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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 747 Death

“Yang and Yao are very close, and I don’t know what the attitude of the God King is. We need to think about it in the long term, and there is no need to rush for the moment.”

After hearing what the woman said, the burly man nodded in agreement: “It won’t hurt to be more cautious…”


Before he finished speaking, the time and space in the hall suddenly froze, and the movements of the three people came to a standstill at the same time. A bloody thunder fell from the sky, treating the dome of the hall as nothing, and struck the ancient jade in the hand of the white-haired boy.


The ancient jade exploded instantly, turned into powder, and scattered into the world, leaving no trace behind.

After a few breaths, time and space returned to normal, and the three of them didn’t even notice anything strange.

“Then we will set a date for the showdown with the Gods after three months.” The burly man stood up and made a decision.

“Wait, Gu Qi…”

In a daze, Jun Xuan looked slightly startled: “Why do we suddenly start a war with the Gods?”

“Are you kidding?” The woman frowned: “It wasn’t the order you just mentioned… from the person…”

Before she finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed.

Who is that…?

“Did I say that?” Jun Xuan’s expression changed: “When did I say…”


In an instant, the expressions of the three people in the hall changed. They realized the problem. Their memories were distorted and large blanks appeared. This was the result of the abnormal movement of time and space.

“A master has taken action…” Jun Xuan was a little confused: “Is it the God King? Who died?”

In his mind, a vague figure flashed vaguely, but he could not recall the memory of this figure.

“I don’t remember…” The other two people looked at each other. The one who could give them such an order must be the master, but now, they couldn’t remember any details at all.

“Then, should we fight this battle or not?” Gu Qi was speechless for a moment. With the God King here, the demigods were not qualified to fight against the gods.

The atmosphere in the palace suddenly condensed.

“In this situation, even if I want to stop, it’s too late…”

Jun Xuan sighed softly, the demigods had already let go of their talk of self-reliance, and had made such a big move. Even if they were now dead, the pure-blooded ancient gods would definitely take action to eradicate them. There was no room for negotiation.

Just when the three of them were in a dilemma, a ray of clear light fell from the sky and sank into the Junxuan Lingtai.


After digesting the information contained in the clear light, Jun Xuan’s eyes suddenly became sharp and he said decisively: “The King of Gods has stolen the throne of heaven and has lost the will of heaven. The law of heaven is on our side. Our clan will win this battle!”

There was a hint of excitement in Jun Xuan’s expression, almost crazy, and there were traces of heaven in his eyes: “And…as long as we can help him get back the mark of heaven, heaven will have a way to help us forcefully step into the master.” The domain has been rampant in the universe since then.”

“Retrieve the Mark of Heaven? How to get it?” The woman was unmoved and sneered: “If we don’t step into the realm of domination, the God King can crush us to death with just a wisp of his divine thoughts. How can we get the Mark of Heaven from his hand?”

Seeing Jun Xuan’s obviously abnormal mood swings, the other two people felt that something was wrong. Jun Xuan had always been deep-minded and unobtrusive, and he had never been so out of control before.

Besides, if Heavenly Dao could do anything to the God King, He would take action himself. Why can they do what Lingyang Heavenly Dao can’t do?

“Don’t rush to start a war with the gods. First, destroy the three demon clans and recover the source of power. When the decisive battle with the gods comes, the way of heaven will naturally help our clan.”

Jun Xuan did not answer the two people’s doubts. The sky mark in his eyes became more and more intense, and he whispered to himself: “At that time, my clan will bring the power of heaven to destroy the gods and control the rising sun for eternity! We can live forever!”

“You have to think carefully, and the whole body will be affected by a single move.” Gu Qi’s face was solemn, and there was a cold light in his blood-colored vertical pupils: “The result of this battle will only be the annihilation of the race, maybe the gods, but most likely it will be us and others. .”

“Either death or life!”

Jun Xuan didn’t say much, turned around and strode away: “When the war starts, I will send a message to inform you.”

The demigods have no afterlife, and all they can fight for is this life. He has reached the end of his life and does not need to worry too much.

The more you think, the more worries you will have, which will waste away your chances of winning.

