instant.

In the corner of the battlefield, a god who had entered the tenth level of the realm pulled out a golden arrow from the void, slowly opened the bow in his hand, and locked onto a true immortal wearing a silk fairy robe.

The muscles of his arms were knotted, and the thunderous sound of the divine blood flowing turbulently in his body could be clearly heard. The blazing divine light burned on the surface of his body, as if he were a god who stepped out of the sun, majestic and solemn.


The heaven and earth were torn apart, and the dazzling arrow light cut through eternity, transcending time, instantly pierced the chest of the true immortal, and tore her immortal body apart.

The arrow was entangled with the strong law of destruction, which even caused her soul to be severely damaged and she was almost on the verge of death.


A seven-color treasure wheel rose into the sky, reflecting the fairy light, protecting the remains of the true immortal, and driving away all kinds of creatures that tried to swallow the fairy blood, like hyenas surrounding it.

“Wang Zhen…”

Looking at the person standing in front of her, Yuqi reluctantly twitched her lips, her mind already a little confused: “It hurts…”

Wang Zhen also had an immortal body stained with blood. He had been injured and was in a bad situation. He had a long-standing reputation in the universe. After Yang disappeared, he was even known as the first person under the Lord. As soon as the war started, there were four The creatures who had reached the pinnacle of the other side were staring at him.

Under such circumstances, it is simply nonsense to try to escape.

The reason why Heavenly Court can still support itself now is just because the battle in the long river of time and space has not yet concluded. These creatures who came after hearing the news and wanted to skin and dismember Heavenly Court have not used their full strength and are still waiting and watching to avoid the situation. Something happened and there was no time to escape.

Above the sky, the Jade Emperor lowered his head and glanced at the battlefield. A ray of clear light overflowed from his fingertips and fell into the heavenly treasure house.

In an instant, the immortal energy soared into the sky, piercing through the thirty-third heaven, illuminating the universe. All the immortal weapons hidden in the heavenly treasure house were unsealed, their dust disappeared and the light was born, and they revived from their eternal sleep. , sharpened.

The most eye-catching one is a red fairy sword, which fell directly into the Jade Emperor’s palm. The qi of the fairy sword is extremely ancient. There are cracks on the sword’s edge, and the essence of the fairy weapon flows like blood.

It can hardly be regarded as a soldier anymore. It is almost like a living being. It has flesh and blood, and it has experienced unimaginable horrific killings.

“Back then, I used this sword to avenge my hatred, shatter the heart of the origin of heaven, and create heaven…”

The Jade Emperor slowly raised his hand, threw the immortal tripod into the long river of time and space, gently stroked the sword edge, and murmured to himself:

“Today, you and others are practicing the way of worshiping the immortals.”

His voice was so low that the creatures on the battlefield could not hear it at all, but in the long river of time and space, it made waves and bursts of thunder, resounding throughout the ages.

The Jade Emperor held the sword, stepped through time and space, and entered the long river.

The immortal tripod that was previously thrown into the long river seemed to have turned into an unshakable ancient sacred mountain, suppressing the time and years, making the moment at this moment become eternity.

This move is like drawing the ground as a prison. Before the winner is determined, no master can leave this place, which is tantamount to cutting off his own escape route.

An old man walked up to the Jade Emperor’s side. Without saying a word, he turned into a ray of clear light and merged with the Jade Emperor’s heavenly spirit.

In an instant, he seemed to be rejuvenated, and his temples, which were originally stained with snow, were as black as ink, and returned to their prime.


A middle-aged man in black uttered a word indifferently, and took the initiative to start a dispute. His eyes suddenly changed, and the supreme law poured out. In the void, a large world was outlined, and he ran straight into the immortal. tripod.


In an instant, the sky almost collapsed, and the Immortal Cauldron was turbulent, but in the end it still stood firmly in place.

The middle-aged man looked slightly startled, and after pondering for a few breaths, he couldn’t help but be moved: “This tripod has been refined with the source crystal, and it actually has a trace of the charm of the source sky!”

Before he could think about it, the piercing sword light had already lit up on the long river of time and space. The Jade Emperor controlled the fairy sword, as if a giant god was rising, holding an ax to open the sky, and the murderous intention was extremely ferocious, which was very different from the immortal Qi!

“You are not Yuqing…”

The expressions of all the masters present changed, and horror flashed in their eyes as they recalled an ancient creation god.


