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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 785 Defeating the Sky (Final Chapter)

At the top of the long river of time and space, thick chaotic energy surged.

On the Origin Continent at the feet of the two figures, endless wars could be seen everywhere, and the sky was shattering.

“You and I must have a battle eventually.”

Yuantian’s figure is still hazy, shrouded in the brilliance of time and space, and his appearance cannot be seen clearly: “I will not hold anything back in this battle. If you die because of this, the established future will change.”

“The path I want to take is determined by myself and has nothing to do with fate. The path that other living beings want to take should also be decided by themselves.”

Shi Lan shook his head slightly, with his back straight and endless fairy light behind him: “The outcome of this battle has been determined. The past and future are all in my hands.”

Her arrival here is a destined outcome. She has to carry the past and hold the future in her hands.

The long river of time and space set off a wave of terror. Origin Sky did not speak again. Infinite divine light erupted from his body. The entire Origin Era was boiling. Countless majestic source power flowed back from the ages and converged towards the Origin.

In an instant, Origin Sky had made a bold move, cutting off the long river of time and space, drawing the ground as a prison, and isolating a chaotic battlefield. The blazing divine patterns turned into shackles, pressing down on Shi Lan. The foundation of the entire era was condensed in the shackles, and the power was powerful. It can suppress the heavens for eternity and shock the world.

Many masters in the long river of time and space have never noticed that the battlefield far away from the endless time and space is still fighting bloody battles in the years, fighting towards the phantom of the origin of the sky at the end of the long river, with the intention of defeating the sky.

It’s a pity that what they see in their eyes is just a shadow of a mirror.

In the chaotic battlefield, traces of various laws and regulations stirred up. Origin Tian holds the destiny and dominates the era. His power is too terrifying.

This place is too far away from the Ancient Immortal Era, and the pressure Shi Lan has to bear is extremely heavy, but her movements are simple and domineering. The Immortal Divine Marks behind her flicker, and the reflection of the endless universe is condensed in her palms.

This is a battle between eras, and Shi Lan’s most powerful trump card is still backed by the entire Immortal Ancient Era.

Downstream of the long river of time and space, the Optimus Jade Pillar that cut off the years of time and space shook with a bang, and endless fragments of time and space surged, reversing the years and eternity away, and transmitted a terrifying power that could disintegrate all the laws of the origin era.


The murderous intention shook the heavens for eternity, time was torn apart, the realm of chaos turned into a fairyland, and the shackles formed by the divine patterns were directly broken by Shi Lan.

“The past is a foregone conclusion, but the future is still endless. This place is both your starting point and your ending.”

Shi Lan’s voice echoed in the chaotic battlefield, like a war immortal, overlooking the long river of time, connecting ancient and modern times.

This is a power that is different from this era. The fairy light is bright, illuminating the entire origin era. Shi Lan’s body skyrockets in an instant, stepping on billions of galaxies. When his eyes open and close, the fairy patterns flow, containing the principles of the great truth, covering everything. All principles that constitute time and space.

At this moment, she is the sky of the Immortal Era, with her backbone supporting the eternity of time. All the laws in the universe are determined by her in a single thought. Standing here alone, she will shadow the past and the future!

This is a confrontation between the supreme beings, far beyond the limits of the domination realm.

Origin Sky’s body instantly shattered and was swallowed up by the terrifying fairy light, but it reorganized in the blink of an eye. With the entire Origin Era as its backing, he was almost invincible.

This is destined to be a long and difficult battle, which depends on the foundation of the era and the patience between Yuanyuan Tian and Shi Lan.



In the long river of time and space, on the Origin Continent, the most terrifying war in eternity also broke out.

Among the creatures that support the Origin Heaven, there are many masters. Not all creatures want to steal the power of Heaven and backfire against the Origin.

The moment Qinglan and his party stepped into the Origin Continent, they were involved in the battlefield.

The battlefield was in chaos, and it was even difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, but the Immortal Emperors entwined with the Immortal Light had become obvious targets.

“Kill, Immortal Dao shall punish you!” A master spoke sternly, full of murderous intent.

The Immortal Way created by Yuan Ji is undoubtedly the top combat power of Fatian. The Immortal Way monks are now an unforgivable evil in the eyes of the creatures who support Yuitian.

On the way to the Origin, a group of Immortal Emperors had already experienced unimaginable battles. There were even beings here who they had already fought against and had to pay a heavy price to kill them.

At this special time point, these enemies that they had killed were still intact under the protection of the Origin Sky. The hard battles they had experienced had to be experienced again, and the pressure they endured during this period was so heavy that it was almost Can’t breathe.

But none of the Immortal Emperors had any intention of backing down. They followed Qing Lan to the Origin Era. All the Immortal Emperors were already prepared to die, and there was no way back.

Everything now is for the survival of the Immortal Era. Personal life and death have long been ignored, not to mention that what is blocking them in front of them is the sky of the Immortal Era.

Immortal light shines brightly, shining on the heaven and earth. Terrifying immortal life-killing weapons are sacrificed one after another. The vast immortal light is scattered, and countless creatures on the Origin Continent are affected and melted into the fairy light. Even if they step into the other shore The great sage in this realm is still like an ant at this moment, fleeting.

They were not alone. A figure stepped into the battlefield, with blond hair shawl, and the mist surged like a blazing sun.

“The Gods have enjoyed great blessings from Heaven, but now they have to turn their backs on the Heaven of Origin?!”

The moment they saw Ling Yang Tian, ​​the expressions of many masters changed, and their eyes flashed with terrifying murderous intent. She was the wife of the God King, and there were few people on the Origin Continent who didn’t know her.

Any creature has a reason to abandon the origin of heaven, but the gods do not. This act is no different from matricide, and it is a crime that cannot be punished.

“You guys came too late…”

Ling Yangtian ignored the gnawing gazes of many masters, and his voice was low, as if he was complaining.

In a hundred thousand years, too many things happened to her that were not planned.

“It’s because you came early.” Qinglan held the fairy mirror in her palm and spoke lightly. The imperial crown’s fairy light flowed, and her long hair danced in the wind, with a stunning grace.

The shadow of a huge green lotus appeared from behind her. Under the green lotus, there was a turbulent long river of fairy light.

