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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 068

The resignation of Hokage in Konoha Village and the selection of a new Hokage were soon reported to the Daimyo of the Fire Nation, and the Daimyo of the Fire Nation urgently rushed to the capital of the country to discuss the current situation of Konoha Village and the candidates for the fifth generation Hokage.

In the Daimyo Mansion of the Land of Fire, in the State Council Hall, on the side of Konoha are Sarutobi Sasuke, Shimura Danzo, Koharu Sleeper, Mito Monita and Nara Shikahisa, the five high-ranking officials of Konoha Village, and the Fire Country is attended by the daimyo and the lords of major cities.

“The third generation of Hokage in Konoha Village resigned before to be responsible for the turmoil of the villagers of Konoha Village, and this matter has been officially passed!” The daimyo of the Fire Nation said slowly, and then looked at the people who were pondering on the left and right and said: “Now as the fifth generation Hokage candidate in Konoha Village, I wonder who recommended it from Konoha Village?” ”

“The current Konoha Village is unstable, because of the compromise of the three generations to the Yunyin Village, the other four major ninja villages in the ninja world are all staring at the reality of my Konoha Village, at this moment, Konoha Village needs a strong Hokage successor leader to ensure the stability of the Fire Country, and the candidate for the fifth generation Hokage is none other than the old man!” Shimura Danzo shouted in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on the daimyo of the Fire Nation.

For the leader of the ‘root’ tribe of Konoha Village, Shimura Danzo, the daimyo can be described as afraid of three points, and every time he sees Danzo’s hideous expression and gloomy tone, the daimyo will feel a pang of fear in his heart.

“Eh! This Shimura Danzo recommended him to succeed the fifth Hokage of Konoha Village, what do you think? “The Daimyo of the Fire Nation pushed the problem to someone else.

“Konoha Village now needs a peaceful environment to wait for the rise of new ninja forces, Danzo’s martial arts ideology is not suitable for Hokage’s work, and the old man does not approve of it!” Ape Flying Sun Chopper ignored Tuan Zang’s gloomy gaze and directly said what was in his heart.

“Hmph! Sarutobi, today’s Konoha Village is almost on the edge of the cliff, who else in Konoha Village has this qualification, except for the old Fushi Village Danzo, this ability can succeed to the position of the fifth generation Hokage! Shimura Danzo stood up abruptly and shouted sharply.

“Sarutobi, currently no one in Konoha Village has the qualifications and identity to succeed Hokage, in terms of strength and identity, I think Danzo can succeed Hokage.” Mito Menyan spoke.

“Yes, the starting point of Danzo is also for the strength and peace of Konoha, and only Danzo in Konoha Village can take the position of Hokage at this time!” Koharu also said in agreement.

“The old man proposed that Jiraiya be the candidate for the fifth generation Hokage, and he has also experienced the Second World War of the Ninja Realm, and has established many achievements for Konoha Village, and he is also the teacher of the fourth generation of Hokage, and his prestige status is enough to assume the position of the fifth generation Hokage!” Sarutobi said.

“Oh! Jiraiya? I know him, and it’s okay to be Hokage too. The daimyo touched his chin and whispered.

“Jiraiya has been wandering outside since the end of World War II, even the three battles in the ninja world Konoha did not come back at the most difficult time, who knows what Jiraiya has done outside the village all these years, if it is not for Sarutobi to stop him as a Hokage before, the old man will list him as Konoha’s rebel and ninja, try to ask how such Jiraiya can safely let him take the position of Hokage!” Tuan Zang said in a deep voice.

“Now that Konoha Village has provided two Hokage candidates, Shimura Danzo and Jiraiya, let’s vote for the fifth generation Hokage in Konoha Village!” The daimyo coughed and said slowly.

“Please raise your hand if you support Shimura Danzo as the fifth generation Hokage!”

“Please raise your hand next to support Jiraiya as the fifth generation Hokage!”

Soon, the decision of the discussion came out, with 7 votes supporting Shimura Danzo as Hokage, 6 votes supporting Jiraiya’s succession to the Hokage, and Shimura Danzo won the position of the fifth generation Hokage in Konoha Village by a narrow margin of one vote.

Among them, four of the eight people on the Fire Country side support Danzo and four support Jiraiya, and both sides have the same strength, but on the Konoha Village side, it is indeed Danzo, Koharu and Mizuto Menyan who support Danzo, while Sarutobi Hinata and Nara Shikaku support Jiraiya.

Despite this, the candidate for the fifth generation Hokage in Konoha Village finally fell into the hands of Danzo.

“Then, I announce that the position of the fifth generation Hokage in Konoha Village will be held by Shimura Danzo, and then I will issue a letter of appointment.” The daimyo stood up and said.

Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

“Hahaha! Finally, let the old man wait for this day, and the position of this Hokage finally took the turn of the old man Shimura Danzo to do it! Danzo sat in Hokage’s place and smiled proudly.

“Danzo-sama, no, it’s the fifth generation Hokage-sama, the succession ceremony of the Hokage will be held tomorrow, and all the preparations are ready!” A ‘root’ ninja wearing a cat-faced mask knelt down on one knee and respectfully said.

“Very good, tomorrow’s Hokage succession ceremony should not make the slightest mistake, the old man will announce tomorrow, in front of all the Konoha villagers, that Konoha Village is about to become strong under the leadership of the old man’s fifth generation Hokage, and eliminate all provocative and threatening Konoha’s existence!” Tuan Zang said excitedly.

“In addition, send someone to keep an eye on the movements of the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan, if you find any changes in these two families, the old man will allow you the right to cut first and then play!” Tuan Zang said to the subordinate who was subordinate.


With the political change of Danzo about to succeed the fifth generation of Hokage, at this time, the dark power directly belonging to Hokage in Konoha Village has been transferred from the Sarutobi Sun Slash to Danzo, holding the two elite ninja forces of Konoha Village’s dark part and ‘root’, and there are already a large number of registered ninjas in Konoha Village, and Danzo at this time holds almost half of the power of Konoha Village in his hands.

Although it will not be until tomorrow after the Hokage succession ceremony is held, Danzo can be regarded as the rightful fifth generation Hokage in Konoha Village, but in essence, Danzo has mastered all the power of Hokage in Konoha Village at this time.

The night in Konoha Village is particularly lively, and with the abdication of the three generations of Hokage, the Yunyin incident, which was still making a lot of noise before, has gradually been digested by time.

Konoha, in the Hokage Building, at this time Danzo was still in the Hokage office watching all kinds of ciphertexts in Konoha Village, these were confidential information that belonged to the custody of Hokage, although it was getting late, but at this time Danzo’s heart was full of excitement, there was no intention to sleep, and his heart was filled with excitement that he had finally fulfilled his wish.

Inside the Uchiha Clan’s patriarch’s house, Uchiha Pan had just coaxed Hinata to sleep, and at this time, Uchiha Aki was watching everything in the Hokage Building through the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror.

These days, all the secret things that happened in Konoha Village and even the scene of the election of the Hokage by the Daimyo of the Fire Country were seen by the two, and there was no secret.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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