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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 774 The whole world is the enemy

“You want to reverse time and space again and do something to defeat the sky?!”

Rong Xuanqing instantly understood the meaning of Shi Lan’s words. Thinking of the ancient time when the Origin Sky was destroyed, he couldn’t help but be shocked for a moment.

Crossing the long river of time and space, swimming upstream, and attacking the Origin Heaven, which was still in its complete period, this move was not a daring one.

He did not expect that Shi Lan would prepare to do such a terrible thing. It was foreseeable that once the war started, the entire ancient history would boil.

“Senior brother, with your talent, it is not impossible to become the master on your own, but now you are limited by your fate. You have to graft the fate of others to have the opportunity to take this step. Don’t you feel a little unwilling?”

“Source power is the seedling of troubled times, and fate is also a shackle. There is no other way except to eliminate the root. This battle is inevitable.”

Today, Shi Lan’s mood has become more stable. The transformation brought about by the flow of time and space in her body has given her a vision that connects the past and the present. The past and the future are within reach, and the clouds of the past are shrouded in fog. The feeling completely dissipated without a trace.

In fact, with her current combat power, she could hold four Origin Crystal fragments in her palms and destroy them one by one without wasting any effort. In other words, she now had the power to strangle Origin Sky.

But the premise of all this is that the Origin Continent is broken, the Origin Sky collapses in ancient times, and the Origin Crystal is torn into pieces.

If she had not gone to this battle, ancient history would have been rewritten, and her current location would have become a tributary independent of the main river of time and space, and she would never be able to travel back and forth.

At that time, even if Shi Lan does not apply the laws of time and space now, the most impact he can have is that the tributary he is in will never merge into the main vein of the Yangtze River. The impact on the Origin Heaven will be minimal.

In order to preserve the current status quo, Shi Lan went to the origin to bury the cause and effect.

In this case, her battle with Origin Sky affects the entire Origin Era, and the choices of those masters throughout the ages have become particularly important.

Either stand on the side of Origin Sky and take action on the long river of time and space to prevent her from going to Origin Sky, or let her fight, there are no more than these two options.

Or, waiting to die.

“With the help of this source crystal, I will be sure to take that step within a hundred years. If my junior sister needs it, she can speak up and I will not refuse. The same is true for the Rubik’s Cube.”

After coming back to his senses, Rong Xuanqing had a clear excitement in his eyes. The move to defeat the sky did not make him feel worried. Instead, he felt a sense of excitement that he had not seen for a long time. He asked with a little anticipation: “What if this trip?” Now that you’ve succeeded in defeating the sky, what are your plans, junior sister?”

“After this battle, I will try to intercept the long river of time and space and seal all traces of Origin Sky in this era.”

Shi Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the three pillars supporting the sky in the distance, and said in a deep voice: “The living beings who have condensed the Dao Fruit have an inseparable connection with the Heavenly Dao of the world they belong to and the Origin Heaven. I cannot let them remain. The original cultivation will survive into the future, including Senior Brother You… and these two masters.”

Hearing this, Rong Xuanqing’s expression was sluggish and he fell into silence. The close connection between the enlightened person and the Origin Heaven has been figured out by Rubik’s Cube, and this is simply unavoidable.

The meaning of Shi Lan’s words couldn’t be clearer. After the battle with Yuanyuantian, she would cut off the Dao flowers, chop off the Dao fruits, and knock down all the creatures in the universe who had entered the ninth level and above.

“As a result, there are only a handful of people willing to help you in this era.”

Rong Xuanqing frowned slightly, a little worried. If these words were released, Shi Lan would be the enemy of the whole world in an instant.

Those master sages have been aloof for so many years and have done everything possible to extend their lives. It is impossible for them to let others slaughter them just because of Shi Lan’s words. A desperate fight is a normal reaction.

For those masters, whether they are helping Shi Lan or helping Yuantian, the current situation of eternal life will be broken, and the final outcome is death.

Both of them uphold the law of reincarnation between heaven and earth. Lifespan is fixed, and masters who transcend this law will eventually be punished.

It was only at this moment that Rong Xuanqing suddenly understood why so many masters had tried their best but could not figure out a solution.

For them, there is no solution to the collapse of the universe from the beginning, and there is no other choice but to accept it.

“Even if I am alone, I will go to this battle.”

Shi Lan shook his head slightly, not caring: “This is what I should do, but senior brother, even so, are you still willing to help me?”

“One word and nine tripods.”

Rong Xuanqing looked as usual, smiled faintly, and said decisively: “I don’t want to live forever. Since the day I entered the martial arts, I have never believed in leaving oneself to fate. The theory of fate is extremely ridiculous! It’s just… …If Master is there…”

At this point, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was no hesitation in his tone: “Master treats me like his own son. After fighting the sky, if he chooses to be your enemy, there will still be a battle between you and me. This battle will be returned to Master.” Heaven’s grace, junior sister doesn’t have to hold back at that time.”

“Senior brother, you are worried. Senior Lingyun has taken great care of me. If there was no room for it, we would not be at war with each other.” Shi Lan shook his head gently:

“After this battle, I will take over the underworld, integrate the underworld, and allow all creatures above the ninth level to reincarnate with their true spirits and preserve the memories of their previous lives. This is the limit of what I can do.”

“This… is enough.” Rong Xuanqing breathed a sigh of relief, with relief in his eyes. Based on his understanding of the master, he should not refuse the conditions given by Shi Lan.

Shi Lan did not stay in the Shenwu Foreign Land for long, and soon left, rushing to the Tianyuan World.

After one step, she was already in the starry sky, and there was a vast and boundless continent in front of her.

Looking at the vast starry sky in front of him, Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

At the moment when the meaning came into being, her spiritual thoughts had reached the edge of the universe, but she still could not find the inconspicuous star in her previous life.

Until now, she still had not figured out where she was going in this life.

The journey in the underworld is deep in my memory. I don’t know whether it is in the past or the future.



Lingyang Great World, New Year 148.

The center of the demon territory.

Outside a palace made of dark purple jade, Emperor Rakshasa was dressed in white, with black hair falling behind him like ink clouds, and his eyes were lowered.

“Come into the palace.”

After waiting for a long time, until a mute summons came from the hall, she slowly stepped into the hall.

The light in the hall is a little dim, and there are little purple lights floating in the void, like stars, flowing around, ups and downs, coincident with some kind of heaven and earth truth.

A blurry black shadow is entrenched in the depths of the palace. Its appearance cannot be clearly seen, but it can only feel a terrifying pressure that makes the heavenly spirit tremble.

The Emperor Rakshasa looked as usual and bowed respectfully: “Junior Emperor Rakshasa, please see the Aurora Demon Lord.”


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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