The face of the master present suddenly changed, and he noticed the horror of Qinglan. The woman in imperial robes in front of him had a horrifying origin. With the permission of the Lord of the Era, she rooted her body at the top of the long river of time and space. Drawing on the power of time and space to grow, the foundation is terrifyingly profound.

The moment Ling Yangtian appeared, the entire Origin Continent trembled violently. Charming divine light bloomed from every corner. Dao marks crisscrossed the sky, crushing billions of stars.


Amidst the loud noise that shook the long river of time and space, the Origin Continent, which had not changed in any way for countless years, cracked open, and there were vague signs of dispersion.

After hundreds of thousands of years of practice, most of the true spirits of heaven who followed Ling Yangtian have reached the tenth level and have become existences in the realm of the gods and the underworld and even the other side.

This is undoubtedly a quite astonishing force, even enough to influence the situation of the war. As soon as Fang took action, he achieved astonishing results, making the Origin Continent stained with blood and changing the sky.

Qing Lan stepped forward slowly, and showed his astonishing details with his move. He suppressed the five masters alone. The fairy mirror in his palm shook gently, and the phantom of the universe entwined with fairy light fell down, locking time and space.

Between the heaven and the earth, the immortal light was bright, and the Tao bodies of the two masters were crushed in the blink of an eye. The remaining three people also suffered from the collapse of the Tao light, with countless cracks on their bodies and blood gushing out.

Although the Dao body returned to its original state in an instant, there was still a hint of fear in the expressions of the several masters. At the moment of the fight, they had already noticed the terrifying gap between them and Qinglan.

This woman is a supreme being who has already half-stepped into the realm of the Lord of the Era. She is far from being comparable to ordinary Lords. In terms of progress in the path of immortality, she is even far better than Yuan Ji at her peak!

Where did this giant of immortality come from? ! Where did this group of sky-defying rebels find strong support? !

When all the masters were in despair, they were hanging in the temple high in the sky.

The God King stood quietly in front of a nine-foot altar, his eyes were deep, and a ray of clear air fell from the long river of time and space, condensing a hazy light and shadow on the altar.

This is a secret method unique to the Gods. It can connect to the Origin Heaven and summon a trace of the True Spirit from the Origin Heaven to directly communicate with it.

At this moment, he was a little confused and needed guidance.

He had already had a premonition of this battle against the sky, but he never took it seriously. Facing the Origin Sky, even the Dominator was too weak, and it was impossible to have the power to kill the Origin Sky.

Even after hundreds of millions of years of weakening, Origin Sky’s power has become much weaker, but it is definitely not something that the likes of the Dominators can contend with.

Now that Ling Yangtian is determined to go his own way and participate in the battle against the sky, the gods, as the only race favored by the Origin Sky, should stand on the side of the Origin Sky and fight for Him.

But the God King was shaken at this moment.

The creatures on the Origin Continent just don’t want their destiny to be controlled by others. They are born with a fixed upper limit of death, so it cannot be said that it is wrong to want to conquer the sky.

However, as the heaven that gave birth to all living beings, Origin Heaven itself is kind to all beings. Some of its favored children have received more love from Him, but they are still greedy and try to steal the power of heaven. This is something that should not happen. of greed.

In such a dilemma, the God King could only hope to get the answer from the mouth of Origin Sky.

After the figure of Yuanyuantian appeared, the God King did not speak, but bowed slightly, bowing his head and waiting for Tianyin. Yuanyuantian knew everything and would know the questions he wanted to ask.

“Follow your heart.”

Thinking of Shi Lan’s words, Yuanyuan Tian’s thoughts changed somewhat. He stared at the God King in front of him and spoke softly with a soft tone:

“I’ll give you the chance to choose.”

If these creatures really felt that it would be better if they took control of their destiny, He would give them a chance to try.

Because of Origin Day’s decision at this moment, the long river of time and space surged forward, carrying the waves forward, bringing the conquest that was supposed to take place at the end of the era to the present.

This battle between him and Shi Lan should have happened in the future, but because of his decision at this moment, the battlefield now exists.

He could have instantly cut off the connection with Daohua and taken away the power of all the masters, but he also did not do so. Instead, he chose to let them go and let them make their own choices.

“Don’t worry about the consequences of your choice. If you make the wrong choice, I will regain control of the world.”

No matter what the outcome is, He will fight for this era and protect these creatures born under Him.

“As you wish…”

The God King was startled. Before he could recover, the hazy light and shadow in front of him instantly shattered and was obscured by a burst of fairy light.

Seeing this scene, a trace of disbelief flashed in the God King’s eyes. Origin Sky was obviously in trouble, and even a ray of true spirit was affected.


There was an explosion that shattered the sky and the earth, and the divine voice echoed in the void. The supreme power belonging to the Lord surged in the chaotic void.

The God King stepped out of the temple and climbed into the sky, looking at the blazing sun blooming in the center of the battlefield with a complicated expression.

After seeing the immortal lotus rooted in the long river of time and space, his expression could not help but show a hint of horror. What he saw in his eyes was far deeper than what other masters saw. These immortal creatures definitely did not belong to this era. !

Looking at the war-torn continent, the God King once again fell into a bottomless abyss, almost unable to breathe.

Outside the temple, a large number of elders of the God Clan have already gathered, all looking anxious:

“King, why don’t we take action?”

“Why would the Queen associate with those rebellious people?!”

The God King looked blank and didn’t know how to respond.

If he acts now, he may have a chance to reverse ancient history, but if there is no future, he and Ling Yang will not meet, there will be no Yao, there will be no Xia, and the memories of the past hundred thousand years may be destroyed by the laws of time and space. Take away the power.

The act was to kill his wife… and his son.

He stared at the terrifying battlefield at the top of the distant sky, and happened to meet Ling Yangtian’s gaze.

“Don’t be embarrassed, just do what you want to do. If you want to fight with me, then come. I won’t blame you at all.”

Mixed-up whispers rang in the God King’s ears, and Ling Yangtian’s blazing eyes contained hints of distress.

Having been husband and wife for nearly a hundred thousand years, they had already become connected, and she could feel Jin’s inner torment at this moment.

The God King’s face was indifferent, without any emotion. He stared at the bright sun that once illuminated his heart. His mind gradually calmed down and his voice was hoarse: “According to the King’s order, the Gods will not move a single soldier or participate in any battles.” .”

