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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 87 Chapter 86: Map (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 87 Chapter 86: Map (please vote for recommendation~)

“Shopkeeper, is there really no bigger map?”

Looking at the map spread out on the table, which was said to be the most detailed map in the area, Shi Lan frowned.

Shi Lan has visited all the places that sell maps in Ziyan City, and only this store has the largest map.

However, the most detailed map in front of him can accurately mark the area, which is about 100,000 miles around here, which is less than one-twentieth of the entire Chengtian Territory. Shi Lan thought that the map would not be too difficult to find. of.

“Girl, it’s rare to see such a big map. You can go and ask around. Not only this Ziyan City, you can also go to several nearby cities. If you can find one bigger than mine, I’ll pay you. Ten times your silver.”

The well-built shopkeeper patted his chest and said confidently.

“I want this map.” Shi Lan sighed lightly, it was better than nothing.

Looking at the dense markings on the map, Shi Lan said: “Is there any information about these forces marked on the map? If there is other information about Chengtian Territory, get some for me.”

“Yes, wait a moment.” The shopkeeper turned around and walked into the inner room.

Shi Lan walked to the map and began to carefully observe the nearby terrain and the distribution of forces.

“Wind Blade Sect, an eighth-grade force…”

“Chongxu Pavilion, seventh-grade power…”

“Blood Evil Hall, eighth-level force…”

“Rakshasa Mansion, sixth grade…”

Shi Lan scanned the map at a glance, and suddenly his eyes narrowed and he saw a familiar name.

“Flying Star Sect, seventh grade power.”

Obviously, there is a set of standards for the division of forces. All forces are divided into three, six or nine levels. Shi Lan still doesn’t know exactly what the divisions are based on.

However, the territory of these forces on the map is obviously based on level. For example, the territory of a sixth-level force like Rakshasa Mansion is nearly ten times larger than that of Feixing Gate.

What Shi Lan couldn’t understand was that there were many eighth- and ninth-grade forces within the Rakshasa Mansion’s sphere of influence.


A pale hand pressed on the map in front of Shi Lan.

Shi Lan raised his head, looked at the group of people in front of him, and frowned slightly, “Is something wrong?”

The person pressing the map was a young man in his early twenties, dressed in rich clothes and wearing a large fur coat. He also held a folding fan in his other hand. He had a good-looking face and handsome eyes. Behind him were several people with big muscles and round waists and expressions. Serious black-clad escort.

This group of people gave Shi Lan the feeling… that they were a bit familiar.

Once upon a time, she was like this too, but she probably wouldn’t do such a thing as fanning herself in winter.

Seeing Shi Lan raise his head, the young man swallowed quietly, coughed twice and was about to speak, when the shopkeeper walked out from the inside holding several thick booklets.

Seeing the young man standing opposite Shi Lan, the shopkeeper’s expression changed slightly, but in an instant he was smiling. He casually put the booklet in his hand on the counter and walked quickly towards the young man.

“Mr. Zhao, you’re welcome. I just wanted to send you a message. The jade pendant you ordered has already arrived in the store.”

While talking, the shopkeeper blocked Shi Lan behind him without leaving a trace, “Mr. Zhao, please come to the counter and I will show you the jade pendant.”

The young man rolled his eyes, nodded, turned around and walked towards the counter.

The shopkeeper quietly glanced at Shi Lan, motioning for her to leave quickly, and then walked towards the counter.

Shi Lan shook her head slightly, feeling a little warm in her heart. There were many good people in this world, at least she had met many good people.

Shi Lan slowly folded the map neatly and walked towards the door. She could get the information later. If she had any conflict with the young man here, it would not be good for the shopkeeper.

As soon as he reached the door, Shi Lan was stopped by two guards with their arms raised.

Shi Lan secretly sighed in his heart, it was hard to be good after all.

“Girl, stay.”

Shi Lan turned around and saw the young man holding a brocade box in his hand. He walked up to her in a few steps, then opened the brocade box and held it in front of her eyes. There was a white jade pendant with a warm color in the brocade box.

“The girl and I hit it off right away. As the saying goes, a precious jade matches a beautiful woman…”

Shi Lan shook his head and had no intention of talking nonsense to the person in front of him. He said bluntly: “I’m not interested in you. Get out of the way.”

The young man’s face was slightly stiff, but he quickly reacted and said quickly: “It doesn’t matter, you and I are meeting for the first time today. The girl doesn’t know me well yet. Once I know you, I will become familiar with you later. I…”

“One last time, get out of the way.” Shi Lan said expressionlessly, her patience was not very good.

The young man sighed, waved his hand, and the two guards blocking the door moved out of the way.

“Young lady should have some unfinished matters, so you should stay and deal with them. Today I was rude. I keep this jade pendant as an apology. You can accept it or not. It’s up to you, I’ll take my leave.”

After saying that, the young man bowed his hands and left the shop with a group of guards, acting quite free and easy.

The shopkeeper walked to the door, confirmed that the group of people had gone away, and whispered to Shi Lan:

“Girl, you must not be deceived by that boy’s pretense. This boy has deceived dozens of girls with these tricks. He just took in his twenty-seventh concubine last month. You can’t Jump into the fire pit!”

Shi Lan shook his head slightly, thanked softly, walked to the counter, held the book in his hands, took out a spiritual crystal from his arms, placed it on the counter, and quickly left the store.

Looking at the spiritual crystals on the counter, the shopkeeper touched his belly and smiled to himself, thinking that all his worries were in vain.

Shortly after Shi Lan left, two guards in black came to the store again. After asking Shi Lan in detail about his purpose of coming here, they turned around and left.

On the way back to the inn, Shi Lan noticed someone was following her. When she found out it was the guards in black, she put them aside.

She had not been in Ziyan City for a long time, and if they really wanted to investigate, it would be impossible to hide her whereabouts. After all, not long ago, she had created a strong presence in this city.

Back at the inn, Shi Lan spread out the map and began to compare it with the booklet to deepen his understanding of the area.

The booklets given by the shopkeeper, in addition to information about the nearby forces, also include some books about the customs, customs, anecdotes and strange things, covering a wide range of topics.

After reading several brochures, Shi Lan was able to understand how the previous forces were classified into different levels.

Forces are divided into ranks one to nine according to strength. The minimum requirement for entering the rank is that there are Xiantian realm warriors in the force. If there are no Xiantian realm warriors, it can only be regarded as an inferior force.

The requirement for an eighth-level force is that the sect must have at least two warriors above the eighth level of the Xiantian Realm, and the total number of Xiantian Realm warriors exceeds ten, in order to meet the requirements.

Forces at level 7 and above require warriors above the Earthly Evil Realm to be in command in order to live up to their name.

There are many eighth- and ninth-grade forces, in order to avoid being annexed by other forces, they will seek shelter from powerful sect forces and make sacrifices every year to preserve their independent inheritance.

Thank you all book friends for your recommendation votes.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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