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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 032

“What do you mean?” When the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura heard this, his expression changed greatly, and his eyes stared at the Uchiha disk, as if he wanted to see something.

Of course, Uchiha Pan will not say that he knows from the original book that Yakura has long been controlled by Uchiha’s chakra eye.

“Of course it’s the one who controls you at this time!” Uchiha was speechless, and turned his head to Terumi, who had already been shocked: “This ninja with white eyes, why don’t you look at the situation in your fourth-generation water shadow brain with white eyes!” ”

“What?” Qing’s expression was full of disbelief, and he looked at Uchiha in horror, and couldn’t help but glance at Yakura beside him.

Listening to the meaning of this Uchiha disk, the shadow of his hidden village was actually controlled by someone, this is impossible, Qing shook his head in disbelief.

“Qing, take a look!” Among the four, only Terumi looked ugly, as if the doubts that had always been in his heart had been explained, and ordered Qing.

“Ah! Terumi-sama, you… Be! Qing looked at Terumi suspiciously, and then opened his eyes in shock, and looked at Yakura, who had been silent.

Under the perspective of the white eyes, Qing clearly saw a strange chakra entrenched in the mind of the fourth generation of water shadow yakura, and even the three tails in the body of the fourth generation water shadow were also controlled by this chakra.

“This… It’s actually true! Four generations of adults are actually controlled by someone! Qing lost his voice and shouted, his face difficult to see.

“It turns out that the fourth generation of Water Shadow Lord has long been controlled by someone, no wonder the blood mist policy is implemented in the village!” Terumi suddenly realized, and then looked at Yakura with murderous intent, or the person behind Yakura, and shouted: “Who are you?” ”

At this time, Yakura, who had not spoken after Uchiha Pan revealed the fact, spread his hands and said in a deep voice to Uchiha Pan: “I was actually discovered by you!” ”

“You shouldn’t have been in front of me today!” Uchiha pointed to his beautiful eyes and said lightly.

“yes! Kaleidoscope Sharingan was indeed able to detect my presence, and this time I was careless. Yakura said, glanced at everyone in the field, and said, “But it’s still time, as long as you all kill here, no one will know about this!” ”

“Tail beastization!” As soon as Yakura finished speaking, he immediately controlled the three-tailed isofu in his body and cast the tail beastization.

The rich chakra suddenly covered Yakura’s whole body, and three substantial chakra tails swayed behind him.

Seeing this, Uchiha shook his head and said to Shiro and Junmaru on the side: “Stay here and don’t move, just for a while!” ”

Uchiha didn’t want to entangle with Yakura, and as soon as his figure moved, he had already teleported to Yakura’s side.

“Tudun – the art of gravity!”

Uchiha Pan was printed on Yakura’s back with one hand, and black spell runes were already imprinted on his body.

The drastically enhanced powerful gravity instantly imprisoned Yakura in place, and his figure slowly fell into the ground.

“Ugh!” Yakura’s body erupted with a more intense chakra, entered a state of complete tailed beasthood, and with the help of the power of the three tails in his body, finally collapsed the gravity technique.


After the complete tailed beast, Yakura’s figure has long disappeared, and what appeared in place was a huge turtle with three huge tails, it was the three-tailed beast Isofu, the powerful Chakra swept in all directions, and the three-tailed Isofu let out a roar.

However, without waiting for the three-tails to attack, Uchiha Pan used the gravity technique just now to make Yakura and even the three-tailed figure immobile, the dazzling lightning chakra in his right arm rotated rapidly, and a delicate black kunai in his hand pointed directly at the three-tailed.

“Lei Dun – electromagnetic cannon!”

The black Ku Wu suddenly turned into a phantom, and a terrifying vacuum channel instantly penetrated the huge body of the three tails, splitting its entire body in half, and then rushed into the distance without stopping, penetrating a huge mountain.

Rumble! Rumble! Boom!

A huge roar sounded, and then a long air boom sounded in the air.

Strong air flow and wind pressure filled the entire heaven and earth, and the four figures of Zhaomei were repelled by this violent wind pressure, but the four people did not pay attention to their own embarrassment at this time, looking at the white passage compared to it, the huge three-tailed body that was split in half not far away, and the collapsed mountain peak at the end of the distant line of sight.

“Well… What a terrifying power, what kind of ninjutsu was that just now? Terumi’s heart was full of shock.

Originally learned that the fourth generation of water shadows in Mist Hidden Village was controlled by someone, and then the fourth generation of water shadows were controlled to completely tail beasts, Terumi was still full of anger and solemnity in his heart, as a result, that Uchiha disk cast a move of thunder ninjutsu, killing Mio Iso with one blow, and crashing a mountain


Zhao Meiyu and the others have to wonder if they have been in illusion, especially Qing, who has white eyes, can see more clearly, and his heart is more shocked.

When did such a terrifying ninjutsu appear in the ninja world, killing a powerful and terrifying tailed beast with one blow.

Watching the huge body of Three-Tailed Isofu slowly emitting countless tiny Chakra light masses, Uchiha knew that Mitsuo Isofu had died under his electromagnetic cannon, and Chakra returned to heaven and earth, I am afraid that it would take more than ten years to reappear.

Mio’s body quickly dissipated, and Yakura’s body fell to the ground.

Mio Isofu was killed, and as a human pillar of Yakura, his life also came to an end, but Yakura did not have fear of death in his expression, but just looked at Uchiha with a shocked face: “Is that Thunder Ninjutsu just now?” actually killed Mio with one blow. ”

Uchiha’s figure appeared beside Shiro and Junmaru, looking at Yakura lightly, and the kaleidoscope of pupils in his eyes shot out.

“Now we can have a good talk!”

Uchiha’s consciousness instantly entered the depths of Yakura’s consciousness space.

In the darkness, two figures appeared here, which was Yakura’s consciousness space.

A teenager, one dying, two pairs of identical blood-colored chakra eyes looked at each other.

“I didn’t expect that such a genius as you actually appeared among the descendants of my clan.” The wrinkled old man said flatly.

“If I’m not mistaken, you’re the Uchiha spot!” The young man looked at the old man in front of him without the slightest surprise, and suddenly said in his mouth.

“Oh! You were not surprised to see me at all, and guessed my identity, as if you had known it for a long time, interesting! Uchiha Madara stared at the boy with a compelling glint in his eyes.

“The person who can control the three tails and the fourth generation of water shadows at the same time, except for the kaleidoscope chakra eyes of the Uchiha clan, no one in the ninja world seems to be able to do it, and the one who opens the kaleidoscope in the Uchiha clan and looks like you is the only one who looks your age, it seems that only you Uchiha spot.” Uchiha Pan said unhurriedly.

“Oh! Then aren’t you curious that I, who should have died in the dust of history a long time ago, am still alive? Uchiha asked with interest.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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