He doesn’t want to meet Fa Qiu Dao Bing, let alone attack Tian. This is a complete betrayal of Yuan Tian. The only thing he can do is to help each other.

“King, do you want to rebel against heaven?!”

“How can you stay out of such a big change?”

“If this continues, all the masters will be robbed. If you still stand by and watch, how will we face the origin of heaven? How can we face reincarnation after death?!”

Upon hearing the God King’s order, many clan elders looked indignant. Some even dug up old accounts from a hundred thousand years ago and called him by his name:

“Jin! You violated the clan rules by marrying a foreign clan and giving birth to children, which made the blood of the gods impure. This was a blasphemy against the origin of heaven and a treason. At this juncture, do you still want to do such a rebellious act?!”

“Have you forgotten the blood feud between the gods and the immortals?! Have you forgotten how the old god king died at the hands of Yuan Ji?!”

In an instant, the God King was almost criticized, but facing these people, he could not refute. These clan elders were all his elders, equivalent to the brothers of his father and brother. Their seniority was terrifying.

However, even if these clan elders disagree, the king’s order cannot be violated. Even if they are dissatisfied, these people will eventually choose to stand on his side…

The God King lowered his eyes. In the end, these clan elders still had to listen to him.

As soon as the idea of ​​the God King came up, a dazzling light flashed before his eyes. The divine bodies of nearly a hundred clan elders began to disintegrate in unison, and the surging source power surged and merged into the chaotic battlefield above the nine heavens. middle.

“The king’s order cannot be violated, but we can’t do it if we just stand by and let others be humiliated.”

“I’ll take the first step.”

“Dedicate yourself to repay God’s kindness, die and be buried, and die a worthy death!”

In an instant, without any hesitation, many clan elders unanimously chose to transform and feed back to Origin Heaven.

The God King stood alone, looking at the figure that disappeared instantly in front of him, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. For the first time, he realized what it meant to betray one’s relatives.


The other protoss in the distance had no idea what was going on. They all stood blankly on the spot as they watched many clan elders die.

Nine out of ten of the divine clan’s heritage was drained away in one breath.

“According to the king’s order, the gods are not allowed to participate in any battles.”

The God King’s voice became hoarse, and he would not regret the choices he had made.



Originating from the southern region of the mainland, war smoke is billowing.

A figure walked out of the void, wrapped in chaotic energy, hiding its appearance.

The masters such as Rong Xuanqing and Emperor Rakshasa did not follow Qinglan closely. If the target was too big, it would be easy for too many masters to target and kill them. They scattered and opened up their own battlefields.

Emperor Rakshasa acted alone, disappeared into the void, and rushed to the depths of the Origin Continent to search for the lone master. This move yielded a lot of rewards. In just a short moment, she had successfully captured and killed a master.

The moment she arrived at the Origin Continent, she began to search for all information about the gods and demons. However, there was no trace of it.

It is as if the gods and demons have never appeared in the origin era, and there is no trace of them at all.

Suddenly, she stopped and found a new target. A majestic figure with purple hair and a shawl stood high in the sky, with demonic flames in the sky. He raised his hand and crushed countless creatures into dust while absorbing essence and energy.

After seeing the face of this master clearly, Emperor Rakshasa’s eyes moved slightly, following the invisible cause and effect line, he noticed the ancient and modern causes.

She didn’t hesitate and took action instantly. A magic halberd condensed from her palm and struck down on her head. In an instant, the starry sky turned upside down and the halberd tore through the sky!

The Aurora Demon Lord suddenly shuddered and did not notice the arrival of Emperor Rakshasa at all. His body was torn apart instantly and his head was beheaded on the spot.

He suddenly withdrew and repaired his body. In shock, he shouted: “Who are you!”

Emperor Rakshasa remained silent, clutching the magic halberd in her hand, with extremely terrifying Dao Marks covering her side. The divine blood and demonic blood blended into her body to form the supreme law of chaos, which was enough to frighten the ruler and send shockwaves across the long river of time and space. The supreme giant is afraid.

The terrifying increase brought about by the blending of the blood of gods and demons has put her combat power at the top of the domination field.

In the midst of the thunder, she used her three halberds again, beating the Aurora Demon Lord three times and even damaging his vitality.

‘Heaven wants to kill me? ! ’

Desperation overflowed in the eyes of the Aurora Demon Lord. The person who suddenly appeared in front of him could not tell where he came from. His power was so terrifying that he could clearly feel that this terrifying power came from the unknown blood in his body.

After repairing his broken body once again, the Aurora Demon Lord was disheartened. Just when he was about to die, he was shocked to find that the person who attacked and killed him had disappeared.

In the void, an inconspicuous piece of silver paper fell.

Aurora Demon Lord’s eyes were sharp, and he took the silver paper into his palm. After seeing clearly the content on it, his expression immediately changed drastically: “God and Demon Spiritual Body?!”

He had never heard of this kind of physique, but judging from the content on this page, in ancient times, the spirit bodies of gods and demons once dominated an era. The person who just took action had half gods and demons in his Tao Yun. Eighty-nine is this spirit body of gods and demons.

There was a trace of greed in his eyes.

This kind of combat power that stands at the top of the domination is enough to dominate an era.

If this power could belong to him…

The Aurora Demon Lord couldn’t help but have a desire in his heart to crush the Lord and treat it as if it were nothing. On the Origin Continent, except for the Origin Sky, only the God King and the fallen Yuan Ji can have such power.

But before that, he had to test the authenticity of the contents on the silver paper.



On the other hand, Rong Xuanqing’s experience was extremely unpleasant.

He once wandered through the Origin Era and knew where the most powerful people were. When he tested it, he was soon caught with a trace, which led to the pursuit of the three masters.

With one against three, and they are all giants who dominate the domain, this power gap is too huge.

Rong Xuanqing burned all his blood, killed one enemy, and then died of exhaustion.

There are not a few who support the masters of Origin Heaven. Even Qing Lan is surrounded by dangers. The Immortal Emperors beside him have fallen one after another, and their blood has been spilled in the origin time and space.

On this terrifying battlefield, the fate of the master is also at stake. This is a great change related to the change of the era. In the ages, it is a rare blood-colored light and shadow.



At the top of the long river of time and space, the battlefield of chaos.

