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Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading — Chapter 197 The Art of Multiplying Explosive Talismans! Explode!! (Two in One)

Swish! !

The moment the words fell, a sharp weapon like a scorpion’s tail suddenly stabbed towards Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui immediately formed seals with both hands and shouted at a low speed: “Shadow Stream·Slash!”

Instantly, the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

The black short knife in his hand turned into a long knife like liquid, carrying a deep knife light that seemed to be able to swallow everything, and fiercely met the tail attack of the “Fei Liuhu” puppet.

This kind of power that is enough to cut through the air, there is no doubt that it is definitely enough to cut off their bodies and puppets.

Kakuzu and Scorpion did not hesitate to distance themselves and avoid the knife light emitting black cold light.

Chi Chi Chi! !

Although it did not hit the two people, the knife light silently cut through a large area of ​​trees behind them, and the broken trees that fell to the ground one after another made a series of roars.

Kakuzu glanced at the messy forest behind him with the corner of his eye, and his expression became much more serious.

“Can shadow arts be used like this?”

The shadow blade that “Amaterasu” used just now is obviously similar to the shadow secret arts of the Nara clan.

However, compared to the Nara clan’s “shadow imitation technique” and “shadow head binding technique” which are mostly used for auxiliary shadow arts.

The guy in front of him obviously used the shadow art as a “stealth” type and “attack” type secret art.

Being able to control his own shadow like an arm, it seems that “Amaterasu” has a strong attainment in Yin Dun.

“I have no interest in worthless guys, but the information of the Red Moon Organization is valuable!”

Kakuzu said impatiently: “I will give you one last chance now. As long as you hand over the information, I will reluctantly spare your life!”

Shisui said with an apologetic tone: “If you want to know, come and kill me.”

“You are looking for death!”

Kakuzu’s face turned cold and he stopped talking nonsense. Black silk threads poured out of his body, and four masks representing different escape techniques flew wildly.

“Wind escape·suppression!”

The mask representing wind escape opened its mouth, forming a huge vortex storm and sprayed towards Shisui.

Boom! !

Shisui’s figure blended into the ground like a shadow, and appeared in another place in the blink of an eye.

“So that’s it, that mask is fire jutsu, and this mask is wind jutsu?”

Each mask represents a chakra attribute, and can perform corresponding attribute ninjutsu.

The first one to be broken should be the water jutsu mask, and there are also earth jutsu masks and lightning jutsu masks.

Shisui immediately understood and quickly attacked Kakuzu.

The three-magatama Sharingan in both eyes opened again, observing the movements of Kakuzu and the other four masks.

Shisui has roughly seen through Kakuzu’s secret technique.

As long as he doesn’t pull away and use compound ninjutsu, he can get rid of him with the advantages of swordsmanship and shadow techniques.

“Uchiha’s brat?!”

Kakuzu is also an old man who has seen a lot. When he saw the scarlet magatama in his eyes, his originally serious face changed immediately.

Immediately, he turned his head away subconsciously, not daring to look at him again.

Glancing at Scorpion who was slacking off beside him, Kakuzu was immediately annoyed: “What are you waiting for, kill this guy!!”

“Amaterasu”‘s current strange shadow instant body technique, coupled with the dynamic vision and illusion of the Sharingan, is too restraining for a slow-moving turret ninja like him.

If you can’t hit the target, no matter how strong the attack is, it’s useless!

“Tsk, will you ever ask me to help you?”

Scorpion said slowly and sarcastically: “Okay, okay, I want this guy’s body, don’t fight with me.”

Although he was eager to see Kakuzu die, he couldn’t leave the high-quality material unused.

Thinking of this, Scorpion looked at the Sharingan in Shisui’s eyes again with a fiery gaze.

“Sharingan, it’s actually Sharingan…”

Although he didn’t know where the Uchiha clan member came from, if he could make it into a human puppet…

He now only has a magnetic escape puppet of the Third Kazekage.

He has long been envious of this top-level material with a bloodline limit.

Puff! !

Shisui swung a knife from the shadows, slashing Kakuzu’s heart again.

However, when he heard Scorpion’s words, he frowned.

“Another guy who covets the Sharingan.”

Shisui said in a cold tone.


His hands stretched out from the sleeves of the coat of the hunched “Hiryuuko”, and a chakra thread was connected to each finger.

From the open mouth, a kunai stained with poison flew towards Shisui.

Shisui’s face under the mask did not change, and his figure kept flashing in the air.

The kunai almost flew past his body, but none of them hit him, not even the corner of his clothes.

The shadow blade in his hand slashed out quickly, cutting off all the kunai that attacked him, and instantly rushed towards the “Hiryuuko” in front of him.

