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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 749 The Scenery of the Future

The stripping away of ancient history means that everything that happened in that period will disappear.

This is an extremely terrifying thing, and it pulls the cause and effect line of the entire time and space.

The God King didn’t do anything, he just replenished Shi Lan’s longevity and observed carefully. After a while, his expression changed again.

The connection between the water of the long river of time and space staying in Shilan Longguan and the long river of time and space has not been broken.

Shi Lan’s spine dragon pass was connected to the long river of time and space. Time flowed through her body but did not take away anything.

For the laws of time and space, this is undoubtedly a disruptive change.

The most important thing is that the long river of time and space is filled with the power of Origin Heaven. Now the long river flows through Shi Lan’s body, which means that she can directly extract the power to nourish herself without paying any price.

As he said at the beginning, this is a way to steal heaven.

After a while, Shi Lan slowly opened her eyes. This time, she sat in silence for nearly ten years before regaining her memory.

The second time she fell into the river of time and space, the impact was much greater than the last time. She almost forgot everything and returned to the ignorant baby state. She couldn’t even understand the system prompts.

The injury has been completely healed, but Shi Lan can still feel the laws of time and space permeating her body, slowly seeping into her limbs and bones along her back.

The feeling of the laws of time and space flowing through the body is extremely mysterious. From time to time, fragments of the past and the future will appear in Shi Lan’s mind, which are all huge changes that have happened or are about to happen in the universe.

The fragments that can leave traces in time and space are all on the cusp of leading the direction of ancient history. In a daze, Shi Lan saw countless horrific scenes of world destruction, and was unable to distinguish the past and the future for a while.

I don’t know how much time passed before Shi Lan gradually regained her thoughts. When she saw the God King on the side, she subconsciously asked: “How long has it been?”

“It’s not that long, probably more than seventy years.” The God King shook his head.

More than seventy years…

Shi Lan was silent. She seemed to only feel that a few breaths had passed, and her body’s sensitivity to the passage of time had once again faded.

“How do you feel this time? Is there anything gained?” There was obvious curiosity on the God King’s face. He still didn’t know what state Shi Lan was in.

Shi Lan did not answer, but stared down at the palm of her hand. A wisp of black mist overflowed from her palm, slowly leaping, filled with surging destructive energy.

“This is the force of destruction.”

Looking at the black mist surging in Shi Lan’s palm, the God King’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately explained: “The source of power changes in the intersection of time and space, and the external manifestation will naturally turn into this state. I am This was used to obliterate Kunyu’s existence.”

The same is true for the outward manifestation of the Lord across time and space.

If you want to kill a powerful enemy who has stepped into the realm of time and space, the power of destruction is the only way. Only the power of destruction can cut off the connection between the Origin Sky and the living beings.

In other words, Shi Lan has mastered the power that can kill the strongest person of the tenth level.

Without Daohua, without the support of heaven and earth, she still reached this point, relying on stealing the power of time and space.

Hearing what the God King said, Shi Lan was not much touched. She slowly raised her head and looked at the God King. There was a trace of confusion in the double pupils in her eyes, which reflected a vast starry sky, bright and magnificent.

“I seem to have seen the future.”

“What kind of future?”

“a lot of……”

Shi Lan is sitting on the other side, looking along the long river of time and space, looking at the eternity. Her expression is very strange, half happy and half sad, immersed in the line of cause and effect, unable to extricate herself.

The fragments of light and shadow that kept popping up in her mind had a great impact on her.

This is not her memory. Even if she cuts it off with her heart sword, it will not help. It will come back again soon.

After a moment, she withdrew her gaze and said with a complex expression: “I saw signs of your death.”

“How much time is left?” There was no surprise on the God King’s face, only a little curiosity.

“It’s hard to see clearly, but it won’t be long.” Shi Lan shook his head.

“Can you see clearly the cause of my death?” He had already predicted his own death, but he could never find the specific cause.

“I only saw a bloody ominous sword tearing open the world of Ling Yang. From now on, you will no longer be seen.”

Shi Lan murmured to himself, a sharp pain rising from the bottom of his heart. His vision gradually blurred and was drowned by the color of blood. Drops of blood and tears silently rolled down his cheeks: “After that…many lives died, many, many…”

“A bloody ominous sword…” The smile on the God King’s face gradually faded.

“Don’t cry.”

After a long silence, the God King leaned down and gently wiped away the blood and tears on Shi Lan’s cheek. Also wiped away were some of the memories in Shi Lan’s mind.

“What did you see the first time you mastered the power of destruction?”

Listening to the God King’s inquiry, Shi Lan lowered his eyes and murmured to himself: “Eternal calamity.”


The look in the God King’s eyes becomes darker. When entering the tenth level, all living beings can see the limits of their future to some extent.

What the Lord sees is an infinite continent with flowers of the other side in full bloom. Occasionally, someone can peer into the long river of time and space.

At this moment, the God King suddenly had an almost irresistible impulse. He wanted to see the scene that Shi Lan had just seen.

Even if he died after seeing it, he was willing to do so.

After hesitating for a while, he finally gave up the idea.

Looking at the long river of time and space at his feet, he said with a sigh: “Do you want to continue?”

“No need.” Shi Lan stood up and shook his head: “I have clearly seen the path I want to take. Staying here is no different from the outside world.”

The long river of time and space is already flowing in her body, and the rest only needs to be left to time.

Before they finished speaking, the two of them had returned to the main hall, and a long wisp of wind blowing into the hall had just passed half of it.

The time spent in the long river of time and space has no impact on the universe.

There, a moment is eternity. This is an experience that only the long river of time and space can experience.

“I’m tired, go on your own.”

The God King sat high on the throne, his head lowered, his hair scattered, covering his face, and his expression could not be seen clearly. His words lost the usual approachability and seemed extremely cold.

“…Yes.” Shi Lan was a little confused for a moment, but he still resigned as he was told: “Thank you God King for your help.”



After a few breaths, Shi Lan returned to the valley.

As soon as she returned here, she immediately noticed something was wrong.

Now that the long river of time and space is flowing in her body, her spiritual sense has improved to an unknown extent. Although she cannot accurately predict the future, she can feel the good and bad fortune in the unknown.

A strong sense of crisis appeared in her heart, warning signs flashing crazily.

The moment she felt the emotion, the clear sky of millions of miles suddenly dimmed, and four figures appeared in the sky above the valley.

“It’s you…” Shi Lan blurted out, and then he was suddenly startled: “Who…are you…”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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