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Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading — Chapter 103 This is a gift for our first meeting~ (6k/6k)

Chapter 103 This is a gift from the first meeting~ (6k6k)

“Oh, by the way, do you know my identity? I am Madara Uchiha?”

𝟼𝟿Book Bar

Menma sneered: “Uchiha Madara, what kind of code name is this? Uchiha Madara who doesn’t even dare to show his true face?”

Although he knew that the guy in front of him was Uchiha Obito, he still wanted to cooperate with Kenji’s performance.

Because the tiger is not at home and the monkey calls himself the king is really funny.

And it is obviously easier to expose Obito’s flaws by using words to unveil Obito’s proud mask step by step than directly exposing it.

Obito retorted dissatisfied: “Junior, don’t use your ignorance as a reason to be fearless!”

At the same time, the kaleidoscope in his eyes became scarleter, as if he wanted to prove something to the masked man in front of him.

Besides Uchiha Madara, who else has the Mangekyo Sharingan?

But Menma just laughed and shook his head: “Your performance is so poor, I don’t even bother to expose you.”

“A true warrior dares to face the misery of life and the dripping blood.”

“And in you, I only see cowardice. You are just a coward who tries to use a mask to escape yourself and use various methods to escape reality.”

A coward who escapes from himself and reality…

Menma’s words were like sharp knives, constantly piercing into Obito’s heart.

The expression under his mask became colder and colder, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more intense.

“No matter what you say, I am Madara Uchiha.”

Obito said in a cold tone: “Do you think you are strong?”

“It’s easy to break the mask you’re so proud of.”

As Menma finished speaking, Obito’s figure came towards Menma like a ghost.


Facing Obito’s active attack, Men stood there as if nothing had happened, and four chains suddenly stretched out from behind him.

It flew towards him like a python eyeing its prey.


Menma moved, disappeared from the spot, and ran straight towards Obito.

During this process, Menma stared into Obito’s eyes the whole time without any hesitation.

Obito’s eyes are not genjutsu eyes. He only relies on the kaleidoscope pupil technique. If he dares to use genjutsu against him, he will suffer backlash.

“Arrogant guy who doesn’t know the true power of the Sharingan!”

Obito smiled contemptuously, his heart full of disdain.

Under this kaleidoscope, he is in an invincible position, and every move of this guy is under his watch!

The four chains ran parallel to each other, passing through Obito’s mask one after the other.

And Menma’s powerful and heavy punch undoubtedly missed, and also passed through Obito’s body.

flaw! !


The moment his fist passed through his body, Obito’s eyes narrowed, his arm materialized and he turned around to grab Menma’s leg.

Whoops! !

The kaleidoscope in Obito’s eyes rotated rapidly.


In an instant, there were ripples in the air, and the space began to distort. Menma’s body also felt a strong pulling sensation as the space distorted.

This is the function of the power of the right eye, which requires touching to draw others into the space of power.

Although it won’t cause any harm, once pulled into the Kamui space, Menma will turn into a fish on the chopping board.

Even the golden flash was almost defeated by this move.

“Arrogant guy! Let’s die here!”

Blah blah blah! !

At this moment, a crisp sound of gold and iron mingled, four chains collided together, and then twisted and flew towards Obito’s back.

Obito’s eyes were slightly cold: “Interesting, do you want to use your blind spot to attack me from behind? It’s a pity…”

Unfortunately, my practical experience is far richer than you think! !

He had been defeated by Namikaze Minato, how could he fall twice due to the same mistake.

Obito’s thoughts arose, and his body, except for his eyes and arms, directly entered a virtual state.

The turned chain passed through Obito’s body again without causing any physical damage.

However, just when Obito’s lips curled up slightly, he thought he was sure of victory.


Half of his body was sucked in, but Menma suddenly chuckled.

His clenched fist suddenly unclenched, revealing the small black-purple ball like a nebula.

In an instant, Obito’s heart beat wildly, his pupils shrank, and he subconsciously stopped absorbing the anesthetic.

But it’s too late.

The small black ball was directly sucked into the Kamui space by Obito.

And the four golden chains were still passing through his abdomen.

In other words, part of his body is still in the divine space!

“This is a gift for our first meeting~”

Came a voice with a playful smile.

And the figure wearing the three-eyed cat-face mask had turned into a black afterimage in his suddenly shrinking gaze.

boom! ! !

A violent explosion sounded in a different space.

“Ah! Poof!”

Obito let out an extremely shrill scream, and his abdomen that had not yet been removed was directly blasted through.

At the critical moment, he relied on instinct to move his body except the abdomen, and he managed to avoid having his entire upper body blown away.

But the pale white body in his abdomen was blown away, and the explosion directly broke his whole body in half! !

This process seems to take a long time, but in fact it only takes less than a second.

“Oh? Are they not dead?”

Menma, who had just landed on the ground after teleporting away, squinted his eyes, with a little surprise in his eyes.

Obito’s reaction speed is still very fast.

Is it the blessing of the Mangekyō Sharingan?

Menma thought in his heart, and at the same time, he stepped hard on the ground with both feet, and condensed a high-density blue chakra blade with his hands.

He wanted to kill Obito completely before he recovered.


The chakra blade passed through Obito’s neck.

