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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 769 Imperial Way

She has been to this world before, in the near future.

The spiritual thoughts he had just discovered had already given Shi Lan a rough understanding of the era he was currently living in.

There are still more than 100,000 years to this day in her future life. Immortal Qin has been destroyed, and the Han royal family has inherited more than ten emperors, and its fortune is at its peak.

Facing this somewhat familiar world, Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel a little familiar. The stars in the entire star field were exactly the same as the peaceful land in her memory.

After staring at the brilliant starry sky for a long time, Shi Lan temporarily put aside all thoughts about cultivation. The Holy Cloth of All Transformations circulated, and his apparent cultivation level stayed at the seventh level.

In today’s world, being neither high nor low will neither attract attention nor attract unwarranted contempt.

One step later, she had already entered the Imperial Capital of the Han Dynasty.

Within the imperial capital, the atmosphere is majestic, with row upon row of pavilions and palaces, long streets paved with gold and jade, and an invisible formation covering all directions, gathering the energy of the world’s dragons. A huge figure lingers on the top of the sky, and a red dragon rides on the clouds. Swallowing clouds and spitting out mist, endless light rain falls from the sky.

The light rain came over the body, without any moisture, and integrated into the body, with amazing spiritual fluctuations, silently nourishing the imperial city’s heritage, the land and the outstanding people.

On the long street, most of the people passing by were martial arts practitioners. Shi Lan felt the energy of many worlds and embarked on a martial arts path that was not far from what she remembered.

Condensing the world, replacing the way of heaven with one’s own way, shepherding all the souls in the world.

There was nothing wrong with this method of cultivation before, but from Shi Lan’s perspective now, it is undoubtedly like cultivating the seed of the world, the prototype of the way of heaven.

This is also a way to transform the source of all things in the world and reverse it back to its original state.

For those masters who want to extend their lifespan, this method is at least more reliable than the source crystal, but it will take a long time to flow slowly.

If the person who created this method is still alive, he must have a big plan and be extremely patient.

Shi Lan walked slowly across the street, passing by all the passers-by, and no one noticed her presence.

Even though the Han Dynasty was at its peak, the world was at peace, and under the splendid imperial capital, there was still a raging black mist, flowing with the evil of human nature, and certain desires took on even more terrifying mutations as their cultivation increased.

In this regard, Shi Lan just glanced at it and did not intervene. She had long passed the age of passion, and her Taoist heart was as stable as a sacred mountain. It was easy to cleanse the world, but she could not cleanse people’s hearts, so she intervened forcefully and killed With the red dragon hovering in the sky, she couldn’t get anything substantial except a sigh of relief.

The eternal life that all living beings desire is within reach for her now. Time has been unable to leave any traces on her body. All that is left in front of her is the last dragon barrier on the back of her neck.

Ever since she entered the long river of time and space, Shi Lan has always felt a spiritual sense locked on her body. Even now, when she arrived in this world, this feeling of being stared at still hasn’t dissipated.

Except for Origin Heaven, she could not imagine any existence that could have such power.

The invisible spiritual sense was already warning her that once the last layer of barrier behind her neck was penetrated, and the laws of time and space penetrated her back and went straight to the heavenly spirit, her conflict with the Origin Heaven would become within reach, and even It’s coming in a blink of an eye.

This is a battle that she doesn’t have much confidence in. Her current power can be said to come from the Origin Sky, stealing the source power in the long river of time and space for her own use.

If there is a head-on war with Origin Heaven, it is tantamount to taking the knife from his hand and cutting off his head.

No one can predict what the situation will eventually turn into.

But facing this battle that he was not sure of winning, Shi Lan didn’t have much worry in his heart, but felt slightly confused.

On the path of spiritual practice, she was initially pushed forward by the system. At that time, it seemed that she didn’t have to think about anything and could just follow the arranged trajectory.

Later, the system gave her less and less guidance, and what pushed her forward became the heavy pressure between life and death. Until she entered the tenth level, the shackles of Shouyuan faded from her body, and she returned to her own era. It became an obsession.

At this moment, she was only one step away from going back, but she fell into confusion.

When she first crossed time and space, she just wanted to change the ending of her parents’ death. Step by step until today, she has gradually understood the result in her heart. Under the general trend of history, it is difficult to undo what has happened.

This period of ancient history did not leave any chance for regrets.

