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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 765 Ancient History

Lingyang Realm originated in the year 5647674.

The four great saints of the demigods came back to life, and the forbidden divine patterns that shrouded the territory of the demigods disappeared without a trace overnight, shocking the whole world.

The following year, Jun Xuan succeeded the demigod clan leader, integrated the demigod clans in Lingyang Realm, selected the elites, issued a proclamation, defeated the gods on behalf of heaven, and officially declared war on the gods.

Compared to this news, the other news was even more shocking. It was confirmed by the God King himself that the eternal monster, Yang, had fallen.

After Yang Ji’s record of killing four great saints came out, there were already rumors among the Gods that Yang Ji might succeed to the position of God King. Now, news of his death suddenly came out. Even the cause of death could not be verified. It was almost There’s something weird everywhere.

In the same year, the laws of Lingyang Heaven and Earth changed, and the shackles became heavier and heavier. The combat power that could be exerted within the realm was less than 30% outside the realm. The power of the Heavenly Tribulation skyrocketed, and condensing the realm became more than ten times more difficult.

The hinterland of the gods.

The slate-grey ancient hall hangs in mid-air. All the senior leaders of the God Clan, including some strong men from the Demon Clan and the Demon Clan, have received invitations and come here to discuss the war.

Not long ago, the God King announced his retreat, and the power of the God clan was transferred to Yin’s hands, and all affairs were handed over to Yin to handle.

“The Golden Crow clan is absent, but the Demon clan has the Great Sage Yongning coming in person. A great sage has come from the boundless sea. The demon clan has no great sage coming. The leading saint from the Zhanxue Qilin clan has very strong cultivation and is about to become a great sage. Holy.”

In the corner of the main hall, Yao glanced at the many figures in the hall and gave a brief summary to Yin Jian.

“Where is the human race?” Yin asked casually.

“I didn’t invite the human race. Kuang Shaoqing doesn’t have long to live. He is not far from death. For Yang’s sake, let him spend his old age peacefully.”

Hearing Yang’s name, a trace of regret flashed through the Yin eyes involuntarily. It always makes people feel regretful when a bright pearl is shattered.

The appearance of Yang is like a bright shooting star. Although it is eye-catching, it is a pity that it only lasts for a moment, which is too short-lived.

Outside the palace.

A pure-blood ancient god raised his hand and blocked Ye’s way, with an indifferent expression:

“The human race here is not qualified to enter, so retreat.”

“He is a disciple of Yang. He is different from others. He is allowed to enter the palace and observe.”

Seeing this scene, Xia, who was not far away, opened his mouth and rescued Ye.

The attitude of the gods towards the human race has not changed much from the beginning to the end. Over the years, they have become accustomed to being superior. Even the demigods have never been taken seriously by them, let alone the human race.

When Yang was alive, the human race could only be regarded as cannon fodder in their eyes, not to mention that Yang was no longer in this world.

Most pure-blood ancient gods simply look down on all living beings except the gods. Compared to the arrogant demigods, the arrogant and arrogant attitude of the pure-blood ancient gods is the real arrogance and arrogance, which almost comes from the flesh and blood. of pride.

This gathering ended extremely quickly. The next day, the gods united with the two demon clans to fight against the demigods. The humans were also sent to the battlefield and reached the front line.

Starting from this year, the Origin Calendar was invalidated, and it was known as the First Year of the War of Gods in history.



Year 2674 of the Divine War Calendar.

Since the start of the God War, the war situation has not progressed smoothly. The pure-blooded ancient gods have too few soldiers to fight. They face the demigods and suffer huge losses. Of the 100,000 gods, there are only less than 70,000 left, a sharp decrease of more than 30,000. , there is an urgent need for fresh blood.

As a last resort, the pure-blooded ancient god abandoned the previous bloodline ban and once again intermarried with the three tribes.

For the protoss who advocate bloodline, reproduction is the first priority, and it is also instinct.

Including Yao and Xia, all adult ancient gods have received clan orders to multiply their bloodlines, which puts them under great pressure.

Yao and Xia are special. They have royal blood. Under the current situation, they cannot marry foreigners. There are too few people of the same clan with excellent blood to choose from.

Especially for Yao, her status means that she is destined to be unable to be a concubine of a certain person. It is normal to have multiple husbands. In this way, her choices are even narrower.

The most important thing is that her cultivation has reached the peak of the sky realm not long ago, and she is about to enter the realm of the gods and the underworld. The person who can give birth to an heir with her must be at least a strong person of this level.

Lingyang Southern Territory, the frontier battlefield.

The blood rain fluctuates between the heaven and the earth. Every once in a while, a supreme being will fall. All living beings have become accustomed to it. Drinking the blood rain and practicing cultivation has almost become the norm.

In the camp of the God Clan, Yao raised his hand to dismiss the message from the elders of the clan. Looking at the rain of blood falling in the sky, he couldn’t help but sigh.