The passage of time has no meaning for this place. Shi Lan and Yuanyuan Tian have been fighting for an unknown amount of time. The source power and the immortal light merged and collided to create a brilliant world-destroying fire, which burned almost all eternity. long river.

In tens or even millions of years, Shi Lan’s body was crushed countless times by Yuantian, but she still stood in the chaos, leaning on the sky and the earth. In the endless fighting, she once again stepped out at the top. Half a step later, a shocking transformation took place, and he became closer and closer to the true spirit of heaven. The fairy light beside him was brilliant and everlasting.

Origin Sky has also been wiped out by the fairy light countless times, and has been resurrected many times, but the brilliance on his body is gradually dimming and becoming more hazy.

“Your road has come to an end.”

Shi Lan spoke calmly, her fight with Yuanyuantian became more and more comfortable. She had not been knocked down by Yuanyuantian for a long time, and Yuanyuantian, under her palm, was already stretched thin and exploded one after another.

“I’m not inferior to you, this is just a choice for the future.”

After all, Yuantian started to collapse first, and his body was unable to reorganize. Even when he reached the end, his tone was still smooth, without any waves. In the eternal years, his state of mind has been beyond the understanding of living beings, and he will not be affected by it at all. shaken by any factors.

Even if he sees his own end, he can still accept it calmly.

Shi Lan stood on the spot, silent. The Origin Heaven was not in its full glory. If He was willing, he could instantly kill all the enlightened creatures in the Origin Era and take all the power into himself, but He did not do so. After gathering all the information he could muster, he chose to let go and did not go further to fight Shi Lan to the end.

He finally withheld his hand and left a way for those living beings who were still alive.

This is the breadth of heaven alone, enough to accommodate the hearts of an era, even if these creatures betray Him.

The figure of Yuanyuan Tian slowly dispersed in front of his eyes, but Shi Lan’s expression never relaxed at all. Looking at the long river of time and space covered by the chaotic energy, his expression was slightly solemn.

The moment Yuantian’s body collapsed, she vaguely saw a piece of ancient history before the Origin Continent.

Before the Origin Sky, there were still unknown beings in charge of the world. However, that era was buried by the Origin Sky and completely submerged in the long river of time and space, without any trace left.

For the creatures in future generations, the Origin Era will also be like this. They will be completely buried by her and will not leave any traces or past in future generations.

The moment the Origin Sky figure collapsed, the incarnation shadow at the end of the long river of time and space also collapsed and began to disintegrate.

The Origin Continent seemed to have lost its core and began to crack and explode at an alarming speed.

At the moment when the Origin Continent was shattered, on the long river of time and space, Yuqing’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and her spiritual thoughts explored time and space. The blood-colored fairy sword in her hand trembled slightly, and she locked on a crystal full of cracks with great sensitivity.

Yuqing has no way of thinking about why Yuantian’s figure suddenly collapsed, and even the core was full of cracks. Now he only has one thought.

Cut the sky, avenge!

The celestial sword cuts through time and space like a red sword, and the unparalleled sword light is filled with brutal murderous intent, tearing apart the heavens for eternity.


The already shattered source crystal was torn apart in front of this sword that cut through time, and turned into four streams of light, scattered into the universe.

Yuqing tried her best, but only two of them were left, and the remaining two were missing.

As soon as he got the source crystal fragments, Yuqing suddenly realized something was wrong. There was almost no source power left in the broken source crystals. He could not enjoy even half of the legacy of the source crystal, and there was no expected harvest at all.

The eyes of many masters around were attracted by the source crystal fragment in Yuqing’s hand, and they stared intently.

Yu Qing did not hide anything, with a calm look on his face, he spoke bluntly: “In this attack on the sky, my immortal path contributed the most and suffered the heaviest casualties. These two source crystals are what my immortal path deserves.”

When the other masters heard this, they couldn’t even refute for a moment. They were afraid of the strength of the Immortal Dao. The woman holding the fairy mirror was too terrifying. Killing the master was like picking something out of a bag.

In the Immortal Dao, if there is such a person, even if he does not put in much effort, it is natural for him to swallow the largest share.

What’s more, as Yu Qing said, the Immortal Dao suffered the greatest losses in this battle. More than ten immortal emperor-level masters alone were killed in the battle.

They all saw the immortal emperors who died in battle. Without this power, the Origin Continent would not be broken so quickly.



Between the broken continents, Qing Lan slowly moved forward with the four remaining Immortal Emperors.

Even with her protecting them and fighting across eras, the burden was still too heavy for these Immortal Emperors who grew up in the Ancient Immortal Era, and they fell one after another.

If not for the collapse of the Origin Continent, this battle would have continued.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow passed over Qinglan’s head. He couldn’t distinguish his race. In the battlefield, it devoured the remains of strong men from all races. Qinglan reached out and grabbed it lightly, and his hand seemed to be covered with a layer of sticky… The greasy synovial membrane could not be grasped for a moment.

Frightened, the unknown beast let out a sharp scream, twisted its body, and in the blink of an eye, transformed into an Asura that was nearly nine thousand feet tall, with a ferocious face and a sinister aura.

With another snap of the fingers, its appearance changed again, becoming a rare and peerless ferocious bird. Its golden wings were like blades, and it shed a rain of golden knives, turning countless continental debris into cosmic dust.

“Thousands of phantom beasts?”

Qing Lan saw the origin of this strange beast, and his expression remained calm. He ignored the golden feather blade that came to kill him, and casually killed the thousand phantom beast that had reached the other side, and peeled off its skin. .

In later generations, the Thousand Fantasy Beast clan has long been extinct. In the era of origin, there are scenery everywhere that cannot be seen in the Immortal Era.

Because of the Lord’s successive battles, the time and space here have been completely disrupted. Moving forward here is equivalent to traveling between the fragments of the past and the future.

Wandering in the realm of chaos, Qing Lan discovered many remnants from before the origin, such as innate rare treasures, creatures with the blood of innate gods and demons, etc.

“time to go.”

A whisper came from the bank of the long river of time and space. Qing Lan looked back and saw Shi Lan waiting for her.

Looking at the tragic scene after the origin continent was shattered, Shi Lan withdrew his gaze.

Downriver, she still had unfinished business.



In the chaotic void, Ling Yangtian’s aura was disordered, and his dazzling blond hair was stained with Dao blood.