After strolling for a long time, towards evening, until the blood cloud lit up the sky, Shi Lan returned to the lunar star.

Above the originally empty stars, there appeared a young man in gorgeous clothes. He was about fourteen or fifteen years old. His eyes were bright and his appearance was somewhat delicate. He was full of vitality and blood, but his behavior showed a trace of bookishness. You can tell by looking at it that he has read many Dao Zang scriptures.

Shi Lan was not surprised by the young man’s existence. She was aware of this young man’s existence when she was far away in the imperial capital.

He climbed up from the Tianshan Mountain below. He probably happened to see the scene when the lunar star arrived, so he came here.

“I’ve seen you, senior.” The young man bowed carefully with his head in his arms, and tentatively asked, “Did senior bring this star from outside the sky?”

“This place was once the entrance to the Immortal Gate, and it fell into this world by accident.”

Shi Lan said casually without explaining in detail.

“It turns out it’s from the fairy world! Is it heaven?!” A hint of excitement emerged from the young man’s eyebrows.

“Have you ever heard of Heavenly Court?” Shi Lan raised her eyebrows. In this era, the Immortal Dao had been destroyed for an unknown period of time, but any young man could blurt it out, which made her a little surprised.

“I read an ancient legend by chance. The heaven is located in the fairy world, and there are immortals and gods in it. Resurrection from the dead is just a piece of cake for them.”

The young man suddenly saw the dilapidated palace not far away, and was speechless for a moment.

After hesitating for a long time, he asked with some curiosity: “Which immortal god originally lived in this star?”

“Above this star, there used to be a Guanghan Palace, where a female immortal once practiced cultivation, named Chang’e.” Shi Lan shook his head slightly, revealing a person who did not exist in this world.

She had seen this star before when the heaven was at its peak. There was no Guanghan Palace above the star, so there was no mention of Chang’e.

A story is a story after all, and the reason why she says this is just a memory of her homeland in her heart.

However, the young man obviously believed her words deeply, and his curiosity continued to skyrocket: “That female fairy must also have great magical powers.”

“Mystical powers are vast…” Shi Lan murmured to himself, suddenly staring at the young man in front of him: “What do you think is mystical powers?”

“Resurrecting the dead, returning the dead to life, seeing the past and future with your eyes, listening to the wilderness of the universe, and immortality are the great powers.”

“It’s not that far off.”

Shi Lan was noncommittal and asked again: “What do you think the path of spiritual practice depends on?”

“Three parts luck, seven parts diligence.”

The young man hesitated for a moment, then nodded firmly, confirming his answer:

“The journey of martial arts is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. How successful you can be in the end depends entirely on yourself. No matter how talented you are, if you are lazy in practice and don’t sharpen your Taoist heart, your ultimate achievements will be limited.”

“You are wrong.” Shi Lan’s eyes gradually became confused: “Today’s cultivation path is completely destined by God and cannot be controlled by others.”

“Senior, what you mean is that when I was born, the outcome of my life was already determined?” The young man scratched his head in confusion: “Then what’s the point of practicing?”

“Cultivation is about cultivating the mind. At least which path you want to take to reach the end is your choice now.”

Shi Lan’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and there were terrifying law fluctuations in the depths. She suddenly woke up, had an epiphany, and kept whispering:

“A senior once told me that the paths followed by the strong in the world are nothing more than three, the imperial path, the kingly path and the domineering one.”

“The emperor cherishes life, is the most virtuous in the world, and supports all souls to pursue the emperor’s career; the king is aloof, caring for the benevolent and pastoring the gods on behalf of heaven; the heart is domineering; the gravity is light and the power is light, and the grip is the change of power in the world.”

Having said this, Shi Lan paused for a moment, then asked: “Which type do you think you are?”

“Probably none of the three.” The young man frowned and thought hard for a long time, and finally shook his head.

He seemed to understand something, but for a moment he couldn’t catch the light that was wandering around.

Shi Lan’s eyes were bright, and the ignorance in the young man made her re-analyze the path of cultivation again. Her confusion was gone, and she had a way back.

“You are talented and intelligent, and it is not easy for you to realize something. I will stay here for a while to practice. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me at any time.”

After regaining consciousness, Shi Lan gradually calmed down and offered the young man a chance: “What’s your name?”

“The junior’s surname is Wang Mang, and the clan gives him the nickname Jujun.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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