The Jade Emperor didn’t say a word, but the celestial sword in his palm had already split open a master’s heavenly spirit. The true blood was mixed with the bones and splashed, and the blazing light of the soul was torn apart by the sword energy before it even took off.

In a flash of thunder, a master almost died!

“Impossible! My lifespan is longer than this, and I will not be in danger of death in this battle…”

The shrill roar echoed across the long river of time and space, full of disbelief. The light of the soul collapsed and split into billions of rays of rays of light, rushing towards the long river of time and space.

As long as he can escape a little bit, his body will be able to sense it, so he can avoid this murder and save himself!

Unfortunately, by the time he reacted, it was already too late.

Outside the scope of the Immortal Cauldron, countless immortal swords entwined with blood demons have fallen into the long river of time and space. In an instant, all traces of this master in the long river of time and space have been wiped out.

The fall of the master affects the entire universe. In the turbulent long river of time and space, endless tributaries rumble, begin to gather, merge, and flow into the main veins. The changes in time and space caused by that master are all eliminated invisible.

The remaining masters were greatly shaken. All the information about that master was passing rapidly in their minds. In a daze, they could not even remember how many of them came to destroy the heaven in this battle.

They soon understood the cause and effect. At this moment, time and space were stagnant, the heavens were confused, and it was impossible to predict their own death.

In other words, they could all die!


A crisp sound called back their thoughts. It came from the fairy sword in the Jade Emperor’s hand. The edge of the sword had collapsed, and the essence of the fairy sword was dripping, as if a living being was bleeding.

It is not easy to completely obliterate a master. In just an instant, it has been killed hundreds of millions of times. It has experienced countless battles in the long river of time and space. This is an indescribable huge loss.

“If he really had the power of Yuanji, he would not wait until today. The sword will be broken and people will die. Today, the heaven will be destroyed. This… is ancient history!”

A master shrouded in light mist spoke in a deep voice. Before he could finish his words, he had already stepped forward. His energy was like the heavenly path coming to the dust. The mighty divine light shone in his chest, and there were surging source power fluctuations. The question is a fragment of source crystal.

He didn’t take out any weapons, his hands were as clear as jade, and he held the sword’s edge directly.


The fairy sword split open his palm, but it was stuck tightly by the metacarpal bone and could not be moved in or out.

The edge of the sword shattered, and for a fairy sword, 80% of its combat power had been lost.

When the scene was in a stalemate, few masters took the opportunity to kill the Jade Emperor. They all rushed towards the two source crystal fragments on the side as if they had a tacit understanding.

“Is there any benefit to giving up the source crystal and fighting me to the death?”

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor looked calm and said in a deep voice: “You want to take my heaven and replace it… Zexu, do you think the Tiandao Alliance has the capital?”

“I’m here just to destroy the immortals… If they want the source crystal fragments, just take them.”

Zexu was not moved at all by what the Jade Emperor said, his tone was indifferent, he clutched the fairy sword tightly in his palm, and the divine light surged around him, trying his best to suppress it.

The Jade Emperor stared at the source crystal fragment in his chest, blood suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his expression became a little ferocious:

“Origin day…”



The war that took place in the long river of time and space took place for an unknown period of time, but to the creatures fighting in the thirty-third heaven, it was only a few breaths.

Several figures like gods and demons walked out of the long river of time and space. This was the last scene that most people in heaven saw.

Countless creatures then withdrew from the battlefield, and then, the thirty-third heaven was destroyed by a palm seal, and was crushed into a vast continent. All immortal creatures, including countless immortal weapons and sacred treasures, were turned into ruins. , the evil spirit of injustice swept across the sky.

The immortal energy that filled the world was gone in just a moment, and the heaven that was once was turned into a deserted land filled with soul-destroying evil light.

“Time and space fluctuate, and there are creatures that do not belong to this era passing by here…”

A master noticed something was wrong and frowned slightly: “There is still a breath left in the long river of time and space. It has not gone far. Do you want to pursue it?”

“If you haven’t become the master, you won’t be able to affect the overall situation. Just let her be.”

The other masters did not pay attention, but spoke bitterly:

“It’s a pity that a piece of the Source Crystal was taken away, otherwise this battle would have been successful.”

“Now there is only one source crystal left. How will we distribute it among the others?”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several masters were a little ugly, and they all looked in the direction of the Tiandao Alliance.

After the war, there were still two masters of the Tiandao Alliance, and they already had a source crystal fragment, so they were undoubtedly the party with the most say.

