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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 770 Man can conquer nature


Hearing this name, Shi Lan looked a little dazed. Tong Yuan had mentioned it to her casually on the top of Penglai Mountain that day.

Wang Mang was very similar to her, so she didn’t pay too much attention to him at that time.

At this moment, Shi Lan seemed to see the invisible lifeline in the long river of time and space.

Today’s cause, tomorrow’s effect.

This is the result of the rupture of the long river of time and space. Everything is destined. The past is a foregone conclusion. She is destined to encounter Wang Mang at this time and space node.

In the blink of an eye, as if waking up from a big dream, many fragments flashed through Shi Lan’s mind.

She reversed time and space and returned to the ancient times by mistake. She wanted to support the human race first and change the future. To this end, she even killed four demi-god saints. However, there was no change in the long river of time and space. She has been facing She felt extremely confused about this, but at this moment, she finally understood the cause and effect.

She thought of the God King and the twelve masters who came for her. No matter how strong the God King was, facing the twelve masters including the Jade Emperor alone, the outcome was already predictable.

If she had not returned to the ancient times, the God King would not have fallen into this situation. With the God King around, there would have been no chaos in Ling Yang, the Ancient God War would not have happened, and all subsequent ancient history would have changed.

Now that the God King has fallen because of her, Ling Yang has no common master, the way of heaven has lost its restraints, and he alone controls the power of heaven. The creatures in the world are nothing but flesh and blood, and the direction of the general trend can change in his mind.

The cause of everything is because of her.

After understanding the cause and effect in an instant, Shi Lan’s eyes became duller, like a pool of still water. She had completely seen the way to the future.


Seeing that Shi Lan remained silent, Wang Mang was a little confused.

“I will stay in this world for a hundred years. During this period, you can come and find me at any time. I will guide you in martial arts practice. How much enlightenment you can achieve depends on your own destiny.”

Shi Lan will not go back on what she has said, not to mention deliberately going against the trend of ancient history. It has no meaning at all. In the end, everything will be back on track, just like what she did before.

After saying this, Shi Lan stopped talking and waved his hand.

“Let’s go.”

“Master, please accept me as a disciple…”

A flash of light flashed in Wang Mang’s eyes, and without any hesitation, he leaned over to salute. However, as soon as he made a move, a soft force stopped his movement. The world had changed around him, and all he could see was the flower-filled palace of the imperial capital. street.

A voice sounded from his ears, suppressing the bustling noise, and there was a hint of coolness in the clarity.

“Since the beginning of my practice, I have not planned to accept disciples. I have only made an exception once in my life. From now on, I have closed the door. Between me, there is no grace to teach, and no relationship between master and disciple. You ask, I answer, that’s all. That’s all.”

Wang Mang subconsciously looked at the top of the Tianshan Mountains. The huge Lunar Star should have been clearly visible, but at this moment it was surrounded by heavy clouds and fog, and no trace could be seen.

The hazy clouds and mist submerged the mountain tops, and the already peak Tianshan Mountains could no longer be found.

Looking back at it now, he still couldn’t recall the voice and appearance of that senior, and his memory was blurry and vaguely distorted.

After staring for a long time, Wang Mang turned around and slowly merged into the crowd.

Tianshan Mountain is rarely visited by people. It has no spiritual veins and does not breed spiritual creatures. The peaks and roads are rugged and the mountains are high and majestic. He didn’t know why, as if he was blessed to the core, he climbed to the top of Tianshan Mountain today and happened to see that scene of falling stars from the sky.

But he knew in his heart that today, he might have encountered the greatest opportunity in his life.

Immortal Sect…immortality…martial arts…



On the Lunar Star, Shi Lan walked slowly through the ruins.

Among the ruined temples, apart from the blood essence and blood spilled by the great sage, there are still traces of the killings of the immortal qigong masters.

From these remnants, Shi Lan saw many familiar magic techniques, such as ‘Invite Immortal’ and ‘Demon Killing Order’…

One day, she will come here again, absorb the remaining nutrients here, and grow stronger and stronger.