But there was no sense of contact, and he had obviously entered the hollow state.

His injuries were very serious, but the desire to survive made him choose to enter the hollow state instinctively.

“Tsk, can we only hide in the turtle shell?”

Menma frowned, but did not stop, and took the opportunity to pull away and came to Uchiha Izumi’s side.

I thought I was already omnipotent enough, but now I suddenly felt that I seemed to lack the ability to deal with spatial abilities.

The ability of Kamui Hollow is simply invincible, even if the time limit is only five minutes, it is already quite outrageous.

“It seems that I need to study the ability to deal with space-time ninjutsu when I go back this time.”

At this time, under the mask, Obito’s face was extremely ugly, and he tightly covered his abdomen where blood and white flesh continued to flow.

What’s the matter with this guy? !

Why does he know the principle of his ability? !

If he hadn’t dodged quickly, this move would have broken his spine!

No, he must go back and change his body, otherwise he can only use Izanagi!

Obito suppressed the fear and fear in his heart, and said in an extremely gloomy tone: “Akazuki’s Tiannong, right? I remember you!”

“Don’t think you won, I will kill you next time we meet!!”

Menma heard Obito’s tough words, raised his eyebrows funny, and nodded in agreement: “Yes, yes, after all, even if you die, you can still use your left eye to save your life.”

What? ! How could this guy know!

Obito, who was seen through, couldn’t help but change his face when he heard the words, and decisively chose to enter the virtual state directly to escape the scene.

Menma stood there and did not try to stop him.

“Thank you…”

Uchiha Izumi, who was standing by, also reacted. Looking at the person next to him, a strong sense of security surged in his heart.

She showed gratitude on her face and wanted to say something to Menma.

But Menma raised his hand and interrupted her.


Then he made a seal, a burst of white smoke exploded, and a shadow clone appeared beside the two.

“Follow my shadow clone, I don’t have time to explain to you now.”

After that, Menma said no more, and the shadow clone and the original body moved.

One ran towards the direction of the barrier, and the other ran towards the direction of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Izumi was stunned for two seconds, with a little struggle on his face, and then he followed the shadow clone’s footsteps and rushed towards the barrier.

Who is the masked man who calls himself Uchiha Madara?

Why did the Uchiha police force be slaughtered, and Konoha still has no reaction?

Also, what does the masked man say about this matter have to do with Itachi?

She still has many doubts in her heart.

The only person who can answer these doubts is this man who suddenly appeared and saved her from the masked man.


At the same time, at the Konoha barrier.

The forty-three children, led by Yakushi Nono and Kurama Yunhai, have gradually approached the Konoha barrier.

But Inahori behind them suddenly stopped.

He turned around with a serious expression, looked behind him and said, “Come out, I have seen you.”

As soon as the voice fell, three masked figures appeared and stood directly in front of Inahori.

“Inahori, where do you want to take them?”

The face of the leader was covered by the monkey mask, but his tall figure could still be seen.

After hearing the man’s voice, Inahori showed a hint of understanding on his face, but his eyes were more gloomy.

“Shinnosuke, I didn’t expect that the one chasing would be you. It seems that the Anbu also participated in this operation.”

Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the eldest son of the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the head of the Konoha Anbu.

His appearance here means that Sarutobi Hiruzen is very clear about this operation.

“I am just ordered to guard the seal here. I know nothing about the operation!”

Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked cold and said in a cold voice: “Uchiha Inahiro, your behavior can be regarded as a village slayer. Where do you want to send those children?”

He is now full of fear and anger!

That’s more than 40 Uchiha children!

Inahiro got the news from nowhere, and he actually took more than 40 Uchiha children to escape surveillance before the night of the genocide.

If these 40 children really leave Konoha, they will definitely know the truth about the Uchiha genocide when they grow up.


Damn it, Inahiro’s behavior is simply a murderous act!

Thinking of this, Shinnosuke can no longer care about continuing to entangle with Inahiro.

He waved his hand to signal his men behind him to bypass Uchiha Inahiro and go after those Uchiha children.

The two behind him rushed away without saying a word.

Bang! Bang!!

A sound rang out.

The two Anbu who had left flew back.

Dao Huo retracted his right leg and sneered coldly: “Want to get over? Then step over my dead body!”


Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Status: Completed Author:


【Travel】【Contending】【Invincible】【Behind the Scenes】
Under the enchanting blood moon, ten figures stood in the sky, facing the 80,000 ninja coalition, and behind them was the ninja army of the new era.
They are a mysterious organization called [Red Moon], the nightmare of all ninjas of the old era.
Uzumaki Menma looked down at the ninja god and the Shura of the ninja world at his feet.
"We serve the light, but work in the darkness. Everything is false, and everything is allowed."
A small ball with a black body and a halo like a star ring condensed in his palm.
"This is a farewell gift. From now on, I will stand at the top!"
The black-bellied Naruto, the scumbag Sasuke, the iron-blooded Hinata, this ninja world was turned upside down by Uzumaki Menma, and the fate of countless people was changed because of it.
[PS: Uzumaki Menma is an original villain created by the animation production team of "Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja". He is the counterpart of the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto in the "Limited Tsukuyomi" illusion world. ]


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