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Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading — Chapter 195 Actors gather on stage (two in one)

Boom! Boom!!

The waves of fire that surged up into the sky rushed towards the thick gold sand with overwhelming force.

However, under the encroachment and reflection of this blazing flame, the gold sand shield showed no tendency to melt at all, and still flashed with dazzling light.

The equally powerful fire and gold light seemed to divide the night into two worlds.


The stalemate lasted for a long time.

The gold sand gradually overwhelmed the blazing and terrifying sea of ​​fire with its weight and quality advantages.

Seeing this, Maki couldn’t help but show his joy, and blurted out in an excited tone: “Lord Kazekage!”

Sure enough, Lord Kazekage has the power to lead the Sand Village into the future!

But when Maki showed his joy, he looked at “Lord Kazekage” with longing.

But he was suddenly surprised to find that Luo Sha’s hands were still on the ground.

A drop of cold sweat slowly slid down his solemn face.

“What’s wrong with this guy…”

Feeling the chakra rapidly flowing away in his body, Luo Sha’s heart could not produce any joy at all.

The blood limit of the third generation of Kazekage “Magnetic Release·Sand Iron” has the advantages of being light and flexible, and can extract sand iron on the spot, but the disadvantage is the performance limitation of the sand iron itself.

The advantages and disadvantages of Luo Sha’s blood limit “Magnetic Release·Sand Gold” are completely opposite.

Density, melting point, quality…

Although it cannot be squandered at will, the sand gold can be said to be a heavy load and indestructible.

But such a powerful sand gold was almost defeated by the fire ninjutsu.

Fire ninjutsu·Great Fire Extinguishment is just a fire ninjutsu with a learning difficulty of B level.

And the guy in front of him used the ordinary B-level ninjutsu with the momentum and power of the forbidden technique!

From this point of view alone, the chakra control and chakra amount are terrifying.


In the end, the gold sand was slightly better and barely put out the fire.

“Lord Kazekage, how are you?”

Maki came to Luosha’s side in an instant, staring at the front and asked vigilantly.

Luosha’s face remained solemn, but he just shook his head slightly, indicating that he was fine.

Then, he looked into the distance again and asked in a deep voice:

“Who are you, why do you want to stop our Sand Village’s actions?”

This guy’s fire escape attainment is too strong.

Fortunately, the financial situation of Sand Village has been much richer recently, otherwise he would not be able to take so much gold sand out of the village.

Why did a ninja with such strength attack them?

Which village sent the ninja, or did they just happen to meet the enemy?

At least in his impression, except for the destroyed Uchiha clan, it seems that no one can use such a powerful fire escape ninjutsu.

At this time,

The masked figure also slowly walked out of the dusty smoke.

“Should I say that you are worthy of being the Fourth Kazekage, one of the Five Kages?”

Looking at Luosha, who was a hundred meters away from him, Uchiha Izumi praised in a brisk tone: “You can test my current strength.”

As he spoke, two scarlet spots slowly emerged from the holes in the mask.

Feeling the familiar coldness, Luosha’s body couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

“You are…”

He showed an unbelievable expression: “You are Uchiha?!”


How is it possible? !

“There should be only two male members of the Uchiha clan left. Where did you, a woman with a Sharingan, come from?!”

And this woman’s goal is very clear, that is, to come for their Sand Village mining team.

Could it be that Konoha not only inherited the technological heritage of the Kingdom of Sky, but also hid some Uchiha clan members?

But for Konoha, a place with outstanding people and beautiful scenery, is the Gray Stone really worth exposing so many things for them?

Countless doubts suddenly flooded into Luosha’s mind.

“Lord Kazekage, I must correct you.”

Uchiha Izumi said in a serious tone: “The orthodoxy of the Uchiha clan is no longer in Konoha!”

“The flame of the Uchiha clan has never died!”

As he spoke, the scarlet light of the Sharingan under the mask became stronger and stronger, and the three magatama began to rotate and merge rapidly.

Finally, it gradually turned into a complex spiral pattern, and a strong sense of oppression burst out from her body.

Boom! !

At the same time, a dark red rib shadow was projected from her body,

and the materialized dark red chakra surged out of her body, turning into a huge skeleton giant standing in front of Luosha.


Looking at the dark red skeleton giant in front of him, Luosha couldn’t help but step back in shock, muttering with surprise: “Is this a Mangekyō Sharingan?!”

“Who the hell are you?!”

