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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 740 Questions

It is nonsense to reach the other shore without stepping into the realm of gods and underworld to accumulate one’s own foundation. This is not a realm that can be reached by simply strengthening the physical body.

This is like a normal person climbing a mountain. He has to cross the rugged mountain road and reach the top of the mountain. He already knows the result without thinking about it.

“The road you are going to take now has given up the help of heaven and earth. It is destined to be very difficult. The help I can give you is also very limited.”

The God King’s eyes were deep, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes: “But you can also be considered as cutting off the cause and effect from the Origin Heaven. It may not be a way to steal the Heaven.”

“Origin Sky?” Shi Lan was slightly confused: “Isn’t the Origin Continent broken long ago?”

“The great universe is transformed from the Origin Continent. All living beings, no matter which world they practice in, cannot cut off their connection with the Origin Continent.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan was startled. Just as he was about to ask, the God King didn’t say much. He turned around and suddenly asked a question that surprised Shi Lan:

“What is your original intention of practicing?”

Shi Lan pondered for a moment and gave the answer: “Self-protection.”

At the beginning of her practice, the system had been forcing her to move forward. Since then, her practice seemed to have become a habit. When life and death were hanging by a thread, she could only seize every opportunity to become stronger and keep climbing up.

“Are you protecting yourself…”

The God King’s eyes wandered, flipping through extremely distant memories, and whispered: “I initially practiced cultivation simply to pursue powerful power.”

The fundamental reason for pursuing strength is that when the strength is insufficient, no one will listen to what he says, even if what he says is right.

Shi Lan was silent, not understanding what the God King meant when he suddenly told her this.

“What does the universe of future generations look like in your eyes?” God King asked again.

“It’s a deformed and chaotic world.”

Shi Lan thought for a long time, and finally expressed his true thoughts: “The strong are always strong, control the source of power, and survive in the world. They are high above, and can determine the life and death of the world with a single thought, and the life and death of hundreds of millions of living beings.”

She has seen too many strife caused by origin power. Behind all tragedies, without exception, there are the shadows of those major forces.

“Do you think this is appropriate?”

The God King raised his eyes and stared at Shi Lan, quietly waiting for her answer.

“I don’t know if it should be done. In order to survive, I have killed many people and embezzled the source power of the great world.”

Shi Lan shook her head slowly, she couldn’t judge.

Survival is instinct.

After a slight hesitation, Shi Lan continued: “However… birth, old age, illness and death are the laws of the cycle between heaven and earth. Life has an end and the road has an end. Because of the existence of source power, some tragedies happened that should not have happened. This is sad.”

“Would it be better to integrate the big universe and let Origin Sky regain control of the world?”

“What does the God King mean?” Shi Lan became more and more confused.

“When the Gods were in the Origin Continent, they were supporters of the Origin Heaven and claimed to be the pastors of the Heaven. Most of the creatures of all races at that time were extremely repulsive to the Gods.”

Speaking of this, a trace of recollection appeared in the God King’s eyes:

“When Yuan Ji opened a realm outside the territory, I had not yet become the master, and the elites of the clan came out to try to stop me. As a result, several clan elders were killed one after another. I luckily escaped and ascended to heaven, and returned to the continent of origin.”

“The vitality of the Gods was severely damaged. Due to Yuanji’s actions, the Origin Continent was also in turmoil. All races excluded the Gods, and there was a secret tendency to unite.”

“It was the most peaceful period in the history of the Origin Continent. Few living beings died due to the killings, and the Gods were able to breathe as a result…”

“Until the Origin Continent was shattered, the Protoss’ situation became increasingly difficult. If I chose to side with the Origin, the Protoss would be the enemy of the entire Origin Continent, and the outcome would be unpredictable.”

“But at that time, I still contacted Yuanyuantian and asked him what he thought. If Yuanyuantian needs the gods to fight for him, I will not hesitate in the slightest…”

“But the response from Origin Sky was ‘whatever you want’ and let me choose on my own.”

“My thoughts at the time were not far from those of many creatures on the Origin Continent. I believed that losing the shackles of heaven meant that I had taken off my shackles and was free and at ease. I never thought about the consequences.”

Having said this, the God King’s lips curled up slightly with a bitter smile: “Yuantian only said two sentences about my final choice.”

“Yuanli is the seed of troubled times. The way of heaven is broken. There will be no fairness in the world. The power of life and death taken away from Him will only be controlled by a small number of living beings.”

“If one day the source power becomes unbalanced, He will completely cleanse the world of the underworld and reopen chaos.”

Hearing this, Shi Lan opened his eyes slightly: “Yuan Tian is still alive?!”

“The Source Crystal still exists, so of course He is still alive.” The God King’s expression returned to calm.

“Now that the Source Crystal is split, does the Origin Sky still have this kind of power? Moreover, how to judge the source power imbalance?” Shi Lan calmed down the shock in his heart and felt puzzled.

“When the source power produced by a source crystal fragment is no longer enough for a master to continue to exist in the world, someone will naturally start to think of ways to fuse the source crystal in order to obtain more source power.”

The God King said slowly: “By then, the source of power will naturally be out of balance.”

Shi Lan’s thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he thought of the sudden changes in Ling Yang in later generations, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart. If the Origin Crystal fragments were really reunited and the Origin Sky was revived, could any living being be able to stop him?

Is the so-called destruction of the universe caused by the origin of heaven? If this is really the case, aren’t the rulers of future generations on their own path to death?

“Based on what you’ve seen in the future, do you think it would be better to let Origin Tian regain control of the world?”

The God King asked the original question again, looking extremely serious.

“Junior doesn’t know.”

Shi Lan shook his head slightly, took a deep breath and said, “But if Origin Sky really wants to destroy the world, I hope he will continue to sleep.”

Reopening Chaos means that everything she owns, including her family and friends, will be reduced to nothing.

Everything she did now had no meaning. How could she accept this?

Identifying with the origin of heaven and the destruction of the world is equivalent to defeating one’s own Taoist heart.

“You can think more about this question and give me an answer.”

The God King looked solemn: “This is very important to you and me…”

“No need to think about it.” Shi Lan shook his head with a determined look: “Birth, old age, illness and death are indeed natural cycles, but this does not mean that He can take away everything from me in advance.”

The path she takes requires support from others. If there is no one behind her, she doesn’t know the point of continuing to move forward.

“If one day, Origin Heaven revives and wants to reopen the world, what will you do?” The God King was silent for a moment and asked the last question.

“If I am still alive and my life is not over, no matter what my strength is, I will follow the example of my predecessors.”

Shi Lan gave the answer without any hesitation:



My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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