“We, the Tiandao Alliance, don’t need this piece of source crystal fragment. You can find one person to take charge of it and distribute the source power regularly without fighting.”

Zexu looked calm, took the initiative to give in, gave suggestions, and then said:

“Although Heaven is destroyed, there are still countless souls practicing immortal magic in the universe. It will take a certain amount of time to completely eliminate them, and I have to trouble you to take action.”

After learning that the Tiandao Alliance gave up the fight for the Source Crystal, the minds of several masters gradually relaxed and they did not care about the threat of the Immortal Dao.

“The Heavenly Court has been destroyed. Only the Qinghong Realm is still a threat, and the rest are like chickens and dogs.”

“You, the Tiandao Alliance, don’t have to go to Qinghong Realm, just leave it to us.”

With the removal of Heavenly Court, the Immortal Path has been exhausted. The problem now is the huge territory occupied by Heavenly Court.

The destruction of the immortal way will have a great impact on the cultivation path of living beings in the universe. The vacancies that arise need to be filled with new cultivation methods.

“Our Tiandao Alliance has a method that allows seventh-level creatures to create their own small world. You can take a look.”

Zexu was already prepared for this. Before he finished speaking, a ray of light came into the minds of the masters.

The master present has already reached the limit of living beings in his understanding of the journey of cultivation, and the true meaning can be seen at a glance.

This is indeed a set of methods that can be implemented in the universe. It is not harmful in itself, and is even extremely brilliant. It has the potential to enter the gods and even the other side.

As for dominion, it cannot be achieved through normal practice. This is related to fate.

The core of this practice method is to nourish the world with living beings. Even if the living beings die, the world will still be preserved in the end. This can, to a certain extent, ensure the flow of source power in the universe.

In this way, the Overlord can also directly swallow the world to replenish it to avoid replenishing source power through source crystals.

A considerable part of the resources swallowed by the source crystal will be retained by it itself. It is no secret to the masters.

“It can be promoted.”

“I have no objection.”


The masters present quickly approved Zexu’s proposal and agreed to implement the Tiandao Alliance’s practice method.

Before the masters left, Zexu spoke again: “These great realms under the Heavenly Court all belong to our Tiandao Alliance. In exchange, I will give you a source of power that satisfies you.”

In front of Yuanli, several masters did not hesitate and nodded one after another, but some masters were still confused: “What does the Heavenly Dao Alliance want with so many worlds?”

Although it can swallow up the world to replenish it, in a short period of time, the Tiandao Alliance does not need so much source power.

“We, the Tiandao Alliance, want to restart the World Ranch.”



Qinghong Realm.

In a mountain range, Ying Qianqiu, who had just escaped from the battlefield in heaven, suddenly stopped.

Dust-laden memories kept rising, causing his pupils to dilate and his soul to fall into shock.

Qinghong Realm… Tianhuo Immortal Dynasty… Shuiyun Palace… Shuiyun Immortal Lord… Destroying Immortal… Lingyang Realm…

Suddenly, he remembered the memory in the Palace of Life, as if he was waking up from a big dream, but there was no joy on Ying Qianqiu’s face, and his face turned pale.

He did not dare to stop at all, and casually grabbed a few immortal monks from the mountains.

“Take me to Shuiyun Palace quickly, I want to see Shuiyun Immortal Lord!”

But within a moment, a familiar towering fairy mountain came into view.

Ying Qianqiu’s emotions were so agitated that he could hardly suppress the trembling feeling in his heart.

Until he reached the foot of the Immortal Mountain, before he could move on, the indescribable darkness instantly eroded his sanity and deprived him of his five senses. The whole person seemed to have fallen into an endless hell in an instant, in a state of confusion.

“Senior! Senior?!”

The few female monks he casually grabbed to guide him were all at a loss when they saw him suddenly stop.

Amid a burst of calls, Ying Qianqiu’s eyes returned to clarity, and the horror in his pupils could not be concealed. After a long while, he spoke awkwardly:

“Where is this?”



When Ying Qianqiu woke up again, he was already at the top of a spiritual peak, with no immortal foundation left in his body, all his life energy lost, and he was nearing the end of the journey.

Qing Lan was standing not far in front of him, with tired eyes and a hint of pity.

“Is this the general trend?”

Ying Qianqiu had tears in his eyes and was unwilling to do so. Looking back at his life at this moment, he couldn’t help but fall into huge doubts about himself.