In the brutal fighting on the Origin Continent, none of the true spirits of Heaven who followed Ling Yangtian were spared. They were all killed and their remains floated into the vast universe. After a long period of baptism, they would transform into the world again.

The fate of many incarnations of Heavenly Dao that fell in this era was undoubtedly much bleaker than that of Ling Yangtian. They just fell into a new reincarnation.

After arriving in this era and dying in battle, we have the many worlds in the future.

These worlds are originally transformed by their corpses at this moment. Because of this, after their true spirits are revived, they can rule the world with the dignity of heaven.

But the memories of the future cannot be conveyed to the past. All traces of this battle will be buried by the long river of time and space. Just like after Ling Yangtian recovered, his memory was fragmented and he could not remember his identity at all.

Looking at the largest piece of land fragment, Ling Yangtian took a step forward and stepped into it. Looking at the familiar world in all directions, her expression relaxed a lot. Only at this point can the dust settle.

A hazy light emitted from her body and began to disintegrate. Her invisible aura filled the entire continent. She left behind all her origins in this world.

When the world laws of this world are repaired and completed, her consciousness will gradually recover and she will once again become the ruler of the world.

“Got to go?”

Looking at the blond woman with a slightly unreal figure in front of him, the God King lowered his eyes and was speechless for a moment.

As promised, he came here.

Ling Yangtian didn’t speak. In his palm, a crystal shrouded in hazy mist appeared.

This is the core condensed from her Dao Fruit, which is equivalent to the mark of heaven in this incomplete world. With this thing in hand, even if her consciousness revives, with the core, the God King can still control the sources in the entire world at will. force.

Although everything in the past is a foregone conclusion due to the truncated time and space, Ling Yangtian still has some selfish motives at this moment.

She can no longer remember her memories clearly when she was a Tiandao. The only thing she has some impression of is that Jin suddenly took away most of the source power of the Lingyang Realm, which obviously caused a big change.

This crystal was both a mark of heaven and a talisman. Before the Lingyang Realm was shattered, as long as she had the mark of heaven in her hand, she could save Jin’s life.

This is just a lucky idea. She hopes that after her true spirit recovers, she may still remember what happened now.

“Where did those people come from?”

Those people naturally refer to Qing Lan and others.

The God King did not have high hopes for an answer to this question, but Ling Yangtian gave the answer without any hesitation: “The future.”

“The future…the immortal way…”

The God King’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the seeds had been planted in his mind.

Ling Yangtian took a step forward, hugged his husband, and whispered:


The apology was too pale. Because of her existence, the Gods did not intervene in the battle of Origin Sky, but they also paid a heavy price. The heart of this terrifyingly powerful man in front of him was already riddled with holes.

After she finished speaking, Ling Yangtian turned around and without looking back, she tore open the barrier of time and space and stepped into the long river of time and space, where several figures were already waiting for her.

The God King did not speak, standing on the bank of the long river of time and space, looking at the golden light in the distance, bumping in the waves of time and space, like a candle in the wind, about to be annihilated in the blink of an eye, and gradually drift away.

After a while, a mighty sky road was paved to Lingyang. Yuqing roared in in a majestic chariot, followed closely by the powerful immortals.

The God King looked at Yu Qing and other powerful immortals with an indifferent expression. Behind him were the remaining more than 100,000 gods.

“Our God Clan wants this continent.” The God King said concisely and concisely.

Yuqing’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she couldn’t figure out the God King’s plan for a while, but she didn’t entangle him, turned around and left to collect the relics of the Origin Continent.

The fighting power of the Gods is extremely powerful, and they stand at the pinnacle of the entire Origin Continent, especially the God King, the ruler of the Origin Era. I am afraid no one dares to have the confidence to defeat him.

In the previous horrific shocks, most of the creatures on the incomplete continent had died, and only a small part of the area had fire left, and it was a bleak place.

Looking at the desolate continent in front of him, the God King turned around and looked at the Gods behind him, with an unprecedented calmness on his face:

“From now on…this world is Lingyang, the place where our clan thrives.”



Among the vast galaxies, Shi Lan waited quietly for a moment until Emperor Rakshasa returned, and then he set off, walking on the long river of time and space, downstream.

The journey back was much easier than when we came, and we were not disturbed at all.

There were so many powerful people when they came, but when they returned, only eight people were left behind. The rest, including Rong Xuanqing, all had their bones buried at the end of time and space.

Even if his martial arts reaches its peak and his destiny is grafted onto him, in such a terrifying battlefield, if he is too sharp, he will naturally be targeted. It is normal for him to fall, but Xue Hong survived by chance.

This battle undoubtedly caused heavy losses, but their journey was already over. Even if they died in the battle, Shi Lan could still give them a future in the Immortal Era. Rong Xuanqing and others were just taking the first step.

Until Optimus Jade Pillar was in front of him, Shi Lan stopped, while Ling Yangtian and Emperor Luosha continued to rush forward. Their time would be even later.

Qing Lan on the side hesitated to speak. She had many things to say to Shi Lan, but she didn’t know where to start.

It had been too long since she had seen Shi Lan, and now she was leaving again. With her current state of mind, she couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally couldn’t hold back anymore and stepped forward to hug Shi Lan.

This hug with a hint of coquettishness made Shi Lan couldn’t help but smile. He raised his hand to caress Qing Lan’s back and murmured:

“I am always here…….”

The four Immortal Emperors not far away felt a sudden chill in their hearts when they saw this. Qinglan’s appearance made them all feel a little hairy, and they felt as if their perceptions had been rewritten.

In the end, Qinglan still didn’t say what she wanted to say, so she led the four immortal emperors, crossed the almost insurmountable jade pillar, and returned to Immortal Ancient.

Watching several people disappear, Shi Lan didn’t stop at all, and disappeared into the long river of time and space. In an instant, he was already in the big universe.

In the future, she still has things to do.

In one thought, the entire universe was almost overturned. The dead starry sky was filled with Buddha’s light. In the entire universe, all the Buddhas who had achieved enlightenment appeared in front of Shi Lan, and there were nearly a thousand people.

In a single thought, the life or death of an orthodoxy can be decided. This is the right of life and death.

“Wait a minute.”

A figure walked slowly from the starry sky, dressed in white monk robes, with lotus growing at every step, came to Shi Lan, and kowtowed respectfully.

