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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 053

Uchiha Pan did not forget the two guys of the three generations of Hokage and Danzo, and the reason why he did not kill the two of them was only because Uchiha Pan knew in his heart that for these two, the three generations valued the peace of Konoha, and Danzo valued the supreme power of Konoha.

Therefore, Uchiha Pan will not kill them easily, but will let Sandai and Danzo see their dreams shattered with their own eyes, and there is no better revenge than this.

“Pan-sama, since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the Konoha high-level has moved the Uchiha clan station to the edge of Konoha Village, isolating us from most of our practice in the village, and the work of the Konoha Garrison Department controlled by the Uchiha clan has progressed more difficultly, and the villagers are all repelling the clansmen!” Uchiha Aki bowed his head and reported.

“As expected, the current situation of the Uchiha clan has been formed since the second generation of Hokage, although the third generation is also very jealous of the Uchiha clan, he does not have any intention of extinction against the Uchiha clan, but that guy in Tuanzo has a bad heart, he is greedy for the power of the Uchiha clan!” Uchiha Pan said lightly.

The two talked in the Uchiha clan’s residence, and like this, Uchiha occasionally came to discuss the current situation in Konoha Village with Uchiha Aki.

“Pan-sama, are we just watching those high-level people in Konoha Village target the Uchiha clan like this?” Uchiha Qiu said with some anger.

“Huh! Since the relationship between the Uchiha clan and Konoha Village has deteriorated to this point, let’s completely expose this relationship to the sun! Uchiha said with a leisurely expression.

“Lord Pan, in this case, wouldn’t those high-ranking people in Konoha suppress Uchiha even more, and then those civilians would probably also stand on our opposite side!” Uchiha Qiu asked with some doubt.

“No, by then, Konoha’s high-level will be even more reckless, for the overall peace of Konoha, as long as the Uchiha clan does not rebel, I am afraid that the third generation of that guy will compromise!” Uchiha said with a smile.

“You can order the clansmen of the garrison department to specifically stare at the clan of Sarutobi and the Shimura clan, you can deliberately find something to target them, and make things as big as possible, on the other hand, you can also collect some secret information in the village, there are many Konoha ninjas who died in high-level political struggles, and make these public, feel free to do it boldly, as long as the Uchiha clan is not caught by the three generations of them, it will only be them who will be uncomfortable in the end!”

“At that time, the three generations and others will definitely find you in exchange for conditions, and you can also ask for some benefits at the right time!” Uchiha added.

“Yes! Pan-sama! Uchiha Qiu looked excited, and he couldn’t wait to order it immediately.

“By the way, Uchiha Shisui is now serving in the dark department of the third generation!” Uchiha Pan asked suddenly.

“Yes, the water stop was sent by me to the three generations of dark parts as ears.” Uchiha Aki replied.

“In the future, there is no need to send clansmen to the third generation or Tuanzang’s subordinates, those high-level brainwashing methods are very powerful, be careful not to steal chickens and lose rice.” Uchiha reminded lightly.

“Master Pan! You mean stop the water he has rebelled! Uchiha Qiu was shocked.

“Who knows! And beware of Uchiha stopping the water, he is likely to have opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, be careful that he secretly cast illusions on you to change your will! Uchiha Pan said this, and his heart moved.

I don’t know if other heavenly gods can change the will of Uchiha Qiu, who has been immortalized by himself, and he must go to see Uchiha Shuishui when he finds time, and his eyes can’t let the group hide.

“The strength of the water stop can be said to be the strongest person of the Uchiha clan now, with the name of the instantaneous water stopper, if he defects, it will be a big blow to the current Uchiha clan!” Uchiha Qiu said with some hatred.

“It’s okay, I’ll personally strike at the critical moment!” Uchiha Pan said, and then glanced at Uchiha Qiu, and said: “Qiu, you leave a shadow doppelganger, the body will go with me!” ”

“Yes! Pan-sama! Although he didn’t know what Uchiha wanted to do, Uchiha Qiu answered without hesitation.

Uchiha Pan took Uchiha Aki to his residence, silently cast the illusion of limiting the moon reading on him, and put his body into his other-dimensional space.

Uchiha disc also does not know if Uchiha Qiu can open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye this time, you must know that the opening of the kaleidoscope requires a strong talent, not to say that any three-hook jade Uchiha clan, Uchiha disc can help it open the kaleidoscope by casting a limited monthly reading.

If so, the Uchiha disk would have artificially created a large number of kaleidoscopes long ago.

The clansmen of the Uchiha clan, opening the chakra eye, from one hook jade, two hook jade, three hook jade to kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, not only requires strong emotional strength, but also personal talent.

Otherwise, Uchiha’s clan would have already appeared a large number of chakra eyes and even kaleidoscopes, do you think that after three consecutive ninja wars and years of ninja career, those Uchiha ninjas will not encounter something that stimulates them!

Uchiha Qiu has already opened the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, and his qualification understanding is also at the top of the Uchiha family, but compared to those who opened the kaleidoscope when they were teenagers, Shuishui, Itachi, Qi, Ling and others, whether Uchiha Qiu, who is in his thirties, can successfully open the kaleidoscope, Yu Zhibo Disc really dare not assert, everything depends on Yu Zhibo Qiu himself.

Under the speculation of the Uchiha disk, the most easy age for the Uchiha family to open the kaleidoscope is between twelve and twenty years old, people in this age group, the mind is not yet sound, the world view is also growing and stable, when encountering a strong stimulus, it is also the easiest to stimulate the potential power of the chakra eye.

Before the age of twelve or thirteen, one is still under the protection of the elders, and it is not easy to encounter strong stimulation events, and the body has not yet developed to a certain point, and the hardware cannot keep up.

After the age of twenty, as the age increases, the world view and mind are already stable and fixed, and they will involuntarily control their emotions when encountering things, so the older the Uchiha ninja, the more difficult it is to stimulate the potential of the Sharingan.

“Autumn, the conditions have been given to you, whether you can open the kaleidoscope or not, everything depends on you!”

Uchiha Pan knew that Uchiha Qiu would probably sleep for more than ten days this time, and every day he entered the space to replenish some nutrient solution for him, and Uchiha Pan turned his gaze to another person.

Metkay is also one of the main purposes of Uchihapan’s visit to Konoha Village this time.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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