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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 759 Ling Yang Tian

At dusk, the remaining clouds looked like blood, the stars loomed above the sky, and the red clouds were like beacons raised by the heavenly soldiers, with a hint of murderous aura.

Shi Lan stood quietly in front of the four large tombs, clad in rays of light, and his blood-red war robes rustled in the wind, like a blooming crimson flower on the other side of the world. His expression was indifferent, and his eyes were filled with blood-red pupils, surging with blazing murderous intent.

Stepping into the realm of time and space, the state of mind has long been unaffected by external objects, and the Taoist heart is better than immortal gold. However, this peaceful state of mind is not suitable for conquest and fighting.

At this moment, Shi Lan is taking the initiative to stir up the murderous intention hidden in his heart, igniting the furious fire of killing, letting his combat power tear open the threshold and push it to the supreme realm that has never been reached.

Emotions have a vital influence on the combat power that living beings can exert. Without the stirring of emotions, even if one has a lot of strength, only seven points can be used at most.

Even in the transcendent and extraterrestrial Buddhist path, there will still be the angry eyes of Vajra. When you become enlightened, the root of the seven emotions and six desires cannot be cut off. This is where it lies.

At the top of the sky, the four great sages of the demigod race stood side by side, with the same cold expressions, and a solemn look in their eyes.

They didn’t pay much attention to the four tombs not far away. What frightened them was the speed of Yang’s rise.

Yao’s coming-of-age ceremony back then was still vivid in his mind. Almost in an instant, Yang had become a sacred mountain blocking their way, and he even had the capital to compete with them.

“No wonder you dare to kiss the war post…”

The white-haired boy stood out of thin air, his eyes were filled with death and heavy pupils, reflecting the light of destruction, and he spoke lightly:

“If you want to accomplish everything in one battle, if you are not sure of victory, you will not act in such a hasty manner and find help?”


Before he finished speaking, a blazing sun rose from the boundless sea, burning the sky, igniting the time and space barrier, turning the dusk into the noon sun, introducing the long river of time and space, and in an instant, a time and space battlefield was opened up.

Without saying a word, Su Ri directly took action and pulled the battlefield into the long river of time and space.

The eight gods entered the other side of the world to fight. In ancient history, there are not many scenes of this magnitude. Once the war starts, the entire Lingyang Realm will be turned upside down. It is best to pull the battlefield into the long river of time and space. choose.

The water of the long river flowing with the broken shadows of time surged past underfoot, and the passage of time was frozen at this moment. Above the head were the shadows of stars in the sky, as if reflecting the big universe.


Jun Xuan’s eyes narrowed slightly and he turned his head to look at another corner of the battlefield. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: “The demons also want to get involved?”

Xue Qing’s expression was calm, and her slim figure was covered by a black armor. The armor was stained with blood. It was unknown how many years had passed, but there was still a trace of activity in the blood.

Luo Yong stood quietly beside her, with a broken battle flag hanging behind him. It was also stained with blood and exuded a tragic killing spirit. There was a faint sound of roaring that could tear the sky. It was ancient and wild, and it did not belong to this era. things.

For this battle, Luo Yongning had already taken out the rare treasure at the bottom of the box.

“The demons have always been hiding behind the scenes and being forbearing at all times, but their ambitions are not small.”

Jun Xuan sneered, and after looking at Xue Qing’s body for a moment, he looked at Shi Lan:

“I didn’t expect that you didn’t ask the gods to take action. I thought it would be a fierce battle, but I was overly worried. Those four large tombs are just big enough to bury you and others. It can be regarded as a geomantic treasure place…”


Before he finished speaking, a blood-colored war spear suddenly tore open the curtain of stars. The spear tip with terrifying destructive power was directed at the white-haired boy Tianling. The endless star field was shattered, and the murderous intention rising into the sky shook eternal time and space.

Shi Lan had no intention of wasting her words. The moment the battlefield moved, a shocking blow was already brewing. The blazing blood boiled around her, like a sea of ​​blood burning and rolling, instantly igniting the entire battlefield.