After watching Jun Xuan leave, the two people in the palace looked at each other and sighed.

“If Jun Xuan takes action, we will have no way out. We can only do our best. What are your plans?” Gu Qi looked away and saw that the woman had been lost in thought, and was slightly confused: “Ye Qing?”

“The opportunity to start a war is not far away.” The woman came back to her senses and raised her hand to condense a light curtain in the void, which was the map of Rising Sun Middle Earth.

The map continued to zoom in, and finally it was locked in a mountain range not far from the hinterland of the Protoss.

“Most of the human race is gathered here now, and Yang is probably here too.” Ye Qing’s eyes darkened slightly, showing murderous intent.

“What do you want to do?” Gu Qi looked slightly shocked and couldn’t help but remind him: “The hinterland of the Gods is only a stone’s throw away. Going here is like throwing yourself into a trap.”

“Invite one more person to attack this place directly.” Ye Qing seemed not to have heard what he said, and said bluntly: “If we take this opportunity to kill Yang, we can also kill the human elites along the way, and at the same time reserve blood and essence, killing three birds with one stone.”

“This is too risky, and you might get caught up with yourself.” Gu Qi shook his head repeatedly. At such a critical juncture, sneaking into the hinterland of the Gods and making such a big move is no different from being crazy.

“This is a war. Fighters are fleeting and there is not much time for you to think about it.” Ye Qing’s expression remained unchanged and he explained:

“She is not protected by the Gods. This is what the God King himself said. If the God King really takes action because of this, there will be no need for us to fight this battle. When the war starts, it will be a decisive battle, and we will wait for death. The God King rises The desire to kill makes no difference no matter where we are in Ling Yang.”

“Do you really believe that the way of heaven can defeat the King of Gods?”

Seeing Gu Qi’s hesitation, Ye Qing’s eyes became even colder: “If he had this ability, how could the gods survive to this day? In his eyes, we are all ants. If we want to survive now, we can only rely on ourselves.”

This action is also to test the attitude of the God King. If you lose the bet, you will die, but now there is no second choice.

Once the God King takes action, no matter how careful he is, he will only live an extra year and a half, which is meaningless.

Gu Qi reacted and fell into deep thought. Ye Qing’s words were not unreasonable. After thinking for a while, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, “How are you going to deal with the Yin people and the elders of the God Clan?”

These high-level officials of the pure-blood ancient gods are undoubtedly somewhat ambiguous about Yang’s attitude, and they may not necessarily stand by and watch.

“In order to stabilize the two demon clans and those stinky fish and shrimps in the boundless sea, Yin and the others are still busy running around, and they don’t have the time to stay there.”

“This raid will be fought quickly and can be over in two breaths.”

Ye Qing’s idea was naturally not taken for granted. In an instant, she had deduced countless possibilities, and she had considered all possible changes.

Gu Qi said nothing more and asked directly: “When do you plan to take action?”

“Today, at this moment, we invite people to leave immediately!”



In the deep valley, the door to the cave opens wide.

After counting the number of powerful human beings under his command, Shi Lan mobilized a large number of elites among them, gathered millions of people, headed by Kuang Shaoqing, and handed them over to Yao’s hands.

These are existences that have reached the fifth level and above, and account for most of the cutting-edge military force of the human race.

Regarding the power possessed by the human race, the gods know much better than Shi Lan, and it is impossible to deceive them.

Ye was also included among these people. This was his own wish. Shi Lan did not interfere. Martial arts without the baptism of blood and killing were too fragile and could not be used even if they grew up.

There is no doubt that the battlefield is the place where transformation takes place the fastest, and she herself is the best example.

“The God King is in seclusion at this time. If Kunyu takes action, it is impossible for the Gods to stop him. Do you have any trump cards to protect yourself?”

Seeing the stream of people sinking into the void, Shi Lan was a little worried about Yao’s situation.

“Who is Kun Yu?” Yao was puzzled and replied casually: “It doesn’t matter, I know how to protect myself on the battlefield.”

