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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 74 Arrival (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 74 Arrival (please vote for recommendation~)

Yuqing is the heavenly soul among the three souls. He is born with a mastery of the laws of heaven and earth. His growth rate is also the fastest among the three souls. He has achieved enlightenment in less than a thousand years, has attained the status of saint, and controls all living beings in the world. Kill the power.

This Yuqing Creation Technique was the technique created by Yuqing when he realized the path of cultivation at the beginning of his reincarnation. As his cultivation level continued to grow, the level of the technique also continued to rise, and finally it was directed towards the quasi-sage. The supreme law of the great road.

After these scenes flashed one by one, a burst of information poured into Shi Lan’s mind, which was the path to the Xiantian realm.

After subduing the shock of witnessing with his own eyes the great miracle of Pangu’s Creation of Heaven, Shi Lan said doubtfully:

“I see that Yuqing’s cultivation path does not seem to start from the innate realm. He has been in an immortal body since the beginning of his reincarnation. And why is there only an innate realm of practice methods?”

[“Yu Qing Creation Jue” conflicts with the laws of heaven in the current world. The version currently received by the host is a version that has been repaired and debugged by the system. 】

[The following exercise routes will be opened automatically when the host reaches cultivation level. 】

Shi Lan understood, and instead of rushing to practice the Yuqing Creation Art, he clicked on the lottery section.

“Start the lottery.”

The wheel starts spinning.

[Unfortunately, the host did not obtain any items. 】

Shi Lan raised her eyebrows. This seemed to be the first time she didn’t draw anything.

The roulette wheel slowly started spinning again.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the two-star item “Elementary Formation Summary


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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