Jun Xuan’s body was instantly torn apart by the war spear, and returned to its original state in a snap of his fingers. His expression remained unchanged as he slowly took out a large golden seal from his sleeve.

The big seal is ordinary, but there is an extremely terrifying Taoist charm entwined on it. It does not come from Junxuan itself, but obviously from a supreme master.

The brilliance of the big sun shines down, and the light covers the starry field. Suri steps forward, with golden lines shining between his eyebrows, and the true fire of the sun overflows. Faintly, it seems like an unparalleled fierce bird fluttering its wings. The wings cover the time, and the feet step on The past and future cut off the continuous time in the human world, and he pressed his hands against the only woman among the four great saints.

Among the four great saints of the demigods, apart from Jun Xuan, Ye Qing was the first to step into the realm of time and space. Before she became enlightened, she was already a rare talent and peerless evildoer who had long been famous in Ling Yang.

After entering the Other Side Realm, her strength increased and she has maintained an extremely terrifying speed. She has already become an invincible being under the Lord. She once had an impressive record of killing a great saint of the same level.

But at this moment, facing the glorious sun that has existed since the birth of Ling Yang, she still felt the heavy pressure, as if she was carrying a sacred mountain on her back and being dragged into the quagmire. Falling into passivity, his body was burned several times by the blazing real fire.

Luo Yongning did not make a move, and stood quietly on the spot. The battle flag hanging behind him passed over the long river of time and space, summoning invisible blessing power from ancient time and space, and injected it into Xue Qing’s body.

Xue Qing took action alone and stopped the two great saints. The extremely weird Tao Yun fluctuations shrouded her side, which could calm murderous intentions, turn fierce steel into soft iron, blunt the edge of a warrior, and be protected by the ancient battle flag. With one body against two, there was no difficulty at all, and he was even able to do so with ease.

In an instant, the battlefield was divided, and only Shi Lan was left. Jun Xuan held the big seal in his hand and glanced at the battlefield. After noticing Shi Lan’s hidden intention, his double pupils immediately sputtered out divine light, and he laughed angrily. :

“You are really young and frivolous, do you think you can kill me alone?!”

After the words fell, the big seal came out of his hand, the brilliance flowed, and the long river of time and space stirred up, sputtering out endless tributaries. The power of the golden seal affected the course of ancient history, forcing the long river of time and space to undergo slight changes. This is the power that belongs exclusively to the master.

The golden seal sank, like the entire universe falling, with boundless terror, mixed with Jun Xuan’s long cry: “I will bury you first today!”

The war spear and the Great Seal are not rare treasures of the same level. If they are forcibly shaken, they will only be damaged in vain.

Without saying a word, Shi Lan recalled the battle spear. The black mist condensed by the destructive power lingered around his side and turned into a suit of battle armor. During the surge, it rubbed out dazzling black thunder and roared.

Seeing this, a look of horror flashed in Jun Xuan’s eyes. The battle armor condensed with destructive power was so grand and terrifying.

Destruction force is essentially source force. For the creatures who have stepped into the realm of time and space, it is equivalent to longevity. In his eyes, Shi Lan’s behavior at this moment is equivalent to squandering his life to compete with him.

Such an astonishing fluctuation in destructive power attracted the attention of everyone on the battlefield. The expressions of several great saints from the demigod clan changed slightly, and then they suddenly reacted.

Yang…too young…

She still has a lot of longevity, a profound foundation far beyond the reach of ordinary great saints, and a long-term future. In the realm of time and space, the power she can mobilize is terrifying.

The battle armor formed by condensing the destructive power failed to withstand the pressing golden seal and was instantly shattered. Shi Lan’s physical body collapsed, but it was not completely destroyed.

With her back straight, she withstood the weight of a large universe, held up the brilliant starry sky, and with a slightly heavy breathing, rolled up a string of Milky Way, setting off a brilliant rain of light on the long river of time and space.

The destructive force offset most of the golden seal’s power. Under the nourishment of the source force, Shi Lan’s body was completely repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was bright and shining, and his breath was not weak at all.

