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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 95 Experience (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 95 Experience (please vote for recommendation~)

The foot of the dragon horse was so fast that within a moment of hearing the sound of the horse’s hooves, this group of cavalry had already rushed in front of Shi Lan and his party.

Seeing this group of cavalry, Shi Lan looked slightly startled.

There were about twenty or thirty people in this group. They were all women. They were wearing armor and no face armor. Their faces were clearly visible. There was a red ribbon tied between their foreheads. Their hair was in the same style. They were all tied up with iron crowns. A high ponytail hanging behind her back.

Compared with the heavy armor worn by Wang Ning and others, the armor on their bodies is much lighter. It is divided into two parts, the upper and lower parts. An iron wire belt of nearly palm width separates the upper body armor from the lower body skirt armor. , outlining the slim figure.

This group of people were not equipped with swords, but instead carried a pair of long weapons similar to the style of Emei thorns, about five feet long, with blades on all sides. In addition, everyone carried an iron sword half the length of a man on their backs. The bow and the quiver tied to the side of the horse contained fine steel feather arrows that shone with cold light.

The leader of this group is a young woman in her mid-twenties, with black hair, a strong and tall figure, no makeup, moon-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, with a hint of coldness in her eyes.

According to Shi Lan’s perception, this woman’s strength should be around the fifth level of the Xiantian realm, and she is extremely talented.

The woman was not carrying a long bow on her back, and there were no weapons on the side of the horse. She was holding the reins empty. After taking a look at Shi Lan and others, the woman said: “We are originally under the jurisdiction of the demon-suppressing army Tiandao Peak defenders. You are from Where did it come from?”

The voice was cold and crisp.

Wang Ning and others did not speak. Shi Lan thought for a moment and said: “I should be considered under the jurisdiction of the Yunshan Gorge defenders. They are all the defenders of Yangxing Ridge.”

Wang Ning and others came from Yangxing Ridge, and she was included in the demon-suppressing army by Huangfu Yun, so naturally she was under the jurisdiction of the Yunshan Gorge defenders.

“Shi Lan, what do you call this…?”

Shi Lan asked. He didn’t know how to describe each other for a while. It seemed inappropriate to call them girls. They should be considered peers.

“Wu Lingkong.” The woman nodded slightly, loosened the reins, and held her hands in greeting.

Shi Lan nodded and suddenly noticed that Wang Ning and others around him seemed to be getting a little excited.

“Where are you planning to go?” Wu Lingkong asked.

“I don’t have anywhere to go now, I’m just wandering around.” Shi Lan shook her head. She originally wanted to take Wang Ning and others to earn some military exploits, and by the way, see if they could catch a dead mouse and meet the Demon Suppressor. A large number of troops.

Wu Lingkong nodded, “How about we go forward together so that we can take care of each other.”

The women’s battalion in the demon-suppressing army rarely acted together with men, but at this critical moment, the leader on the other side was also a woman, so Wu Lingkong no longer bothered with those trivial matters.

“That’s fine.” Shi Lan nodded in agreement.

Not to mention taking care of each other, just the eager looks from Wang Ning and others made Shi Lan feel uncomfortable.

Seeing Shi Lan’s response, Wu Lingkong’s face softened a little, no longer as cold as before, and had some expression.

The snowflakes in the sky fell more and more, and finally a blizzard blew. Shi Lan and Wu Lingkong discussed it and found a mountain with a high altitude to stop.

There is a cave on the leeward side of this mountain peak. Although it is a bit wet and cold, it is much better than the outside.

Except for Shi Lan and Wu Lingkong, the others are only in the Body Tempering Realm. Although their Qi and blood are strong and not afraid of the general cold, they are still far from being immune to the cold and heat. Especially the women’s army who followed Wu Lingkong. The one with a weaker cultivation level was already trembling slightly.

The armor of the demon-suppressing army is good at resisting the fangs and claws of the demonic beasts, but it is almost as good as not having any protection against the cold.

After entering the cave, Wang Ning and others immediately got to work. They lit several fires very quickly, then put the water bags on the fires, roasted them until they were warm, and then sent them to the women’s soldiers with great diligence. in hand.

That attentive and considerate look made Shi Lan feel a little unbearable to look at her. Why hadn’t she noticed before that people like Wang Ning could be so gentle?

Wu Lingkong searched around the cave, and after confirming that there was no danger, Zijiao immediately untied some pieces of animal meat, sat down by the fire, and started grilling meat.

Although Xiantian realm warriors have become inedible and do not need to eat anymore, the habits developed over the years still make people subconsciously want to eat something. Shi Lan often eats the flesh and blood of monsters as a tooth sacrifice.

The rest of the people also took off the animal meat from the horse’s back and set it on the fire.

Shi Lan walked to Wu Lingkong and sat down, looking at the barbecue on the fire, and she was in a trance. She was not thinking about anything at the moment, she was just in a daze.

This is a way of relaxation that Shi Lan has only discovered recently. In this state, the whole person will become very relaxed.


Wu Lingkong took out a small jade-handled dagger from his waist, cut off a large piece of barbecue, and handed it to Shi Lan.

Shi Lan came to his senses, took the barbecue and said thanks.

“Where is your home?” Wu Lingkong cut off a piece of barbecue and put it into his mouth.

“My home is in Tenglong City.” Shi Lan tore up a piece of barbecue and replied.

Wu Lingkong was a little confused and asked: “Where is Tenglong City? Which government does it belong to?”

Shi Lan shook his head, “I don’t know.” In her impression, Tenglong City did not seem to be affiliated with any force.

“I came from Wuyang Mansion and haven’t been back for three years.” Wu Lingkong looked a little gloomy.

“Where is Wuyang Mansion?”

“You don’t even know about Wuyang Mansion?” Wu Lingkong looked a little stunned, “You are not from Zhongtian Territory, are you?”

“Are you from the Central Heaven Territory?” Shi Lan’s expression froze. To get here from the Central Heaven Territory, you have to cover a distance of nearly ten million miles. For an ordinary Xiantian realm warrior to travel with weapons, he would have to spend nearly three days traveling every day. Ten years is too far.

Seeing Shi Lan’s expression, Wu Lingkong looked a little confused, “Are you from Chengtian Territory? You should have joined the Demon Suppressing Army not long ago.”

Shi Lan nodded and asked doubtfully: “Why are you so far away from home and coming here?”

“Didn’t the person who recruited you into the demon-suppressing army tell you?”

Shi Lan shook his head.

Wu Lingkong swallowed a piece of barbecue and said softly: “The Demon Suppressing Army has close ties with the major families and counties in the Zhongtian Territory. Many high-ranking generals in the Demon Suppressing Army are members of major aristocratic families. Many of the lower-level generals, such as captains of husbands and captains of thousands, are young disciples of major forces.”

“As for those ordinary sergeants, most of them are civilians from major counties in the Central Heaven Region. They are here just to find a way out.”

Shi Lan nodded suddenly, those young disciples should have been released for training.

“My training period has expired this year, and I was supposed to go back.” Wu Lingkong tilted his head and lowered his eyes. His tall ponytail cast a shadow in the firelight, and he was obviously in a bad mood.

After a while of silence, Wu Lingkong asked curiously: “When did you join the Demon Suppressing Army?”

“A few months ago.”

“You must have encountered a large herd of beasts, otherwise your combat merit would not have risen so quickly.”

“Well, there are indeed many monsters…”

Thanks to book friends Jin Yiwei, Yun Sheng, An Zhiruosu, and Xue Yizhu for their support, thank you!


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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