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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 158

“Master Pan! Nagato’s strength is actually so strong, will it affect our final plan of the Star Country! Shiro looked at the Nagato duo in the distance with a solemn expression and asked.

In the face of Shiro’s sudden question, Shien, Matkai, Kurama Yakumo and others all saw the power of Nagato’s reincarnation eye for the first time, and their faces were all serious, which was really Nagato’s strength to completely destroy a large village in the ninja world with the power of one person, which made everyone feel shocked and uneasy.

Shiro and others who know the situation in the country of the stars know that although the country of stars has subdued the country of rain and the country of water, in addition to the strong people cultivated by Uchiha Pan, there is still the Xiao Organization, a powerful organization composed of several shadow-level rebels led by Nagato, both sides have their own methods and goals, although they do not fight each other in normal times, but this uncontrolled force still makes the power of the country of stars unable to unify.

In the past, although Bai and others also learned the basic information of the members of the organization from Uchiha Pan, and knew that several members of the organization were S-class rebels wanted by the countries of the ninja world, all of them had shadow-level and even peak strength, and its organization leader Nagato was even more reincarnated and stepped on the point of super shadow with strength, but today he is seeing a series of strengths displayed by Nagato, which still makes Bai and others unable to calm their hearts.

Now in the hearts of Bai and others, they are doubting whether the strength of Uchiha Pan can surpass this Nagato, after all, the most famous battle of Uchiha Pan in the ninja world is to defeat Yunyin Village with his own strength and kill the eight-tailed man Pillar Force, but Nagato’s results this time are more dazzling than Uchiha Pan, after all, Uchiha Pan only defeated Yunyin Village instead of completely destroying it.

“Hee-hee! Sister Bai! You are also too underestimating brother Pan! Brother Pan’s strength is far from what we know! Hinata looked at Shiro and the others and said with a smile.

“Really? Pan-sama! Shiro looked at Uchiha in surprise, until Uchiha nodded in affirmation of what Hinata said, then patted Hinata’s shoulder with a smile and said, “Okay!” Hinata! He actually knows the situation of Master Pan better than all of us! Say! What secrets are you and Lord Pan hiding from us? ”

“Where? Hinata just followed the speculation, Brother Pan has long reached the strength of Super Shadow, and now after so many years, our strength has improved rapidly with the help of the massive resources of the Star Country, not to mention Brother Pan! Hinata’s face turned slightly red and he defended.

Although Hinata said so, he knew in his heart that in the memory he had obtained, his brother Pan had probably successfully opened the eye of reincarnation at this time and entered the six realm level, which was comparable to the former six immortal brothers.

“Brother Pan will also take me to the moon to seize the bloodline of the people of the Great Tube Wooden House, let me awaken the reincarnation eye!” Hinata said secretly in his heart.


Uchiha’s mind moved, and he separated a shadow doppelganger, and then turned his head to look at Shiro and Naruto and the others, and said, “Shiro, you and Ziyuan two go to the Mist Hidden Village and tell Terumi that the action plan can begin!” ”

“Yes! Pan-sama,” Shiro and Shien replied.

Uchiha Pan looked at Matkai and Ma Yakumo again, and said, “Kai, you and your companion go to the Land of Rain, I think Nagato’s Xiao Organization should move against the remaining few tailed beasts, you two have been living in Konoha Village, although you have a lot of combat experience in the Void Realm, let’s really go to the Ninja Realm!” ”

“Don’t worry! Pan-sama! I’m Tekai! Kai raised his eyebrows and waved his fist.

“Since the teachers have said so, then I will reluctantly partner with this guy Kai!” Yakumo looked at Kai’s appearance and said helplessly.

“Huh! Naruto, you and this shadow doppelganger of mine go to the Land of the Stars! ”

Uchiha Pan’s shadow doppelganger came to Naruto, touched Naruto’s head, looked at Naruto’s somewhat uneasy expression, knowing that the conversation he had just had with Nagato scared Naruto, Uchiha Pan smiled slightly to calm Naruto’s uneasy emotions.

“Okay, I’m going to take Hinata to the moon, and you each complete your own tasks!” Uchiha waved Hinata to his side and said lightly.

Then, the figures of Uchiha and Hinata slowly dissipated, leaving only Shiro and the others who looked at each other.

In the endless forest outside Konoha Village, in a remote valley jungle, the figures of Uchiha and Hinata appeared.

“Brother Pan! This is the spatial passage that connects the moon? Hinata’s crisp voice came, and the two figures slowly walked into the valley and into a cave.

Entering the inside of the cave, there was no darkness as Hinata imagined, but it was full of dreamy light, and crystals shining with soft light densely covered the entire cave wall, illuminating the entire cave.

The two walked to the bottom of the cave, and a pool shimmering with a halo luster appeared in front of the two of Uchiha Pan, who looked at the deep pool in front of him and said lightly: “Let’s go!” The end of this gloomy passage is above the moon! ”

Boom! Boom!

Uchiha Pan and Hinata duo jumped into the pool, Uchiha Pan waved his hand to lay a water escape screen in front of the two, blocking the flow of water from their bodies, with the leadership of Uchiha Pan, the two avoided the dream bubble in the pool, and the crab ninja living here was also sealed by Uchiha Pan with a wave of his hand, and the two successfully reached the end of the passage.


The two of them came out of the waterhole and came to the cave at the other end of the pool, and when they looked up, they saw the bright sun and the sea in the distance.

“Is this above the moon? How does Hinata feel that he is still in the ninja world! Hinata asked with some doubt.

“It’s just a false sun! Let’s go! Uchiha took Hinata’s hand and flew towards the sky.

Shout! Shout! Shout!

Uchiha Pan flew rapidly in the air with Hinata’s figure, and suddenly, Uchiha Pan frowned slightly, and smiled at Hinata: “It seems that our whereabouts have been discovered by the owner here!” ”

At this time, Hinata’s open eyes also saw the large group of puppet ninjas flying densely in the distance, as well as the Chakra light ball attacks from the hands of these puppet ninjas.

“Hmph! Insect tricks! Shinra Tenji! Uchiha suddenly opened the reincarnation eye that he had awakened after being promoted to the sixth realm, and as soon as he stretched out one hand against the puppet army in the distance, it was a fierce Shinra Heavenly Sign. _

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Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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