“You actually carried it?!”

All the great saints in the battlefield were shocked. Even the ordinary ones had their eyes wide open and looked shocked.

The golden seal carries the power of the Lord. Even if the Lord does not come in person, the difference will not be too big.

This is a treasure that transcends the level of the other side. According to common sense, unless it has the same level of power, it will be suppressed in an instant, and there is no second possibility.

But the woman in front of them obviously went against common sense and created an impossible myth!

‘I think she was able to escape the disaster by relying on the body protection of the destroying power. Just now, she has lost a lot of life. It is impossible to use it forever. She will definitely die. ’

Using the power of destruction as a battle armor, even a master would not be so extravagant…

Thinking of Shi Lan’s extremely extravagant behavior just now, several great sages from the demigod clan managed to find some comfort in their hearts.

However, as soon as this thought came up, a familiar pair of pitch black armor once again enveloped Shi Lan’s body.

“Let’s see how long you can last!”

A sharp look flashed in Jun Xuan’s eyes, his face turned pale, and he raised the golden seal again.

Running this great seal is also a heavy burden for him, but he firmly believes that the one who cannot hold it first must be the life source of Yang!


Before he could take action, Shi Lan had already struck first. The Holy Demonic Eyes reached their limit and locked onto Jun Xuan. He pulled out the war spear from the void with his backhand, and the destructive force flowed around him, sweeping across.


A wave of blood splashed, and the white-haired boy’s head was cut off directly. The force of destruction lingered, and he could not recover for a while.

Jun Xuan did not expect that Shi Lan would have recovered to his peak in an instant, without a trace of timidity, and would take action so decisively.

The blood of the Great Sage splashed into the starry sky, and the true blood with the rich Tao Yuan was sprinkled into the long river of time and space, dyeing it red for a period of time, and even penetrated several weak tributaries of the long river of time and space, causing a surge.

The golden seal flew up, Shi Lan raised his pointer and pointed out a mysterious light. The surging destructive power turned into a cage, temporarily trapping it.

The next moment, Jun Xuan’s body and head merged into one. His face was like gold paper, and his vitality was obviously injured. A beam of destructive divine light burst out from his pupils, penetrating the curtain of stars, and billions of stars were annihilated. The light was bright and struck directly between Shi Lan’s eyebrows.

The armor formed by the condensed destructive power surged and turned into a face armor, swallowing up the divine light that shot towards it. Then, an even more terrifying blood-colored divine light ignited from Shi Lan’s eyes, gathering chaotic brilliance. It was like a halberd, mixed with the true meaning of martial arts, and it was slashed away.


Jun Xuan’s body was torn apart again, his limbs were separated, his chest and abdomen were completely exploded, mixed with the divine light of destructive power, which hurt his origin and almost suffered serious injuries.

Before Shi Lan could pursue him, the bright sky suddenly tore apart the starry sky and shattered time and space. Seven magnificent Dao flowers were faintly reflected, covering the entire battlefield.

Wherever the skylight passed, the Dao flowers changed. The light of three of the Dao flowers suddenly dimmed. The power of space and time was almost withered, and it was even impossible to mobilize the power of destruction.

The other four Dao flowers bloomed extremely brightly, expanding in size and receiving the blessing of invisible power.

Jun Xuan seemed to have been injected with a strong vitality, and he had returned to his peak in a snap, and his aura was even stronger than it was at the beginning.

“It’s Ling Yangtian…”

Su Ri, who was in another battlefield, suddenly opened her mouth to transmit a message. There were extremely obvious emotional fluctuations in her eyes, and there was even hidden anger in the message:

“He took action to suppress Daohua who was waiting for us. Now he can only exert twenty-three percent of his combat power. I can’t delay it for long. You should prepare early.”

The next moment, she seemed to remember something, and there was a hint of surprise in her expression.

The heavenly mark of Lingyang Realm is in the hands of the God King. Without the permission of the God King, Lingyangtian would not have the power to directly interfere with their Daohua.

This situation has never happened before. What is the God King doing now?