Fingertips caressed the ruins, Shi Lan lowered her head and stared at the stars under her feet. She thought about splitting the stars under her feet more than once, but she always felt the invisible danger. After weighing for a long time, She finally gave up the idea.

For a long time, Shi Lan sat cross-legged in a wilderness, his spiritual thoughts seeping into his back, guiding the power of the river of time and space towards the last dragon pass behind his neck.

There is also a clear difference in strength and weakness in the domain of domination. We can see the clues from the god king. After the semi-god Kunyu entered the domain of domination, he teamed up with three dominators, but he was still easily defeated by the god king. Kunyu He even died on the spot.

Shi Lan has never doubted her own fighting power. Since the beginning of her training, there have been few opponents in the same realm who can compete with her. Rong Xuanqing is one of them, but that is only because she did not have enough knowledge before she became a Taoist.

This gap has undergone a qualitative change as her cultivation level has skyrocketed.

As her cultivation level increases, this gap in combat power should be getting smaller and smaller, but the gap between her and her opponents in the same realm has become more terrifying. Now, even if Rong Xuanqing is face to face, Shi Lan is still confident that Shihe Within, chop him under the halberd.

This is not a lie. Shi Lan knows very well that the path she is taking now is completely different from the world’s creatures. After entering the realm of space, time and space, her cultivation speed has not stagnated at all. Even because she has established a connection with the long river of time and space, Becoming more and more terrifying.

Moreover, in the tenth-level realm, she hardly felt the existence of any bottleneck. Every moment, she could draw huge power from the long river of time and space. One day of meditation was better than other saints and great saints who traveled through time and space. More than enough.

The power of Origin Sky is like a holy spring that will never dry up, with no end to be found. Today’s Shi Lan is nourished by the power of Origin Sky and continues to grow wildly.

The powerful combat power still brings a heavy load, just like Shi Lan’s battle with the four great sages of the demigods. The golden seal belongs to the divine object that dominates the domain. Shi Lan spent a lot of destructive power to destroy it. It is temporarily blocked.

If it was her own origin that was consumed, then after this battle, her lifespan would not be completely exhausted, but it would not be far behind.

But now, Shouyuan has no meaning to Shi Lan, and the laws of time and space do not apply to her. At this point, she is already ahead of all the masters.

The Lord is still under the origin of the sky, and she… walks with the sky.

Once the third dragon level is opened, her combat power will once again undergo a terrifying qualitative change. She cannot predict that level of power now, but it is foreseeable that the consumption will be even more terrifying.

A great war that swallows up the source power of hundreds of worlds is not an empty talk.

Shi Lan now understands the reason why the Jade Emperor wanted to kill her. If she were the Jade Emperor, she might also have murderous intentions. After all, the Jade Emperor is not her, and it is impossible to confirm whether she will devour the world for nourishment in order to extend her life.

Once she had this thought, the universe would not be enough for her. Eventually, Yin and Yang would become unbalanced, and the prospect of the universe’s destruction could already be predicted. Perhaps the Jade Emperor also blamed her for the cause of the universe’s destruction. Completely murderous.

But understanding is one thing, accepting it is another. Shi Lan doesn’t care what the Jade Emperor thinks. If there is a chance to meet again, she will still take action without hesitation and chop off the Jade Emperor’s head. Level, to sacrifice to the God King.

It’s a pity that the heaven has been destroyed and the immortal way no longer exists, so she will not have this opportunity again.

Walking on the road of time and space, the boundaries between the past and the future will always become blurred. This is Shi Lan’s only profound feeling.

After a long time, Shi Lan gradually let go of his thoughts, absorbed the source power from the long river of time and space, continued to increase his cultivation, and tried to touch the last dragon pass.

In the future, Lingyang will undergo great changes. In order to control the situation, she must have the ability to suppress the overall situation. She must at least be able to overpower the master. Otherwise, even if she returns to the future, she will still be a spectator.

Along the way, she has seen enough, the strife of forces, the conquests of giants, the devastation caused by the struggle for source power, the deformed universe… She has been watching these.

She no longer wants to see it anymore…

Beyond the stars, clouds and mist surged at the top of the sky, and the invisible Tao Yun shrouded the entire Tianshan Mountain. There was no way in or out, and no living beings would disturb it.

