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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 760 Visitors from Heaven

Under the dome of the starry sky, the skylight from the rising sun shines brightly and dazzlingly. The vast power of heaven that has swept through the long river of time and space seems to have come to a standstill.

The four great saints of the demigods were stunned by Shi Lan’s words. Such a direct threat to the heavenly realm was something they did not dare to think about.

Isn’t she afraid of Ling Yangtian’s sanctions? !

Jun Xuan came back to his senses, raised his head suddenly, looked at Shi Lan’s empty head, with a hint of horror in his expression, and murmured:

“She…doesn’t have Daohua…”

When the other three great sages heard this, they all showed horror in their expressions. Without Daohua, how did Yang reach this state?


When the four great saints lost their minds, the sky light swayed, and the four Tao flowers nourished by the Ling Yang Sky returned to normal, and even gradually began to languish, just like the three of them before, their power was suppressed.

Feeling the loss of power within their bodies, the several great sages remained silent, their eyes full of despair.

Ling Yangtian gave in and even suppressed their Daohua, which was equivalent to backhand selling them to Yang.

The overflowing skylight gradually converged, but it did not leave. Instead, it lingered on one side of the battlefield, obviously preparing to directly recover its source power after the battle was over.

Once a decision is made, Heaven appears to be so cruel and ruthless, or perhaps there is no word cruel in His concept.

In an instant, the situation was reversed. The four great saints suppressed a clan of invincible beings. They were forced into a desperate situation due to a change of mind in the way of heaven.

“Under the law of heaven, all are ants…”

There was a trace of bitterness in Jun Xuan’s eyes. Daohua was suppressed. Now he didn’t even have the power to mobilize the golden seal, and he had lost the capital to compete with Yang.

“We can’t all die here, even if one person escapes.”

Ye Qing’s expression regained his composure, and he spoke via voice transmission. If all four great saints fell, it would be equivalent to annihilation for the demigods. The two demon clans, which had been oppressed for many years, including many sea clans in the boundless sea, would not be spared. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

“Don’t worry.” Jun Xuan came back to his senses and sighed quietly: “Lingyangtian has broken with the gods and will never let it go. He still needs the demigods to fight for him. Escape from this place and return to Lingyang. He should be able to Protect you.”

After all, this place is a long river of time and space. It is separated from the Lingyang Realm. The power of Lingyang Tian cannot be extended too much. When it comes to the Lingyang Realm, it is completely different, and the master cannot be arrogant at will.

As soon as the words fell, his eyes overflowed with blood and tears, and the heavy pupils of annihilation collapsed. In the empty eye sockets, the power of destruction surged, turning into a peerless and terrifying divine light.

The Tao flowers on his head began to wither, and his body gradually dried up, becoming like a rotten tree.

“Yang! If you don’t practice Taoism, you steal the power of ancient history for your own use, mess up time and space, and ignore cause and effect. One day, you will be backlashed!”

A roar accompanied by divine light exploded, and Jun Xuan released a body of essence, igniting all the incarnations in the long river of time and space. The past and future were bundled into one point, blooming with the most brilliant brilliance in his life.


The cage formed by the condensed destructive power trembled violently, and a huge crack was instantly torn open.


The divine light dissipated, Jun Xuan’s body collapsed and turned into ashes, the Dao flower shattered, and the scattered petals were swept away by the skylight not far away, leaving no trace.

The remaining three great saints did not hesitate at all, and ran away frantically, breaking free from the cage along the crack, breaking through the time and space barrier, and returning to Ling Yang.

Shi Lan looked indifferent, and his huge body like a god and demon rolled over the long river of time and space, absorbing the water of the long river. His aura became more and more terrifying, as if suppressing the eternal heavens, and the destructive power flowed around him, turning into three pitch-black battles. The halberd cuts off time.


The blade of the halberd sliced ​​through the starry sky, arriving first and coming later, carrying the opportunity of reincarnation and death. The aura of killing permeated the past, present and future.

The two great saints were beheaded instantly. The holy blood stained the starry sky, and the power of destruction emerged, cutting off the connection between them and the Dao flowers. The two Dao flowers were like rootless duckweeds, wandering in the void, and were swallowed up by the sky light that followed. , disappear into the invisible.

Among the three, Ye Qing was the youngest and most powerful. He was pierced through the heart by a halberd blade and his vitality was severely damaged. However, he luckily escaped and successfully broke through the time and space barrier and returned to the Lingyang Realm.

In the dead sea of ​​sand, there is no life at all. There are only four large tombs isolated between heaven and earth.


With a loud noise, the wasteland shook, and tens of thousands of waves of sand were rolled up, like wolf smoke rising into the sky, sweeping across the world and making it a blur.

