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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 155

Hyuga clan station.

“Quick! Fast! Fast! All clansmen move forward in turn! Don’t ask why? Obey orders! A high-ranking member of the Hyuga clan urged.

Just when Orochimaru launched the Konoha collapse plan, most of the ninjas in Konoha Village went to the battlefield to block the enemy, but there were still several large and small ninja families in Konoha Village, but they gathered all the clans in the village and rushed to a secret place in Konoha Village.

“Dad! Mom! It’s time to leave Konoha! Inside the Kurama clan’s station, Kurama Yakumo looked at the dozens of sparse clansmen below, and the powerful Chakra fluctuations exuded from his body and spoke calmly.

Inside the Nara house.

“Haichi, Dingza, Shikamaru! Our three families finally have to decide! Do you stay in Konoha to fight your enemies and live and die with Konoha, or do you choose to defect to Konoha and join the Land of the Stars? Nara Shikaku said in a deep voice.

“Shikaku! The three of us have always used your Nara clan as the tactical commander, we trust your judgment and choice, you decide! Whether you live and die with Konoha or choose to defect, we listen to you! Akimichi Dingza muffled.

“Is it really going to this point? Although the Star Country has long been in touch with the three of us, I didn’t expect this decision to come so quickly! Is Konoha really hopeless? “Yamanaka Haichi has a complicated heart.

“Dad!” Shikamaru didn’t say much, but at a young age there were adult thoughts, Shikamaru stood behind Shikaku to express his position.

Nara Shikaku touched his son Shikamaru’s head and said bitterly: “Konoha Village has long been hopeless!” Otherwise, we would not have secretly contacted Uchiha over the years, but we did not inform the high-level of Konoha Village, Konoha Village has declined more and more over the years, even if the fifth generation of Lord has succeeded to the throne, he will not be able to return to the sky, not to mention that the enemies of Konoha Village will not let Konoha Village have a chance to recover at all! ”

“yes! Only by truly understanding the power of the Uchiha Disk and the Land of Stars can you know how desperate the future of Konoha Village is! Moreover, a few years ago, Konoha Village was designed by Uchiha Pan, and many hidden dangers were buried between the villagers and various families and the high-level of Konoha Village, and these hidden dangers do not know when they will erupt, even if we stay in Konoha, it is just a senseless sacrifice! Nara Shikahisa’s voice was low.

“And this time it’s not just Orochimaru attacking Konoha Village alone, although Uchiha Pan and Hoshinoku will not interfere, but Nagato and Konan, who are in the Xiao Organization, will come, you know what this means to Konoha Village!”

Everyone in the audience was silent for a while, and the three of Nara Shikahisa, who generally understood the situation in the Star Country and even the ninja world, knew that in the ninja world today, if Uchiha Pan was a first-level powerhouse in the ninja world, Nagato had the power to destroy a village with the power of one person.

This is also the reason why the three of Nara Shikaku are so desperate that they can’t raise a trace of their intention to resist, the ignorant are fearless, and the more they know, the more restricted their hearts become.

“Something that has already been decided a long time ago, isn’t it? Since the moment we chose to contact Uchiha Pan, the decision in our hearts has already appeared! Natou looked at the two companions of Yamanaka Haichi and Akimichi Dingza, and then at the surrounding clansmen, and said helplessly.

The ninja clan of the Hyuga clan, the Kurama clan, and the Inuga Butterfly quickly gathered, and then the chaotic environment of Konoha Village quietly came to a secluded place in Konoha Village, where the former Uchiha clan was deserted, which was located on the edge of Konoha Village, and in the current situation of Konoha Village, although there were many ninja civilians who came, they were still not discovered by the rest of Konoha Village.

In the old land of the Uchiha clan, hundreds of people stood in the empty square, and the figure of Uchiha Pan calmly looked at the group of people with ups and downs in front of him, and said with a slight smile: “Congratulations on making the right choice!” Let’s go to the Land of Stars first! It looks like Konoha Village will soon cease to exist! ”

The pupil technique in the eyes of the Uchiha disc was cast, and a huge spatial vortex instantly appeared in place, and the depths of the vortex were connected to the alien space of the Uchiha disk, and the ninjas, members of the Hyuga clan and other families, could enter the alien space first, and the shadow avatar left by the Uchiha disk in the Xingyin Village would open the passage of the alien space at the same time, and then lead everyone out.

Soon, silence returned to the square, and the body of Uchiha took the three Hinata who remained here one by one, and the figure came to the high sky of Konoha Village, and at this time, Nagato’s figure had already arrived in Konoha Village.


Uchiha Pan waved his hand, a white snake appeared in front of him, the little white snake first coiled up, cautiously looked around, when he saw the figure of the four people of Uchiha Pan, but immediately relaxed, the white figure changed, and the pale and weak figure of the big snake pill appeared on the spot.

The Uchiha disk controlled a certain range of gravity environment around the body, floating the body of the big snake pill in midair, and looked at the big snake pill with a smile and said, “The big snake pill!” Have fun this time! ”

“It’s not as good as Nagato and Pan’s movements! That’s right! What about Tsunade? ”

The big snake pill first sighed for a while, and then seemed to think of something? He only saw Jiraiya coming, but he didn’t find Tsunade who blocked Jiraiya, and Orochimaru was also puzzled in his heart, if it wasn’t for Jiraiya’s sudden arrival just now, he could still bring more damage to the dark part of Konoha, even if he left in the end, he didn’t need to pay so much loss.

“Tsunade her! It seems to be trapped in a strange space, as if it is a space where psychic beasts live, there is no danger to life, don’t care about her! After this scene in Konoha Village is over, it’s not too late to bring her back! She would actually be overshadowed by an opponent who was weaker than her, and this time it was a lesson for her! Uchiha said lightly.

“Huh! I think Tsunade must be very angry now! Orochimaru smiled playfully, but his gaze turned to the scene of Konoha Village below.

Swish! Swish!

Two spatial fluctuations came, and a shadow avatar of Uchiha appeared with Matkai and Kurama Yakumo, while another shadow avatar with a confused face also appeared at the same time.

“Everyone has arrived! Then let’s watch Nagato’s performance! ”

Uchiha waved his hand to disperse his two shadow doppelgangers, scanned everyone, and said lightly. _

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Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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