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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 764 New Life

Just after crossing the barrier of time and space, more than ten spiritual thoughts fluctuated and locked onto Shi Lan’s body.

There was chaos on the long river of time and space, and the vast starry sky reflected disappeared without a trace, leaving only the flickering black thunder made of the intertwined destructive power.

The God King was dressed in blood-colored robes and stood quietly on the other side of the long river. His expression was calm and there was no trace of any disturbance.

Not far in front of him, there were twelve figures wrapped in surging destructive power. The overflowing coercion solidified time and space. The long river of time and space under his feet slowed down hundreds of millions of times in a blink of an eye.

This kind of big scene was somewhat beyond Shi Lan’s expectation. Even though she had been reminded by the God King, she never imagined that there would be such a scene, which actually alerted the twelve masters to come in person.

The Jade Emperor stood quietly not far away, wearing a jade crown on his head, with a blood-colored fairy sword floating behind him, with an indifferent expression. Apart from him, six of the eleven masters stood behind him, obviously from the heavenly family. Honor him.

There are two masters among them whose bodies are filled with shocking demonic energy. They are ancient and desolate. They are obviously giants of the demon race that have never been born before.

“God King, I don’t need to tell you the purpose of our trip. You already know it.”

The Jade Emperor spoke in a deep voice, frowning slightly: “Yuanjing gave a warning message. The cause of the destruction of the universe and the rupture of the long river of time and space is most likely in this child. The causal connection is so great, you have to stop me. wait?”

“You were the ones who broke the Origin Continent in the first place, and now you want to help him?”

The God King shook his head slightly and let out a long sigh: “What does the destruction of the universe have to do with you? How many of you can survive until that time? At this point, you are still afraid of the Origin Sky in your hearts, and want to leave a note for yourself Way back.”

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor’s face darkened slightly, with a hint of solemnity in his tone:

“God King, before I came here, I spent most of my knowledge in heaven on deductions. Your decision at this moment will affect the entire ancient history. This may be the only chance we have in this life. I hope you will think twice before making any decision.”

“Origin Heaven also gave me a choice in the beginning…this time, I let Him choose by himself.”

After saying this, the God King suddenly raised his hand and drove Shi Lan into the long river of time and space with one palm. The surging source of power turned into a transparent crystal coffin, wrapping her up and down the river.

Contaminated with the water of the long river of time and space, the nature of the source force changed instantly. The transparent crystal coffin was soaked in ink and became pitch black.

Shi Lan didn’t even have time to react, and she had already embarked on the return journey. The moment her whole body was wrapped in source power, the voice of the God King rang in her ears:

“My power is not enough to send you to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. I can only send you one way. I know that you have the power to transcend ancient history in your hands. You can only walk the rest of the way by yourself.”

“With the way you are walking now, sooner or later there will be an end between you and Yuan Tian. Yuan Li… is the root of disaster and the seed of troubled times. You decide for yourself how to choose.”

The moment the God King took action, the five masters except for the heavenly camp moved together and chased down the river of time and space, trying to intercept the black coffin.

In this regard, the God King did not react at all. The power of the Lord could not affect the mainstream of the time and space. Once on the road, the outcome was already doomed.

The Jade Emperor also knew this very well. If this were not the case, he would not persuade the God King to think twice, but would directly take action.

“That’s all.” The Jade Emperor sighed softly, turned around and prepared to leave.

The key person is no longer here. If he takes action again, it will only consume his own origin, which is meaningless.


The bloody divine light suddenly lit up, illuminating countless eras and igniting an era.

In an instant, the God King took action boldly and pressed down with a palm. The vast force of Qi suppressed the brilliance of the long river of time and space, carrying the invincible momentum and crushing eternity in an instant.


The blood-colored fairy sword suddenly lit up and groaned softly. The simple lines engraved on it reflected the extremely bright chaotic fairy light, and a huge world appeared in the blur. The terrifying murderous aura cut through the years and dug out Out of the time buried in ancient times.

The bloody palm prints disappeared, and the long river of time and space splashed with wild waves, and endless tributaries sprouted. With every breath that passed, time and space were undergoing drastic changes, affecting the entire universe.

