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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 82 Soaring strength (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 82 Soaring strength (please vote for recommendation~)

Shi Lan no longer wasted time, and after setting up a simple spirit gathering array next to a half-human-sized spiritual crystal, he sat cross-legged and used his full strength to run the Yuqing Creation Technique.

Thick spiritual energy surged forward, forming strands of white spiritual mist visible to the naked eye, submerging Shi Lan within it.

Shi Lan is now an innate spirit body, and his affinity with spiritual energy has reached the top. Coupled with the mystery of Yuqing’s Creation Art, the speed of devouring spiritual energy has reached an appalling level.

Moreover, the spiritual energy here is very pure and does not require any effort to refine. The spiritual energy enters the body and is transformed into innate true energy in the blink of an eye.

The growth rate of Shi Lan’s cultivation has reached the extreme. The rapid growth is not enough to describe, it is almost like breathtaking.

The spiritual energy gathered into a vortex on top of Shi Lan’s head, pouring in from her Tianling Cap.

In just a short moment, Shi Lan touched the bottleneck of the third level of Xiantian Realm.

The bottleneck did not act as a hindrance in the slightest, and was instantly overcome by the Xiantian Qi. Shi Lan’s cultivation was as smooth as a matter of course, and he entered the third level of the Xiantian realm.

The growth of cultivation is far from over, the innate true energy is like a rolling river, surging through the meridians, becoming stronger and stronger.

The strong spiritual energy quickly pushed Shi Lan’s cultivation to the peak of the third level of the innate realm, and began to attack the fourth level of the innate realm!

Shi Lan had no distracting thoughts and was almost greedy for spiritual energy, seizing every breath to improve his strength.

Two and a half hours passed in the blink of an eye. Shi Lan reluctantly finished his work, feeling the innate true energy in his body that had become several times thicker, with a trace of pity flashing in his eyes.

After practicing for nearly three hours, Shi Lan’s cultivation has steadily entered the fifth level of the Xiantian realm, and due to the Yuqing Creation Art, his foundation is extremely stable.

If possible, Shi Lan really wants to stay in this mine and continue to practice.

Looking around, the surrounding cave walls had been dug into pits by Wang Ning and others, which were several times larger. The area near the Spirit Gathering Array she was in was already filled with excavated spiritual crystals.

Seeing Shi Lan walking out of the spirit gathering formation, Wang Ning and others stopped what they were doing and gathered over.

“Centurion, we have packed up the excavated spiritual crystals. Do you want to leave this place?” Wang Ning pointed to the corner and asked.

There are many cloth bags in the corner, more than ten of which have been tied with ropes and stacked neatly.

Shi Lan nodded, and his mind began to communicate with reincarnation.

“Samsara, can you take away all the energy here?”

Shi Lan didn’t want to leave such a spiritual crystal mine to those sect forces who didn’t know its roots.

“Okay, before that, you have to pick up something first.”

Samsara quickly responded. Last time, a lot of his energy was drained by that system, and this spiritual crystal vein could barely make up for some of the loss.

Shi Lan looked a little confused, and followed Samsara’s instructions and came to a cave wall and started digging.

Wang Ning and others also followed and started digging into the mountain wall together.

After digging four to five feet, Shi Lan and others dug out a very large piece of spiritual crystal, which was as big as a millstone.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of this piece of spiritual crystal is more than a hundred times richer than the previously mined spiritual crystal.

“Cut it open.” Samsara said.

Shi Lan followed the instructions and cut the spiritual crystal into two halves, and took out a piece of white jade less than the size of a fist from the core.

“What is this?” Shi Lan was surprised when he felt the spiritual energy in the white jade that was as deep as the sea.

“Spiritual marrow is the core treasure in this spiritual crystal mine. It has a miraculous effect on increasing cultivation.”

Shi Lan put the spiritual essence into his arms and asked Wang Ning and others to start carrying the spiritual crystal out.

After Wang Ning and others left, Samsara began to extract the energy from the spiritual crystal veins.

The light of the spiritual crystals on the surrounding cave walls quickly dimmed, and eventually turned gray. If it weren’t for the thick spiritual energy still remaining in the air, it would be almost the same as an ordinary mine.

“The quality of the spiritual crystal that encapsulates the spiritual marrow is pretty good. Let’s take it out together.” After absorbing the energy, Samsara said.

Shi Lan broke the spiritual crystal into small pieces by dividing it three times, wrapped it in cloth, and left the mine.

The sky turned white, and it was already half light.

Everyone in the Feixing Sect stood not far from the mine, watching eagerly.

Shi Lan ignored them, put the cloth bag in his hand on the back of a dragon horse brought by Wang Ning, and climbed directly onto the horse’s back.


Shi Lan shouted softly, and the dragon horse under him moved its hooves and ran down the mountain. Wang Ning and others got on the horse’s back and followed closely.

Seeing Shi Lan and others disappear on the mountain road in the blink of an eye, everyone in Feixing Sect breathed a sigh of relief.

“You stay and watch. Don’t enter the mine for the time being. I’ll rush back to the teacher’s gate at full speed to ask for help!”

Cao Ping arranged for a group of his sect members to rise into the sky and rush towards the sect’s headquarters.

After about half a day, several rays of light rushed from the horizon, without stopping at the entrance of the cave, and rushed straight into the mine.

After searching in the mine, the group soon arrived at the cave.

The light dissipated, revealing four figures. Apart from Cao Ping, there was also an old man in his sixties and two middle-aged men in their forties.

The old man walked around the mine and picked up a few pieces of spiritual crystal on the ground. After sensing it, he shook his head and said, “This is a dead mine.”

Hearing this, the two middle-aged men looked a little disappointed.

“Uncle Lianyun, what is a dead mine?” Cao Ping frowned when he saw that the elder looked wrong.

“Dead mines refer to veins that can no longer produce spiritual crystals on their own. The few spiritual crystals that were produced before were only produced accidentally due to some reasons. The amount will not be too large. This place has no value anymore.”

The old man replied a few words and walked around the mine a few times. Suddenly his expression condensed and he stopped at a corner.

“Spirit Gathering Array…”

Looking at the somewhat crude formations, the old man stroked his beard and looked back at Cao Ping.

“You told me earlier that it was a young woman who suddenly intervened?”

“Yes, he looks no older than twenty at most.” Cao Ping nodded.

“Did the woman say anything else?”

Cao Ping thought for a while and said, “She claims to be the centurion of the Demon Suppression Army, and her name is Shi Lan.”

“Demon Suppressing Army?!” The old man’s eyes widened, he stepped in front of Cao Ping, and asked nervously:

“Did you have a conflict with the Demon Suppressing Army?!”

Cao Ping was startled and took a step back. Seeing the cannibalistic look on the old man’s face, he quickly shook his head and said, “No, no, we didn’t take action against those demon-suppressing troops.”

The old man took a deep breath and murmured: “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“Uncle Lianyun, the demon-suppressing army is very powerful? Which force are they from?”

Seeing the usually steady elder lose his composure, Cao Ping was confused for a moment. He had only heard the name of the Demon Suppressing Army and didn’t know much about it.

“Not only is it powerful, even the Shengwu Immortal Sect cannot afford to offend the Demon Suppressing Army.” The old man shook his head slightly.

Standing behind the demon-suppressing army is the entire Imperial Court!


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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