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Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading — Chapter 175 Jiu Maha: Do you look down on foxes?


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Under the shroud of a terrifying force, the entire fortress shook violently.

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There are also cracks that are spreading inside the fortress built with special materials.

The air ninjas in the fortress immediately put down their work, picked up their weapons and ran in the direction of the siren.

“what happened?!”

Shennong’s face darkened as his thoughts were interrupted.

The piercing alarm that sounded in the fortress soon made him aware of the fact that the enemy was invading.

However, it was only a moment of panic.

Shennong quickly regained his composure and said in a disdainful tone: “They must be just some wandering ninjas, or the Prajna from the Kingdom of Lin.”

The Prajna Clan is a local organization in the Kingdom of Forest. They often attack the heads of major powers and important figures in Ninja Village to increase the popularity of the Kingdom of Forest.

Although I don’t know how they found this place, they are just some weak soldiers and generals after all.

Their Kong Ninja were a powerful force that had almost defeated Konoha.

As long as you don’t encounter the ninja troops from the five major ninja villages, you will never ask…

at this time.


An air ninja stumbled into the cabin and shouted with fear: “The enemies who broke into the base are coming towards the main control room, and they have already broken into the central control room!!”

“And there are only two enemies!”

Only…two enemies?

Hearing this, Shennong also showed an expression of disbelief: “How is that possible!?”

Although the strength of the empty ninjas is not as good as that of the five major countries, they are still well-equipped and experienced ninjas.

How could it be captured by just two enemies?


“Quick! Tell me!”

Shennong roughly grabbed the collar of the empty ninja and asked anxiously: “What does the enemy look like and dress up like!”

“Ahem! Big, sir!”

The empty ninja said with some difficulty: “The enemy is wearing a black robe and a mask with a three-eyed cat face pattern. It’s impossible to see his appearance clearly!”

When Shennong heard this, his expression suddenly darkened.

“Damn it! It’s actually the Red Moon Organization!?”

He has been traveling around the ninja world for a long time, and he has naturally heard about the deeds of Akatsuki and Tianzhi Yuzhong.

It is also natural to know what the arrival of the Chiyue Organization means.

“Has Zero-Tail been exposed?”

Thoughts were flowing in Shennong’s mind: “Should I try my best to kill him, or should I take this opportunity to escape?”

After thinking for a moment, he didn’t hesitate too much.

“Bring those important research materials with you.”

Shen Nong looked at the Kong Ninja beside him and ordered: “Now, leave the fortress with me immediately!”

After saying that, he directly picked up the drawings on the table and walked outside.

Just when Shennong was about to enter the escape tunnel.

But suddenly I felt the temperature behind me rising sharply.

boom! !

There was a violent explosion.

The tall and thick metal door was also directly blasted open.


The hot flames sweeping in from outside the door distorted the air.

A burst of flames engulfed all the air ninjas who could not react, and in the end, only a soundless, black, charred corpse fell from the sky.

Wait until the smoke gradually dissipates.

Shennong, who originally had all white hair and beard, turned into black hair, and his tall and strong body looked very oppressive.

“Damn it! It came so fast!”

Shennong cursed secretly and threw away the burning clothes.

When looking in the direction of the passage door, his pupils suddenly shrank.

All I saw was smoke and dust.

Two figures walked out slowly like walking, and the black robes they wore were not damaged at all.

“It seems you are Shennong.”

Menma looked at the middle-aged man who looked wary, and said in a playful tone: “Where are you in a hurry?”

But Shen Nong’s face was uncertain, sensing the terrifying chakra fluctuations of the two men, and he was in a dilemma for a while.

Immediately, a hearty and friendly smile suddenly appeared.

“Actually, there is no need for us to conflict. I can even cooperate with your Chiyue Organization.”

He took out a scroll from his arms, threw it to Menma from a distance, and said, “This contains the core technology of artificial tailed beasts. You can take a look.”

Menma took the scroll thrown by Shennong.

“Oh, are you so sensible?”

He smiled teasingly, then opened the scroll and started reading.

Although the form of Zero-Tail and Nothingness is somewhat similar to that of the Tailed Beast.

However, it is a physical monster composed of dark chakra and is not derived from part of the Ten-Tails, so it is not among the tailed beasts.

Although it was the first time he saw the scroll of “Artificial Tailed Beast”, Menma knew the basic principles of “Artificial Tailed Beast”.

Therefore, he can also determine the approximate authenticity of this scroll.

Menma raised his eyebrows and said in a slightly surprised tone: “Are you really willing to hand over the technology of artificial tailed beasts?”

Hearing this, Shennong immediately smiled and said, “I believe you have seen my sincerity. Now you should be able to trust me, right?”


Menma threw the scroll aside as if throwing away trash, and said in a joking tone: “But I want more than this.”

Shennong’s character can be said to be cunning and cunning.

Menma didn’t believe that he would hand over the important “artificial tailed beast” technology so easily.

And compared to the so-called artificial tailed beast, Menma wanted this flying fortress, mobile fortress more.

If he could take this place, it would be equivalent to having a flying fortress with high mobility.

“You guy… do you still want to get involved in Anker Bandian?”

Seeing Menma throw the scroll aside, Shennong’s expression instantly darkened: “Don’t be too greedy. If you really push me to the limit, you won’t have any good results!”

Shennong wanted to continue to say something.

But his cowardly appearance made the impatient Jiu Maha more and more annoyed.

“It’s really troublesome, chattering non-stop.”

As soon as the voice fell.

Jiu Maha’s figure also disappeared instantly.

Shennong didn’t even react before he was hit by Jiu Maha’s terrifying blow.


Shennong vomited a mouthful of blood, his legs softened and he knelt on the ground, and his facial features became distorted due to severe pain.

He looked down with some difficulty.

“How… is it possible?!”

A small fist pierced his abdomen directly.

The muscles that were strengthened after he activated “body activation” were like paper in front of this white fist.


Jiumaha kicked Shennong’s head again.

He spurted blood and screamed in pain.

“You talk too much nonsense. I am annoyed by your chattering.”

Jiumaha curled her lips and turned to look at Menma: “Don’t tell me that this is the sparring partner you found for me.”

After that, she clenched her fist again.

If Menma nodded, she would definitely punch him.

Such a weak sparring partner is simply looking down on the fox!

I’m at school now. I’ll update it tomorrow


Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Status: Completed Author:


【Travel】【Contending】【Invincible】【Behind the Scenes】
Under the enchanting blood moon, ten figures stood in the sky, facing the 80,000 ninja coalition, and behind them was the ninja army of the new era.
They are a mysterious organization called [Red Moon], the nightmare of all ninjas of the old era.
Uzumaki Menma looked down at the ninja god and the Shura of the ninja world at his feet.
"We serve the light, but work in the darkness. Everything is false, and everything is allowed."
A small ball with a black body and a halo like a star ring condensed in his palm.
"This is a farewell gift. From now on, I will stand at the top!"
The black-bellied Naruto, the scumbag Sasuke, the iron-blooded Hinata, this ninja world was turned upside down by Uzumaki Menma, and the fate of countless people was changed because of it.
[PS: Uzumaki Menma is an original villain created by the animation production team of "Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja". He is the counterpart of the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto in the "Limited Tsukuyomi" illusion world. ]


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