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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 040

“Uchiha disk!” Xiao Nan and Nagato looked shocked, and then realized.

In the ninja world, there are only those who are well-known and surnamed, and those who can have such a strong strength and look like a teenager, it seems that in addition to Konoha’s fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen, that is, the nightmare of the Uchiha clan, Konoha’s S-class rebel Uchiha disk.

And Bofeng Shuimen has bright golden hair, but the boy is black hair and black eyes, and his identity is about to come out.

“Don’t look like a ghost, I don’t need you to be much older, meeting is fate, just get acquainted.” Uchiha said with a smile.

“I didn’t expect that the Uchiha disc, who was listed as an S-class rebel by Konoha, and the nightmare of the Uchiha clan, would be such a person, I thought…” muttered Konan’s disbelief.

“Why, think I’m eight feet tall, my face is like a demon, my hands are ruthless, and I eat children!” Uchiha stretched his head to Xiao Nan’s ear and suddenly spoke.

“Ah! It’s not what you say! Just didn’t expect you to help me and Nagato! Xiao Nan was startled, a shyness flashed on his face, and he glanced at the boy in annoyance.

“Didn’t I say that? That’s for Nagato’s strength, and I don’t want a strong man in the future to die. Otherwise you think I’ll be so kind! Uchiha Pan looked haughty, holding his head high and said.

“I look at Master Pan to see that someone is beautiful, and they don’t have a good heart!” Suddenly, Xiangphos, who had not spoken on the side, spoke.

“Oh, it’s amazing, I didn’t expect that our white was not jealous, and a certain little girl who had not yet grown actually jumped out.” Uchiha Pan said unhurriedly, not embarrassed at all, and looked at Xiangphos with an unhappy face and smiled: “Xiangphos, you look at me with such a bitter and bitter grudge, are you ready to provoke Shiro’s position?” ”

Uchiha Pan’s words directly provoked the two people, which immediately made Bai and Xiangphos embarrassed.

“Master Pan, you are angry again in vain!” Bai looked at the boy a little embarrassed and a little helplessly.

“Ah! Does this have anything to do with white? It’s obviously Master Pan, you’re not right, and I will grow up in the future! Xiangphos almost jumped and shouted loudly.

“Okay, let’s talk about it when you’re older! Obediently went to play with Shiro, didn’t you see me talking about business, but you interrupted. Uchiha rubbed his phosphorescent red hair vigorously, and turned to look at Nagato and Konan, who were staring at him and the others dumbfounded.

“Seeing the smile, the child is not sensible, where did he just say?” Uchiha continued as if nothing was happening.

“Oh! I said that saving Nagato is just a good relationship with you, and maybe we will become friends in the future! Uchiha panted.

“We’re already friends!” Konan, said gently, looking at the way the four of Uchiha were playing with each other, it was as if he saw his former self, Nagato and Yahiko.

“Yes, we are already friends!” Nagato’s voice fluctuated slightly.

“That’s really something to celebrate, I didn’t expect to make friends everywhere, I’m really popular!” Uchiha said with a gentle smile, not forgetting to be narcissistic at the end.

Several people temporarily settled in the cave, and after helping Nagato and Konan deal with some of Shochu’s troubles, they left the Land of Rain with Shiro, Junmaro, and Kakari.

During the period, Uchiha Pan promised to join Xiao’s team and chose a Suzaku’s ring, originally Uchiha Pan was also ready to personally kill Hanzo, but Nagato asked to kill Hanzo with his own hands to avenge Yahiko, so Uchiha Pan did not take care of much, a Hanzo, with Nagato’s ability to initially control the eye of reincarnation, did not have to pay attention to it at all.

Since the four of Uchiha left the Land of Rain, passed all the way through the Land of Birds, and finally entered the Land of Stars.

The road was calm and quiet, without the slightest twist and turn, and after more than three months, everyone finally came to Xingyin Village.

“Is this the Xingyin Village established by Lord Pan? It’s finally here, and you finally don’t have to work hard! Xiangphos exclaimed excitedly.

Although Bai and Junmaru did not speak, there was also a trace of excitement in their expressions, and they finally arrived at the Xingyin Village that Lord Pan said, and in the future, this will also be the home of themselves and others.

“Don’t bother, there is no girl’s look at all, you look at how gentle Shiro is, you are looking at yourself, more like a boy than Junmaru!” Uchiha slapped his forehead, since receiving the fragrant phosphorus, his own team has hardly been quiet, this little guy is too capable of tossing.

“What is the appearance of no girls, I am also very gentle when I am quiet, as for Junmaru, hum! That guy just looks more sissy, so this girl won’t compare with him! Xiangphos shouted without fear of death.

“Xiangphos, it seems that you have recently improved your physical skills!” Junmaru glanced at it and said.

“Hmph! This girl is an auxiliary ninja, who would practice physical arts such as something that only causes developed limbs! Xiangphos shook his head and killed a group with a word.

“Don’t be poor, come to me, it’s difficult to enter and exit Xingyin Village by ordinary methods.” The corner of Uchiha’s mouth twitched, not wanting to listen to the little girl’s group sarcasm anymore, and immediately opened his mouth to end the topic.

Under the leadership of Uchiha Disk, the three teleported into Xingyin Village in a time and space, and the perception enchantment of Xingyin Village also immediately sensed the breath of Uchiha Pan and others.

Uchiha Pan first sent someone to settle the three of Bai, and then Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Ling reported to them the development of Xingyin Village and Star Country in the past year.

“Lord Pan, the situation in the country of stars has attracted the attention of some countries, in the past six months, many foreign ninjas have entered the country of stars, although they cannot enter the village of stars, there are still some rebels in the country of stars who have issued tasks to ask foreign ninjas to attack people holding important positions in the country of stars.” Uchiha spoke out about his recent troubles.

“Kai, how much do you think the situation in the Star Country has been exposed? Which forces probably know? Uchiha asked.

“Lord Pan, now only the surrounding small countries and the two great powers of Earth Country and Wind Country know about the situation of Star Country, but they don’t know that Star Country is ruled by Lord Pan, and they only think that it is an internal dispute in Star Country.” Uchiha Kai said based on the information he had.

“Since the part has been exposed, there is no need to cover it up, except for the core Star Hidden Village, it doesn’t matter if they know my existence, for those ninjas who lurk and invade the territory of the Star Country, you and Ling are responsible for eliminating them, and if there are enemies that cannot be solved, report them to me immediately.” A cold color flashed in Uchiha’s eyes, the country of stars, this place of its own, anyone who dares to reach out and touch it, must be prepared to be chopped.

“Yes! We got it, Lord Pan! “Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Ling received the order and immediately went down and took action.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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