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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 049

In the Dragon Earth Cave, countless winding passages and caves are densely packed throughout the underground space, and in these passages, densely packed poisonous snakes and giant pythons can be seen swimming and entangled everywhere.

Uchiha Pan stood on the huge head of ten thousand snakes all the way forward, and the surrounding giant python vipers respectfully avoided when they saw ten thousand snakes.

Ten thousand snakes were forcibly oppressed by the Uchiha disk, and they were extremely unhappy, and they went on a rampage all the way, and they didn’t care about those weak snakes who couldn’t dodge, they just wanted to quickly send the star above their heads to the White Snake Immortal and let the White Snake Immortal teach this guy a lesson.

The huge body of ten thousand snakes carried the Uchiha pan all the way, and after a while, they had already reached the deepest part of the cave, and finally, one snake stopped alone in a huge underground space.

In the huge underground space, a pure white giant snake that was larger and thicker than the body of ten thousand snakes hovered its body, its golden pupils were half-open, and the entire snake body was lying quietly on a huge stone seat.

“White Snake Immortal, this human wants to see you!” Ten Thousand Snakes said respectfully.

“Oh! Humans, except for the little guy of the big snake pill, there are actually humans who have come to my dragon cave again! The White Snake Immortal opened his half-narrowed snake pupils and looked at Uchiha.

“White Snake Immortal, I came for the Immortal Art of the Dragon Earth Cave!” Uchiha Pan said flatly.

“Oh! Immortal art is a dangerous thing! But since you want to learn, of course I will leave it to you, whether you can learn it or not is up to you! The Great Snake Immortal did not refuse.

After all, in the long life of the White Snake Immortal, there are still many humans who come to Longdi Cave to seek the art of immortals, but most of them cannot withstand the erosion of natural energy and turn into stones and die, and the White Snake Immortals also want to see if the human boy in front of him, who brings a sense of threat to himself, can learn the immortal art of Longdi Cave.

The White Snake Immortal first handed Uchiha a scroll, which recorded the unique cultivation method of immortal art in the Dragon Earth Cave, and then said to the Ten Thousand Snakes on the side: “Ten Thousand Snakes, you take this human to the Snake Cave. ”

“The cultivation of the art of immortals requires the snake liquid in the snake cave to soak the body to assist, ten thousand snakes will take you over, as for whether you can succeed in cultivation, then I wish you good luck!” The White Snake Immortal said to Uchiha again.

Ten Thousand Snakes left with Uchiha and came to an underground cave again.

The huge cave is filled with most of the snake sap, and the large and small stone snakes inside are densely packed, but there is no living snake to survive.

“This is the snake cave, and these stone snakes are the consequences of your human failure to cultivate the art of immortals, humans! My Immortal Art in Dragon Earth Cave is not so easy to cultivate! Hahaha! Ten Thousand Snakes looked at the young man with some playfulness, and said indignantly.

“Then don’t worry about Ten Thousand Snakes, okay, you can roll!” Uchiha crossed his body for a moment, came to a snake statue and sat down on the head, and drank in his mouth.

“Hmph! Uncle Ben is not here to accompany you! Ten Thousand Snakes quickly left with some embarrassment.

In the silent snake cave, Uchiha sat cross-kneeled, took out the scroll that the white snake immortal had given him, and looked at it carefully.

The cultivation steps of the Immortal Art of Miaomu Mountain in the memory of the Uchiha disk are basically the same, and the cultivation of the Immortal Art of Longdi Cave is also to first calm the mind, then assist the snake liquid to perceive natural energy, and finally absorb and store the natural energy in the body.

However, the Uchiha disk has absorbed the immortal human seed, and now it can sense natural energy, so there is no need for those preliminary preparations, and the Uchiha disk mainly looks at how to absorb natural energy and preserve the content of natural energy.

Soon, Uchiha Pan had already written down the method he wanted, thought carefully in his heart, and after feeling that there was no doubt about everything, he immediately began to cultivate.

“Without using the snake liquid in this snake cave to assist, so that those ugly patterns and snake horns will not appear after the cultivation of the immortal body is completed!” Uchiha thought of the appearance of the immortal in the middle and late stages of the original work, and shook his head.

Uchiha closed his eyes and began to cultivate the art of immortals for the first time, immediately perceiving it with all his strength.

In an instant, the natural energy in the Dragon Earth Cave, which was more abundant and vast than the Ninja Realm, appeared in the perception of the Uchiha disk, as if the natural energy like a wave was gently induced by the Uchiha disk.


In the depths of Uchiha’s heart, a loud sound sounded.

The surging natural energy was like water that burst into Uchiha’s small body.

The body of the Uchiha disc is like a black hole, out of control, frantically devouring the surrounding natural energy, as soon as these natural energies enter the body of the Uchiha disk, they immediately become docile, and then absorbed by the body of the Uchiha disk, without causing the slightest impact damage to the Uchiha disk.

Uchiha didn’t expect this to happen, and the imaginary natural energy riot didn’t happen at all.

Uchiha Pan’s heart moved, and he immediately knew the reason, after all, he fused a perfect immortal human body seed, it can be said that now the physique of Uchiha Pan has initially awakened the immortal body, but it lacks the irrigation and pouring of natural energy, making it a perfect immortal body.

And now the Uchiha disk has found a way to absorb natural energy, and it immediately comes to fruition, these natural energy are delicious supplements for themselves, and there is no danger like ordinary people absorbing natural energy.

After sensing his physical condition for a while, Uchiha immediately increased his horsepower and fully absorbed the natural energy of the outside world.


A huge roar sounded in the snake cave, and under the full absorption of the Uchiha disk, the surging natural energy suddenly became even more frantic, forming a huge energy vortex centered on the body of the Uchiha coil.

The huge movement continued to spread, frightening the countless snakes living in the cave of Longdi and fleeing in all directions, not knowing what was happening.

In the depths of the Dragon Earth Cave, the White Snake Immortal felt the surging natural energy around him flowing rapidly in one direction, and his expression also showed a touch of shock.

“This is the location of the snake cave, it’s that human! It’s a terrifying guy to absorb natural energy so madly, and not be washed away by the tyrannical power of natural energy! ”

“What’s the situation, let you not let Uncle Ten Thousand Snakes sleep!” The body of the ten thousand snakes that had just fallen down suddenly stood up, startled by the movement around them, and then looked incredulously in the direction of the snake cave, and said: “It’s that damn human who actually made him succeed, and made such a big movement, damn bastard!” ”

Uchiha Pan did not know the turmoil he had caused, and at this time, Uchiha Pan was excitedly absorbing the natural energy of the outside world, constantly promoting the progress of his immortal body.

At every moment, Uchiha Pan could feel the strength of his body, and the surging life force constantly washed the limbs and remains of his body, and Uchiha Pan shouted in his heart: “Not enough! Not enough! I also want to absorb more natural energy! ”


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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