“Should I call you Wuya…or Shijie?”

There was no wave in Shi Lan’s eyes.

“It’s just a title, it doesn’t matter.”

Wu Ya shook his head, with a solemn look on his face: “This time, young monk, I just want to ask you to show your kindness and give my Buddhist sect a chance to survive.”

“Is this what Wu Ya said, or is it an exhortation?”

“Just a young Buddhist monk.” Wu Ya shook his head and kowtowed again.

“Give me a reason to stay in the Buddhist tradition.”

“Look to heaven, have mercy on me. My Buddhist disciples are innocent.” Wuya kowtowed three times.

“I once promised you that I would help you once within my ability. Now I have settled the cause and effect. Today, I will stop here.”

Shi Lan didn’t put Wuya in too much trouble. He raised his eyes and glanced at the many Buddhist monks, brandishing the heavenly sword in his heart.

In an instant, the starry sky was stained with blood, and nearly a thousand Buddha heads rolled down. Even the true Buddha who had stepped into the other side of the gods and the underworld did not escape and was killed by this knife.

The blood wave rolled up the stars, exploding a warm blood light in the vast and cold starry sky.

“Thank you Tian’en.” Wuya’s expression was calm. The word “Zhi Ge” was enough. He stood up slowly, turned around and left.

The overwhelming golden light of merit fell from the sky, and a lotus platform of merit was born at his feet.

Notes from later generations: Buddha kowtowed three times in front of the demon to seek a glimmer of hope for Buddhism and finally became a Buddha.



[The main mission (destroying the Buddha) has been completed, and the mission rewards have been distributed. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Six Paths of Reincarnation Platform. 】

A familiar sound sounded in Shi Lan’s ears, and he turned over his hand and took out a moon wheel.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Platform is a treasure refined by later generations and used to suppress the underworld’s reincarnation path. It belongs to the Immortal Ancient Era.

Today’s Huangquan is still in charge of Sanshishu.

The Book of Three Worlds also has the aura of the Origin Heaven. It is the medium through which the Origin Heaven controls destiny. It is in charge of the reincarnation of cause and effect. It cannot be left to later generations, but can only stay in the Origin Era.

To conquer the underworld, Shi Lan needs the Six Paths of Reincarnation Platform, a treasure that can be used to suppress yin and yang.

She stood up, and after one step, she was already under the underworld.

In the empty palace, there was only a book of three generations that was slowly turning.

Facing Shi Lan’s arrival, Sanshishu didn’t react at all, as if it had been expected, it began to close gradually.

Ming Zun reincarnated and went to the future. Shi Lan has searched the ancient immortal era and has not found any trace of him. He probably went to a more distant era.

Two figures stepped into the hall, it was the World Honored One and another judge. The two stood quietly aside, bowing their heads respectfully, silently, waiting for Shi Lan to speak.

Shi Lan had no intention of talking nonsense and went straight forward to take the Book of Three Worlds into her palm. On the Book of Three Worlds, she noticed Qing Lan’s aura.

Obviously, at some point in time and space in the past, Qing Lan had been here and met Ming Zun.

Ming Zun’s reincarnation may also be related to Qing Lan.

“Reincarnation, or losing your soul, it’s your choice.”

After coming back to her senses, she glanced at the two people beside her and spoke calmly, treating them equally.

The so-called grudges in the past have no weight in her eyes at this moment. If she wants to go to hell, regardless of cause and effect, she will no longer keep these two people in front of her.

The World-Honored One gave a wry smile, took off the crown on his head, took off his black robe, and was dressed in white, like a wandering soul, heading towards the path of reincarnation.

The judge on the side did the same, slowly keeping up with the pace of the World Honored One and embarking on the path of reincarnation.

Shi Lan placed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Platform where the Book of Three Worlds was originally, turned around and left. The Six Paths of Reincarnation Platform was already connected to her mind, and the ghosts who had gone in and out of the underworld were all in her mind.

As for reincarnation, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Platform itself has a set of appropriate principles.

Shi Lan put away the Book of Three Worlds, turned around and came to the Road of Reincarnation.

A familiar figure is still squatting beside the road of reincarnation, with his body covered with shackles.

The World Honored One stopped in front of the Samsara Road, looked at Yin Han with a complicated expression, sighed in a low voice, and walked slowly towards the Samsara Road.

“Hey, isn’t this the World Honored One? Why are you so anxious to reincarnate?”

Yin Han chuckled, with a hint of sarcasm.

“I’ll wait for you to get on your way.”

The World Honored One replied with an expressionless face, but his hands involuntarily tightened his fists. Without another word, he stepped forward, turned into a rain of light, and disappeared into the path of reincarnation.

Another adjudicator followed.


The entire cycle of reincarnation was shaken. The Lord stood on the top of all living beings. He was born extraordinary. During reincarnation, there will also be visions.

The reincarnation of each Lord means that the universe is about to usher in a prosperous era, where geniuses and evildoers emerge in endlessly, and the fate of the hanging Lord will choose another Lord. This is the era of origin, the beloved of Heaven.

Shi Lan walked slowly to the Samsara Road, raised his hand to cut off the shackles on Yin Han’s body, and bowed: “Senior.”

These shackles are to restrict Yin Han’s practice and prevent him from swallowing wandering souls again. They are the imprisonment of the underworld.

Yin Han stretched his muscles and bones for the first time in a long time, looked at the reincarnation road in front of him, and said softly:

“In this life, my parents died young and I wandered alone for more than ten years. I was lucky enough to enter the spiritual path. On my wedding night, my wife had a dissection on my bed to take the elixir, and my immortal foundation was taken away. It was reincarnation that gave me a second life. Just now. With today’s Yin Han.”

“It’s reincarnation…” Yin Han hesitated, and for a moment, he didn’t know how to speak.

Shi Lan understood what was in his heart, caressed his heart, and replied: “She will always be there, no matter the past or future.”

After receiving this reply, Yin Han relaxed his eyebrows slightly and smiled: “It’s good if you’re still here…”

“Except for reincarnation, I have never caused anyone any trouble, and it is no different today. I have long had enough of this underworld.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Han stepped onto the path of reincarnation.

“Don’t you want to see her?” Shi Lan raised her head, a little confused. She knew that this was Yin Han’s obsession.

