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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 98 Harvest (first order requested)

As soon as she entered the water, Shi Lan’s muscles and bones relaxed completely, and bursts of rich spiritual energy poured into her body uncontrollably.

This hot spring is quite deep. Even at the edge, Shi Lan has to stand on tiptoes to barely touch the bottom.

There are some rough rocks under the feet, but there is no mud as Shi Lan imagined before.

After scanning around and not seeing Wu Lingkong’s figure, Shi Lan plunged into the water, stepped lightly, and a wave of water exploded, and in the blink of an eye he rushed to the red rosary lotus plant.

Under the somewhat chaotic water, a white shadow was squatting at the root of the red rosary, tugging at something.

Just as Shi Lan was about to go over, a curtain of light condensed with innate true energy suddenly opened, squeezing out all the surrounding spring water, forming a space.

Although the bottom of the water was a little dark, Shi Lan’s vision was not affected and he could see everything at a glance.

“Here, help me. The lotus roots of this red rosary are hidden in the crevices of this rock. The rocks here are nourished by spiritual energy all year round, and their hardness is not inferior to ordinary magic weapons. I can’t get it by myself.” Wu Lingkong looked a little helpless.

Shi Lan suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, revealed the blade of the Ziwei Seven-Star Halberd, walked to Wu Lingkong and squatted down, breaking through the rock in a few clicks.

A lotus root, like red jade, is half buried in the rocks.

The lotus root is about the thickness of an arm, more than three feet long, and exudes a refreshing fragrance. The rocks wrapped around the lotus root have become almost transparent, and the aura is overflowing, not far from the spiritual crystal.

Shi Lan dug out the lotus root, but before he could speak, Wu Lingkong removed the surrounding zhenqi barrier, and the hot spring water poured in, creating a whirlpool.


Shi Lan reached out of the water, let out a long breath, and walked to the shore. He put the lotus root in his hand and the lotus leaves on the shore. When he turned around, he found that Wu Lingkong was missing again.

A white shadow drew across the water and came to Shi Lan’s side.

Wu Lingkong came out of the water and looked at the lotus root, her eyes even more joyful. This harvest, even if she and Shi Lan were half the amount, was enough to elevate her to one or two minor realms.

“Shi Lan, has your skin been like this since you were a child?”

Wu Lingkong looked away from the lotus root and looked at Shi Lan. His underwater hand crossed the waves and gently stroked the back of Shi Lan’s hand.

Feeling the delicate touch of mutton-fat jade, Wu Lingkong’s eyes became even more envious. Although her skin was not as rough as rough, it was obviously far worse than Shi Lan.

Shi Lanzai was playing with the buds of Chixialian. When he heard Wu Lingkong’s words, he shook his head slightly.

The changes brought to her by Forging Jade Jue are far more than just smooth skin.

She gently opened the petals of the red rosy lotus, and the fiery red stamens were revealed, and the thick fire essence rushed towards her face.

Shi Lan took a few breaths, and then felt an extremely comfortable heat, pouring into his body from his nose, and his innate Qi increased a bit.

Sensing the growth of her own cultivation, Shi Lan’s eyes overflowed with a hint of joy. This red rosary should make her cultivation make great progress.

After soaking on the shore for a short while, Wu Lingkong slowly walked onto the shore. Her long hair reached her waist and was scattered behind her. The water droplets slowly slid down her slender legs and merged into the shallow grass on the shore.

Wu Lingkong’s figure is extremely well-proportioned, and her muscle lines are so smooth that they cannot be attached, like a female leopard, full of wild strength.

Shi Lan huddled in the hot spring, half of his face buried under the water, looking at Wu Lingkong’s actions, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Some things have changed, and the perspective of looking at things will be completely different. With this scene in front of her, her heart is like a pool of stagnant water, with no waves.

After running the zhenqi to evaporate the water vapor on his body, Wu Lingkong put on his clothes in a few moments. He was not in a hurry to put on the armor, but began to count the gains along the way.

Along the way, there were seven second-grade spiritual materials similar to Yan Ganoderma, and Wu Lingkong divided one of them into two halves.

“This is yours, this is mine.”

Wu Lingkong put aside half of the spiritual materials, and then started to attack Chixialian.

There were four lotus leaves in total. The long stem connecting the lotus root and the lotus leaf was useless and was discarded by Wu Lingkong. The lotus root was also chopped into two pieces.

Wu Lingkong picked up the bud of Chixialian, opened the lotus leaves, took out the stamens, walked to the hot spring, and waved to Shi Lan.

Shi Lan swam to the shore, and when she opened her mouth to speak, her mouth felt sweet. Wu Lingkong directly stuffed the flower stamen into her mouth.

“Although this red rosary lotus has not yet blossomed and bear fruit, the stamens have also condensed a lot of spiritual energy essence, which is of great benefit to cultivation.” Wu Lingkong smiled, casually tore off two petals and put them into his mouth.

A strong spiritual energy melted from Shi Lan’s mouth and poured into her body. Shi Lan didn’t bother to thank her and closed her eyes slightly to refine the spiritual energy.

The speed at which the innate spirit body and the Yuqing Creation Technique can transform spiritual energy is too terrifying. In just half an incense, Shi Lan has already refined all the spiritual energy, and his cultivation level has increased.

Wu Lingkong sat on the ground on the shore, apparently refining the spiritual energy in the petals.

Shi Lan stood up from the water, evaporated the water vapor on his body, and put on his clothes lightly.

After about a cup of tea, Wu Lingkong slowly opened his eyes. Seeing Shi Lan already standing up, he sighed inwardly. The gap in talent was sometimes so obvious.

The spiritual energy contained in the stamens is many times higher than that of the petals. She may not be able to refine the spiritual energy as fast as Shi Lan Shiyi.

Wu Lingkong stood up, pulled off a few flower petals and stuffed them into Shi Lan’s hands. After collecting the spiritual materials on the ground, he came to the edge of the cliff and began to pick some first-grade spiritual materials with outstanding effects.

Although she has no use for these spiritual materials, they are still of great benefit to those demon-suppressing sergeants who have not yet reached the innate realm.

In today’s situation, the more strength you have, the greater your chances of survival will be.

Shi Lan followed to the edge of the cliff. She didn’t know how to distinguish the quality of the elixir, but the innate spirit body was very sensitive to the aura. If she picked it according to the richness of the aura, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

After almost picking the medicinal materials, the two men took off their weapons and headed towards the exit above their heads.

After a while, a gap appeared between the two of them.



Several long calls came from above the two of them, and several white birds with wingspans of more than ten feet were hovering in the sky. Their bodies were not hindered in the snowstorm, but felt like a fish in water.

Seeing these birds, Wu Lingkong frowned slightly, feeling a little troubled, and said: “This is the Snow Kite, a very rare flying monster that likes the ice and snow. This is the second time in the three years since I joined the Demon Army. meet.”

Seeing Wu Lingkong’s expression, Shi Lan asked doubtfully: “Is this Feng Xueyuan difficult to deal with?”

“Feng Xueyuan’s strength will increase by at least 30% in today’s environment, and fighting flying monsters in the air is too strenuous.”

Shi Lan nodded clearly and said, “I have a way.”

Thanks to book friends Jin Yiwei, Yun Sheng, Qizhibieyuan, Huohongcha, His Dad, Pi Qingqinghao Zijin, and Xue Yizhu for their support. Thank you! , please order first~ There are two more updates that will be later.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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