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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 070

“The destructive power of this scale is the technique of sealing the four elephants!” Nara Shikahisa, who was standing in the ruins of the Hokage Building and inspecting, said.

“The Four Elephants Sealing Technique! It seems that Tuan Zang has been killed, I don’t know if he died with the enemy in the end! The ape flying sun who rushed to the scene on the side said in a deep voice.

“Who the hell invaded the Hokage Building, it didn’t alarm anyone, and it forced Lord Tuanzo to perform a forbidden technique in such a short time!” Ape Fei Ri Chop had doubts flashing in his heart, and asked with a somewhat uneasy expression.

“Tomorrow is the fifth-generation Hokage succession ceremony, but now Danzo was killed tonight! This is definitely no accident! Who the hell is targeting me Konoha Village! “Nara Shikahisa is the most high-level thinker of Konoha, thinking about all the accidents that have happened in Konoha recently, and behind all this there is a trace of a secret and powerful ninja existence.

“Could it be that the person who killed Danzo-sama is the one who used his dream to disturb my Konoha village before, forcing the third generation of Hokage-sama to abdicate.” Nara Shikahisa guessed.

“The priority is to solve the matter of the regiment’s hiding and dying, tomorrow is the day of Hokage’s succession, now that the regiment is hiding and dying, how to explain to the villagers and the daimyo!” Mito Menyan said in a deep voice.

“The regiment is hiding and dying, the murderer must be solved, but the position of the Hokage in Konoha Village cannot be left vacant, I think it is better to urgently recall Jiraiya!” Now Konoha Village is only able to be qualified enough to serve as the Hokage! Koharu sighed.

“Then postpone the Hokage succession ceremony, send someone to inform the daimyofu, and the dark ministry will also send someone to recall Jiraiya!” Order him to rush back to Konoha immediately! Ape Flying Sun Chopper immediately ordered.


Uchiha Pan did not pay attention to Konoha’s follow-up response, killed Danzo, and erased him when he was about to succeed Hokage and get the rights that his heart had always longed for, but Uchiha Pan did not have the slightest excitement in his heart, but only calm.

“Little Hinata, do you say it’s okay for us to take a trip to Yunyin Village?” Uchiha touched Hinata’s little head and said.

“Brother, what are you doing in Yunyin Village?” Hinata asked with wide eyes and puzzlement, her cute look turning.

“Of course, I went to help my Hinata take revenge, who called the Yunyin ninja who dared to come to Konoha some time ago to kidnap Hinata you, and Yunyin Village also forced Hinata to death your uncle Hinata.” Uchiha said.

The most important thing is that Konoha was tossed and turned by the Uchiha disk, and now the strength has been greatly reduced, it is no longer enough to suppress the Yunyin Village, and the Uchiha disk does not want a large-scale battle to break out in the ninja world at present, and of course it is necessary to suppress the Yunyin Village, whose strength has leapt to the first place in the ninja world.

Of course, these truths don’t make sense with Hinata, and recently Hinata girls have been a little sullen because of the affairs of the Hyuga clan, and Uchiha should be distracted by taking her to Yunyin Village.

“Let’s go!” Uchiha Pan picked up the Hinata girl, and did not notify Uchiha Aki, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The Uchiha disk is also the first time to come to the territory of the Land of Thunder, because I don’t know the specific location, the Uchiha disk also specially teleported a few more times, but with the help of the time and space pupil technique, in fact, it did not delay for long.

Land of Thunder, Yunyin Village.

Yunyin Village is located in a plateau area, surrounded by mountains, and the highest altitude has penetrated deep into the clouds.

Also because the distance from the clouds is too close, the climate in Yunyin Village is harsh, and thunderstorms occur all year round, so it also creates the ability of Yunyin ninjas to be especially good at thunder ninjutsu.

Above Yunyin Village, Uchiha appeared instantly holding Hinata, floating quietly in the depths of the clouds high above.

“This is the Yunyin Village of the Land of Thunder, and it is indeed worthy of being a powerful ninja village in the forefront of the five great powers of the Ninja Realm, and its strength is more than a little stronger than the current Konoha!” The electromagnetic induction of the Yuzhibo disk instantly covered the entire Yunyin Village, and all the secret information in the Yunyin Village was clearly perceived.

In the perception of Uchiha Disk, although the low-end ninja in Yunyin Village are not comparable to the number of ninjas in Konoha, but the difference is not too much, and the elite ninjas above the upper ninja are already comparable to Konoha Village, and as the peak powerhouse in Yunyin Village, the combat power of shadow-level powerhouses has surpassed today’s Konoha, and it is no wonder that Yunyin Village is aggressive when facing Konoha Village.

Feeling the two strong chakra breaths in the electromagnetic induction network, the breath of the peak of the shadow level is at a glance, it is the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai and the eight-tailed human pillar ratio in Yunyin Village.

“Hey, hey! Are the thunder shadows and human pillars of Yunyin Village ready to welcome my baptism? Uchiha Pan whispered to himself, looking at Yunyin Village at his feet with a flat expression.

“Immortal Law – Super Large Jade Hao Yan Spiral Pill!”

The Uchiha disk suddenly turned on its own immortal mode, and at this time, the Uchiha disk had cultivated to more than sixty percent of the immortal body, and it could last for most of the day when opening the immortal mode.

And since Yu Zhibo Pan fused the immortal body and practiced the art of immortals, he had never tested how powerful his attack ability was in immortal mode, and now he came to attack Yunyin Village, and Yuzhibo Pan gave his experimental subjects in immortal mode to Yunyin Village without hesitation.

Uchiha Pan was in immortal mode, feeling the powerful natural forces in his body and even the surrounding heaven and earth being controlled by himself, and immediately integrated these natural energies into the Haoyan Spiral Pill.

With a large amount of natural energy added, the dark red spiral pill, which was originally only the size of a fist, instantly expanded, becoming like a small sun, held above his head by Uchiha’s raised right hand.

The Uchiha disk poured a large amount of natural energy into it in an instant, and did not stop until it reached the limit of its control, and at this time, the violent chakra fluctuations of the giant super large Jade Haoyan Spiral Pill had already been perceived by the ninja of Yunyin Village below.

“What’s that? Such a powerful Chakra fluctuation, this level of Chakra energy is almost comparable to the full-power tailed beast jade of the eight-tailed adult! The perceptual ninja of Yunyin Village looked into the sky in horror.

The violent chakra fluctuations and surging heat instantly blasted away the clouds, and the strong light shot straight down, reflecting the eyes of every Yunyin Village.

“What’s that? The sun? ”

“What a powerful Chakra fluctuation, damn it! It’s an enemy attack! The figure of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow instantly appeared on the roof of the Thunder Shadow Building, looking at the figure high in the sky with a serious face, as well as the ninjutsu energy sphere held high in the hand of the figure.

“Everyone in Yunyin, take it!” Uchiha said with a smile and threw the huge spiral pill in his hand directly.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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