“Whether we see it or not is not that important anymore. It is still alive. If we are destined, we will see you again.”

Yin Han waved his hand, then paused and turned back to look at Shi Lan:

“In the next life… I don’t want to practice anymore.”


Shi Lan nodded in agreement.



After beheading the Buddha and taking away the underworld, Shi Lan’s tense nerves relaxed.

At the time point she was at, there was still quite a while before the river of time and space was cut off.

During this period of time, she still has enough time to spend time with the people she wants to spend time with.

She first went to Tianyuan, originally planning to move all the Lingyang people back to their homeland in the name of Lingchu.

But Lingchu chose to stay alone. He had promised Taishi to take down Tianyuan, and he would try no matter whether it was too late or not.

What’s more, the Lingyang human race no longer needs him.

In this regard, Shi Lan did not force it and turned back to the world of Lingyang to enjoy the rare peaceful time.

With the death of many masters, the Tiandao Alliance has also tended to disintegrate. A large area of ​​world pasture was vacated, and most of these territories were eventually eaten away by the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty, but it took more than a thousand years.

The former site of the Heavenly Court and now the extraterritorial battlefield has become the headquarters of the Heavenly Fire Immortal Dynasty. Qinglan often stays here. The Blood Temple now does not dare to interfere in the slightest with its own divine son and can only let him do what he wants, even if the Blood Temple The dojo in Lingyang gradually became deserted.

Tian Bai and Bentham stayed by Shi Lan’s side all day long. Shi Lan no longer urged them to practice, but turned around and started teaching them how to practice immortality, which could at least prolong their lives.

Shi Lan originally wanted to persuade Wu Lingkong to switch to the path of immortality, but was rejected. When asked why, Wu Lingkong always smiled and said nothing.

For practitioners, time always passes by inadvertently, and more than ten thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In these more than ten thousand years, Ling Yang has almost become the core of the universe. It has developed rapidly, with geniuses emerging one after another. There have also been monsters that can shock ancient history, and all kinds of monsters and strange physiques have emerged one after another.

For Shi Lan, these were just passing clouds, and only the countdown remained in her eyes.



The great world of Lingyang, the vast land of China, and the Zhongtian Domain.

The former Zhongtian Territory has long since disappeared. This is the homeland of the Lingyang Human Race, which was roughly restored according to the map.

Kamikaze City, City Lord’s Mansion.

In the side courtyard, there are towering purple trees, umbrellas like shades, and full of blue flowers.

The Zifu tree only blooms but does not bear fruit. It blooms for half a month.

It is the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the blue flowers are still in full bloom, extremely brilliant.

In the room, Wu Lingkong was leaning on the bed, her appearance unchanged, her hair had been soaked in silver frost, and she had lost her vitality.

“Tell me, can I see you again in the next life?”

Wu Lingkong raised her eyes, looked at Shi Lan beside the bed, and smiled faintly. The aura in her eyes gradually dimmed, and the almost exhausted life was devouring her remaining body.

“Natural energy.”

Shi Lan nodded with a smile and held her increasingly weak hand: “I will always be by your side…”

After a long silence, the smile on Shi Lan’s face gradually faded: “Why don’t you want to extend your life?”

The smile on Wu Lingkong’s face did not diminish. He looked up at the blooming blue flowers outside the window and said lightly:

“The reason why Zifu is beautiful is that it only blooms for half a month a year. Even if it is forced to bloom, it will wither one day, sooner or later, it makes no difference.”



Wu Lingkong’s cultivation stopped at the Emperor’s Realm. He did not achieve enlightenment and did not take any life-extending elixirs. Due to the hidden wounds left on the battlefield in his early years, he ended up in the world of Ling Yang at the age of 17,452.

This is the first old friend Shi Lan has sent away.

The second one is her former fiancée, Lu Yueqing. Her cultivation stopped at the Dao of Cutting, and she only lived for more than 18,000 years before reaching the imperial realm, and died without any illness.

The third one is her younger brother Shi Qinghu. Because of the Nine Spirits Casting Foundation Technique, his cultivation stopped at the Supreme Realm of the Void. In his later years, his energy and blood were not flowing smoothly, and his temper became more and more irritable. He finally reached the sun after more than 30,000 years old.

More than two thousand years after Shi Qinghu passed away, Shi Yiming was promoted into the list of Confucian sages as a minor saint.

Shi Feng’s talent was indeed astonishing. He broke the laws of time and space, entered the realm of gods and underworld, and became a saint. However, he followed the path of martial arts and lived for more than 90,000 years. At the end of his life, the vast land of China became the realm of heaven. His son was even better than his father. He entered the other side before he was thirty thousand years old and became a great saint.

Then, Shi Lan sent his disciple away.

The lifespan of the Green Ghost Rakshasa clan was not very long in the first place. In addition, Bentham’s conversion to immortality was not smooth. At the end of his life, his cultivation was only enough to enter the realm of transcending tribulation, and his life span was more than 167,000 years.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of years pass by.

Standing at the top of the long river of time and space, Shi Lan sent away many old friends or former enemies, Ye, Lingyun, Lingchu, Ziyun Demon Lord, Yuhuang, Huangze, Demon Emperor Chenxin… and many more that he has never met. The Supreme Being I’ve ever known.

Regardless of whether he was friend or foe, Shi Lan was not in trouble and gave them the opportunity to choose and reincarnate with their true souls to gain opportunities in future generations.

With the demise of old friends one after another, Shi Lan finally ushered in the right node.

Above the long river of time and space, Shi Lan’s eyes narrowed, and his spine overflowed with bright divine light, and he began to pull out of her body bit by bit, and finally pulled out the entire length.

Having lost her spine, a huge sense of emptiness instantly filled Shi Lan’s perception. Her steps trembled slightly and she almost lost her balance for a moment.

After leaving the physical body, the spine instantly expanded and turned into a jade pillar that reached the sky, covering the boundless starry sky, making it almost impossible to see the edge at a glance.

This is not an illusion, or in other words, this is the appearance of Shi Lan’s spine itself. Her body has absorbed too much source power and has reached an incredible state. If she falls, without the suppression of her own cultivation realm, her disability will be A single body can fill up the endless galaxies and overwhelm all heavens and realms, which is comparable to the continent of origin.

