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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 152

In the face of the desperate blow of the three generations of ape flying sun, the imprisoned body of the big snake pill instantly changed into a huge eight-headed eight-tailed white giant snake, it was the Yagi technique created by the big snake pill, I saw that the big snake pill did not stay at all after turning into the eight-dimensional giant snake, and the hideous eight huge heads of the huge eight-dimensional giant snake were divided into eight directions, and shot out in eight directions at a concentrated speed.


With the eight shots of the Yagi Great Snake incarnated by the big snake pill, the huge snake body of the Yagi Great Snake that was originally eight heads and eight tails suddenly split apart, changing into a slightly smaller white giant python form, and as soon as the eight white giant pythons appeared, they seemed to be commanded by the most spiritual rhino, and cooperated with each other to encircle and attack the body of the three generations of apes flying sun.


Ape Fei Ri drank fiercely, controlled the death god phantom behind him to stretch his hands, and directly grabbed the two white python giant snakes in front of him, and the two white pythons caught by the hands of the death god phantom trembled, and part of the soul power of the big snake pill in the python’s body was suddenly sucked and sealed into the body of the death god phantom.

Roar! Roar!

As the soul power in the bodies of these two white giant pythons was devoured and sealed, the remaining six huge white giant pythons roared up to the sky, and the huge snake bodies were intertwined, directly surrounding the bodies of the three generations of apes flying sun, and the next six giant pythons exerted power at the same time, and the powerful strangling power was only a moment, and the three generations of apes flying sun-chopping old bodies were crushed into meat scraps.

At the same time, after the Grim Reaper Phantom sent out a blow to seal the two white pythons that changed the Great Snake Pill, the right hand pulled out the short knife in the mouth, and the left hand faced the soul body of the three generations of Ape Flying Sun Slash who had just been destroyed and the soul had not yet had time to enter the world of death, it was a grab, swallow, and the soul body of the three generations of Hokage was immediately swallowed and sealed into the body by the Grim Reaper Phantom.

Then, the shadow of death disappeared, and the remaining six white giant pythons that changed in the big snake pill roared, and then intertwined and fused with each other, and soon the big snake pill with a somewhat pale face appeared, laughing wildly at the broken corpses left by the three generations on the ground.

“Hahaha! Sarutobi-sensei! In the end, I won! The big snake pill smiled and tears flowed unconsciously, and he did not regret killing his teacher Ape Flying Sun with his own hands, but there was still a trace of sentimentality in his heart.

“Ahem! The ghoul seal still seals part of my soul power, fortunately, in the body of the white snake split from the Yagi Splitting Technique, it is a soul replica formed by evenly dividing my soul power, as long as not all of them are destroyed and sealed, my consciousness can survive with the help of any of the soul power, but only part of the soul power is lost, and it can be completely recovered! Orochimaru said secretly in his heart.

When Orochimaru created a lot of forbidden ninjutsu, he not only relied on the simulation experiment function of the Void Mirror and a large amount of ninjutsu knowledge in Hoshino’s country, but also got a unique idea from Uchiha Pan, both of which are curious people who are full of spirit for everything unknown.

And after Yu Zhibo Pan promoted to the Six Dao and learned from the Soul Essence Life Mark in the Void Abyss World, the most important and original thing in a soul is that life mark, which can be the original consciousness carrier of a living being, contained in every corner of the soul.

And after learning the news, the big snake pill also deliberately studied and experimented in this area when he created the Yagi Splitting Technique, and the eight white strips split from the Yagi Great Snake not only have shadow-level strength, but also the soul power is eight points, but its own origin consciousness can be freely transformed in these eight souls.

It can be said that just three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash want to seal the soul of the Great Snake Pill by sealing this trick by the ghoul, unless all the soul power outside the Great Snake Pill is sealed in an instant, so that the Great Snake Pill can be sealed, otherwise it is just to consume part of the soul power of the Great Snake Pill as it is now.

“Old man!”

“Orochimaru! You bastard! I’m going to kill you!” ”

Zi Lai outside the Four Purple Yan Array also saw the three generations of fire shadows instantly turned into flesh scraps, and the corpse died tragically on the spot, anger and murderous intent suddenly filled Zi Lai Ye’s entire heart, and he shouted madly at the big snake pill.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to break through the Four Purple Yan Array as soon as possible to help the three generations, but on the one hand, the outside Zilai is also blocked by Tsunade, on the other hand, the decisive battle between the three generations and the big snake pill is too fast, and the two sides instantly broke out the strongest move, and in a blink of an eye, life and death were divided.

The big snake pill looked at the angry Jiraiya, with a disdainful face, waved his hand to let the four people of Otobi withdraw the Four Purple Yan Array, and walked slowly.

“Jiraiya! I’m right here! I’d rather see how you kill me?” You can’t do it with your mouth light! Orochimaru said with a pale face.

Although the big snake pill at this time, after a fierce battle with the three generations of Hokage, his own state is not at the peak, but the big snake pill is confident that with his current strength, he will definitely be able to deal with a jiraiya.

If the strength of the three ninja realms in the past is not much different from each other, then the strength of the big snake pill and Tsunade at this time is definitely above Jiraiya, and the root cause of all this situation is that the big snake pill and the two of Tsunade have obtained resources and harvests beyond imagination in the country of stars, and the big snake pill is confident that there is no place in the ninja world today that can be more powerful than the underlying power of the country of stars.

“Good! Good! I’m going to clean the portal for the old man today! Zi Laiye’s expression became more and more angry, and there was no longer a trace of hesitation in looking at the eyes of the big snake pill, and all that remained was determination and murderous intent.

“Jiraiya! You seem to have forgotten me! Tsunade stepped forward, blocking between Jiraiya and Orochimaru, and said with a calm expression.

“Tsunade! You have really changed! You’ve become as ruthless as the bastard Orochimaru! Even the old man and Konoha Village have become worthless in your hearts! ”

“No one can stop me today, not even you!” Jiraiya drank gloomyly.

“Huh! Big talk! Jiraiya! In that case, then do it for me! Tsunade looked a little impatient, looking at Jiraiya’s puzzled and angry gaze without any explanation.

“Dark Part! Go all out to hunt down the big snake pill and his party! Tsunade leave it to me! Jiraiya’s expression became even more grim, and he said coldly. _

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Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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