The lunar star hovers in the sky, silent and isolated from the world.



In the blink of an eye, more than thirty years have passed.

Wang Mang dressed in fine clothes and climbed to the top of Tianshan Mountain. From then on, he entered the Taiyin Star for the fourth time and sought the solution to martial arts from Shi Lan.

In order to avoid being disturbed too frequently, he would only come once every ten years and stay for a month to solve the difficulties he encountered in martial arts.

After asking about the problems he encountered in his own practice, Wang Mang asked another question: “Senior, when practicing martial arts, is cultivating the mind more important than cultivating the body, or both?”

“Since the beginning of my practice, elders in my family have warned me that the path to practice must focus more on cultivating the mind, subduing the mind, cutting off emotions and desires, and not being moved by external objects. Only then can we gain the true meaning of martial arts and achieve great success in practice.

“But after looking down on worldly affairs and restraining my emotions and emotions, my practice has slowed down a lot. I always feel that qi has condensed in my chest and my breathing is not smooth. Why is this?”

Hearing this, Shi Lan shook his head slightly: “The seven emotions and six desires are the foundation of life. Cutting off emotions and looking down on worldly affairs is a departure from human ethics. Without the support of strong desires, you will naturally not be able to make progress in martial arts.”

The state of being devoid of love and desire is not of great benefit to practice. It may seem that you are one step ahead of others in the beginning because you don’t have too many distracting thoughts, but that’s all.

The desire for strong strength is itself an extremely strong desire. Without this desire as a stimulus, people can never become truly powerful.

What’s more, martial arts is a way of elite and enterprising, and the path of qi and blood boiling requires even more violent blood. In each battle, it will continue to sublimate until it reaches the pinnacle.

Even though Shi Lan seems to have become much calmer over the years, he still kills people when they disagree.

This is the bloody nature of martial arts.

Along the way, Shi Lan’s most powerful motivation was her desire for strength. She didn’t want to live a life of precariousness and being dependent on others.

“Then how should I do it?” Wang Mang thought thoughtfully.

“Throw away the shackles and do what you want to do now, and everything will fall into place.”

After saying this, Shi Lan stopped talking and slowly closed his eyes.

Wang Mang pondered for a long time and realized something, his eyes brightened: “Thank you, senior, for your advice!”

After a while, Wang Mang once again talked about what happened around him. He didn’t care whether Shi Lan responded or not. He just talked to himself and talked about his feelings.

“I was successful in defeating demons the day before yesterday, and the Holy One has made me a marquis…”

“But the family tree is in trouble, and half of the sky is already standing above the court. Someone wanted to kill me secretly the day before yesterday, and a mole was found next to me. It’s really unpredictable…”

Shi Lan forgot what Wang Mang said about the chores in the court. He didn’t waste any time thinking about it. He just listened quietly, remained silent, and quietly absorbed the laws of time and space to practice.

Only when Wang Mang asked about martial arts practice, she would occasionally say a few words.



A hundred years is nothing to a high-level cultivator, but for a young man like Wang Mang who has just embarked on the path of cultivation, it is enough to complete several transformations.

For Shi Lan, these hundred years of changes are even more terrifying. The last dragon pass behind his neck is already on the verge of collapse, and the long river of time and space running through his spine is already in front of his eyes.

The realm of domination is within reach. After clearing this dragon pass, you will step into the top level of the past, present and future. You can control time and space, with no one on top. You can decide life and death in the world with a single thought, and be arbitrary.

At this point, it was time for Shi Lan to set off again. Stepping into the realm of domination was within her reach, but she would not choose to break through in this era.

Once you pass this level, you will face the Origin Heaven directly.

This will trigger riots in the long river of time and space. Under the guidance of the Origin Heaven, the masters of the past, present, and even the future will come here.

She was not ready to face all the masters of the past, present and future alone. At least, she had to go back to the future first, where she might have allies.

“Senior, where are you going?”

The sudden call made Wang Mang feel a little flustered for no reason.

Shi Lan’s departure undoubtedly means that he will have one less place to talk.

