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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 027

In addition to Lei Dun – electromagnetic cannon, during this time, the second ninjutsu created by Uchiha Pan is Lei Dun – electromagnetic induction!

Thunderbolt – electromagnetic induction is created by the principle of the relationship between electromagnetism and the induction of the planet’s magnetic field.

This perceptual ninjutsu, knowing the principle, is relatively simple to study, and the Uchiha disk has been thoroughly perfected three months ago.

“Lei Dun – electromagnetic induction!” In the body of the Uchiha disk, the chakra of the thunder attribute was distributed in a special form, and in an instant, countless information poured into the mind, with the Uchiha disk as the center, and the scene with a radius of tens of kilometers appeared in the mind.

The inner periphery, periphery, and border of Xingyin Village are poisonous, and then cover the distance. All the information about the situation is revealed and clear.

Uchiha glanced at it and turned off electromagnetic induction, and this large-scale perception ability to maintain for a long time would also consume some energy.


The figure of the Uchiha disk disappeared, and reappeared deep in the underground of the central building of Xingyin Village.

This is a special laboratory specially built for yourself by Uchiha Disk, and there are many ninjutsu scrolls and experimental equipment from Uchiha Disk.

The Uchiha disk came to the experimental table, and there was already a shadow avatar of the Uchiha disk busy.

At this time, the shadow avatar of the Uchiha disk took off his surgical gloves, threw aside the human experimental materials in front of him at will, and glanced at the Uchiha disc itself.

The shadow doppelganger couldn’t help but roll his eyes and said, “I said the body, you just throw me alone to work in this dark laboratory, so that there is no public morality.” ”

“Okay, don’t complain, what happened to the secret art you studied?” Uchiha asked with a serious face.

“It’s already done, just wait for you to come.” The shadow avatar knew what the body cared about, and said speechlessly with his hands spread.

“So concerned, it has been delayed until now.”

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, come back now!” Uchiha also ignored the complaints of his shadow avatar, and talked to himself, which was really not a fun thing for a long time.

Uchiha dissolved the shadow avatar’s technique, and the shadow avatar immediately turned into nothing, and one memory experience after another was sorted out and fused into the body’s mind.

Uchiha Pan’s eyes flashed, and after absorbing the memories of the shadow avatar, Uchiha Pan knew that the secret technique he cared about the most, the ninjutsu that absorbed the power of the Sharingan Eye Pupil, had finally been studied and created.

For this reason, the shadow avatar wasted the dozens of pairs of ordinary chakra eyes that Uchiha had collected before.

However, it was all worth it, and with this secret technique, the art of interpretation, his kaleidoscope chakra eye could finally be promoted.

Secret art – the art of interpretation, the principle of this secret art studied by the shadow avatar is very simple, first the Sharingan is blurred with the Void Eye, and all the useless components in the Sharingan Eye are eliminated in the blurred world, only the purest pupil power without any impurities is retained, and then these pure pupil power are perfectly integrated with their own Sharingan with the secret technique.

Uchiha Pan carefully examined it, found no loopholes, and immediately made a decision, ready to absorb Uchiha Fuqiu’s kaleidoscope chakra eye.


Taking out the glassware stored in the space of the right eye, Uchiha turned on the kaleidoscope mode with both eyes, and stared at the glassware in his hand, the same pair of scarlet kaleidoscopic chakra eyes.


The entire glassware was instantly illusory, and then turned into a bubble, which was illusory by the Uchiha disk and appeared in the world of nothingness.

“Separation! Extraction! ”

Uchiha’s body shape is also blurred, controlling everything in the illusory world, easily turning glassware and culture liquor into nothingness, and then removing useless ingredients in Uchiha Fuqiu’s kaleidoscopic writing wheel eyes, including the residual information that originally belonged to Uchiha Fuqiu’s gene.

In the end, there were only two scarlet and black air currents left in front of Uchiha’s eyes, which were the powerful and pure pupil power contained in each pair of kaleidoscopic chakra eyes.

“Secret Art – Fusion Technique!”

Without hesitation, Uchiha immediately cast a secret technique against the two clouds of air flow in front of him.

I saw two clouds of air flow mixed with black in scarlet flowing towards the eyes of the Uchiha disk, and soon completely fused in.

The figure of Uchiha appeared in the laboratory, his eyes closed, feeling the newly appeared powerful pupil power in his eyes slowly fusing with his original pupil power, slowly transforming his own eyes, and a sense of coolness was filled with coolness.

Uchiha sensed a little, knowing that this situation would probably last for a day, so he simply closed his eyes and waited in this underground secret room.

Time passed silently, and in the blink of an eye it was the next day.

In the secret room, Uchiha’s originally closed eyes suddenly opened.

As if a bright light flashed, the original six-way hook jade connected pattern in Yu Zhibo’s eyes changed instantly, and three new hook jades were slowly squeezed out, squeezing the original six connected goujade to the periphery, and the three newly appeared goujade were also connected to each other, occupying the inner ring.

Between the black dot in the center, the three-hook jade in the inner ring, and the six-hook jade in the outer ring, countless black thin lines are hooked to form a more complex and weird pattern.

The change in his eyes was quickly completed, and Uchiha felt the surging pupil power in his eyes that was far stronger than before, and his heart was excited.

Finally, his kaleidoscope chakra eye was promoted to the eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the gradually blurred vision of the left eye was now restored to the original, and it was clearer than before, and he could see finer particles in the air.

At the same time, just after the promotion of the kaleidoscope of the Uchiha disc, Chakra, who had already reached the peak of the shadow level in his body, broke through a threshold in an instant because of the strengthening of his spiritual power, and almost doubled in an instant, and the powerful momentum spread out from the Uchiha disk, filling the entire underground laboratory.

Super Shadow Class!

The strength of the Uchiha disk finally broke through the shadow level at this time and entered the ranks of the super shadow level.

Uchiha Pan also entered the realm of the once Thousand Hand Pillars and Uchiha Spot, surpassing the shadow level, and suppressing the strength of the ninja world with one person against one village.

Uchiha Pan gradually became familiar with the skyrocketing strength, slowly controlled it, felt the endless pupil power in his eyes, even the pupil technique contained in it was strengthened, at this moment, Uchiha Pan truly stood at the peak of the ninja world, and no longer needed to worry about the so-called five ninja villages.

Next, you can finally complete the plan in your heart without any scruples.

The figure of the Uchiha disc instantly disappeared and appeared in front of Uchiha Kai and the others in the induction.


“Master Pan!” Seeing the appearance of the Uchiha disk, Uchiha Kai and the others shouted respectfully.

“I’m going to go out, and I’ll tell you something before I go!” Uchiha waved his hand with a smile and said.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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