“Well?” Seeing the doubts on Yao’s face that didn’t seem to be fake, Shi Lan suddenly felt a chill running down his spine and opened his eyes wide: “The patriarch of the demigod clan, the Great Sage Kunyu, isn’t the current situation all caused by him? ?”

“Great Sage Kunyu? Chief of the Demigod Clan?” Yao became more and more confused, frowning slightly, and said a little uncertainly: “Is there such a person in the mixed blood lineage…?”


Shi Lan was speechless for a moment and her thoughts were a little confused, but she quickly came to her senses. Yao’s reaction undoubtedly confirmed an extremely terrifying fact.

The legendary leader of the demigod clan has fallen, and even the traces of his existence have been completely erased.

Although she didn’t know the reason, what made Shi Lan even more confused at this moment was why Yao had forgotten Kun Yu’s existence, but she still remembered it.

“Don’t worry, the bastards are just a bunch of trash, don’t worry about it at all. I will watch over that kid for you and won’t let him die so early.”

Seeing Shi Lan lost in thought for a while, Yao thought she was still worried, so she immediately patted her chest and reassured her. Her expression was completely different from before, no longer worried and full of confidence.

The disappearance of Kunyu had a great impact. Even the human race who went on the expedition had a high fighting spirit, believing that the gods would win. They even wanted to use this battle to fight for the victory of the human race and destroy the Yixue family.

If the human race gains military exploits in this battle, it may replace the miscellaneous blood and become a major clan favored by the gods, changing its previous status.

Soon, the army of human elites had entered the space passage and disappeared in an instant. The valley was filled with coldness, leaving only the old and the weak to see them off.

The battlefield is ruthless, people die like lights out, and no one knows if there will be a chance to see each other again.

Shi Lan had seen this scene more than once, but his feelings were different every time.

Bi Yao couldn’t help but feel a little bit: “Yang, do you still remember your family?”

“Of course…” Shi Lan’s eyes dimmed slightly: “Father and mother are kind, brothers and sisters are respectful.”

“Sometimes I miss my mother.” Yao smiled faintly, with a hint of emotion: “However, my mother died when the Origin Continent was still alive. I heard from Father God that she was punished by heaven because of the rebellion of the gods. He was killed by Yuanyuantian, and not even a single relic was left behind.”

“Then you and Xia…” Shi Lan was a little surprised. Yao had just turned five hundred years old, and Xia was even younger than her, and a very long time had passed since the origin continent was broken.

“Xia Gang and I were sealed by Father God not long after we were born. It was not until more than four hundred years ago that Father God released us two.”

“Why is this?” Shi Lan became more and more puzzled. If Yao had not been sealed, his current cultivation level should have already reached the tenth level, and the God Clan would undoubtedly have two more powerful men.

“I don’t know, Father God just said that the time is coming.” Yao shook his head slightly, a little confused:

“Actually, I can’t remember many things before the seal. I don’t even remember my mother’s appearance. I often dream about her, but I can’t see her face clearly. I can only see her smiling at me.”

“Really…” Shi Lan sighed softly: “My mother… always cries when she sees me.”

“Hehe, maybe I miss you too much.” Yao didn’t talk any more, turned and left without looking back: “I’ll leave first, and I’ll come back to you later.”

Recalling what Yao had said before, Shi Lan stepped forward and asked, “Where did you say you wanted to take me?”

“I can’t go.” Yao didn’t stop and said in a helpless tone, “The Beast King has laid eggs. I originally wanted to take you to steal the eggs, but now the ancient beasts are gone. The last time she laid eggs, it was already four hundred.” It happened years ago.”

Overnight, the ancient beast disappeared from the world. No one would have thought of such a huge change.

Seeing Yao’s figure disappearing into the void, Shi Lan slowly closed his eyes and silently recited the name of the God King in his heart.

As long as the God King is conscious at this moment and can easily see her, he will definitely be able to detect her call.

A few breaths later, when she opened her eyes again, she saw the familiar hall in front of her. The God King was sitting on the throne, dressed in bloody clothes, and there was no trace of killing on his body.