The court was treacherous, and the military commanders and Confucian masters were scheming. Even though he had a noble status, he had encountered several dangers due to the struggle for power in the past hundred years. He did not trust anyone, but he had no such defense against Shi Lan.

He clearly knew that in the eyes of the senior in front of him, the life-and-death power and interests that those creatures at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains fought for were just passing clouds, and he had no interest in even taking a second look.

For him, Shi Lan’s existence is like the bright moon in the river, elusive and out of reach.

“Start again and do what I have to do.”

Shi Lan spoke calmly, without much emotion. She had experienced too many partings, and Wang Mang was just one of them.

“What do you want to do, senior? I…”

Wang Mang couldn’t help asking, but before he finished speaking, he swallowed back the rest of his words. He couldn’t help but feel sad. His strength was too weak. Even if he asked, he couldn’t get an answer.

“Exhaust the power of this life, cut off the roots of power, and cut off the seedlings of troubled times.”

To his surprise, Shi Lan answered without any wavering in her tone. She raised her head slightly and looked at the stars in the universe. Her voice was like quicksand in the wind, scattered into the vast horizon:

“After oneself, man will conquer heaven.”

A passage appeared from the void, leading to an endless starry sky.

“Farewell, senior!” Wang Mang knelt down and kowtowed, then raised his head and watched Shi Lan leave.

Before leaving, Shi Lan looked back, glanced at the world, and put away the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Before setting out on the road, she had to collect a batch of source power for the system to prevent any unexpected events.

The Reincarnation Hall or the Tiandao Alliance are the first choices…

Long after Shi Lan left, Wang Mang still hadn’t come back to his senses. Shi Lan’s departure seemed to have lifted a layer of mist in his mind, allowing her voice and appearance to be preserved.

He stared down at his palm and murmured:

“Man can conquer heaven…”



In the first year of the New Calendar, Wang Mang proclaimed himself the new emperor and wanted to divide power among the people. The whole world was in an uproar.

Since then, natural disasters have continued in Kyushu, starving people have died all over the land, and rumors have spread everywhere. The fate of the Han Dynasty has not yet come to an end, and Wang Mang has committed an offense, angering the power of heaven, and causing countless disasters.

Heroes from all over the country rose up to kill Wang Mang to appease Tian’s anger.

However, Wang Mang’s combat power far exceeded the world’s expectations. He could fight the world by himself, and he could swallow a dragon. He almost completely destroyed the fate of the Han Dynasty, and the real dragon of luck was almost killed several times.

Of course, there are unforeseen circumstances.

Emperor Guangwu raised troops from Nanyang to reunite the Han dynasty. On the day he raised his troops, the sound of dragon roars resounded all over the world, carrying the power of heaven and invincible. In just a few years, it broke the backbone of the new dynasty, and the military frontier was everywhere. Pointed to, invincible.



At the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

A figure fell from the sky and crashed into the mountainside.

The blood-stained emperor’s robe was dim, and a knife mark split open Wang Mang’s chest. With a strong sense of heavenly energy, he raised his head with force and glanced around, his expression slightly startled. He never thought that he would come here by accident. here.

After going against the will of heaven, he finally followed the old path of the Overlord of Western Chu. During the decisive battle, the Heavenly Sword came and cut off his Taoist foundation. He was defeated like a mountain. All the strength of the court was lost in one battle, and he was powerless. Back to the days.

His breathing became heavier, and Wang Mang lay back in a pool of blood, his eyes gradually blurred, and he laughed miserably:

“It’s true as you said, it’s destined by heaven…it’s not up to anyone…”

In a daze, he once again recalled the scene when Shi Lan left that day.

In the pool of blood, Wang Mang tilted his head slightly, looking at the top of the Tianshan Mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, and his tone gradually weakened:

“Looking back at Tianshan…the color of the human world is like earth…”

As his consciousness gradually dissipated, a black shadow suddenly appeared, blocking his sight. His pale hair fell down, blocking his wrinkled face. His eyes were filled with heavy pupils, and his voice was hoarse:

“Boy, do you want to die?”

At this moment, the originally clear face in Wang Mang’s mind became blurry again, and the smile on his face became increasingly bleak:

“Forgot again…”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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