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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 063

“Kill! Lei Dun – Thunder Dragon Kill! ”

“Lei Dun – go to the ground!”

Two thunder ninjutsu and a large group of shurikens were directly aimed at the young man.

Shout! Shout! Rumble!

However, whether it was a shuriken or a powerful thunder ninja method, it passed through as if it met the air, and then attacked the trees in the distance, but did not hurt the boy’s body in the slightest.

“What? It’s magic! Untie! Yun Yinshang couldn’t help but be shocked, and his first reaction was that he and the others had been hit by illusion.

The young man calmly watched as the three of Yunyin made futile resistance, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.


“Spiral pill burst!”

Instantly appeared in front of the Yunyin ninja, and before the three of them could react, a series of three spiral pills bombarded the Yunyin ninjas.

The boy was the Uchiha disk body that had just come to Konoha Village a few days ago, and because the Uchiha disk had to wait for the transformation of the Uchiha Itachi, the body had been maintaining the large-scale perception ninjutsu of electromagnetic induction that shrouded Konoha Village.

Sensing every move in Konoha Village every day, Uchiha Pan silently watched the sunlight and darkness of Konoha, and also looked at the peace talks between Yunyin Village and Konoha Village, but Uchiha Pan did not expect that Yunyin and his party would lurk in the Hyuga clan tonight and kidnap Hinata, the cute girl.

In the memory of Uchiha Pan, the original book seems to have mentioned Hinata’s captivity, but in the end it seems to have been recovered by Hinata Hiashi, and Uchiha Pan was suspended in the air all the time and silently watched the development of the plot.

But I didn’t expect that Hinata Hiashi actually chased after him because of the obstruction of the two Yunyin Shinobi, and seeing that Yunyin and his party were about to lead people out of the territory of the Fire Country, Uchiha immediately took action to save the Hinata girl.

If such a cute girl is abducted back to Yunyin Village, what awaits her will definitely be to gouge out her eyes and encounter the darkest human experiment in this world, and Yu Zhibo Pan liked this shy and shy Hinata cute girl in her previous life, of course, she would not allow such a thing to happen.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Uchiha took Hinata from Yunyin Shangnin’s hand at an extremely fast speed, and looked at the three Yunyin who fell to the ground indifferently.

“It’s you! Uchiha disc! Lord Lei Ying will not let you go! Before Yunyin Shangren died, he finally recognized the identity of Uchiha Pan, and after saying it with unwillingness and hatred in his mouth, he swallowed his last breath.

“Then Lei Ying also knows it! And will I be afraid of thunder shadows? Uchiha Pan was dismissive, not caring about the threat of the Yunyin ninja before his death, and looked at the still sleepy Hinata Moe girl.

Hinata Moe is still just a five-year-old cute baby, with fleshy cheeks and cute blue pajamas.

“Why don’t you take this opportunity to take Hinata Moe girl away! Konoha didn’t know I did it anyway, hehe! Let’s watch Konoha and Yunyin Village dog eat dog! Uchiha looked at the cute Hinata girl, and his heart suddenly moved, and he had a bad idea.


Uchiha took the sleeping Hinata girl to teleport away immediately, and not long after the two left, the anxious Hinata Hinata rushed to the scene, looking at the three Yunyin ninjas who had long died in the field, but did not find the slightest trace of their daughter Hinata, Hinata Hinata’s heart was full of despair.

Although I don’t know how the Yunyin ninja died, there was no clue of Hinata under his white eyes, and the border of the Fire Country was already ahead.

Unwillingly, Hinata Hinata continued to search forward, and finally even crossed the territory of the Land of Fire, and when the three generations led the Dark Division, Konoha and his party finally brought back only the soulless Hinata Hiashi.

Not to mention how angry the Hyuga clan was, the next clan heir in his clan was actually taken away in Konoha Village by the Yunyin ninja who came to sign a peace treaty, and the blood of the Hyuga clan spread out in white eyes, which simply touched the counterscale of the Hyuga clan.

Even the third generation of Hokage and other Konoha high-ranking people were full of anger in their hearts, and made a serious protest to Yunyin Village, and severely demanded that Yunyin Village hand over Hinata Hinata.

At this time, Uchiha Pan, who had already returned to Konoha Village, returned to the Uchiha family station with the Hinata girl, and continued to monitor the every move of the Uchiha Itachi, while beginning to comfort the Hinata girl who woke up.

“Brother! Hinata wants to go home, Hinata wants to be a father. The cute girl Hinata’s eyes widened, tears flashing in her eyes, and she looked at the big brother in front of her.

The current Hinata girl is confused in her heart, she obviously sleeps at home, who thinks of waking up and coming to this strange place, although the big brother in front of her speaks softly, but he just doesn’t take himself home.

Hum! Bad brother!

Uchiha Pan didn’t know that Hinata Girl had defined herself as a bad brother in her heart at this time, and Uchiha Pan was also a little broken in her heart at this time.

Last night, I was hot, and I directly brought Hinata girls back, but now it’s good, Hinata girls are shouting to go home, although they didn’t cry, but these two tearful eyes have been looking at themselves, what is the matter!

Uchiha Pan looked at his Hinata sister paper with a look of anticipation, and slapped his brain, Uchiha Pan was thinking about whether to directly delete Hinata girl’s young memories with lifeless memories.

“Hey! Let’s take your time! Let’s forget about the lifeless memory, in case the future shy Hinata is lost, Uchiha Pan will not regret dying. Uchiha finally decided to slowly appease Hinata’s sister.

“Hinata! Do you know if you are with your brother obediently? If you are obedient, your brother will take you to visit your father when you are free, if you are not obedient, then don’t think about meeting home again! “Uchiha Pan can’t help it, and directly threatens it.

“Whew… Woo, Hinata obedient, Hinata is going home. The tears in Hinata’s eyes could no longer be stopped, and they flowed down in a uproar.

“Don’t cry! Hinata doesn’t cry, well, if he doesn’t cry, now his brother will take Hinata home! Uchiha wiped the cute girl’s tears in a little panic, and said urgently.

“Really? That Hinata doesn’t cry. Hinata stopped her tears with pear blossoms in her eyes and looked at Uchiha with big eyes.

“Okay, okay! It seems that it is impossible not to take you back! Uchiha picked up the Hinata girl and glanced helplessly at the little girl in his arms.

Uchiha Pan eventually took Hinata girls to Hinata Hinata’s station secretly, but because of the blur, Uchiha Pan and Hinata’s figures were not seen by anyone.

Uchiha Pan went straight all the way, directly from the Uchiha clan station to the Hyuga clan station, Uchiha Pan held Hinata, but did not hide Hinata’s meaning at all, and Hinata girl did not know until now that she was actually in Konoha Village, not far from the Hinata family station.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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