For a moment, he was distracted, his mind wandered, and Daohua was suppressed. Sori immediately fell into a disadvantage. In an instant, his offense and defense changed shape. The holy body was torn apart several times by the destructive force surging between Ye Qing’s palms, and his vitality was The damage was great, and the sun’s brilliance was dim, almost damaging the source.

The conditions of Xue Qing and Luo Yongning were not much better. Under the joint efforts of the two great sages, they were retreating steadily.

“I can only help you get here. Shenjun, please take care of yourself.”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xue Qing immediately sent a message, protected her body with the ancient battle flag stained with holy blood, and withdrew directly from the battlefield with Luo Yongning.

If the fight continues, life will inevitably begin to be lost. This price is too heavy for the existence of the Great Sage, at least the couple cannot bear it.

There is still a clan to protect behind them. They have exhausted all their heritage here, and no one will sacrifice their lives to stand up for the demon clan in the future.

Delaying the two great sages for a moment with an empty promise of favor was considered the end of benevolence.

With the strength that Yang showed earlier, it shouldn’t be difficult to escape, and the future is long.

“Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help this time.”

Shi Lan did not hold back, and turned around to send a message to Su Ri, who was increasingly struggling:

“Senior, please leave first. Junior will find an opportunity to escape later.”

“Be more careful.”

Hearing this, Su Ri did not hesitate. After giving a reminder, he immediately withdrew from the battlefield.

Ling Yangtian has already intervened, and if she continues to stay, it may be counterproductive.

The great saints of the demigods did not pursue him, but instead surrounded Shi Lan with a tacit understanding. The destructive power surged around them, cutting off time and space.

For them, Yang is the most important target. In this battle, there were too many surprises on Yang.

If he fails this time, if he is allowed to return to Ling Yang and obtain the Seal of Heaven from the God King, the consequences will be disastrous, and the demigods may be annihilated.

“You are alone now, how can you escape?”

With the help of Ling Yangtian, Jun Xuan returned to his prime. He glanced at the golden seal that was temporarily blocked by the Destruction Cage, and his eyes condensed: “Four big tombs are used to bury you, but it seems redundant.”

“Escape? When did I say I was going to leave?” Shi Lan sneered: “The purpose of recruiting a few great sages to help me is to be prepared. Now it seems that I have overestimated you.”

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly took a deep breath, and the long river of time and space under her feet suddenly boiled, climbed up to the sky, and poured into her mouth.

Actively absorbing the power of time and space into the body, within the two dragon gates that were opened on the spine, the flow rate of the long river of time surged, and the intercepted source power surged by another level.

As long as she is on this battlefield, the long river of time and space is her endless backing, and she can do whatever she wants.

The destructive power surged and turned into a huge cage, completely blocking the retreat of the four great saints.

In this battle, just as Jun Xuan said at the beginning, Shi Lan was determined to kill, and he would use all his strength to complete the victory in one battle, with only life and death remaining in his eyes.

She wants to bury all four great saints here and erase the demigods from the ancient history of Lingyang.


“She is absolutely not a living thing!”

The four great saints of the demigods were all shocked. In their eyes, Shi Lan swallowed the river of time into his body, which was equivalent to eating a period of time alive. This was undoubtedly beyond their understanding.

This kind of thing is no longer possible for living beings.

Shi Lan tightened his grip on the war spear and looked at the four Dao flowers bathed in the skylight. His body swelled and stood proudly under the starry sky, like gods and demons.

“Ling Yang Tian…”

She raised her head slightly, her sight penetrated the barrier of time and space, and looked at the great world of Ling Yang. Her tone was slightly cold: “Do you want to be my enemy?”

There was no response from the great world. The skylight shrouding the battlefield shimmered slightly, and a vague spiritual thought came out, still urging Shi Lan to stop and change his ways to fight the gods.

“If you don’t interfere in this matter, Ling Yangtian will still be Ling Yangtian.”

Shi Lan was unmoved at all, and his murderous intent boiled over: “If you are determined to help them, one day the sky will rise again, and the world will change hands.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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