Kakuzu was also secretly amazed when he saw this: “This guy’s nerve reaction speed is really worthy of his Yin Dun attainments.”

I didn’t expect that the Uchiha clan members who practiced Yin Dun Shadow Technique also had this talent.

Puff! !

Feeling the faint sound of wind coming from behind him, Kakuzu punched Shisui’s shadow blade without looking back.

Clang! !

The short sword emitting a sharp cold light slashed on the fist emitting a faint black light, and it actually made a sound like a metal collision.

“Earth Style: Earth Spear!”

Kakuzu’s skin exuded a hard black stone texture, and his attack and defense power had been greatly improved.

“What a hard fist!”

Zhisui was secretly shocked, and with the help of Kakuzu’s fist, he decisively distanced himself from Kakuzu.

Then he tried to repeat the same trick and disappeared into the shadows again.

The next second, he appeared silently behind “Fei Liuhu”, and the shadow blade in his hand slashed towards his neck like a black shadow.

But that’s it.

A dazzling blue light flashed and a piercing scream sounded.

“Thunder Escape·Pseudo Darkness!”

The masked monster with thunder patterns carved on its face spit out a sharp lightning strike from its mouth, quickly penetrated the air and shot towards Shisui.

Zhisui’s heart suddenly became cold.

The opponent was targeting his blind spot.

The attack was decisive and ruthless, without any hesitation.

The attack range of this Thunder Release Ninjutsu even includes “Hiryuu Amber”.

There was no way to react to the sudden attack.

Zhisui subconsciously blocked “Fei Liuhu” in front of him.

Sizzle! !

Amidst the harsh sound of electricity, Shisui and Hiryuhu were directly hit by the Thunder Release Ninjutsu.

Looking at the already charred “Hirui Liuhu” who was directly hit by the Thunder Release Ninjutsu, Shisui’s face became even more gloomy.

“Are there people in the Akatsuki organization who don’t care about the lives of their companions?”

Although most of the Thunder Release Ninjutsu just now was blocked by Fei Liuhu, Shisui was still affected to a certain extent.

Supporting his paralyzed body, Shisui jumped back, trying to distance himself from Kakuzu.

But Kakuzu, who was standing on the spot, stretched out his arms towards Shisui who was jumping back.

Poof! !

His arms instantly detached from his body, connected by long black strings, and shot towards Shisui who was still in mid-air.

Shisui, who was in mid-air, seemed to have nowhere to use his strength to avoid. He was caught by two flying arms without the slightest chance to react.

The slowly retracted arms grabbed Shisui’s throat tightly, and the long black thread dragged his body to the front of Kakuzu.

“Hmph, little loach, let’s see where you can run this time!”

Looking at the struggling Amaterasu, Kakuzu raised him in the air and said in a cold tone: “Tell me all the information about Akatsuki, and I can make your death easier.”

But as soon as these words came out, Shisui, who was struggling desperately, suddenly stopped.

Then he chuckled and said in a joking tone: “No one can kill the undead of Uchiha.”

As he spoke, he threw his hand violently, and several detonating charms were attached to Kakuzu’s body with lightning speed.

Then I saw those detonating symbols changing from one to two in a strange way.

Two cards become four, four become sixteen…

The number of detonating talismans increased rapidly in geometric figures, and in the blink of an eye they densely surrounded Kakuzu and Shisui’s bodies.

Kakuzu’s expression froze, and then his expression changed, realizing what this was.

Just didn’t wait for him to react.

“The technique of using each other’s detonating talismans!”

Shisui’s fingers tightened tightly on Kakuzu, not giving him any chance to break free.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he shouted in a low voice: “Bang!!”

Then came the first explosion.

boom! !

After an explosive talisman exploded, the fuse seemed to be ignited.

The sound of explosions was heard in succession, and the detonating symbols all lit up at this moment.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Deafening explosions echoed through the night.

Endless terrifying explosions completely submerged the two men.

The fire that shot into the sky caused the ground to shake violently.

Moreover, this explosion seems to be endless, and it continues to expand its scope.

thump! !

The charred Fei Liuhu was directly blown out.

Continuously blasted by Kakuzu and Shisui, it shattered into irreparable pieces on the spot.

“Ahem! What kind of ninjutsu is this?!”

Xie cursed secretly while crawling out of Fei Liuhu in embarrassment.

Then without looking back, he ran away crazily away from the center of the explosion.

While running away, he did not forget to take out a scroll from his arms.


As a burst of white smoke exploded, a human puppet wearing rags appeared from the scroll.

The third-generation Kazekage puppet made seals with its hands and opened its mouth.

