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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 748 Changes in the River of Time and Space

“I have told you before that the path you are taking is difficult, but it is a path to steal the heaven. When you swallowed the Tao Fruit, you had already severed the connection with the Origin Heaven.”

The God King’s eyes were a little complicated, and he sighed softly: “If you can continue on this road, you may have the opportunity to take the source of heaven and replace it.”

Most of the spiritual cultivation in the world is to absorb the power of heaven and earth to nourish one’s body. The higher the cultivation level, the closer the connection with the origin of heaven. When it reaches the realm of domination, it is almost like a clone of the origin of heaven. It is the source of power. Aggregate.

This is also one of the reasons why living beings can travel across the long river of time and space after entering the Dominion.

Source force is the bridge across time and space.

“This junior comes here to ask the God King for something.” Shi Lan took a deep breath and said solemnly: “I want to enter the river of time and space again.”

Regarding the God King’s evaluation that he might be able to replace Origin Sky in the future, she didn’t have much trouble in her heart. Now she has not even stepped into the tenth level, so it is too early to say so.

Although the cosmic mirror contains the power of the river of time and space, it is far behind compared to the real river of time and space.

The last time she traveled through the long river of time and space, she didn’t have much experience at all, and her memory was completely washed away. If she wanted to understand the laws of time and space, she couldn’t bypass this hurdle. Under the wash of the long river of time and space, she might be able to make some new discoveries.

She needs more strength. If she stays at this stage, she won’t be able to do anything.

“It is very dangerous to enter the long river of time and space. You may not be able to find yourself again. If you are swallowed by the long river, it will not be easy for me to fish you out.”

The God King did not dissuade him, but only gave a reminder that before the great power of time and space, the Lord could not maintain his own stability.

“Please help me, King of Gods.” Shi Lan didn’t hesitate at all. He had already made a decision, and it was just a waste of time to look forward and backward.

With systematic memory backup, at least she won’t forget who she is.

Hearing this, the God King did not speak again, stood up from the throne, and raised his hand to separate time and space.

In an instant, Shi Lan arrived on the long river of time and space, and the laws of time and space rolled under his feet, splashing the waves of time and space.

In every wave, there is a legend created by a powerful being. When you transcend it, it feels like you are stepping on the entire ancient history under your feet.

“Go ahead and I’ll pull you out when the time comes.”

There was a hint of expectation in the eyes of the God King, and he used the power of the long river of time and space to baptize his body. This method had never been tried by any living being, but he hoped that Shi Lan could do it.

Shi Lan didn’t say much and stepped into the long river.


The power of the long river of time and space far exceeded Shi Lan’s expectations. Without the protection of the system’s power, the terrifying impact instantly overwhelmed her consciousness, and the memories in her mind were like a river bursting its embankment, collapsing thousands of miles away.

She was like a floating corpse, drifting down the long river in a muddle-headed manner as the waves tossed her. The laws of time and space poured in from her seven orifices and spread to her limbs and bones, taking away a lot of her lifespan and stuffing her body at the same time. A lot of messy memory fragments were included.

This is an afterimage that happened in certain eras, but it is too messy, just like countless fragmented mirrors, which can never be glued together because they come from different mirrors.

Shi Lan’s fragile self was insignificant compared to the ancient history of the entire universe, but in the blink of an eye, she had forgotten that she was still a living being.

In just a few breaths, her body was almost dry, drained by the laws of time and space.

Seeing this scene, there was not much surprise in the God King’s expression. The ribbon formed by the laws of time and space poured out from his sleeves, wrapped around Shi Lan’s body, and pulled her out of the long river at the moment when her life span was about to wither. In addition, prevent her from completely becoming a withered skeleton.

The majestic energy fluctuations overflowed from the God King’s eyes and merged into Shi Lan’s body, reversing her body and replenishing her longevity.

Shi Lan’s longevity has been lost in the long river, and the current God King is depleting his own life force to replenish it for her.

After a moment, Shi Lan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes blank.

“Do you still remember who you are?” God King asked.

“I…” Shi Lan had a splitting headache. After calming down for a while, he finally retrieved his memory backup after being prompted by the system.

The moment she regained her memory, Shi Lan immediately waved her heart sword and chopped off all the fragments brought out from the long river of time and space. They were just fragments of the future, with no beginning or end, leaving only those fragments that would interfere with her judgment.

This time entering the long river of time and space was undoubtedly a huge failure, and Shi Lan gained almost nothing.

“You can try it slowly.” Seeing that she had regained consciousness, the God King’s brows relaxed a lot, with a slight smile on his expression.

There is a lot of time to waste here, and Shi Lan can find himself, which means that he has not reached a dead end yet.

Shi Lan did not answer, but just stared at the long river of time and space in a daze. All her attention at the moment was tied to the laws of time and space, as if she was possessed by a demon.

If she just goes with the flow, she will eventually be swallowed up by time. She must find a way to gain a foothold in the long river of time and space.

The first thing to solve is the impact brought by the long river of time and space. This is a rolling trend that cannot be stopped by human power alone.

I don’t know how much time passed, but a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Shi Lan’s mind. He immediately raised his hand to condense a divine light, which penetrated his waist and abdomen, and the dragon pass above his lumbar spine was penetrated by her.

On the back of the human body, there are three dragon gates, which penetrate the whole body’s energy channels and are where the true energy is stored and circulated. With the transformation of Shi Lan’s physical body, these three dragon gates have become frighteningly powerful.

Shi Lan will try to let the river of time and space flow through her body to slow down the impact of the river of time and space. And with Dragon Pass, she may be able to intercept part of the laws of time and space and allow her body to transform again.

In an instant, Shi Lan seemed to have lost her center of gravity and fell into the long river of time and space again. The laws of time and space ran over her body, carrying her and rushing downstream.

But this time, Shi Lan’s consciousness lasted for a while longer, and for a moment she even felt the ‘bottom’ of the long river of time and space.


The long river of time and space shook violently and split into countless tributaries. The God King’s eyes narrowed slightly, with a rare hint of shock.

Shi Lan’s actions just now changed the future. Although it only caused the long river of time and space to give birth to tributaries, this is simply impossible for the creatures under the domination.

Only the master can influence the long river of time and space and divide it, but Shi Lan’s cultivation is far from that point.

After coming back to his senses, the God King took action again and pulled back Shi Lan, who was floating downstream.

Seeing Shi Lan’s pierced back, the God King’s complexion changed again. A clear spring suddenly stopped in Shi Lan’s Dragon Pass, rippling with wisps of divine light and filled with strong fluctuations of the laws of time and space. .

The long river of time and space is one, and it is not easy to intercept the power within it, and it is also part of the main vein of the long river of time and space.

This is tantamount to stripping away a piece of ancient history out of thin air, something ordinary masters cannot do.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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