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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 94 Reward (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 94 Rewards (please recommend votes~)

In the intermediate lottery, you can get up to six-star items, and you can select the lottery category.

The three-star Ziwei Seven-Star Halberd alone was already a rare and valuable treasure. Shi Lan did not dare to think about the value of a six-star item.

The golden roulette wheel suppressed the original lottery roulette wheel next to it and almost disappeared, exuding an alluring aura.

Shi Lan suppressed his desire to draw a lottery and closed the system panel.

Looking at the noisy crowd around her, Shi Lan frowned slightly. The task had been completed, and there was no need for her to stay nearby.

After summoning Wang Ning, Shi Lan declined the gold and silver offered by the mayor here and left the town. This was a way of treating gold and silver as if it were nothing, and it bought her dozens of points of reputation.

After leaving the town, Shi Lan took Wang Ning and others to a large city and found an inn to settle down.

“The people are divided into two groups. One group guards the spiritual crystal dragon horses, and the other group goes out to relax. Take turns. After tomorrow, we won’t often have such opportunities.” Shi Lan got off the horse and said softly to Wang Ning.

Shi Lan was going to take Wang Ning and others closer to the boundless demon realm. Even if she didn’t need it, Wang Ning and others still needed military merit.

Moreover, if you don’t fight monsters for a long time and your battle performance remains unchanged, and it is monitored, the consequences will be very serious.

“Centurion, I understand.” Wang Ning nodded and quickly made arrangements.

Shi Lan returned to the room, got on the bed with some excitement, and opened the lottery panel.

After a moment’s hesitation, Shi Lan did not touch the big golden roulette wheel, but moved to the junior lottery roulette wheel.

“Start the lottery.”

The roulette wheel spun rapidly and then stopped abruptly.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the two-star item: Shenyun Bow. 】

“Lottery.” Shi Lan didn’t rush to check the rewards and clicked on the lottery roulette again.

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a three-star prop: Tianling Talisman Seal. 】

Shi Lan was delighted when she heard about three-star items. She had only picked out three-star items twice in total.

Shi Lan clicked on the system temporary storage and took out the two items he had just drawn.

A huge white bow that was nearly human-height appeared in Shi Lan’s palm. Shi Lan got up and got out of bed, and poured the innate true energy into the giant bow.

Raising his hand to press the bow string, Shi Lan surged with strength and slowly pulled it open. The innate Qi circulated, and mysterious lines emerged from the bow body.

The bow was opened to the full moon, and the innate true energy condensed into a white arrow on the bow string, ready to go.

Shi Lan did not try the power of this arrow, and slowly loosened the bow string. The air arrow turned into little bits of spiritual energy, which slowly dispersed. Some of them were swallowed up by Shi Lan’s body before they could disperse.

Shi Lan had originally wanted to find a magic weapon to temporarily replace the Ziwei Seven-Star Halberd. The Divine Cloud Bow came at just the right time.

Putting the Shenyun Bow away, Shi Lan took out the Tianling Talisman, and a palm-sized talisman appeared in her hand.

Looking at the paper talisman in his hand, Shi Lan wondered: “System, what is this for?”

[Tianling Talisman, a one-time consumable, can greatly improve the user’s strength (no side effects)]

Shi Lan understood that for her now, the effect of this Heavenly Spirit Talisman was much greater than the Ziwei Seven-Star Halberd. It was a life-saving trump card.

Taking the talisman back to the temporary storage place in the system, Shi Lan closed her eyes and sank into practice. If something good comes out of the intermediate lottery now, it may not necessarily be a good thing for her.

Shi Lan has not calmed down to practice recently, but she carries a piece of spiritual essence on her chest. The spiritual energy has been pouring into her body, and her cultivation has been subtly improving.

Not long after he started running his technique, Shi Lan encountered a barrier at the sixth level of the Xiantian Realm.

This time the barrier still didn’t stop her for long, but it was torn apart within half an hour, and Shi Lan’s cultivation level also entered the sixth level of the innate realm.

Feeling the innate true energy that was thickened by several percent in his body, the corners of Shi Lan’s mouth curled up slightly. The feeling of increased strength always made people feel happy.

Shi Lan exited the cultivation state, and his mind sank into the virtual space of the system.

The Burning Sky Trident that Samsara taught her, the first of the twelve changes that can cause death, she has only understood the first one, she has just started, and she is still far away from becoming a master.

The innate spiritual blood only enhanced her basic aptitude, but did not increase her understanding. She still needed to figure out the mysterious changes little by little.


The next morning.

More than a dozen dragon horses were like streaks of black lightning, galloping on the ground, and the rugged mountain road felt like smooth ground under their feet.

After everyone climbed over a large mountain, they came face to face with a herd of hundreds of monster beasts.

Shi Lan raised his eyes and scanned the circle, and instantly judged that there were no innate realm monsters among them. He immediately turned his left hand and held the Shenyun Bow in his palm.

Wang Ning and others were not surprised when they saw Shi Lan taking out the Cloud-Piercing Bow. After all, Shi Lan was a Xiantian realm warrior, and the magical weapons were not revealed. No one knew how many magical weapons a Xiantian realm warrior had on him.

Loosening the reins, Shi Lan straightened his back, opened his bow to the full moon, and his innate true energy surged out. An air arrow roared out, instantly piercing through more than a dozen monster beasts.

After firing three bows in a row and killing several ninth level monster beasts in the body quenching realm among the monster beasts, Shi Lan stopped the dragon horse under him and left the remaining monster beasts to Wang Ning and others.

It is not a good habit to eat alone, and Wang Ning and others also helped her a lot.

The remaining monsters were quickly killed by Wang Ning and others. During the battle, a cloth bag containing spiritual crystals was torn open by the monsters, and the spiritual crystals were scattered on the floor.

Shi Lan and others did not bring extra cloth bags with them when they left the city, so they had to spread some of the spiritual crystals into other cloth bags, and then carried a small part of the spiritual crystals on their bodies.

This made Shi Lan even more eager for the legendary space ring. She also asked about reincarnation, what should be done with something like the space ring.

Samsara’s answer is that if it consumes energy, he can create a similar storage space, but the energy that can be consumed is too huge.

The space laws in the Lingyang Realm are incredibly strong. Without materials, if you want to fabricate an independent space out of thin air, according to the division of this realm, you need at least the strength of the Yuanshen Realm, and it consumes a lot of money.

And even if there are space materials as the cornerstone, you must be at least a warrior in the Vientiane Realm to be able to make something like a storage ring.

Not to mention reincarnation, even Shi Lan is not willing to spend the energy of reincarnation to do this kind of thing just for convenience. Reincarnation is her last protection lock.

A gust of cold wind passed by, and a snowflake fell on Shi Lan’s neck, bringing a hint of coolness.

Shi Lan tightened the reins, stopped the horse, looked up at the heavy goose-feather snow slowly falling from the sky, and took a breath of air-conditioning. Winter has arrived, and if the heavy snow continues, it may be brought to those mortals who are fleeing. A lot of trouble.


A dull sound of horse hooves came from afar.

Shi Lan looked at the approaching black line in the distance and narrowed her eyes. She was already familiar with the sound of horse hooves. It was a dragon horse…

Very late, sorry


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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