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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 741 Mutation


After hearing Shi Lan’s response, the God King did not ask any more questions, but just sighed softly:

“I can’t give you guidance on the path you want to take, but you can come often in the future and I will do my best to help you.”

“Thank you God King.”

Shi Lan thanked her with gratitude. The God King had no reason to help her. The advice of such a person is a great favor that can only be met but cannot be asked for.

Her cultivation has reached this point. It would be unrealistic to start over from scratch. Now she can only have a general direction.

Watching Shi Lan leave, the God King lost his mind for a while.

After a long time, he seemed to have made some kind of decision, and there was a sense of relief between his brows.



The setting sun was gradually swallowed up by the twilight, the bright moon appeared, and the stars hung in the sky, twinkling with light.

Shi Lan rode the evening breeze back to the valley. As soon as he stopped, he heard a burst of noise coming from the martial arts field deep in the valley.

The martial arts arena paved with bluestones was filled with half-grown teenagers, whispering.

In the middle of the martial arts arena, Ye was trapped by a gauze belt made of condensed blood and hung in the air. He had whip marks on his body and his skin was torn. Although his face was expressionless at the moment, there was obvious dissatisfaction in his eyes.

“Kid, have you been slacking off in your practice recently? Just growing taller has not made any progress in your cultivation.”

Yao held the blood-colored whip in her hand and circled it around Ye, with a malicious smile on her face. Sensing Ye’s dissatisfaction, Yao’s smile grew even louder.

Seeing this scene, Shi Lan was not surprised, and had even become accustomed to it. Yao was playful by nature, so no matter what outrageous behavior he made, it was not surprising.

For Yao, she is the only one who can be called a friend. Her identity as the daughter of the God King has destined that there is an abyss between Yao and other creatures that can never be crossed.

Ye is now the person closest to Shi Lan. When Yao is bored, he will often tease him by giving him advice on how to practice. This is one of the few bad things Yao has.

In this regard, Shi Lan has always pretended not to see it. She spent most of her time in retreat, and she was basically in a state of freeing up for Ye. Although she spent most of her time playing, Yao also gave some pointers. Regarding Ye’s Cultivation helps to some extent.

Shi Lan was not surprised, but for the young people around him who had only been in the valley for two or three years, this scene was rare, and they were all shocked.

Sensing Shi Lan’s arrival, Yao’s eyes brightened slightly, she put away the bloody whip in her hand, untied Ye who was hanging in the air, and stepped in front of her: “Are you free now?”

“What’s wrong?” Shi Lan was startled.

“Take you somewhere.” Yao smiled mysteriously.

Just as Shi Lan was about to nod, her heart suddenly palpitated. After sensing it for a moment, she found the root cause, which came from the power of incense and wish.

Over the years, the Lingyang human race had erected countless golden statues and longevity tablets for her. The incense and wish power gathered along with it was extremely huge. Shi Lan did not absorb it and allowed it to wander between heaven and earth, sometimes indistinctly. Can detect fluctuations in it.

In just an instant, her golden body and longevity tablets were greatly damaged, followed by countless prayers for blessing. It was obvious that something big had happened.

Before she could react, Kuang Shaoqing’s voice message rang in her mind:

“I have received messages from many large tribes asking for help. For some reason, the mixed bloodline suddenly began to massacre, and there were even beings from the realm of the gods and the underworld to take action. I will say goodbye for the time being.”

The next moment, Kuang Shaoqing’s breath disappeared into the valley. It was so rapid that the situation was undoubtedly extremely urgent.

Shi Lan’s eyebrows slowly wrinkled, why are these bastards so crazy? How could there be such a big move all of a sudden?

Judging from the reaction of the incense wish power, in just a short moment, no fewer than hundreds of human tribes were affected.

“I’m going out for a trip. There’s something going on with the human race.”

After coming back to his senses, Shi Lan immediately decided to go investigate. There was a reason for the matter and he could not let it go.

“What happened?” Seeing that Shi Lan looked wrong, Yao was a little confused: “Can I go?”

“No need, I’ll go back quickly.”

After a moment of hesitation, Shi Lan shook her head and refused. She had promised the God King not to act in the name of the God Clan. Yao’s identity was too sensitive. If there was a conflict with Zaixue, the situation might develop in an uncontrollable direction.



In the northern region of Lingyang, the sky was dyed red with blood, the earth was scorched into pieces, bones were piled up like mountains, and will-o’-the-wisps were wandering everywhere.

On a desolate plain, the earth sank, and in the dark brown blood swamp, the ruins of the palace could be vaguely seen, leaving behind a broken magic circle.

Dozens of figures were scattered on the scorched earth, all holding black bottles, grabbing massive amounts of blood essence from the earth.

In the center of the scorched earth, a man dressed in black walked slowly forward with a human head in his hand, and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated temple.

“Kami Asahi…”

Looking at the taboo on the plaque of the temple, the man sneered and stepped inside.

Most of the temple was broken, and the jade statue standing in the center had fallen to the ground, covered with cracks. The man stepped forward and crushed the head of the jade statue with his foot, with almost boiling murderous intent in his eyes.


The moment the jade statue shattered, the entire temple exploded in an instant. The blue wind was hunting, and a figure stood in the sky, surrounded by bloody glow, and its heavy pupils drooped, like a god looking down on the earth.


Looking at the jade statue at the feet of Cha Lie, Shi Lan looked indifferent, and murderous intent was boiling in his heart: “Now that you are not in heaven, how many lives do you have to die?”

She had been an incense god for a period of time, and she became more aware of the significance of the golden body. Chalie blatantly destroyed her golden body, which was an undisguised declaration of war.

Seeing Shi Lan, Cha Lie’s expression remained unchanged, and the murderous intent in his eyes even became more intense.

“If you want to kill the Kshare, are you taking the stand of the gods, or are you just representing yourself?”

A question came from the void, and a middle-aged man walked out slowly with a heavy breath, suppressing the bloody smoke above the scorched earth. He was wearing a long gown, with silver hair shawl, and his dark brown pupils were filled with divine patterns.

His body is filled with strong fluctuations of the laws of time and space. There is no doubt that he is a tenth-level powerful man who has stepped into the realm of time and space.

“Yang, you do not enjoy the salary of the gods, you are not included in the genealogy of the gods, and you are not protected by the gods. This is what the king of gods has said himself.”

The middle-aged man looked at Shi Lan and said in a cold tone: “Even if I kill you today, the God King will not necessarily blame you. Between you and my clan, there is no conflict between the well and the river. Just retreat. I can pretend that I didn’t listen to what you said just now.” Pass.”

Cha Lie is an unparalleled genius of the Zaxue lineage. It is almost certain that he will step into the other side in the future. Shi Lan’s attempt to kill him is almost equivalent to declaring war with the Zaxue lineage.

“Kill me?”

Shi Lan’s expression remained calm at all. Silver-white scales covered his whole body. He reached into the void and slowly drew out the Red Crow Halberd:

“Is it just you?”

I wish you all a happy new year and all the best, bah bah bah


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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