The Jade Emperor stopped, his eyes filled with fairy light, with a trace of boiling murderous intent: “You can’t hold it back after all.”

His battle with the God King affected the situation of the entire universe and overturned the entire human world.

“When the Origin Continent was shattered, the Immortal Way was the primary contributor. I was born from the Origin Heaven, and I should fight and die for Him. This battle between you and me is nearly six million years too late for me.”

“Yuqing…let me see what you can do!”

The God King gave a cold shout, his face was cold, and his words were like a Taoist seal in the sky, which shocked the ages:

“Find those creatures again and kill me completely here!”

“Since you insist on wanting to die, I will give you a ride.”

The Jade Emperor held the bloody fairy sword tightly with his backhand. The six masters standing behind him did not say a word, and the destructive power surged around them and surrounded the God King.


A master took the lead in attacking. Only when he took action and the power of destruction dissipated, did he reveal his true appearance. He had purple hair shawl, and was filled with indescribable nobility. Demonic energy surged, turning time into a furnace.

He has the courage to swallow the sky, and as soon as he takes action, he wants to refine the god king and drink the god’s blood to nourish his body.

The other masters did not watch and took action together. The terrifying force of destruction rolled on the top of the long river of time and space. The heavy pressure was enough to crush the universe and reopen chaos.

Facing the God King, a being who has been dubbed the invincible since the time of his origin, they did not hold back at all. They used what they had learned throughout their lives to take action, even burning their origins and activating everything that could enable them to fight in a short period of time. A way to increase your power.

“That’s it?”

Looking at the masters in front of him, the God King whispered, and a hazy blood-colored war gauze appeared on the surface of his body. On his warm and jade-like face, blood-like divine patterns appeared, and his pupils were red, like a god or a devil:

“Based on this, why are you going to kill me?”

As soon as the words fell, the body of the God King surged to hundreds of millions of miles, and the terrifying blood condensed into soldiers in the air, reflecting the illusion of ancient times, ancient and wild, filled with murderous intent.

The brilliance of the boiling divine blood is unparalleled, revealing the Divine Pattern of Origin. This is a gift from the Origin Heaven, a reward that can only be received by the gods who have stepped into the realm of time and space in the Origin Continent.

Today’s God King is the only being in the universe who controls the divine power of origin, and there will be no one after him!


The force of destruction surged, and the friction of thunder stirred up the brilliance of destruction.

The expressions of all the masters who took action changed dramatically, and their bodies were knocked back in unison. Countless blood marks were opened, and the essence and blood of the masters spilled out, causing waves of blood to surge to the sky.

The six masters who attacked head-on at the same time, including the old antiques who had survived since the origin era, were still unable to bear this terrifying burden, even the God King paid a heavy price. The God’s body collapsed and the King’s blood Dyeing time and space red.

There was chaos above the river, the universe was no longer visible, and the previously frozen time and space was completely turned into a mess.

The God King didn’t care about his injuries at all. His cracked body healed in an instant, glowing with bright blood flames again, and pressed forward.


A bright ray of blood-colored fairy light flashed suddenly, transcending time, and suddenly slipped from the neck of the God King.


The divine blood spurted out. The Jade Emperor watched the battle and finally found the opportunity to take action. In an instant, the decisive blow was made. The wind stirred up the thunder and cut off the God King’s head.

The bloody fairy sword came back stained with blood and hovered beside the Jade Emperor, buzzing and trembling. It had not been seen in the sky for a long time. Once it drank the blood of the God King, it seemed extremely excited.


The flying head of the God King suddenly exploded, reflecting the wisps of origin divine patterns in the void. At the same moment, the divine blood stained on the fairy sword bloomed with immeasurable light, and on the bloody sword body , imitating the divine pattern of origin.


The bloody fairy sword exploded and almost shattered on the spot. The essence of the divine weapon spurted out like blood, fell into the long river of time and space, and disappeared in an instant.

In a hurry, the Jade Emperor suddenly suffered a backlash. He coughed loudly, his crown trembled violently, and his robes were dyed red with fairy blood.

The headless body of the God King did not pause at all. In a blink of an eye, it had arrived in front of a master. The divine power of origin flowed like a mad tide rising into the sky, transforming into various ancient warriors, and instantly beat the master alive. burst.

