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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 143

“Since the Star Country and us Konoha are hostile, then why did that sister save us just now?” Naruto was puzzled.

“The relationship between Konoha Village and the high-level of the Star Country is complicated, although there is an irreconcilable hatred between the two sides, but many of the high-level ninjas of the Star Country were ninjas of our Konoha Village before, just like the girl from the Hyuga clan you saw earlier, I think it may be because of this relationship that they will save us!” Kakashi’s tone was also filled with uncertainty.

“All right! These things are not something you can investigate in depth, let’s find a place to rest for a while, I don’t know if any enemies will ambush us again, during this time I will train you well and strive to make your strength further stronger. Kakashi said in a deep voice.

Subsequently, Kakashi took Naruto and the others to find a hidden place to recuperate, mainly because Kakashi needed to adjust the trauma of his body, and three days later, the group finally successfully escorted Datsuna to his destination, and the wind and waves along the way were calm, allowing Kakashi and Naruto and the others to relax their tense nerves.

After completing the escort mission, Kakashi immediately took Naruto and the three of them all the way back to Konoha Village, and after Kakashi returned to Konoha Village, he immediately came to the Hokage Building and informed the high-ranking people of Konoha such as Goyome Jiraiya about the passage along the way, especially about the three of Shiro.

“The Land of Stars is getting stronger and stronger! The situation in our village of Konoha is extremely dangerous! I’m afraid that guy from Uchiha Pan won’t let us Konoha go easily! Jiraiya’s brows were squeezed together, and his heart was irritable and depressed.

“The strength of the Star Country, not only our Konoha Village, the other four hidden villages probably will not watch the Star Country of Uchiha Disk above it, in that case, why don’t our five major powers hold a joint examination of Zhongnin, secretly establish an alliance, and jointly fight against the Star Country!” The three generations of apes said in a deep voice.

“Good! Just do it! Old man, you are really still so sophisticated! Hahaha! Jiraiya laughed.

“Since we want to establish an alliance, then even those weak and small ninja villages in the ninja world have united, and I believe that they will be happy to become our pawns and consume the power of the star country in the face of the crisis of destroying the country and destroying the village and aggressively the Star Country.” Koharu on the side said.

“Just take advantage of this rare opportunity to mobilize the power of the entire ninja world to completely destroy that abominable guy in the Star Country and Uchiha Pan!” Mito Menyan’s eyes were murderous, and he said impassionedly.


The Land of Fire, in the Forest of Death outside Konoha Village.

Shiro, Hinata, and Shien stopped and ate the fruit in their hands and talked to each other.

“Brother Pan told us to go to Konoha Village, and I don’t know what happened?” Hinata tilted his head and asked with some doubt.

“What is his matter, don’t you know when you get to Mutopan-sama, and sister Hinata, you haven’t returned to the Hyuga clan for so long, don’t you miss your clan?” Speaking of the environment of Konoha Village, I have seen it! I don’t know if Hinata’s sister, your sister Hanabi looks like us? “Aster came to Hinata.

“I haven’t been to Konoha Village either, but where Lord Pan used to live! Be sure to have a good look this time! Shiro said curiously.

The three quickly finished the dry food, glanced at Ziyuan, touched Ziyuan’s arrogant head a little helplessly, and said with a smile that was not angry: “You girl is waiting for this moment!” It’s up to you! Aster! ”

“Hmph! Hum! Ziyuan raised his head and snorted, looking a little proud and said loudly: “Next is the performance time of Ziyuan!” Look at my two-stage Flying Thunder God Technique! ”


Shien took Shiro and Hinata’s hands one by one, and as soon as his mind moved, the second stage of the Flying Thunder God Art was instantly activated, and he disappeared directly into the forest with the two of them, and then appeared in a residential house in Konoha Village, and a special black kunai was quietly placed on the table in a simple and clean room.

“Ah! Is this where the shadow doppelganger of Pan-sama lives in Konoha? He actually left Ziyuan’s Flying Thunder God here like this, and Ziyuan thought that he would come to Master Pan as soon as he appeared! Ziyuan picked up his special kun Wu and said.

“Looking at this hour, Lord Pan’s shadow doppelganger should still be in the ninja school! How about we accompany Hinata to meet the people of the Hyuga clan first? Shiro first looked the room up and down, and then said to the bored two.

“Father, fireworks! Good too! Hinata also hasn’t seen them for a long time, so it’s not bad to meet her father and Hanabi now! Hinata said a little excitedly.

“Then Sister Hinata must introduce the fireworks to me!” Ziyuan ran over and hurriedly said.

“Good! Good! Let’s go! ”

Hinata led Shiro and Shien to change their appearance, disguised as ordinary residents of Konoha Village, and walked all the way towards the Hyuga clan’s station.

Coming to the Hyuga clan’s station, with the strength of Hinata and the other three, and with Hinata, an acquaintance familiar with the layout of the Hyuga clan’s station, naturally easily broke through the outside monitoring defense, and soon came to a house deep in the Hyuga clan’s station.

“White eyes!”

Hinata rolled her eyes and found the figure of her father Hinata Hiashi, avoiding the many dark guards around her, Hinata and the three sneaked all the way to Hinata Hinata’s house.

“What man!” Hinata Hiashi noticed the abnormality almost as soon as the Hinata trio appeared, and his expression changed sharply.

“It’s me, Father!” Hinata greeted with an excited expression.

“Hinata! You’re back! “Hinata Hinata also saw the identity of the person who came at this time, isn’t the current one the eldest daughter Hinata Hinata who he has in mind!

“Patriarch! What happened? The Hyuga clan guards who were alarmed outside the house were about to rush into the house, and said loudly.

“All back! Don’t come in, watch around, and call fireworks by the way! Hinata ordered in a deep voice.


Although in the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, you can see the three people who suddenly appeared in the house, but under the order of Hinata Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga clan, the dark guards of the Hyuga clan still carried out the order without hesitation, without the slightest overstep.

“Hinata, you haven’t been back for three years! How are you doing in Star Country? Hinata Hinata picked up Hinata, who was kneeling on the ground, and looked him up and down, and kept asking questions in his mouth. _

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Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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