The content of the summons was nothing more than the matter of marriage.


Another bloody thunder streaked across the sky, and the blood rain that never stopped became more and more majestic.

A moment later, a figure walked out of the void and threw a head at Yao’s feet.

Yao glanced casually and saw that it was a Sky Realm Supreme from the Demigod Clan. She withdrew her gaze, looked at Ye in front of her, and touched her chin, thoughtfully.

Ye’s current cultivation level is similar to hers, and he reached the peak of the Sky Realm hundreds of years earlier than her. However, he has never found a way to enter the realm of time and space, otherwise he would have already crossed the barrier of time and space, so naturally his talent is needless to say.

Furthermore, she had watched Ye grow up, and he had stayed by her side all the way. He knew everything about her. If it came to getting married, he would undoubtedly be a very suitable candidate.

“Kid.” Yao called out to Ye who was about to leave.

Ye was slightly startled. He had not heard the name “Little Gui” from Yao for a long time.

“Do you want to marry me?”

There was no hint of shyness on Yao’s face, her tone was calm and calm, but the questions she asked were like thunder, making Ye feel a little dazed.

After coming back to his senses, his expression suddenly became a little bright, and his vision became erratic.

Seeing the hesitation on Ye’s face, Yao narrowed her eyes instantly, stood up suddenly, raised her hand and pulled out the war spear from the void, and put it against Ye’s throat:

“If you dare to shake your head, I will chop off your head and hang it at the gate of the camp!”

She would not allow herself to be rejected, which was an unspeakable shame.

“Answer the question I just asked, I don’t want to repeat it a second time!”

Yao exerted force in his palms, and the spear edge cut open the skin between Ye’s throat, urging: “Say what you want!”

“I want to…” Ye spoke slowly, his eyes darkening.

After getting the answer she wanted, Yao put away her war spear with satisfaction. Looking at Ye who seemed to be in a daze, she fell into deep thought again.

Her marriage is not a child’s play. Ye’s current status is too low.

Even if he is the supreme master of the Sky Realm and has a natural talent as a monster, he is nothing in the eyes of the God Clan, and it is far from enough for him to marry the daughter of the God King.

At least, Ye needs a high-profile status to be qualified to marry her.

After pondering for a long time, Yao turned over his hand and took out a jade box, and gradually had some thoughts in his mind.

“What is this?”

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the jade box, Ye’s eyes flickered, and he was a little surprised. What was placed in the jade box was obviously a treasure that surpassed the supreme level.

“The things Yang left for me are for life-saving purposes. They have the power to bring the dead back to life. Even if there is only a trace of the soul left, I can still bring it back.”

Yao didn’t explain too much. After thinking for a while, he put away the jade box, got up and left the camp.

Year 2675 of the Divine War Calendar.

Yin sacrifices to Lingyang Heaven and Earth, informs the inside and outside of the God Clan, accepts Ye from the human race as his adopted son, gives him the surname Gu, enters the God Clan’s genealogy, and enjoys blood and food as offerings.

This news shocked the entire Lingyang. Among the gods, Yin was now the most noble person except the god king. Taking the human clan as his adopted son was undoubtedly a step down from his status.

Furthermore, Yin had no heirs, so Ye became Yin’s only son, and his status could be said to have reached the sky in one step.

As for the reason why Yin suddenly did this, various forces have different opinions. In the end, there is only one rumor, which seems to be more credible.

Yang and Yin have a close personal relationship. For Yang’s sake, Ye has become more prominent in recent years, so Yin came up with this idea.

But no one else knows the specific details.

The following year, the news that Ye married Yao, the daughter of the God King, once again triggered the Lingyang earthquake.

On the wedding day, the God King, who had not been seen for a long time, came out of seclusion in person, presided over the wedding, and expressed his appreciation to Ye in public.

After marrying Yao, Ye became the half-son of the God King, and his noble status was unique among the Gods.



Year 3567 of the Divine War Calendar.

Ye Kan broke through the secrets of time and space, condensed the Dao Flower, stepped into the realm of the gods and the underworld, and became the true co-master of the human race.

In the same year, he used the crystallization of the true meaning of martial arts left by Yang as the main body, integrated it into the Tianling Jade, and gathered the precious blood of the souls of all the powerful people above the eighth level of the human race to create the history of the human race and suppress the fate of the family.

Year 5247 of the Divine War Calendar.

The eldest son of Ye and Yao was born, named ‘Jue’. The balance of the war gradually tilted towards the gods, and the human race gradually became more powerful.

Year 6348 of the Divine War Calendar.

Ye and Yao gave birth to two sons, named “Xiu”. In the same year, the eldest son Jue became the Supreme Being.

In the year 21510 of the Divine War Calendar, the two demon clans turned against each other and the war situation was in chaos.