In the long river of time and space, everything is the aura of the origin sky, including Shi Lan himself, who is also contaminated by the cause and effect of the origin sky.

Only by trapping all the source power here can we completely isolate the influence of Origin Heaven on future generations and open up the Immortal Ancient Era.

Likewise, as Yuanyuantian said, Shi Lan’s time will also be frozen at this moment, just like him, completely bound to the time node when the era begins.


The spine was like a sea-fixing needle, inserted into the long river of time and space. The long river of time and space stirred up wild waves and was instantly cut off.

At this moment, in the entire universe, all the creatures that had condensed the Dao Fruit and came into contact with the realm of time and space were instantly aware of the changes in the river of time and space. Thunder was heard in their hearts, and their faces were as pale as blood.

The remaining supreme beings, the tenth-level powerhouses who had entered the realm of time and space, and even the true spirits of heaven and earth in the universe were all alert, and without exception, they chose to take action.

In the blink of an eye, a bright and terrifying sword light slashed out from the long river of time and space, coming from the great world of Jiyi and originating from a master of swordsmanship.

Back then, he had never set out on the road with Shi Lan to conquer the sky. He only wanted to watch the fire from the other side, but at this moment, he couldn’t sit still anymore.

The sword mark cut into the jade pillar that supports the sky, leaving a sword mark that is more than ten thousand miles deep. At the same time, countless seals splashed from the long river of time and space, leaving countless eye-catching scars on the jade pillar. .

They cannot give up everything they have and want to travel across time and space to the future. At this moment, they can only get what they want by fighting to the death, carrying out the act of conquering the sky, and knocking down the mountain in front of them.

However, this was in vain.

Shi Lan sat high on the top of the jade pillar, overlooking the eternity, looking at the creatures struggling to cross the long river of time and space, his eyes were calm, and the pain on his back was like an ant bite.

She has given these people a chance before, but in the end they chose another path, and she respects these people’s choices.

What these supreme and most powerful people are doing now is no different from Shi Lan who defeated the sky before. They all chose to go against heaven for their own sake.

However, their strength was not enough to cross the mountain of Shilan, and the outcome was already doomed.

All the supreme beings who took action, including the master who stood at the top of the sword, struggled for a moment, and were eventually swept up by the waves of the long river of time and space and rolled into the dragon pass above the spine.

The Dragon Pass was filled with the Immortal Light of Nirvana, which disintegrated their bodies and swallowed up their Dao Fruit.

There is no difference in their endings. They were all swallowed up by Longguan, decomposed, and turned into the purest nourishment of the Immortal Era.

The world nurtured within the bodies of these powerful creatures began to collapse.

In the big universe, an extremely terrifying scene appeared. As the true spirit of heaven that ruled the world passed away, all realms were shattered, the heavens collapsed, everything returned to nothingness, and merged into the big universe. There were only a few weak worlds. be retained.

Among the powerful world, only the battlefield outside the territory escaped.

The three thousand worlds have almost withered away. As the true spirit of heaven is wiped out, they fall apart. Trillions of living beings have died as a result.

This is the inevitable destruction before the era changes.

The scattered tributaries of the long river of time and space also began to converge and converge towards the main vein. This jade pillar supporting the sky appeared in endless time and space, cutting off the entire origin era.

Among these tributaries, Shi Lan saw many different fragments of time and space. Due to the different decisions of the masters, countless possibilities emerged.

She even saw countless pasts of her own. On every key choice, everything she might have made had been deduced in the long river of time and space, and now it was almost equivalent to her personal experience.

“Is this the destruction of the universe in the eyes of those masters?”

Qing Lan stood quietly next to Shi Lan, thoughtfully: “What scenery did you see?”

Although her cultivation has now reached the realm of the Immortal Emperor, for her, many things that will happen in the future have not happened yet, and she is still unclear about many things.

“The universe is destroyed, in the more distant future.”

Shi Lan shook her head slightly, with complicated eyes. Judging from the future situation, the world she wanted had not been achieved.

There are living beings who are still struggling, and the nature of the weak and the strong has not changed at all. The world she controls is not much different from the original time.

Only now did she understand what she said when the Origin Sky was broken. The universe would eventually reach its end, and she was just one of the stops.

Even if all the tributaries of the long river of time and space in the past will end in her hands and return to the main vein, there are still shackles that are invisible and binding all living beings.

Shi Lan’s eyes fell on the battlefield outside the territory. Tian Bai raised his head high, his hair as silk as snow, and waited eagerly, obviously waiting for someone to return.

After nearly half a million years, Tian Bai’s cultivation successfully entered the Mahayana realm and was about to become a true immortal. She wanted to stay with Shi Lan for a while longer, so she practiced extremely hard, even taking out her own bones and transplanting the bones of a true immortal into her body. body in order to practice immortality faster.

But Shi Lan can no longer accompany her on the road ahead.

Qinglan looked at the lower reaches of the Changhe River, feeling a little timid in her heart.

Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, she had become accustomed to the feeling of Shi Lan behind her, and now she had to walk the next journey by herself.

Shi Lan raised his hand to straighten Qing Lan’s slightly messy hair, and said lightly: “Only by standing on my body can you see farther. I will help you support the sky in the Immortal Era, so you can move forward boldly. Walk.”

This is the node where time and space stagnate. Even the Immortal Emperor cannot stay for long. Qing Lan quickly left, leaving Shi Lan alone.

Shi Lan sat cross-legged on the top of his spine, with a little spiritual light floating between his eyebrows, condensing into a figure.

The Empress System, or Reincarnation.

“You have to stay here with me forever…”

In this regard, Shi Lan was a little helpless. Because of the existence of the source crystal fragments, the reincarnation at this moment became extremely special. She practiced the immortal way and swallowed up a part of the origin sky. At this moment, she seemed to have become a link between the ancient immortal era and the origin era. bridge.

Shi Lan’s time stops at this moment, and so does the time of reincarnation. She is already present in the past and future. No matter which era, she can never go back.

“Why not?” Samsara shook his head and smiled indifferently: “I was born because of you.”

She found relief from Shi Lan, escaped from the system headquarters, and had a complete life in the Immortal Era. This was enough.

Shi Lan raised his eyes and looked into the distance, looking at the extremely bright fairy light in the distance, his eyes far away.

Her era has just begun.

(Complete book)


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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