The dark sand iron quickly condensed into a thick shield in the air, barely blocking the aftermath of the explosion for Scorpion.

After escaping hundreds of meters away, Scorpion staggered to a stop.

Turning his head, he looked at the explosions that kept sounding.

Time passed little by little, and the violent explosions continued.

Xie’s throat couldn’t help but make a rumble, and he swallowed in fear.

“The immortal body may not be able to withstand such continuous explosions, right?”

Even the proud Scorpion couldn’t help but pass this idea.

The explosion in front of him was too violent and long-lasting. If it were him, even the puppets of Fei Liuhu and the Third Kazekage wouldn’t be enough to kill him.

But Scorpio couldn’t figure it out clearly.

“Is that guy Amaterasu crazy?!”

What kind of ghost ninjutsu is this? !

No one can survive this kind of explosion, and it will even completely swallow up the caster in an instant.

Boom boom boom! !

Violent explosions were still ringing, large tracts of jungle were burning, and the land was burned to black.

The diffuse smoke and dust made it impossible for Scorpion to see the shadows of Kakuzu and Amaterasu.

In this case, it is impossible for anyone to come out alive.

But Scorpion’s eyes were still fixed on the center of the explosion.

Not only that, a large amount of black iron sand was suspended in the air, condensing into countless black spikes.

Just like that, it was aimed at the center of the explosion.

After a long time, the explosion finally stopped.

The surging smoke almost covered the entire sky.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, an extremely huge deep pit appeared in the center of the explosion.

Seeing the scene in the deep pit, Scorpion’s puppet core, which had not fluctuated for a long time, began to beat violently involuntarily.

Boom! Boom!

I saw that Kakuzu’s body was charred and broken, and was completely unrecognizable after being blown up, with only half of it barely called the torso.

The countless black lines in the body twisted like a living thing.

It was like, wailing silently, trying to escape from Kakuzu’s body.

And a broken figure still stood there.

Most of Shisui’s body was blown up, but the blown-up parts were being supplemented by white debris, and the body was recovering at an incredible speed.

The black robe and mask on his body had disappeared, revealing Shisui’s face and dress before his death.

The whole body was covered with cracks like ceramics, and it constantly exuded a strange smell of decay and death.

“… What the hell is this guy!?”

Seeing this terrifying scene, Scorpion, who had transformed himself into a human puppet, felt creepy again.

Although he had expected Amaterasu to have a way to save her life.

But at least she should have been seriously injured.

No matter what, he could not imagine that Amaterasu’s body would recover so strangely.

“Damn it! Damn it! Magnetic escape·Sand iron seal!!”

Scorpion’s heart was full of fear, his fingers flew flexibly, and the human puppet on his head also responded in coordination.

The sharp blades made of black iron sand formed a terrifying killing situation like a net, pouring down like a rainstorm.

Sizzle! ! !

Shisui was constantly pierced by the sand iron spikes, and his whole body began to disintegrate under the impact, turning into pieces of fragments.

But in Scorpion’s frightened and gloomy eyes, these injuries quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Boom boom boom!

Under the fear of the unknown.

The chakra in Scorpion’s body poured out crazily, destroying Shisui’s body again and again.

But no matter how he tried, he still couldn’t really kill Shisui.

Finally, with the drastic consumption of chakra, he gradually couldn’t hold on.

“Are you also some kind of immortal body?!”

Scorpion stared at Shisui with his eyes, and said in a slightly crazy tone: “Asshole!! Who are you looking down on?!”

At this time he was sure.

Amaterasu had been deliberately maneuvering just now, the purpose was to create a weak position, and then launch this weird and unsolvable attack!

In other words, from the very beginning, Amaterasu didn’t use her full strength at all!

He and Kakuzu had been toyed with by this guy all the time! !


Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Status: Completed Author:


【Travel】【Contending】【Invincible】【Behind the Scenes】
Under the enchanting blood moon, ten figures stood in the sky, facing the 80,000 ninja coalition, and behind them was the ninja army of the new era.
They are a mysterious organization called [Red Moon], the nightmare of all ninjas of the old era.
Uzumaki Menma looked down at the ninja god and the Shura of the ninja world at his feet.
"We serve the light, but work in the darkness. Everything is false, and everything is allowed."
A small ball with a black body and a halo like a star ring condensed in his palm.
"This is a farewell gift. From now on, I will stand at the top!"
The black-bellied Naruto, the scumbag Sasuke, the iron-blooded Hinata, this ninja world was turned upside down by Uzumaki Menma, and the fate of countless people was changed because of it.
[PS: Uzumaki Menma is an original villain created by the animation production team of "Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja". He is the counterpart of the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto in the "Limited Tsukuyomi" illusion world. ]


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