The two saints of the demon clan joined forces and used the power of thunder to ambush and kill the ‘Shadow’, one of the heads of the four major families of the gods. At the same time, they severely injured the head of the ‘Lei’ family and drained most of his essence and blood, which was already threatening to overthrow the nest. The endangered demigods got a chance to breathe.

Since then, the Gods have suffered successive defeats, and the development of the human race has also been suppressed.



God War Calendar Year 62875.

For tens of thousands of years, the Gods have suffered successive defeats in battles. The demigods have already responded to some of the actions of the Gods, as if they have the ability to predict the future.

This situation happened repeatedly, and someone soon discovered the abnormality.

It couldn’t be more obvious that there is a ghost among the gods.

An existence at the level of a great sage took action to deduce the secrets, and the trace of the inner ghost soon became clear.

But the result was an uproar among the gods, and all clues pointed at Jue and Xiu.

These two people have a very special status among the Gods. Although they are demigods, as direct blood descendants of the God King, they still enjoy privileges that ordinary pure-blood ancient gods cannot match. They are also demons with outstanding talents. This approach , absolutely no one can understand it.

As the daughter of the God King, Yao naturally cannot have any problems. As a result, all doubts are focused on Ye as the father, including the human race behind him.

“When Yao married a human, I didn’t agree. Allowing the human to taint the king’s blood is a bad consequence!”

“I said at the beginning that Ye’s talent is indeed evil, but it is not that our God Clan is so attracted to him. He is not Yang. Even if he is Yang, the God King has never personally come forward to bring him into the clan. The King is too partial to Ye. ”

“In my opinion, the reason why Jue and Xiu did this is inseparable from Ye, and they should be investigated strictly!”

In the main hall, all the elders of the God Clan were filled with anger, and they denounced each other by name without any concealment.

Jue and Xiu’s actions once again made them feel betrayed, first by the hybrid family, and then by the two demon families. Their psychological defenses were constantly crumbling, and they gradually became accustomed to questioning everything and became more and more irritable.

Everyone sat high and silently watched. After the clan elders gradually calmed down, they spoke:

“I will give you an explanation on this matter.”



After the clan elders left, Yin quickly found Ye.

“You are the father of Jue and Xiu. There is something wrong with them, and your suspicion cannot be cleared. Now the elders in the God Clan have begun to doubt the human race, including you. You must make a decision early.”

“Since Yang disappeared, the God King has never been the same again. Rumors spread in the Lingyang world that the God King has died long ago. What is sitting in the temple now is just an incarnation. The God King has no reaction at all. Whether it is true or not …I don’t dare to think about it.”

Yin’s face was solemn: “This war has been fought for more than 60,000 years. There are some things I won’t say, but you should understand.”

This war has been going on for too long. There are now less than 40,000 members of the Protoss clan. The continuation of the clan is almost becoming a problem. The matter between Jue and Xiu is just a fuse, which leads to the restlessness within the Protoss clan. disturbed.

“I won’t force you.” Yin slowly closed her eyes:

“You choose for yourself, you want the human race, or you want Bao Jue and Xiu.”

After listening to Yin’s words, Ye fell into silence. After a while, he turned and left.



“They are pure blood. They have no soul and no afterlife. They are dead when they die.”

Yao stared at the man in front of her with a cold expression.

“I know.” Ye’s expression was calm, his eyes were like a cold pool, shrouded in a layer of mist.

“Humanity is more important than your flesh and blood?”

Ye fell into silence and tightened his palms slightly. After a while, he finally responded:


“Why can’t we think of other ways? Even if we are imprisoned or exiled, we still have to go to the step of killing everyone?”

“Those clan elders won’t believe it.” Ye shook his head slowly and stared at Yao: “Or… you watch me kill them all, then kill the God Father, and then kill the God King.”

“There is another way…”

Yao took a deep breath: “Take Jue and Xiu and leave Lingyang with me…”

“Escape can’t solve the problem.” Ye closed his eyes to cover up the fluctuation of expression in his eyes: “Ling Yangtian will not let go…it’s too late.”

“How will you know if you don’t try?!”

Faced with Yao’s somewhat out-of-control emotions, Ye stopped speaking and fell into a long silence.

“If you really want to kill them…” In an instant, Yao’s spine seemed to have been taken away, and her brows were full of exhaustion:

“Behead me first.”



A few days later.

In front of all the senior leaders of the God Clan, Ye personally beheaded Jue and Xiu and hung them on the battle flag in front of the God Clan’s camp.

“The treacherous son will be executed. Ye knows that he is unworthy of God’s grace. From now on, he will stay on the battlefield forever until the war situation is stable and Ling Yang is settled.”

After leaving these words, Ye turned around and left the camp.

Xia hurriedly chased after him, with obvious worry in his eyes: “Where is Yao?”

“She is too sad, so I have sent her back to her ancestral land to recuperate.”

Ye spoke calmly, without any abnormality in his expression, and left slowly.

Xia was left in the same place with hesitation on his face.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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