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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 055

Time passed quietly, and half a month had passed.

In the alien space, the figure of Uchiha Pan appeared on the desolate yellow earth, and his eyes looked at Uchiha Qiu lying on the wooden bed.

“This is?” Uchiha Qiu suddenly opened his eyes, and the three jade chakra eyes in his eyes turned rapidly, evolving into a completely different pattern.

It is the kaleidoscopic symbol of the Uchiha family.

“Qiu, it seems that you are lucky and successfully opened the kaleidoscope!” Uchiha Pan said lightly on the side.

“Master Pan, it was an illusion before!” Uchiha Qiu, who completely woke up, thought a little in his mind and guessed the approximate nature of the matter.

Feeling the powerful and surging pupil power in his eyes, Uchiha Qiu did not have much joy in his heart, after experiencing many things in the fantasy world, Uchiha Qiu also knew the price to bear to open the kaleidoscope.

Fortunately, everything just happened in the fantasy world.

Uchiha took Uchiha Aki out of the alien space and came to the depths of the forest outside Konoha Village.

“Test your kaleidoscope pupil technique!” Uchiha Pan glanced at the stunned Uchiha Qiu and said.

“Yes! Pan-sama! Uchiha Aki replied.


Uchiha Qiu’s body instantly turned into a dark shadow, clinging to the shadows of the forest.

Uchiha’s heart moved, if he hadn’t seen Uchiha Qiu turn into a dark shadow with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have felt a person hidden in the shadow of this silent forest at this time.

Just like now, Uchiha Pan knows the dark shadow that Uchiha Qiu turned into, but he can’t sense the slightest abnormality of this shadow, just like a real shadow.

You must know that the Uchiha disk at this time is a super shadow-level existence, and how powerful the perception of its vicinity is, even if it is only a shadow avatar present now, it is stronger than the powerhouse at the peak of the shadow level.

“Eye of Reality!”

The Uchiha disc directly opened his eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye, and when he looked at it with the vision of the virtual and real eye, he immediately saw the existence of that shadow, exuding a strong halo.

Uchiha must know that his virtual eyes look at things, which is divided by the strength of the sense of existence, but he can see through Uchiha Qiu’s pupil technique.

But after all, he will not open the kaleidoscope for a long time, and he will be concealed in his normal state, which shows the strength of the kaleidoscope pupil technique opened by Uchiha Qiu.

This is completely the best ability to lurk and assassinate.

“Not bad, there should be a second pupil technique!” Uchiha Disc knows that the two pupil techniques of the kaleidoscope generally cooperate with each other, and for Uchiha Qiu’s other pupil technique, Uchiha Disc is also a little curious.

“Shadow Jump!” Uchiha Qiu felt the message coming from his eyes, and immediately cast a second pupil technique.

In the field of vision of the Void Eye of Uchiha, I saw that the dark shadow that represented Uchiha Qiu’s sense of existence disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the shade of a tree a few meters away.

Then this dark shadow continued to disappear and appear, and the distance between each interval increased, until it finally disappeared in the eyes of Uchiha Pan.

“Is this Shadow Space? Time and space jump, as long as there is a shadow, you can reach it instantly! What a powerful ability! “Even with Uchihapan’s state of mind, at this time, he was shocked by the kaleidoscopic ability of this subordinate awakened by himself.

Turning into a shadow, which can make no one perceive, shadow jumping, able to jump in all shadow space, this is a real powerful pupil technique that combines spying, assassination, escape and other abilities!

Under the gaze of Uchiha disk, a dark shadow appeared instantly, and then the shadow slowly deformed, revealing the figure of Uchiha Qiu.

“Ugh!” Uchiha Qiu exclaimed in pain and couldn’t help but cover his bleeding right eye.

“You have just awakened a kaleidoscope, and excessive use will cause damage to your eyes!” Uchiha explained.

“Yes, Pan-sama! The subordinate was curious and jumped to the outer surface of the fire with the help of shadow space! Uchiha Qiu said a little embarrassed and a little excited.

This kaleidoscopic pupil technique is too powerful, with these two abilities, his strength can completely assassinate a ninja at the peak of the shadow level.

The two returned to Konoha Village, and Uchiha quietly became his own Konoha teacher, in addition to occasionally teaching Metkay, he also silently watched Uchiha Aki lead the Uchiha clan to fight back against the high-level of Konoha.

After opening the kaleidoscope, Yu Zhibo Qiu smoothly entered the ranks of the peak of the shadow level with his strength, and his heart was even more proud.

According to the crooked ideas given by Uchiha Pan, Uchiha Aki really took the personnel of the Konoha Garrison to specifically target the clan members of the Konoha high-ranking family.

During this time, if there was anything in Konoha that the villagers were talking about, it was only the garrison of the Uchiha clan that forcefully captured some special ninjas and put them in prison to be punished.

And these special ninjas and even villagers are all from the Sarutobi clan, the Shimura clan, the Mito clan and the Shunyi clan, and these four major families are the high-level of Konoha at this time, the three generations of Hokage, the leader of the ‘Root’ clan, and the two high-level advisors of Konoha.

You have to say that there is nothing tricky in this, who can believe it.

You must know that when the garrison ninja captured these ninjas and civilians, these high-ranking people in Konoha dispatched the dark departments and subordinates around them to block them, but it was the collision between the two that made the status of these high-ranking people in the minds of civilians in Konoha be questioned during this time.

Uchiha Qiu specially sent people to keep an eye on those who really violated the management regulations of Konoha Village, and even if they didn’t, they secretly sent their clansmen to design and frame, and even Uchiha Qiu personally took action.

Using the masters of the Uchiha clan to deal with those weak ninjas and even ordinary people, of course, is hand-to-hand.

And the regulations violated by these people are not a serious matter, at most they will be detained by the garrison and slightly punished, but the identity of these people is extremely sensitive.

Moreover, during this time, the Uchiha family almost stared at the people of these families, but did not pay much attention to the other people in Konoha Village, how could this kind of sign not make the villagers of Konoha Village talk about it.

Everything the garrison does is in compliance and can’t gossip, but this sense of targeting is almost unabashed.


In the council chamber of the Hokage Building, a gloomy looking Danzo slammed the wooden table in front of him.

“Those bastards of the Uchiha clan are so blatantly targeting our family, are they trying to rebel?” Tuanzo shouted loudly.

It was really during this time that the guys of the Uchiha clan garrison were angry in their hearts, and the ordinary clans and ninjas of the Shimura clan were arrested into the garrison one after another, although they were quickly released, but in a blink of an eye, they would be found by those guys and arrested again.

An ordinary clan member in his own clan, who has no ninja talent, is just an ordinary person, although he usually has some idleness, fights for the reputation of the Shimura clan, acts arrogantly, and has been arrested into the garrison fourteen times during this time, almost on the same day and again on the same day, it is simply lost the face of the Shimura clan.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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