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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 116

“Human, do you want to cultivate the Immortal Art of the Wet Bone Forest? I feel a powerful life force and the breath of death in you! ”

In the center of the wet bone forest, a huge slug, like a giant mountain, lowered its head and looked up and down at the human teenager in front of him, from the little slug’s body mind that was channeled to the ninja world before, the slug-fairy already knew the general situation of this human teenager, but after seeing and perceiving it firsthand, the slug fairy still had a trace of surprise in his heart.

Not to mention the powerful power of the super shadow peak of the Uchiha disk, although the Uchiha disk has already blurred its own chakra, but this virtual power cannot be completely hidden in the face of the powerful ninja beast that has lived for an unknown amount of time like the slug.

But what really surprised the slug immortal, a powerful ninja beast that had seen the rise and fall of the ninja world, was that the huge life force hidden in the depths of the body and the more subtle hidden death force hidden in the depths of the Uchiha disk, the life force and the power of death were all gathered in one person, which was something that the slug immortal had never encountered.

Hearing the words of the slug, Uchiha’s eyes flashed, and he immediately knew what the slug immortal said.

The life force, of course, is his own immortal body that is almost completely established, and after such a long time of continuous cultivation of immortal art, with the help of more than a dozen shadow avatars to assist in absorbing the power of nature, Uchiha Pan has developed his immortal body to ninety percent, only the last point will completely complete the cultivation of the immortal body, so that his yang can reach the Dacheng stage.

This is also the main reason why Uchiha Pan came to the Wet Bone Forest this inheritance holy place, although the immortal body only has the last achievement left to reach Dacheng, but it is the natural power required by this last immortal body, if it relies on the shadow doppelganger cultivation accumulation scattered by Uchiha Pan, I am afraid it will take several years.

Therefore, the Uchiha disc thought of the abundant natural power in the cave of the dragon earth, and if it absorbed another such inheritance holy place containing a large amount of natural power, then the Uchiha disk would be able to save several years of work and cultivate the immortal body in a short time.

And this famous inheritance holy place in the ninja world, there are only Dragon Land Cave, Myoku Mountain and Wet Bone Forest, the natural power in Dragon Earth Cave after being absorbed by the Uchiha disc once, I am afraid it will take a long time to recover, Uchiha disk thought of Tsunade in the Xingyin Village, and immediately hit the attention to the wet bone forest, but it is not the slug immortal and Tsunade who cultivate the art of immortals as they think.

And for the power of death said by the slugs immortals, this made Uchiha Pan instantly think of his own death Chakra attribute, and over the years, Uchiha Pan has continuously developed its own abilities, and of course he has not let go of the ninja-based Chakra.

As the Uchiha disk continues to control the morphological changes and nature changes of Chakra and even deeper Chakra materialization and microscopicization, the Uchiha disk is also continuously developing and evolving its own Chakra attribute ability, and Lei Dun and Huo Dun and Tudun Uchiha Disk have developed and mastered a large number of practical ninjutsu secret techniques.

However, for the Chakra nature of the death attribute that belongs to itself, the Uchiha disk has only developed the two moves of Death Escape – Life Devouring Technique and Death Escape – Annihilation Spiral Pill, and the Chakra nature of the death attribute is still in the initial stage.

“Slug Immortal, I need to cultivate the art of immortals in the Wet Bone Forest!” Uchiha Pan said lightly, but did not answer the question of the slug.

“This is the Immortal Art of the Wet Bone Forest, I hope you can succeed!” The slug’s immortal took a deep look at the human boy in front of him, and handed a stone tablet that recorded the art of immortals to Uchiha Pan.

The slug immortals know that the Uchiha disk hides some secrets, but all this is just a pleasure to pass the time in a long life for the slug immortals who have survived for too long, since the Uchiha disk chose to hide, the slug immortals did not delve into it.

Looking at the records of the immortal art that belonged to the wet bone forest in front of him, Yu Zhibo Pan compared it with the immortal art obtained in the Earth Dragon Cave in his heart, but found that except for those different auxiliary things, the cultivation methods of the immortal art in the two inheritance holy lands were similar, while Yu Zhibo Pan himself did not need those snake liquid and other assistance to cultivate the immortal art.

In the wet bone forest, Uchiha sat silently on a huge rock, surrounded by dozens of shadow doppelgangers sitting around the body.

As the Uchiha disk and his shadow doppelgangers carefully cultivated, suddenly, the unimaginable natural power in the wet bone forest was like a behemoth that was disturbed, and it became violently turbulent, and the natural forces that seemed to be waves in all directions were attracted into the body of the Uchiha disk and the shadow doppelganger.


The violent force of nature in the wet bone forest surged, forming a wave of wind pressure, and the terrifying and vast force of nature centered on the rock where Uchiha was sitting cross-kneeled, forming a huge energy vortex, and in the center of the vortex, dozens of Uchiha disks were like black holes, frantically devouring the natural forces that were constantly converging.

The formless and massless natural energy fluctuations, because the too violent burst fluctuations brought a thunderous roar in the slightly quiet wet bone forest.

“Such a surging natural energy has all been absorbed! Isn’t he afraid of being blown up by the furious force of nature? The huge eyes of the slugs immortals in the wet bone forest looked in horror at the human boy in the center of the huge natural energy vortex in the depths.

In the wet bone forest, the vast natural power accumulated over the long years was constantly swallowed and absorbed, and the Uchiha disk cultivated the art of immortals, constantly absorbing and refining the power of nature, and as time passed, the Uchiha disk suddenly sensed a strong sense of fullness and satiety, as well as the looming diaphragm deep in the body.

Uchiha Pan woke up from deep meditation, and immediately knew that his immortal body had absorbed sufficient natural power, and now at the final pass, as long as he broke through the past, the immortal body constitution would be completely awakened, and Uchiha Pan would also be able to master the perfect Yang Escape Power.

“Shadow Doppelganger! Untie! Without hesitation, Uchiha instantly disarmed his dozens of shadow doppelgangers, and launched a charge against the Immortal Body Dacheng Mirror.

With the return of dozens of shadow doppelgangers, these shadow doppelgangers instantly poured into the body of the Uchiha disk with a huge amount of natural power, and the Uchiha disk only felt a clear sound of shattering in his body cells and even deeper.


Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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