Ye Qing staggered up and saw the four tombs.

There was nothing else in the world except the howling sound of the wind and sand. The expected blessing did not come, and Ling Yangtian still did not lend a helping hand and just watched from the sidelines.

Shi Lan slowly walked out of the void, raised his hand and pushed the two headless corpses into the tomb.

“Can you give me a way out?”

Ye Qing’s eyes dimmed slightly and his voice was low and hoarse.

“You choose your own path. I allow you to be buried in Lingyang. I am willing to give you and others an inch of resting place. I have shown mercy beyond the law.”

Shi Lan’s expression remained calm as he pulled out a blood-colored war spear from the void. The force of destruction lingered around the tip of the spear, piercing Ye Qing’s head. He raised his hand to pick it up and sent it into the tomb.

Pieces of Dao flowers in the air peeled off, gradually withered, and were sucked into the void.

After confirming that the auras of several great saints had dissipated and there was no possibility of escaping by feigning death, Shi Lan slowly raised his hand, preparing to erect monuments for these great saints.

Raising her hand into the air, she paused slightly and stood quietly in front of the four tombs.

After pondering for a long time, she still couldn’t remember the faces and names of the four great saints just now.

After a long while, she slowly raised her finger, and the void creation turned into a giant bluestone monument. She carved the word “demigod” sharply with her pen, then turned around and stepped into the void.

The four great saints died in the battle, and the demigods collapsed four giant pillars holding up the sky. They existed in name only. The divine battle that existed in her memory should never happen again. She might have disturbed ancient history.

The only thing that made Shi Lan a little confused was that nothing abnormal happened in the long river of time and space. It seemed that what was happening now was just like this. The great sage fell, and the long river of time and space did not even have tributaries. It was peaceful and strange.


Bloody thunder flashed across the sky, raining down blood and baptizing the entire Lingyang Realm.

The boundless sea was dyed red, and the four regions were covered in blood. Only in the hinterland of Middle-earth where the Gods were located, not a drop of blood rain fell.

“The Great Sage has fallen!!!”

The moment the blood rain fell, a howl sounded from heaven to earth. Countless strong men watched this battle in secret. Although they did not dare to get close, they could vaguely sense the energy.

Yang Anran returned, and the four great saints were nowhere to be seen. The result of this battle had been revealed. All the tribes of the demigods were in mourning, and their arrogant arrogance was no longer as if their spines had been completely broken.



The residence of the Jinwu Clan, at the top of the Fusang Sacred Tree.

He stood in the main hall, looking at the rain of blood falling from the sky, with a dazed look on his face.

Just after entering the other side realm, he was able to kill all four great saints with one against four. This kind of terrifying combat power was simply unheard of.

The most important thing is that after Ling Yangtian intervened, Yang still killed the four Junxuan people. How did she do it?

“The leader is far-sighted. I was short-sighted before and misjudged Yang’s strength.”

Thinking of his previous attitude, Chi Jue felt a little chill in his heart. Yang was so young, and he didn’t know how many years he would have to run rampant in Ling Yang in the future. Moreover, Yang’s current cultivation level was far from her limit.

One day, she climbed to the top of the rising sun and launched a liquidation. The Jinwu clan was overthrown in a matter of seconds, and a single thought almost led to a big mistake.

“It’s correct. At first I didn’t think Yang would win.”

Su Ri shook her head slightly. The reason why she participated in that battle was just to take care of Yang Yi Er to prevent her from having an accident.

The God King spent a lot of thought on Yang, and she saw this in her eyes. In the final analysis, it was for the God King.

Yang Neng has such a brilliant record, no one can predict it…



On the bank of the sea lies the ancient city of Tianlu.

“What are you going to do next?”

In the main hall, Luo Yongning’s expression was slightly condensed, with no hint of joy, and even a hint of irritability.

“At least we have made a fortune from this business. The demigods on the left and right are no longer able to make waves, so there is nothing wrong with taking this opportunity to ride on the big ship of Yang.”

Xue Qing shook her head slightly, with a bit of disappointment on her brows: “Her attitude towards Ning’er is not as cold as towards ordinary people. Maybe in the future…”

“She has become the co-lord of Ling Yang. Even if the God King dies, the Gods can extend their luck for millions. Yao and Xia will have grown up by then…”

Luo Yongning took a deep breath, and the opportunity he had been waiting for for an unknown amount of time came to nothing again.

“We should be lucky that depending on the gods, the demons can still continue. Hasn’t it always been like this?” Xue Qing sighed faintly:

“Ling Yangtian intervened, but she still killed Jun Xuan and the others. It seems that she has a destiny of domination, which is different from the rest of us. She was born to be superior to all living beings, and…”

There are no shackles on her neck, and there are endless possibilities for the future.