This woman is not just an ordinary Uchiha clan member, but she also has the same Mangekyō Sharingan as Itachi, who destroyed the clan! ?

When did such a strong man emerge quietly in the ninja world?

“Akazuki, Tsukuyomi!”

Uchiha Izumi crossed his arms over his chest, with a bit of arrogance in his tone: “Sir Kazekage, please teach me!”

As soon as the voice fell, the dark red chakra giant also raised his arms.

Then, he slapped Luosha and Maki heavily!

Luosha came back to his senses, and his heart sank suddenly.

“Maki! Back off!”

Without turning his head to remind him, he began to quickly form seals with both hands.

The gold dust behind him began to gather towards the sky, condensing into a heavy and huge gold dust cube, and violently crashed into the skeleton fist from the air.

Bang! ! !

Crack, crack! ! !

In an instant, the gold dust flew everywhere, and the dark red skeleton was broken.


At the same time, a carriage carrying luggage and supplies was traveling at the border between the Kingdom of Rivers and the Kingdom of Fire.

In the carriage, the old man with a trough nose “gulped down” the wine.

“I tell you, our country is very powerful and rich…” His face flushed, and he kept talking about his hometown.

When Kakashi, who was guarding outside the carriage, heard that the old man’s country was in the south, he frowned.

“Old man, is the southern country you are talking about the south of the Kingdom of Fire?”

He had a general understanding of the situation of this S-level mission.

His mission goal this time was to escort the old man safely to the Kingdom of Rivers.

However, since the mission level is S-level, it is naturally impossible to be so simple.

This old man who looks like he is not serious is a caravan leader on the surface, but in fact he is a descendant of an ancient empire and knows the specific location of the ruins of that ancient empire.

In a canyon at the junction of the River Country and the Wind Country, the ruins of the ancient empire’s civilization are hidden there.

It was an ancient empire that once had a brilliant civilization, but now has been lost in history.

As for the reason for the annihilation…

“Hahaha, hiccup~”

The old man was obviously a little drunk, and laughed complacently: “Mr. Ninja, this world is not only the Fire Country, nor is it only one continent!”

“Crossing the southernmost sea area of ​​the Fire Country, you can see many broken islands, which is our former hometown.”

Kakashi was shocked when he heard this: “You are from another continent?”

Yamato, who was silent beside him, was also surprised when he heard this.

Because of the endless wars and conflicts in the ninja world, countries are wary of and hostile to each other.

Although they often go out of the village to perform tasks, they have never crossed the sea.

So in their opinion.

In addition to the continent they are on, the south of the continent is an endless sea.

But from what the old man said.

There used to be a piece of land there, and even a huge empire was built there, but it was destroyed for some reason?

“Hiccup~ Why are you making such a fuss?”

Seeing Kakashi so surprised, the old man suddenly became more proud.

“Don’t think that it is you five major countries that rule the ninja world now. My ancestors also cut down the jungle, dug up the mountain roads, filled the rivers, and established a brilliant civilization. The resources of the entire continent belong to us.”

“The well that never dries up, the livestock that grows overnight, and the endless food, the cornerstone of creating all this is… uh!”

The old man raised his head and was talking happily.

But as he was talking, the words on his lips suddenly stopped, and he even sobered up in an instant.


Seeing this, Kakashi was also stunned, and asked in a puzzled tone: “Old man, what’s wrong?”

“Ahahaha, what are you talking about?”

The old man scratched the back of his head and pretended to be confused: “What did I just say, why did I forget it?”

Kakashi frowned and was about to ask again.

But a deafening snoring sound came from the carriage, interrupting Kakashi’s words.

“This old guy is really…”

Kakashi’s dead fish eyes twitched, and he thought secretly in his heart.

This S-level mission is obviously not simple.

But for some reason, the Third Hokage did not say it directly.

And the rise and fall of the ancient empire, the old man has been deliberately or unintentionally avoiding the important points just now.

Maybe the Third Hokage made some deal with the old man, and the content of the deal is related to what he deliberately concealed.

“Oh! It’s really troublesome.”

Kakashi looked distressed, and sighed secretly in his heart: “I should have found a reason to refuse earlier…”

He always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

This mission may not be easy.


Starting from the shortest distance, the mining team composed of more than a dozen Iwagakure ninjas has been moving towards the country of rivers at full speed.

Except for stopping for more than ten minutes to rest and eat, the rest of the time was spent on hurrying.

For ninjas, this is the most basic skill. Ninjas who go out on missions all year round will not waste time and energy on resting and eating.