Seeing the God King, Shi Lan couldn’t help but ask the question in his heart: “God King, I think…”

“I know what you want to ask.” The God King waved his hand and said nonchalantly: “Kun Yu was indeed killed by me, just half an hour ago.”

“Everyone else has forgotten Kun Yu’s existence, why do I still remember it?” This was Shi Lan’s biggest confusion. She had expected Kun Yu’s death and was not surprised.

“I don’t know why either.”

The God King gave a rather straightforward answer, which surprised Shi Lan. After all, in her impression, the God King was almost omnipotent.

“I have erased all traces of Kun Yu’s existence, including all written records. According to normal rules, Kun Yu has never appeared in this world. Naturally, no one should be able to remember him.” The God King frowned. Lifting it slightly, he looked at Shi Lan, looking a little confused.

“Why did you take action? I heard that you were in retreat, and I thought…”

When she first heard the news that the God King was in seclusion, Shi Lan thought there was something wrong with the God King’s body. On the other hand, she also speculated that this war might be the result of the God King’s secret promotion, so she did not intend to intervene.

Unexpectedly, the God King didn’t take action. As soon as he took action, he directly killed Kun Yu and destroyed the sacred mountain behind the demigods.

“My death is approaching, but I can’t see the whole story clearly. Kunyu gathered three masters and came. I thought this might be my death, but now it seems that I overestimated them.”

The God King shook his head slightly, and seemed to be a little disappointed: “If those three Kun Yu found have enough longevity, they might still be able to fight me before they use their source power to extend their lives. However, if they live to this day, they will become better and better.” If you are afraid of death, you are simply vulnerable to a single blow and will collapse at the first touch.”

Knowing that his death was approaching, and that it was an unknown way of death, was undoubtedly a huge terror, but the reaction of the God King seemed extremely strange. It seemed extremely regretful to him that he did not die in this battle.

“God King, what are you thinking about?” Shi Lan subconsciously asked the doubts in her heart. The God King’s behavior was so strange that she couldn’t understand it.

“What do you think is source power?” God King did not answer Shi Lan’s question, but asked instead.

“It is the origin of all living things in the world.” Shi Lan didn’t know the meaning of the God King’s question, but still replied seriously: “This is just the idea of ​​a junior.”

“Actually, it’s not that complicated. The source power is the power of the Origin Heaven, that’s all.”

“The reason why it is difficult to kill creatures after they reach the tenth level is because after establishing themselves in the realm of time and space, they have a close connection with the Origin Heaven in every time and space, and Daohua is the link of transmission.”

The God King looked calm and slowly raised his hand. On his palm, there was a shadow of a long river filled with endless tributaries:

“It’s also very simple to kill them. Just cut off the bond between them and Origin Sky and let Origin Sky forget about them, and they will naturally disappear from this world.”

At this point, the long river phantom in the God King’s hand instantly collapsed and turned into a mist, surging in his palm: “Just like this, it turned into pure source power again, and all traces of its existence disappeared.”

Looking at this scene, Shi Lan suddenly felt a chill in her heart, and an uncontrollable feeling of horror spread down her back.

No one will miss you anymore, even all relatives and friends will forget your existence, and all traces will disappear without a trace.

This is death, when everything truly becomes empty and only nothingness remains.

“The death of living beings has many aspects, but if it completely disappears from the world and all traces no longer exist, there is only one kind.” The God King’s eyes were a little distracted: “This is the way to die that I want.”

“It’s a pity that no living being can do this.”

Before Shi Lan could recover from the shock, the God King laughed at himself: “Ling Yang’s mark of heaven is in my body, and its origin is immortal. Even if I die, I will still exist in the world forever, and there will still be people who remember my existence. , this is the punishment given to me by the Origin Heaven.”

Zhan Bu’s connection with Origin Heaven will always be recorded in future generations as his death in this period of ancient history. He will not be able to escape until his death, and will be trapped in this period of ancient history forever, going back and forth. , we can’t see clearly the way forward, and there is no way back behind us.

This was the truth that he suddenly realized when he was about to die. The gods could be reincarnated, but he had no way out.

Yuantian gave him a chance to choose, but actually did not let him go, nor did he let the gods go.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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