On the top of a tall building in the ancient city, Di Beichen held a jade cup to catch the rain of blood falling from the sky and the earth. His expression was indifferent, but there was a complex look in his eyes.

Killing four great saints in a row, and single-handedly defeating the lineage of miscellaneous blood that has been rampant in Lingyang for millions of years, is equivalent to piercing through most of Lingyang. This powerful achievement is enough to leave a name in history and be praised forever.

Fuguang stood aside, with a hint of sigh in his expression: “In this era, it is destined that only Yang’s name will remain, and we will be the foils.”

To be born in the same era as such a monster can only be said to be a trick of fate.

“A foil?”

Di Beichen’s eyebrows sank slightly and his expression turned cold: “No matter how strong she is, she only belongs to this era. After all eternity, everything will be in vain.”

“Nothing is destined in this world. You can only fight for it by yourself. At least for a period of time in the future, my name will definitely be left behind.”



Bathed in the rain of blood, Shi Lan stepped into the hinterland of the God Clan, and his head suddenly became empty.

The pouring rain of blood was like a sky curtain, dividing the Four Realms and the Middle Earth into two distinct worlds.

“Are you hurt?”

Seeing her turn around, Yao was worried with a hint of complaint:

“Why are you taking such a risk? If you take action and get those family heads, don’t you have a better chance of winning? How can a few bastards be as good as one of your fingers? If you hurt the source, how can you make a difference?”

This battle unfolded too quickly, and the process was like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves. It was astonishingly fast. As soon as Yao heard about the battle invitation from Shi Lan, the battle was already over.

Yao’s first reaction was completely different from that of ordinary people. She was not shocked by Shi Lan’s achievements, but rather worried about her health.

“I’m fine.” Shi Lan shook his head slightly, with a soft look in his eyes: “It won’t happen again.”

Yao was still worried and ordered to open the treasure house of the gods, and brought out two blood pills and a large amount of magic medicine.

This type of blood elixir is the real heritage among the gods. Occasionally, the saints who have stepped into the realm of the gods and the underworld will end their lives, or die prematurely due to various reasons, and they will leave behind all their essence.

Every blood pill is equivalent to a saint, even a great saint, and is extremely precious.

However, the two blood pills including the magic medicine Immortal Grass were declined by Shi Lan. This kind of blood pill was meaningless to her. The entire time and space river was leaning behind her, and there was no shortage of energy to replenish her. What’s more, she wasn’t seriously injured.

Shi Lan soon began another retreat.

The golden seal in the hands of the unknown great sage is still in her hands. It is a master-level weapon and can be called a supreme treasure. If it can be refined, Shi Lan will fight against the enemy in the future. Save a lot of effort.

The fall of the four great saints caused a rain of blood that lasted for eight full days and nights. At the same time, the situation in the Lingyang Realm also changed.

After confirming the death of the four great saints of the demigods, the two demon clans immediately started thinking about it, including many sea clans in the boundless sea. They all started to consider the demigods.

A group of saints and even the great saint are preparing to enter in person and open up this amazing treasure of the demigods that is not protected by the strong.

However, before they could take action, the Forbidden Divine Marks were lowered in the territory of the Demigods, prohibiting the activities of living beings that had entered the tenth-level realm. Even the Great Sage could not enter or exit. This undoubtedly gave the Demigods some breathing space. room.

Ling Yangtian is protecting the demigods.

The emergence of the Forbidden Divine Marks immediately poured cold water on the enthusiastic tribes. Several great saints became a little cautious again and chose to stay put.

Shi Lan didn’t ask anything about this. Without the existence of the Great Sage, the demigods could no longer make a big splash, and she didn’t want to push Ling Yangtian too far.

The current status of the God King is unknown. If Ling Yangtian is forced to take action, she is not his opponent yet.

After all, this is a big world that can support the master. It has a rich and profound background. Even if it cannot kill her, it is not difficult to suppress her.

Moreover, Shi Lan has no interest in pure massacre. Taking away the lives of weak creatures will not bring her any gain or pleasure.

Now, she has destroyed the sky of the demigods. If under such circumstances, the gods and humans still cannot protect themselves, it can only be said that this disaster is inevitable.

She stayed in seclusion and ignored worldly affairs, concentrating on studying that golden seal, wanting to completely control it, and it had already been more than twenty rounds of cold and heat with a snap of her fingers.

Until one day, a message from Yao awakened Shi Lan.

“Is there a visitor from heaven?”

After seeing the summons, Shi Lan was surprised.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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