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Naruto Uchiha Disk — Chapter 173

At the Konoha Village station, Rokudaime Kakashi was dealing with complicated official documents, and a shadowy figure suddenly appeared in Hokage’s office, reporting to Kakashi: “Rokudaime-sama! Sasuke Uchiha! He defected! ”

The ninja of the dark department hurriedly said, Uchiha Sasuke’s defection is not a trivial matter, spreading it out is a bad thing for Konoha Village, which is now panicked, you must know that Uchiha Sasuke is the only remaining lone of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, and he is a disciple of the sixth generation of Hokage-sama, Uchiha Sasuke’s defection will make Konoha Village, which has lost most of the name of the village, more frustrated.

“Sasuke him! Defected? Are you sure? Kakashi stood up in shock and said urgently.

“Yes! There is no trace of Sasuke Uchiha in Konoha Village today, and looking at the clothes in his house, he should not have been abducted by outsiders, but defected by himself! The Dark Ninja said in a deep voice.


Furious, Kakashi slammed his hands into fists on the table, and angrily ordered, “Don’t spread this matter in the village, in addition, list Sasuke as a Konoha village traitor!” ”

“Yes! Rokudaime-sama! ”


The Land of Rain, in the Hidden Village of Rain, a secret conference room.

Nagato sat on the main throne and calmly looked at the members of the Xiao Organization below.

Little South of the White Tiger, Kakudo of the Big Dipper, Red Sand of the Jade Girl, Xuanwu no Jeopardy, Ghost Scorpion of the South Dipper, Deidara, Dedara of the Blue Dragon, Flying Section of the Three Platforms, and Obito, a reserve member of the Xiao Organization.

Except for the Uchiha Disk, who was in charge of Suzaku’s ring, and the Great Snake Pill who was in charge of the Sora Ring, the members of the Xiao Organization were summoned back by Nagato.

“Chief! What’s the matter with summoning us all back in such a hurry? Deidara shouted.

“Everyone! You haven’t forgotten your goals when you first joined the organization! Our Tailed Beast Project is ready to start! Nagato did not delay, and directly stated his purpose this time.

“Tailed Beast Plan! We know that the organization is finally going to face the ninja world! Kakuto said in a deep voice.

“Hmph! It’s just a few tailed beasts! Let the ninja world see my Lord Deidara’s explosive art! Deidara said excitedly.

Nagato waited until everyone in the Xiao Organization calmed down the discussion, then turned his head and glanced at him: “Our Xiao Organization has obtained one, four, eight, and nine tails, the locations of the two tails and the five tails have been confirmed, and the whereabouts of the remaining three, six, and seven tails have also been found, and then we will be responsible for informing you of the specific location of these tailed beasts!” ”

“No problem, Chief!” Under the black and white half-black and half-white holes, the body that seems to be pitcher plants is half-sunk into the ground.

“Xiao Nan and I are a group, Jiaodu is a group, Scorpion is a group of Deidara, and Yu and A Fei are a group! Our mission is to bring these tailed beasts back as soon as possible! He said in a long voice.

“You are actually in a group with your seniors, please give more advice!” Ah Fei, a newcomer with soil disguise, said to the ghost mackerel strangely.

“Hmph! Just don’t hold me back! Otherwise! I will kill you with my own hands! The ghost mackerel pouted with a look of displeasure.

“Hey, hey! No! No! Obito’s masked face did not show the slightest fluctuation, but his tone was pretending to be terrified.

The party organized by Xiao soon ended, everyone left, and Scorpion and Deidara were separated into a group and walked outside.

“Lord Scorpion! Which tailed beast shall we capture first? We need to hurry! Otherwise, the powerful tailed beasts have been snatched away by other groups! How can this make the ninja world see my explosive art! Let’s just choose Nanao Shigemei! Deidara’s mouth kept on thinking, and he kept talking to the scorpion who didn’t say a word.

On the other side, Jiaodu and Fei Duan walked through Yuyin Village and towards the outside of the rain.

“Kakuto! Finally, it’s time to sacrifice the Evil God Lord again! Where to choose the sacrifice this time? Fei Duan strode with a huge scythe weapon, still thinking about the fact that he had not yet sacrificed to the Evil God Lord today.

“Just pick the nearest tailed beast!” Jiaodu looked calm, ignoring the religious brainwashing of the flying section on the side, and turned to the open space on the side and asked: “Jue, where is the nearest tailed beast?” ”

Silently, above the empty ground, with Kakuto’s question, a white-skinned figure suddenly appeared, it was an ordinary white doppelganger of black and white absolute doppelganger, Bai Jue replied: “The nearest tailed beast is the rebel of Wuyin Village, and the six-tailed human pillar is high in the feathers!” ”

“Haunted fellow, you can leave!” Fei Duan was startled by Bai Jue’s sudden appearance, and shouted a little angrily.

Yanyin Village, thousands of meters in the air, two figures wearing red cloud robes on a black background stood quietly.

Nagato and Xiaonan, who had a calm face, were suspended in midair, looking at the huge rock hidden village under their feet, and their eyes could not wave.

“Is the five-tailed human pillar force in Yanyin Village at this moment?” Nagato asked.

“That’s exactly the news, Nagato!” A pair of huge paper wings behind Xiao Nan gently instigated and said lightly.

“Then! Capture it back! Nagato’s figure instantly descended sharply and invaded towards Iwahide Village.


In the face of the sudden attack of Nagato at the peak of the Super Shadow and Xiaonan at the peak of the shadow level, Iwain Village’s resistance was also weak, fortunately, Nagato Xiaonan’s goal was only placed on the five tails, and there was no intention to directly destroy the Iwain Village, even so, Iwain Village was still in addition to the loss of the five-tailed human pillar power, hundreds of elite ninjas in the village were injured, and even the third generation of Tokage Onoki was seriously injured by Nagato’s move Shinra Tianzheng.

Nagato’s attack once again defeated the resistance of Iwain Village under the heavy defense of Iwain Village, and took away the power of the five-tailed human pillar, this kind of thing that even Iwain Village wanted to cover up, and the matter soon spread throughout the ninja world.

On the one hand, the big and small forces in the ninja world gloated about the encounter encountered by Iwain Village, and on the other hand, they were horrified by Nagato’s terrifying strength, completely ignoring the existence of the five major hidden villages of the five major powers, and after defeating and destroying Konoha Village, they actually attacked Iwain Village again this time, which also made the remaining large and small hidden village countries in the ninja world constantly worried in their hearts.

And with Nagato’s move, the members of the Xiao Organization also began to come to various places in the ninja world under the guidance of Jue, revealing the hunter’s blade to the human pillar force or the wild tailed beast that hid there.


Between the broken half of the woods, Kakuto looked at the six-tailed human pillar Li Yu Gao who was severely injured and sealed not far away, and said to the flying section who was holding a broken hand on the side: “The six tails have arrived, it’s time to go back!” “_

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Naruto Uchiha Disk

Naruto Uchiha Disk

Status: Ongoing Author:


Traveling through rebirth to the world of Naruto, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan revived his corpse, and shocked the entire ninja world with his powerful kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The left eye is the eye of virtuality and reality, controlling the transformation between illusion and reality.

The right eye, the eye of time and space, controls the origin of time and space.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Naruto Uchiha Pan”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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