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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 041

Time passed like water, and another two months flickered by.

Star Country, Star Hidden Village.

Shiro, Junmaro, and Kasu were personally taught by Uchiha Pan, so they also lived in the inner area.

With all kinds of equipment, places, and resources in Xingyin Village, under the condition that Uchiha Pan is almost always watching and teaching, the strength of the three has improved rapidly.

It’s just that the age of the three is still too young, and the chakra that can be extracted is difficult to extract after reaching the level of middle ninja.

However, the Uchiha disc is not very anxious, the amount of chakra can not be improved, just train the three of them to control the level of chakra, climb trees, tread water, sleep with ropes, and even the last various morphological changes, Uchiha disc has unreservedly cultivated the three people.

For the cultivation direction of the three, Uchiha Pan is also divided into three directions according to their respective natural hobbies.

Shiro, with the boundaries of ice and blood, has a strong talent for water, wind, and ice ninjutsu, and Uchiha Pan will also give Shiro the earth ninjutsu he mastered and the water ninjutsu obtained from Yakura’s memory, let him practice freely, for the practice of Ice Duan, in addition to the bloodstain ninjutsu inherited by Shiro himself, Uchiha Pan will also say some directions that he thinks are feasible, and ask Shiro to try it one by one and form his own things.

Junmaru, with the bloodstain boundary of the corpse vein, because of the perfect awakening, Junmaru also suffered from bloodstain, and Uchiha Pan can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause after using medical ninjutsu and even the pupil blurring technique to help him heal, although it can be suppressed, but it cannot be completely solved.

After in-depth study, Uchiha Pan knew that this was because Junmaru’s physical fitness could not bear the powerful blood stain of the perfect corpse bone vein, in this regard, Uchiha Pan could only find a way to let Junmaru get a complete immortal body in the future, and only the strong physique of the immortal body could perfectly withstand Junmaru’s corpse bone vein.

Junmaro is good at physical skills, and Uchiha directly threw Junmaro into a gravity training ground that can be adjusted up to thirty times, and after teaching all the Konoha physical arts he knows, let him practice freely.

The last vortex of fragrant phosphorus, because of the physique of its vortex family, Uchiha Pan taught the most and most seriously, and every time he tired the little guy of fragrant phosphorus and shouted unfairly. Uchiha Disc taught all of the Vortex Clan Sealing Techniques and Medical Ninjutsu he had obtained from Konoha to Kakami, and specially trained Kachiha’s physical skills, especially the ability to escape and dodge.

In Uchiha’s vision, Shiro, Junmaro, and Kakaru will form a team in the future, with Kachi assisting in sensing, healing, sealing and other auxiliary intelligence, Shiro being responsible for large-scale suppression, confinement, and long-range attacks, and Junmaro being completely responsible for melee attacks and decapitation kills.

To this end, Uchiha often takes the three of them out of the village to hunt down and kill the foreign ninjas who invaded the Star Country, and train the three of them to cooperate with each other and combat their actual combat ability.

On this day, the Uchiha disk is suspended in the air, quietly looking at the starry sky at night, electromagnetic induction is turned on, sensing all the movements between heaven and earth within a radius of more than ten kilometers, recently, the Uchiha disk will be like this almost every day, the feeling of being integrated into the heaven and earth is very wonderful, is a rare entertainment recently discovered by the Uchiha disk.

“Huh? Uchiha Aki actually used a space-time pupil technique that I used to transcribe the seal for him! The Uchiha disk was suddenly awakened by a space-time fluctuation, and a subtle space-time fluctuation around him disappeared in the blink of an eye, and a piece of paper appeared in the air and slowly flew over.

Uchiha casually pinched the paper, swept his gaze, and looked at the information on the paper.

“The Nine Tails Rebellion, it’s actually tonight!” Uchiha’s expression changed abruptly.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion launched by Uchiha Obito affected many people in Konoha, and also affected the direction of development after the ninja world, in tonight, the death of the four generations of Hokage Feng Shuimen and his wife, the birth of new Asura and Indra reincarnations, the relationship between the Uchiha clan and Konoha completely turned into confrontation and a series of other events, this kind of thing Uchiha Pan will be involved in it no matter what.


Uchiha immediately launched ultra-long-distance teleportation, and his figure instantly disappeared in Xingyin Village, and then reappeared, and he had already arrived in front of Uchiha Aki who was in Konoha.

“Master Pan!”

Uchiha Qiu, who had been waiting in the secret room, stepped forward and said quickly: “Lord Pan, just now Konoha was suddenly attacked by the Nine Tails, and his subordinates used your pupil power. ”

“You did the right thing, tonight’s Konoha is worth my visit in person!” Almost as soon as Uchiha appeared, the powerful and evil Chakra was sensed in the electromagnetic force field, which was destroying in Konoha Village, and Uchiha Pan sealed a space-time pupil force into Uchiha Aki’s eyes, instructing him to hide well tonight, and his figure went towards the sensed location.

The figure of the Uchiha disc reappeared, and he had reached a remote place not far from Konoha Village, where a wooden house was located, and there was a powerful sealing enchantment around the wooden house not far away, but this could not stop the Uchiha disk with the art of time and space.

Uchiha’s body remained blurred and turned without attracting anyone’s attention after teleporting.

In the open space outside the wooden house, two figures were fighting.

A golden-haired figure in a white imperial robe is none other than Konoha’s fourth-generation Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen, and another figure wearing a black robe with a spiral pattern monocular mask on his face, it is the blackened Uchiha Obito.

At this time, the former master and apprentice were fighting together.

Uchiha’s body was suspended in midair, quietly watching the two of them calculate and fight each other, without the slightest intention of interfering, but there was a trace of amazement in his eyes when he looked at the two.

Wave Feng Shuimen, a civilian origin, its talent is amazing, if not for Uchiha Pan as soon as he crossed over, it would almost be on the opposite side of Konoha, Uchiha Pan may choose to assist Wave Feng Shuimen, reform the entire Konoha Village, and then change the situation of the ninja world, but now it can only rely on himself, thinking of this, Uchiha Pan also has some pity in his heart.

As for Uchiha Obito, although Uchiha Pan really does not agree with his feelings, he is really amazed at the talent shown after Obito blackened.

Uchiha Pan’s memory is that Obito is known, compared to Uchiha Pan, who was a genius of the Uchiha clan back then, Obito’s performance is not at all like a person of the Uchiha clan, and his talent is completely an ordinary person, and has always been the crane tail in the ninja school.

But after blackening, just relying on a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Obito’s strength progress is terrifying to the extreme, and what is even more terrifying is its sudden change in mental wisdom, completely unable to see the previous amusing idiot.

“What a talent! Banye’s vision is even more powerful! “Thinking that Uchiha Ban can actually choose Obito, an inner show talent among hundreds of clans of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Pan is also amazed in his heart, in terms of vision, if he does not have the memory of his previous life, it is absolutely incomparable to this guy Madara Ye.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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