The meaning of his own existence seemed to have turned into a joke, and the most real years seemed to be all that was left of that thousand-year discussion.

“Feel sorry.”

“Has the emperor already expected this?”

“I only guessed part of it.”

Qing Lan shook her head slightly. Although the cause of all this was not caused by her, Ying Qianqiu’s current ending was caused by her.

The freeze-frame of ancient history brings about an irreversible trend. Even if time and space are reversed, everything that happens is what happened before, and there will be no change.

Ying Qianqiu lowered his head, his eyes fell on the palm of his hand, and his blood-stained fingertips tightly grasped the half-broken piece of ancient jade.

Exquisite jade…

Even if he reverses time and space, he still does not have the destiny to dominate, and does not even have a chance to struggle. He was reborn from the origin, all because of the exquisite jade. In this life, he returned to Lingyang by accident, perhaps just to settle the matter. This cause and effect.


Thinking of the battle he saw when he first came to the origin, Ying Qianqiu was silent for a long time, laughed at himself, raised his hand with some difficulty, and handed the ancient jade to Qinglan.


Qing Lan took the ancient jade, injected a ray of essence into it, and repaired the ancient jade. When she looked up again, Ying Qianqiu was already dead.

After a moment of silence, Qing Lan turned and left. The spiritual peak collapsed behind him, burying Ying Qianqiu’s body.

One step later, Qing Lan arrived at the boundless sea. In the void, there was a hole in the sky, containing divine light and swallowing amazing energy fluctuations.

The majestic spiritual mist overflowed from it and rushed down, like a huge waterfall hanging between heaven and earth, with an astonishing momentum.

On the cliff facing the sea, there stands a crystal jade tablet with the four characters “Langya Cave Heaven” written on it.

Qing Lan saw that the barrier of the cave sky was nothing, and stepped straight into it. Inside the cave sky, there were strange and exotic grasses everywhere, earth veins growing everywhere, and countless spiritual eyes. In the entire universe, it could be regarded as a rare and peerless spiritual land.

In such a spiritual place, strong people naturally emerge in large numbers, and from time to time, they can sense the rich energy and blood belonging to the enlightened ones. Qinglan did not cover her traces and flew straight through the sky, but no living thing noticed her existence.

At this moment, Qing Lan is traveling backwards in time. As far as other living beings are concerned, she is already in two layers of time and space. She has not entered the Dominion and there is no trace of her at all.

A moment later, Qinglan stood in front of a deep valley. There were only two people in the valley, a martial arts supreme and a girl who looked to be only seven or eight years old.

The girl has obviously been practicing martial arts for a short time, but her progress is quite remarkable. She has already entered the Tiangang realm and is only one step away from gathering her spiritual consciousness. It is obvious that she has practiced extremely hard.

Regarding Qing Lan’s arrival, the martial arts supreme master on the side was not aware of it, but the girl’s eyes lit up and she stopped practicing martial arts.

Time and space gradually stagnated, Qinglan walked slowly to the girl, leaned down and looked at her, with a rare smile on her face.

“Who are you?”

The girl frowned slightly, took a step back warily, and looked calmly at the motionless martial arts supreme beside her.

Seeing that the martial arts master was smiling and showing no reaction, the girl’s face was slightly stiff and her forehead was sweating.

“Your name is Linglong?” Qinglan asked with a smile.

“I’m not!” The girl shook her head repeatedly.

“Don’t be afraid, I’ll deliver something to you and then leave.” Qinglan said half-jokingly, took out the intact ancient jade and stuffed it into Linglong’s arms.

“In this jade, I have left you three amulets, which are enough to prevent you from being killed three times.”

“Why only three times?” Linglong pouted, looking a little dissatisfied, but she stuffed the jade into her arms.

“You have saved me twice. One more time. I treat it as a favor to you.”

A soft color flashed in Qinglan’s eyes, and she deliberately opened her mouth to give some reminders, but suddenly thought of Ying Qianqiu, and swallowed the words as they reached her lips.

The trend is irreversible, and her reminder at this moment will have no effect at all…

Thinking of this, Qinglan smiled slightly, turned around without saying another word, and prepared to leave.

Linglong hugged the jade, chased it for a few steps, and asked curiously: “Will we meet again?”

“Most definitely.”

Qing Lan stopped, turned around and smiled slightly, her eyes slightly complicated.

“When?” Linglong asked.

“The past or the future.”

My past, your future…


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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