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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 094

Listening to Uchiha Kai’s report, Uchiha Pan’s expression moved, and he suddenly remembered that there has always been such a powerful monster and generations of witches in the country of ghosts.

“The witch of the Oni Country? Is it Maitreya? Uchiha asked.

“Maitreya is a witch of the previous generation of the country of ghosts, and the intelligence of the people of the country of ghosts was chosen to sacrifice herself a year ago in order to seal the soon-to-be-born monster, and the current witch is Maitreya’s daughter Ziyuan.” Uchiha said.

“Bring the Aster and the stone statue that seals the eel!” Uchiha Pan looked moved, and said to Uchiha Kai.

“Yes! Pan-sama! Uchiha left and went to the prison of the outer military headquarters camp to extract it.

The shadow avatar of the Uchiha disk used the power of the Void Mirror to instantly contact his own body and inform him of the matter.


A figure suddenly appeared in the office, it was the body of the Uchiha disk that teleported over.

Soon, a girl the size of four or five years old and a scroll walked in.

“Lord Pan, this is the sealed stone statue of the witch Aster and the Eel.” Uchiha Kei handed the scroll in his hand to Uchiha Disc and said.

Looking at the little girl with blond hair, purple eyes, and a face full of confusion and timidity, panting, Uchiha showed a strange smile in his eyes.

Following Uchiha Kai all the way, the gravity environment in Xingyin Village doubled so that Ziyuan, who had just arrived in Xingyin Village and was just an ordinary little girl, looked a little breathless after walking a short distance.

“Your name is Ziyuan, isn’t it?” Uchiha first waited until his sister-in-law eased her breath before she asked in a harmonious voice.

“Yes! My name is Aster. Ziyuan rubbed his fingers a little uneasily, glanced at the boy in front of him, and quickly looked down at the ground.

“Huh! Do not worry! From now on, you will live in Xingyin Village! I will ask a little sister to live with you! Uchiha said with a smile.


Two figures suddenly appeared, but it was Shiro and Hinata who were summoned by Uchiha Pan to cast the Two Realms Psychic Pupil Technique.

“Hinata, how about this Aster sister live and study with you in the future? Do you have any special feelings when you see the little sister of Ziyuan? Uchiha asked with a smile as he looked at the almost molded faces of Hinata and Shien.

“Sister Ziyuan? You look like a person! Hey? Who is it? Hinata didn’t get up for a while! Hinata blinked his eyes a little confused, looking at Shiyuan’s gaze with kindness and joy.

This Ziyuan sister, who gave her a very familiar feeling, will live and study with her in the future, which makes Hinata, who has not had fun with her peers since coming to Xingyin Village, feel happy.

Hearing Uchiha’s words, Uchiha Kai and the others present saw the strikingly similar faces of Shiyuan and Hinata, if it weren’t for knowing that one of them was a contemporary witch of the Ghost Country and the other was a member of the Japanese clan, everyone would almost think that these two little girls had some blood relationship.

“Really! It’s really like that! Shiro touched Hinata’s head, and looked at Shiyuan’s gaze with amazement.

“Sister Bai, do you know who Sister Ziyuan looks like? Hinata feels so familiar, but I just can’t remember it! Hinata looked up at Shiro behind him and asked in bewilderment.

Looking at Hinata’s confused look, Bai and Kai and the others laughed.

“You are a little confused, except for your hair color and eyes, sister Ziyuan and you look almost the same, you haven’t reacted yet!” Shiro looked at Hinata with some amusement and smiled at Hinata, who looked at him suspiciously.

“Ugh!” “Ugh!”

Two exclamations sounded almost at the same time, but it was Hinata and Ziyuan, the two little girls, who reacted at the same time, and the two looked at each other with wide eyes, their eyes full of curiosity and kindness.

“Okay, Shien will live with Hinata in the future, you arrange it, now solve another matter first!” Uchiha Pan looked at the scroll opened in his hand and said.


Uchiha unsealed the scroll, and in an instant, a huge stone statue two meters tall appeared in the office. The stone statue is hideous and terrifying, as if the face of a demon is the monster that is sealed.

“Ziyuan, how much do you know about eels?” Uchiha asked towards Ziyuan.

Under the gaze of the kaleidoscope of the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye Void Power of the Uchiha Disk, the stone statue in front of him exudes a strong existential light, and its radiance almost reaches the existence of a shadow-level peak ninja, which also allows Uchiha Disc to know the power level of the monster Ray.

“Mother said that the eel is a monster from the underworld, the source of disaster in the country of ghosts and the ninja world, and it must not be allowed to resurrect and appear, and my mother left the aster in order to seal the eel.” Ziyuan looked at the stone statue with a sense of fear and hatred in his gaze, and said in a low voice.

“How can a little eel become the source of disaster in the ninja world! Since this is the case, then let this monster disappear completely today! Uchiha looked at the stone statue with disdain.


Uchiha Disc raised his hand and threw out a spiral pill, instantly blasted open the seal of the Rays Stone Statue, although the sealing technique that sealed the Rays gathered the power of the previous generation of witch Maitreya, but this seal was mainly aimed at the internal Rays, which were attacked from the outside by the Uchiha Disk, and immediately could not withstand the complete collapse.

“Hahaha! My eel has finally been resurrected! I really want to thank you as a human being! The body of the eel floated out of the shattered stone statue like smoke, and the wanton laughter suddenly resounded throughout the space.

“What a bad laugh! Let’s solve it early! Listening to the shrill laughter of the eel, Uchiha frowned and said lightly.

“Hmm! Stinky boy! Dare to be disrespectful to your King Ben, originally I wanted to take you into slavery for the sake of you rescuing King Ben, but now King Ben has changed his mind, King Ben wants to kill this guy of yours completely! When he heard Uchiha’s words, he was immediately furious, and roared arrogantly.

“Be bold!”

“Find death!”

Uchiha Kai and the others, who had been watching coldly on the side, heard the arrogant words of the eel, and heard that the eel actually looked down on and insulted the extremely noble Lord Pan in the eyes of himself and others, and immediately rebuked one after another, and even burst out with all the momentum oppression.

“Those who don’t know are not afraid! Or disappear! Uchiha listened to the arrogant tone of the eel, shook his head a little speechlessly, and said softly.

This guy has really been sealed for too long, do you think that this ninja world is still the same as when he was in the beginning? Even if you don’t count Uchiha himself, the strong people in the ninja world who can completely destroy the evils are now more than one punch art, as for the immortal body that the eels rely on, for the countless strange ninjutsu and forbidden arts in the ninja world, you can always find some to restrain his immortal body. _

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Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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