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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 095

One after another powerful momentum pressed down, and the piercing and arrogant voice of the eel suddenly stopped like a shell, feeling the several chakra auras around him that gave him a strong sense of threat, and the eel was shocked in his heart.

“Such unlucky! As soon as this king was resurrected, he actually encountered so many human powerhouses! He smiled bitterly in his heart, thinking of his immortal body’s ability, and said arrogantly: “Human beings, this king has an immortal body, you can’t kill me!” ”

“Destroy all things!”

One by one, the gentle low drink reached the ears of the eel, and a death crisis that had never been felt was instantly transmitted to the depths of the eel’s heart, and the eel’s original expression instantly turned into horror and scream.


Silently, as the pupils of the Uchiha disk disappeared, I saw that the body that looked like smoke was like snowflakes exposed to the scorching sun, and instantly dissipated.

The destruction of everything is a powerful pupil technique developed by Uchiha Pan according to the ability of his left eye kaleidoscope to write the power of the wheel eye virtual reality, which can freely transform the illusory and the real, the principle is very simple, that is, to completely illusory the existence of the real world and erase all traces of existence.

Although Vientiane Destruction is powerful, but it has very serious limitations, the more powerful the existence that can be erased by the pupil technique, the more powerful it needs strong pupil support, this pupil technique Uchiha disk until the Sharingan promotion to the eternal kaleidoscope, can really be cast, but it can still only deal with the existence of the super shadow, deal with the super shadow strong, the move of the transformation of the universe can only be seriously injured at most and cannot be killed instantly, but now it is used to deal with the immortal body of the eel is just used.

Uchiha Pan directly erased the consciousness and soul of the eel by using the Vientiane Annihilation Pupil Technique, and completely blurred the body of the eel, leaving only the pure and huge Chakra in the eel’s body.

For the immortal body of the eel, Uchiha Pan did not pay attention to it, the reason why the eel can be constantly resurrected is only because the body of the eel is composed of Chakra and part of the negative spirit of the witches of the country of ghosts, so it can not die, as long as there is ninjutsu that attacks the soul can kill the eel, it is not considered to be true immortality.

The eel disappeared, leaving only a mass of energy that emitted strong chakra fluctuations, which was held in Uchiha’s hand.

“The eel and the witch are of the same origin, and these chakras are sealed to your body in the aster, and you can slowly absorb and control it in the future.” Uchiha slapped the chakra group in his hand against Ziyuan’s forehead, completely sealing it into Ziyuan’s body.

As the chakra left by the eel was sealed into the body of the aster, part of these chakras were directly absorbed by the aster, instantly raising the body of the aster that was originally just an ordinary person to the level of elite forbearance, and most of the remaining chakra was hidden and dormant, waiting for the development and control of the aster in the future.

“All right, Shiro! You take Hinata to arrange! Qi, Ling, and Qiu, the three of you also go down and rest! Uchiha said with a wave of his hand.

“Yes, Master Pan!”

Everyone left, and the body of the Uchiha disk disappeared instantly, and then appeared outside Xingyin Village, behind a hill.

“Big Snake Pill, why did you think of the hidden village, is there something to find me?” As soon as the figure of the Uchiha disk appeared, he asked towards the figure in his perception.

Just after receiving a reminder from the Void Mirror that there was a ninja named Orochimaru looking for him outside the Hoshihide Village, Uchiha rushed over.

“Plate! Your Star Country has been developing rapidly in recent years! Unexpectedly, even Xingyin Village was transformed by you into a copper wall and iron wall, and the peripheral poisonous miasma area and hypergravity area are really terrifying! Orochimaru took a deep look at the young man in front of him and sighed.

The big snake pill originally wanted to sneak directly into the Xingyin Village and talk to Uchiha about the eight tails, but he didn’t expect to suffer a big loss in the peripheral area of Xingyin Village, and the hypergravity area that surrounded the entire Xingyin Village from all sides was simply terrifying, and the big snake pill almost died inside without defense.

Looking at the Uchiha disk in front of him, the big snake pill’s heart is extremely complicated, almost every time they meet, every time they learn the news of the Uchiha disk, the big snake pill can feel that the young man in front of him is constantly getting stronger, and now even the Star Country and Star Yin Village that he single-handedly controls and has become so powerful, the Star Country is now almost the sixth largest country in the ninja world.

After Orochimaru was unable to enter Xingyin Village normally after trying many methods, he had to find the ninja arranged outside Xingyin Village to inform Uchiha to come, which made Orochimaru feel a pang of loss in his heart.

“Huh! There is no invincible ninjutsu in this world, and there is no flawless defense, Orochimaru! Let’s go to Xingyin Village and discuss again! Uchiha Pan said lightly, and then teleported into his residence with the big snake pill.

“Great Snake Pill, you don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything! What is there to say! Uchiha asked as he looked at Orochimaru curiously.

“I joined the Xiao Organization! Nagato called me over and ask about Yaoi! The big snake pill said directly.

“Yaoi? I’ll go talk to Nagato later! Uchiha Pan said without care.

Although the power of the tailed beast is strong, Uchiha Pan does not value it very much, and he has promised Nagato to help him collect the tailed beast before, since the eight tails are in his hands, it doesn’t matter if it is handed over to Nagato.

“Plate! I didn’t expect you to join the Xiao organization too! We can now say that we are partners in the same organization! Orochimaru licked his tongue and looked at Uchiha with an inexplicable look and said.

“Hmm! I joined the organization very early! Orochimaru, are you interested in joining my Star Country? Uchiha Pan watched the big snake pill’s mind move, and suddenly asked.

“Oh! I’m very interested in your Star Country and Star Hidden Village, I don’t know what I need to pay after joining? Orochimaru asked in a deep voice.

For the forehead bracer that can communicate with the Void Realm in the Star Country, as well as the strong defense shown by the Star Hidden Village, as well as the countless ninjutsu and forbidden arts knowledge that Uchiha Pan himself has mastered, the Great Snake Pill has been itching for a long time, but for the constraints that need to be endured after joining the Star Country, the Great Snake Pill still has some scruples in his heart.

“As long as you don’t betray the country of stars and kill the citizens of the country of stars for no reason, there are no other restrictions and constraints, and after joining the country of stars, I will open up all ninjutsu, forbidden arts, and occult knowledge permissions in the country of stars to you, and support all your experimental subjects in the big snake pill, don’t you want to study and master all the ninjutsu in the ninja world, join my country of stars!” Everything you need is here! Uchiha opened his hands and looked solemnly at Orochimaru.

“Since you are so gracious! Then take care of it in the future! The big snake pill immediately agreed. _

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Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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