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My transformed system is poisonous — Chapter 99 Direction (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 99 Direction (please vote for recommendation~)

A bit of spiritual light jumped out from Shi Lan’s sleeves, and instantly turned into a huge bow nearly as tall as a man.

Summoning the Shenyun Bow, Shi Lan did not stop the movement of the innate true energy and continued to inject the innate true energy into the bow.

The Shenyun Bow’s size skyrocketed again, and finally turned into a giant bow nearly four feet long, hanging in the air.

Wu Lingkong breathed a sigh of relief. It would be easier to talk about it if he had a bow and crossbow.

Shi Lan stepped forward, innate true energy spurted out, and slowly opened the bow string, and a nearly ten-foot-long air arrow slowly condensed.

A majestic wave of air swept across, blowing away several feet of snow all around, revealing a stone wall covered with black moss.

Shi Lan’s eyes sharpened, and she focused on the snowy kites hovering in the sky. She tightened the bowstring and once again increased the speed of the innate Qi. She was not sure of the specific strength of this bird in the sky, so she had to go all out to win. A perfect plan.

The air arrow, which was nearly ten feet long, once again expanded to more than ten feet long.

When the bowstring was stretched to its limit, Shi Lan let go of the bowstring.


The air arrow, which was more than ten feet long, set off a whistling sound of tearing air, carrying dozens of feet of billowing air waves soaring into the sky!


Several snow kites lingering in the sky reacted, and the falling snowflakes condensed into ice shuttles, which hit the air arrows head-on.

The ice shuttle hit the air arrow, like snowflakes falling into boiling water, and was instantly evaporated into white mist.

The Qi arrow continued unabated and penetrated the right wing of a snowy kite. The overflowing innate Qi instantly tore half of its body apart!

The body of the snowy kite fell from the sky like a kite with its strings broken. It hit the mountain wall and splashed a piece of blood mist. It was instantly frozen into ice ballast by the howling wind and snow.

Shi Lan didn’t stop at all, he pulled out the bow string again, the energy arrow condensed, and roared out again!


The bow string exploded, air waves rolled up, and another snowy kite responded to the string and fell into the clouds.

Before Shi Lan could draw his bow again, the remaining snow kites in the sky dropped a piece of ice shuttle, their wings deflected, and their bodies disappeared into the wind and snow.

Shi Lan didn’t want to pursue, so he withdrew the Shenyun Bow, turned his head and looked at Wu Lingkong, and said: “Since there are flying monsters staying nearby, there must be a herd of beasts. Let’s set off as soon as possible when the wind and snow calm down.”

Wu Lingkong nodded and said, “Okay.”

The two quickly returned to the cave and distributed the first-grade spiritual materials.

The warrior’s appetite was astonishing. Although he had eaten a barbecue not long ago, it was not a big meal for everyone.

These spiritual materials were eaten directly, but the taste was really unsatisfactory, so everyone took some animal meat and cooked some simple medicinal meals.

Shi Lan sat by the fire and spread out the map. After confirming the location of his group, he pointed at the map and said to Wu Lingkong:

“We should now be within the scope of the sixth-grade forces here, the Rakshasa Mansion. I came from a place about 30,000 miles from the northwest, and then met near the Feixing Gate station, which is more than 10,000 miles away from here. Wang Ning and the others met.”

Wu Lingkong looked at the map, pondered for a while, and then said: “I have been staying here for almost two months. At least one-third of the map has monster activities. The number is not small, and Except for you, I have never encountered the rest of the demon-suppressing army.”

Shi Lan frowned slightly, so to speak, the situation around here is not optimistic.

“We can’t move further to the west. If we collide head-on with a herd of beasts led by monsters from the Earthly Evil Realm or even the Tiangang Realm or above, we will die without a burial place if we come face to face with them.”

As he spoke, Wu Lingkong glanced at the map and pointed his finger at the southeast edge of the map.

“Let’s go here.”

Shi Lan looked at the small characters on the edge of the map and nodded slowly.

“I heard the name of the Shengwu Immortal Sect when I was in the Zhongtian Territory. The second-grade sect, and the Human Emperor is in charge, must be safe and worry-free, so go here.”

“But if you are caught under the supervision of the Demon Suppression Order and avoid fighting, won’t you be severely punished?”

Wu Lingkong shook his head.

“Don’t worry too much about this. The battle achievements are not for show. Wherever the two of us lead this group of people, we will definitely encounter monsters on the way. It doesn’t count as avoiding the battle. Even if the journey is safe, we only need to lead them first If you have enough military exploits, even if you violate some military disciplines, you will not be punished too severely.”

Shi Lan nodded, summoned Wang Ning and others, and asked for their opinions. Wu Lingkong also walked to his subordinates and began to ask them what they thought.

The final result was naturally passed unanimously. Compared with military achievements, whether it was Shi Lan, Wu Lingkong, or a group of demon-suppressing troops, they all felt that their lives were more precious.

And even if they continue to stay here to resist the monster beasts, they will only be mercilessly run over by the beast tide, and their death will be worthless.

Looking at Shi Lan’s long skirt, Wu Lingkong frowned. After searching among the people, he walked to Shi Lan holding a suit of armor.

“It’s impossible to perform on a horse while wearing a long skirt. It’s easier to put on armor.”

Shi Lan lowered his head and looked at the white crane skirt on his body, and then glanced at the people all wearing armor, and felt that they were indeed a little out of place.

But the White Crane Skirt is a magical weapon after all. Its defense is more than one level higher than that of a battle armor. It is also a means of assisting attacks. Therefore, Shi Lan did not take off the White Crane Skirt. He just untied his belt and tightened the skirt. , turned into a short-sleeved outfit that clung to the body, and then put on a battle armor.

Shi Lan’s hair in the past was tied up in a bun with a tie and scattered behind her. She had never worn a hair crown, so it was Wu Lingkong who helped tie the ponytail.

When the wind and snow subsided a little, Shi Lan and Wu Lingkong took the people and set off towards the Shengwu Immortal Sect.

After Shi Lan and his group left the mountain peak, they ran into a wave of hundreds of monsters within two days.

Shi Lan was about to let Wang Ning and others challenge, but was stopped by Wu Lingkong.

Then Shi Lan saw the combat methods of the women’s battalion of the Demon Suppression Army.

Relying on the fact that the dragon horses were faster than the beasts, the women’s army of less than thirty riders spread out around the beasts, using their iron bows to continuously nibble away.

In just half a moment, all these hundreds of demonic beasts lost their fighting power. Most of them were killed directly, while a smaller half were still alive and lying on the ground lingering.

“Ask your people to go up and collect their military exploits.” Wu Lingkong waved her hand.

Hearing this, Wang Ning and others’ expressions darkened. No one spoke, they just looked at Shi Lan.

Shi Lan was silent for a while, then shook his head, “No need.”

Wu Lingkong was still a woman after all, and it was difficult for her to understand a man’s self-esteem. If she ordered Wang Ning and others to accept this batch of military exploits, it would probably make them feel bad for a long time.

Wu Lingkong was stunned for a moment, glanced at Wang Ning and others, frowned, waved his hand, and asked his subordinates to hunt down the remaining monsters.

Thanks to LOAcss, Muzi Wuyang, and Uncle Albert book friends for their reward support. Thank you to all book friends for your subscriptions and monthly passes. I have another update that will be a little late. I have some things to do. I’m sorry.


My transformed system is poisonous

My transformed system is poisonous

Status: Completed Author:


Immortals, gods, Confucianism and Taoism, humans, demons, Buddhas and monsters.
A road to the top of martial arts


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