Before the Lord could recover, the divine power of Origin had cut off the invisible connection between him and Origin Sky.


A dazzling huge Dao flower emerged on the long river of time and space, its petals gradually withered, and its source of power withered.

In the Origin Era, Dominator-level existences were far less difficult to kill than they are now!

For the God-King who holds the power of the last source, dominant-level creatures are not indelible existences!

The long river of time and space boiled instantly, almost exploding. Countless tributaries gradually converged and merged into the main vein of the long river. The influence of that master was completely wiped out, and the deviated ancient history gradually returned to the right track.

Seeing this scene, several masters felt chills in their hearts. It seemed too easy for the God King to kill the master. He did not even take action to kill many incarnations in the long river of time and space before completing this shocking move.

“Don’t give him a chance to breathe! Now we can only pay for it with our lives!”

Murderous intent surged in the Jade Emperor’s eyes, and he almost roared: “His head is broken and it is an irreparable serious injury. Even if he is supplemented by Lingyang’s origin, he will not be able to survive for long!”

The fairy light fell down, sputtering out countless billions of rays of rays of light, burning like fairy flames, wrapping around the bloody fairy sword. The fairy sword that had suffered heavy damage showed its fangs again, the essence of the magic weapon shined, and the murderous intention became more and more ferocious.

Just as the Jade Emperor said, the decapitated head of the God King did not grow back, but the headless body of the God did not lose the slightest bit of combat power.

In the midst of the thunder and lightning, a blood-colored magic sword once again chopped up a ruler. The divine light surged, demon blood flowed, and the terrifying murderous intent tore apart the eternal time and space.

Dao flowers peeled off, pieces flying, and in the blink of an eye, another master fell!


The several masters who besieged the God King were pushed to the critical point of madness. The God King’s power was too terrifying. The eternal master, under his control, was precarious and in danger of death at any time.


Endless years later, the Jade Emperor once again seized the opportunity to fight. The bloody fairy sword tore the chest of the God King. It was inevitably stained with the divine blood again, and was corroded by the divine pattern of origin. It let out a wail, and the sword body was full of cracks. , crumbling.

The fighting opportunity was fleeting, and the several masters did not miss the rare opportunity. They each ignited their own origins, like pieces of chaotic universe exploding, suppressing it forward. In an instant, the destructive force cut off the limbs of the God King. , crushed his divine body.

For a being at the level of a God King, every drop of true blood is a treasure and a rare tonic for the masters. However, with the example of the Immortal Sword, the masters simply did not dare to come forward to eat the remains of the God King and could only waste their energy. The origin uses more turbulent destructive power to destroy the remains of the God King.

It wasn’t until the last piece of debris was burned into dust that the masters gradually stopped.

“Are you really dead?”

Several masters felt that it was a bit unreal. It was not until the God King’s Qi stopped appearing that they gradually calmed down and calmed down the turbulent Qi.

Since the Origin of Heavenly Collapse, there has never been a war of this magnitude in the universe. The fall of two masters in one battle shocked the past and present.

The few people at this moment are undoubtedly in a miserable state. After a great battle, their essence and blood were almost drained, and their vitality was greatly damaged. The fighting power of the God King is really very human. If the Jade Emperor was not here, the six masters would not be able to do anything to the God King. threaten.

The Jade Emperor’s expression was calm. He suddenly raised his hand and slashed the bloody sword into the universe, tearing open the world barrier of Ling Yang.

After the remaining four masters took the opportunity to investigate for a while, their expressions were a little ugly:

“The mark of heaven was not found.”

“Most of the source power of the Lingyang Realm has been emptied, and its whereabouts are unknown. Now there is only an empty shell left.”

“The Qi of the Heavenly Dao in the world is extremely active, and the vigilance is very strong.”

Although most of the source power of the Ling Yang Realm is empty, Tiandao still has the power to fight against the master. For the sake of an incomplete Ling Yang, the source of the power is lost and the final outcome is to make ends meet, which is obviously not worthwhile.

Just as the Jade Emperor was about to speak, a wisp of black mist floated out from the long river of time and space and fell on his ears, causing his expression to change instantly.

“What happened?”