This also allowed them to reach the border of the River Country before dawn.


A Rock Hidden Ninja walked to the captain of the mining team and pointed to the direction ahead to report: “Ten kilometers away, you can reach the River Country Canyon.”

“Notify them to slow down.”

The captain of the Rock Hidden Ninja waved his hand and said: “Rest for a while, let the advance team go to the front to explore, and then adjust before entering the River Country.”


The Rock Hidden Ninja nodded, turned around and left to convey his order.

After the order was conveyed, the team gradually stopped moving forward and began to build a camp on the spot.

Medical supplies, food, water, tents and other supplies are all ready.

The Land of Earth is different from the nearby Fire Country and Wind Country.

They have no logistical supplies and support, so they must ensure that the team can maintain sufficient fighting energy after entering the River Country.

They had already played out the battles they might face in their minds countless times.

There was no need to consider the possibility of failure. They only needed to think about how much they would gain as the winners. This was the most important thing.

Because their Tsuchikage had already arranged everything.

After the captain of Iwagakure had arranged everything, he walked towards the two people dressed strangely at the back of the team.

He handed the food and water to the two people, and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: “You two adults, you have worked hard.”

“You’re welcome, it’s my duty.”

Kakuzu took the food and water, and said in a cold tone: “We will help you get rid of all the blockers as agreed. Don’t forget the reward after the end.”

Scorpion, who was hiding in the red amber, said in a muffled voice: “Let’s finish it quickly, it’s so boring!”

Hearing Scorpion’s contempt, the captain of Iwagakure’s face sank slightly.

But after a moment, he smiled and said: “Then I’ll trouble you two for the next journey. We will definitely pay you a commission that satisfies you.”

Although he was a little dissatisfied with the attitude of the two rebels in front of him.

However, the strength of these two guys can still be trusted.


At the same time.

A three-man advance team of Iwagakure has arrived in the territory of River Country to investigate the surrounding situation.

During the march, an Iwagakure ninja nudged the person next to him with his arm.

“Hey, you said…”

He asked curiously: “When we left the village, did you hear the explosion?”

“Nonsense, such a loud explosion can be heard from miles away.”

“What do you think happened?”

“Do you even need to ask?”

The Iwagakure ninja smiled playfully and said: “It’s probably that kid Deidara who did it again. Let me tell you, he… um?”

He was about to say something to the person next to him, but another Iwagakure ninja suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong?”

Seemingly noticing that his expression was a little strange, the Iwagakure ninja also frowned and asked.

“Didn’t you notice?”

The Iwagakure ninja looked around and said without turning his head: “Is it too quiet around here?”

The other two were stunned at first, and then they immediately reacted.

Indeed, it was too quiet.

It was even a little weird.

It’s early morning now, how could there not even be insects chirping?

“Wait, there’s someone ahead.”

The solemn words came from the mouth of the rock ninja in charge of perception.


“… No, did you see it wrong?”

The two rock ninjas followed his gaze, but only saw swaying trees and shadows.

Under the moonlight, there were only swaying shadows and rustling branches, like a monster that would eat people.

“No, I really sensed it.”

Although it was not visible in the field of vision, the perceiving ninja was very sure.

There must have been a figure flashing by just now.

The two rock ninjas next to them frowned, looked at their companions’ solemn expressions, and began to get nervous.

Cold sweat flowed down their foreheads unnaturally, and there was a gurgling sound in their throats, and they suddenly felt a little hairy in their hearts.

Could it be that I saw a ghost?


Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Status: Completed Author:


【Travel】【Contending】【Invincible】【Behind the Scenes】
Under the enchanting blood moon, ten figures stood in the sky, facing the 80,000 ninja coalition, and behind them was the ninja army of the new era.
They are a mysterious organization called [Red Moon], the nightmare of all ninjas of the old era.
Uzumaki Menma looked down at the ninja god and the Shura of the ninja world at his feet.
"We serve the light, but work in the darkness. Everything is false, and everything is allowed."
A small ball with a black body and a halo like a star ring condensed in his palm.
"This is a farewell gift. From now on, I will stand at the top!"
The black-bellied Naruto, the scumbag Sasuke, the iron-blooded Hinata, this ninja world was turned upside down by Uzumaki Menma, and the fate of countless people was changed because of it.
[PS: Uzumaki Menma is an original villain created by the animation production team of "Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja". He is the counterpart of the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto in the "Limited Tsukuyomi" illusion world. ]


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