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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 121

On the Origin Continent, in a mountain jungle shrouded by the power of the Void Mirror, the ninjas who were killed disappeared in the mountains and forests, and in ten days, most of the tens of thousands of ninjas of the Star Country had died and failed, or were killed by other ninjas, or devoured by powerful ninja poisonous insects in the mountains and forests.

Some of these ninjas of the Star Country fight alone, and some weak ninjas form ninja squads to fight the enemy together, these ninjas lay death traps in the jungle, kill other ninjas, search for star tokens, or kill the rest of the ninjas to seize tokens, tens of thousands of ninjas survive and obtain tokens one by one through their own methods.

Some of them succeeded, some failed to die. Ten days passed, and the power of the Void Mirror that shrouded the mountain range quickly calculated the result data of the first survival battle.


One by one, the ninjas who lacked their own star tokens were forcibly removed, leaving only five thousand high-ranking ninjas.


Each ninja is equipped with an Void Mirror to show up, informing them of their ranking and results in the first survival battle.

“You survived for ten days in the first survival battle, got the Star Token Eight Mei, ranked 953rd, and scored two points!” 》

“The second scene, the team life and death battle! According to the first ranking, they are combined into teams of 20 people, a total of 250 teams fight each other, kill or capture each other, all the players win, one point is awarded, and the final team result is divided equally by all members. 》

“The third game, the ring battle! The first 1,000 ninjas who scored in the first two games participated in each other, fighting each other and scoring one point for killing each opponent. 》

“Military Ninja Selection Battle is ranked by the final score! 》

These four pieces of information appeared in each ninja’s void mirror, and as the first survival battle ended, the five thousand ninjas who remained quickly automatically converged with the rest of their teammates in the second game, and had three days to discuss the team’s cooperative tactical arrangements.

Three days later, as the second team life and death battle progressed, it was a new scene region, 250 teams fought each other in different geographical environments, and it took a month on the origin continent before the team life and death battle finally ended, and the new top 1,000 ninjas were decided.

After the first two battles, these surviving and even those eliminated Star Country ninjas have gained valuable ninja combat experience, and some genius ninjas stand out, either tactical geniuses, or intelligence traps, or combat talents.

In the end, a thousand ninjas made the final selection in the third match, which is said to be a ring battle, but these rings are completely built in a complex and intricate natural environment, but only limited to a certain area.

The third ring battle took three to finally end, more than a hundred days on the Origin Continent, and more than ten days passed in the Ninja Realm, and the first selection battle of the Star Country also ushered in the final result.

Among the 1,000 ninjas, there were fifty-three upper ninjas, three hundred and seventy-five middle ninjas, and the rest were elite lower ninjas.

It can be said that these thousand ninjas are almost the most elite ninjas who are still idle outside the Star Country at this time, and those elite ninjas can smoothly enter the middle ninja level with a little training, and the middle ninja and upper ninja also have the potential to continue to improve.

“Transfer five hundred ninjas to the Eastern Military Region to replenish the loss of ninjas in the Eastern Military Region, and the remaining five hundred ninjas will be assigned to the other four major military regions!” Uchiha quickly ordered these ninjas to be distributed everywhere.

The military ninja selection battle was successfully completed, and at the same time, the Star Country genius selection battle was also held as scheduled, and Uchiha Pan also set his sights on this genius selection battle.

In Uchiha’s heart, if those adult ninjas are the composition of the middle-level ninja power of the Star Country, and the source of the ninja of the Star Country military department, the future of these ninjas is also likely to be limited to a range, and it is difficult to break through the threshold of the shadow level.

Then those ninjas who are underage in their teens are a source of the future peak power of the Star Country, because these ninjas are still in the period of rapid explosion of strength, and Uchiha Pan selects some talented and powerful people to cultivate, and it is not impossible to cultivate more shadow-level ninjas for the Star Country.

This is also the reason why Uchiha Pan pays more attention to the genius selection battle, and even Uchiha Pan sent the two little girls Hinata and Ziyuan to the genius selection battle this time, so as to hone the battle experience and strong mentality of the two.

And with the first survival battle of the genius selection battle held, Uchihapan’s consciousness scanned the entire field with the help of the power of the Void Mirror.

The first of the genius selection battles is also a survival battle, requiring participants to cross hundreds of thousands of meters of mountains and rivers on their own, setting traps and attacking each other along the way, and after a day, the first thousand ninjas who reached their destination advanced.

Between the mountains and rivers, ninjas as small as four or five years old and as big as sixteen and seven shuttled through the jungle, constantly chasing the figure in front of them, and also creating traps and obstacles for later pursuers.

Uchiha Pan’s attention first scanned all the ninjas, and then focused his attention mainly on the ninjas in front, among them, Hinata and Shien walked together, near a hundred, Uchiha Pan was not too disappointed with this, after all, the age of the two at this time was still too young, and of course the strength was still not comparable to those ninjas who had already reached their teens.

“Huh! This little guy is very interesting! Uchiha’s consciousness was suddenly attracted by a figure in front of him.

The owner of this figure is a boy of seven or eight years old, dressed plainly, with long hair casually draped, humming a tune in his mouth and walking forward step by step, seeing that his position is indeed at the front of the entire ninja team, in third place.

And because of the age difference, the ninjas in the first survival battle, the strongest group of ninjas are almost all those sixteen or seventeen years old, about to become adults, which can be seen from the top 100 ninjas almost all the teenagers.

Because of this, this seven or eight-year-old boy was able to defeat many ninjas who were almost twice the age of the group, and it was very conspicuous to be the only child in the top hundred.

But if that’s just the case, Uchiha Disc won’t pay special attention to it, because there are always some ninjas in the ninja world who are good at running speed, and the ranking of the first game does not accurately confirm the natural strength of a ninja.

But just as the little boy was about to catch up with the two ninjas who ranked first and second in front of him, the boy’s bursting natural ability made Uchiha instantly interested. _

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Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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