Seeing the change in the Jade Emperor’s expression, the several masters felt their hearts tighten.

“There is news from the Yin Division.”

The Jade Emperor’s expression was cold: “Under the Yellow Spring of Ling Yang, a large amount of source power suddenly flowed into it, causing it to break away from the control of the Yin Division and form a reincarnation of its own.”

Most of Ling Yang’s source power has been drained away by the God King. With his death, a large amount of source power flows into Underworld. This is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying force, enough to affect the overall situation under Underworld. Leading to an imbalance of yin and yang.

“This matter has nothing to do with Ling Yangtian. After all, it was set up by the God King.”

The Jade Emperor sighed lightly, glanced at the bloody sword full of cracks, and chose to go home without too much entanglement.

“That’s all, go back and rest first.”

As a result of this battle, Heavenly Court suffered heavy losses. Two masters fell, and his natal immortal treasure was severely damaged, making it difficult to repair it as before.

In today’s universe, there is no material to repair this level of immortal treasure. This has a great impact on the Jade Emperor’s combat power. Now he needs to consider his options in advance.

What made him feel the most fatal was that Heaven did not get any benefits from this battle, and his luck was ruined. In the end, both sides suffered losses.



Lingyang Realm, the hinterland of the God Clan.

In the main hall, the God King slowly raised his head, the sky marks in his eyes were flowing, and his expression could not hide his loneliness:

“I have transferred most of Ling Yang’s source power into the underworld as you said, why are you still unwilling to let me go? You are tied up with a ray of residual soul and unwilling to let go.”

“Xia is still young and cannot bear the mark of heaven?”

“You have escaped. Isn’t it enough for me to find someone else to be your scapegoat? Why do you need to pull Xia into the water and let him live a stable life…”

“You can’t trust them…”

“The source power is not enough?”

In the empty hall, only the whisper of the God King echoed, giving off a strange chill.



Lingyang Western Region, near the sea.

Four tombs that looked like they were made of gold stood between the sky and the earth. A bloody thunder flashed through the sky, and four crystal flowers suddenly appeared in the void, perfect.

Threads of law drooped down and soaked into the tomb.


After a while, with a shocking loud noise, the tomb exploded, and the four great saints stepped out slowly, with the same blank expressions on their faces.

“…Aren’t we dead? We were killed by Yang…” Ye Qing murmured for a while.

At this moment, she could still vaguely recall the severe pain when the sun pierced her head.

“We are indeed dead, died in Yang’s hands, and were completely erased in the long river of time and space.” Jun Xuan held up a lock of white hair hanging on his chest, and his eyes gradually returned to clarity.

“Then why now?”

“They are two long rivers of time and space…”

Jun Xuan took a deep breath and saw the key. His cultivation level was only a hair away from that of the Master. He was just bound by his fate and could not advance even an inch. Compared with the Master, his eyesight was not much different.

When he was eroded by Yang’s destructive power, he had already noticed something was wrong, but he couldn’t think about it carefully at that time. Looking back now, he already understood a little bit.

“We just disappeared from Yang’s time. To her, we are indeed dead…”

“According to this, since we are waiting for resurrection, doesn’t it mean…”

“Yang is no longer in this world.” Jun Xuan nodded and said firmly: “I had guessed at the beginning that she might not be a creature of this era, and that’s why she was valued by the God King.”

While several people were talking, a spiritual light fell from the sky, originating from Ling Yang Tian, ​​allowing them to understand the cause and effect.

The specific process is not far from Jun Xuan’s guess. Yang has left this era. Ling Yangtian gathered their Dao flowers during the original battle. It was only now that they could return Yang.

What surprised them even more was the news of the God King’s death.

Before the great sages could think deeply, Ling Yangtian sent out a message again, just like before.

Defeat the gods on behalf of heaven.

“To fight or not to fight?” Ye Qing looked hesitant, as did the two great sages beside him.

After actually dying once, their mentality has quietly changed. The war that they originally cared about has become somewhat dispensable at this moment.

“Your life and mine are both given by Ling Yang Tian. What will happen if we don’t fight?”

Jun Xuan shook his head slightly, his eyes also lost the previous enthusiasm, and spoke with a hint of helplessness:

“Let’s each prepare.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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