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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 159

Unlike Nagato’s transplantation of the reincarnation eye that inherits Uchiha spots, the reincarnation eye of the Uchiha disc is completely promoted by himself, so the Uchiha disc can control the ability changes of his eyes as he wishes, and usually the Uchiha disc maintains his normal eyes, and only when pupil surgery is needed will he properly open the chakra eye and reincarnation eye.

For the development of the ability of the eye of reincarnation, the Uchiha disk is more powerful than the ability of Nagato’s reincarnation eye, and it is easier to use, just like the two gravitational and repulsive abilities of Shinra Tianzheng and Vientiane Heavenly Attraction, Nagato can only roughly control these gravitational and repulsive forces to aim in one direction, and cannot achieve further precise positioning.

But the Uchiha disk can control the size and range of these gravitational repulsions with their own minds, and even the target, just like at this time, the Uchiha disk divides the repulsion of Shinra Tianzheng’s move into small repulsion arrows, and countless repulsive arrows instantly destroy the core construction of puppet ninjas as if they have eyes, without completely destroying the appearance of these puppet armies.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble……

With the powerful attack of Uchiha Pan, the sky seemed to rain heavily in human shapes, and the densely packed puppet ninjas lost their energy support and fell, and Uchiha Pan did not look at these abandoned puppet armies, directly took Hinata several teleportations in succession, and finally appeared in a bustling castle.

“Is there only one person left in the big wooden house? Good too! ”

The Uchiha disk unfolds electromagnetic induction, with the strength of the current Uchiha disc to promote the six paths, the five basic attribute nature changes and morphological changes of Chakra have long been well understood, not to mention the thunder attribute that the Uchiha disk has long been familiar with, at this time, under the electromagnetic induction of the Uchiha disk, the entire moon interior is almost instantly shrouded, and the scene in the castle of the big tube wood family in front of him is of course also seen by the Uchiha disk.

In the perception of the Uchiha disk, there was only one fourteen and fifteen-year-old Otsuki people left in the Otsuki clan at this time, and the Otsuki people also learned about the arrival of the Uchiha disk and Hinata from the vision of the puppet ninja scattered throughout the moon, and at this time the people were anxiously pacing back and forth in the castle.

“Nope! It is really abominable that those people on earth actually invaded the moon where our Datumu clan was stationed! ”

“It’s a pity that Lord Father just passed away a few years ago, and now I can’t fight off these two hateful guys with my strength alone, it seems that I can only use my Datumu Clan’s supreme treasure reincarnation eye!” The man of the big tube of wood muttered.


Just when the people of the big tube wooden house wanted to go to the forbidden place to use the reincarnation eye, in the attic of the castle, two figures appeared instantly, and at the same time, a voice full of indifference and coldness slowly came.

“You’d better just disappear!”

“Destroy all things!” The body of the Pupil Technique Datumushen in Uchiha’s eyes immediately dissipated like a dream bubble, leaving only a drop containing the pure bloodline of the Datumu clan.

“Brother Pan! What are we going to do,” Hinata asked as she looked at the furnishings inside the castle before returning to Uchiha with a bored look.

“Hmm! Here is a good east I’ll come! ”

Uchiha smiled, reached out and took Hinata’s hand, the two figures were illusory, and they had already reached the top of the sky when they appeared again.

Uchiha Pan looked up at the huge luminous body that was within reach above his head, sensing the vast and endless pupil power fluctuations in the ball of light, which was even stronger and thicker pupil power than after he was promoted to the eye of reincarnation, and a shock flashed in Uchiha Pan’s eyes.

Uchiha didn’t stay long before he took Hinata into the light sphere, and as soon as the two entered the interior of the artificial sun created by the Otsuki family, they saw the huge reincarnation eye quietly suspended in it.

The huge reincarnation eye exudes dazzling golden light throughout the body, and endless pupil power is filled with it, and the Uchiha disk directly opens the reincarnation eye and looks at the reincarnation eye in front of him, and the powerful vision of the reincarnation eye allows the Uchiha disk to clearly see the huge reincarnation eye, the countless dense white eyes that make up this huge reincarnation eye, and the heart is also surprised by the madness of the original division of the Datumu family.

“Brother Pan! What is it? Hinata can feel the powerful pupil power here! Hinata looked at the huge reincarnation eye in front of him with a shocked expression.

“This is the reincarnation eye handed down from the village of Otsuki Hato, it is a powerful eye that can be comparable to the power of my reincarnation eye, which is why I brought Hinata to this moon this time.” Uchiha explained.

Hinata said secretly, and secretly felt a trace of excitement in his heart, Hinata knew in his heart what the reincarnation eye in Uchiha’s market meant? It was a powerful pupil power that was enough to allow him to ascend to the sixth level in one step, and this strength he finally looked forward to.

Uchiha glanced at Hinata calmly, and did not blame Hinata for secretly hiding the memory he had acquired, and said, “Hinata, are you ready?” Although the reincarnation eye is extremely powerful, there is no precedent for this matter after all, and the decision is in your hands! ”

“Brother Pan, Hinata is willing to awaken the Eye of Reincarnation, Hinata needs more powerful strength to help Brother Pan, Hinata doesn’t want to stand behind Brother Pan forever!” Hinata said with a firm look.

“Huh! Why do you suddenly talk like a little adult, Hinata, you are really not used to brother Pan like this! Uchiha touched Hinata’s head and smiled.

For Hinata’s choice, although Uchiha Pan expected it earlier, he was still pleased with Hinata’s firmness, Hinata has really grown up!

“Brother Pan!” Hinata muttered.


Uchiha Pan waved his hand and took out a drop of blood, it was a drop of essence blood containing the pure blood of the Otsuki clan extracted from the people of Otsuki Disc, and said to Hinata: “Hinata, if you want to awaken the reincarnation eye, you need to fuse the blood of the Otsuki clan from the Otsuki feather village and the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, coupled with the auxiliary stimulation of the pupil power of this huge reincarnation eye here, Hinata should have a ninety percent chance of successfully awakening the reincarnation eye!” ”

“Yes! Brother Pan! Hinata is ready! Hinata stepped forward and looked firmly at Uchiha and said.

“The Art of Interpretation!”

Uchiha let out a low sigh and directly flicked the essence blood of the Otsuki clan in his hand into Hinata’s body, and then guided the huge reincarnation pupil power behind him into Hinata’s white eyes. _

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Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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