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Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading — Chapter 215 The show ends (asking for monthly votes)

“Hmph, the new generation of Nine-Tails Jinchūriki?”

When the tall smoke and dust in the center gradually dissipated, the figure standing on the wooden man appeared.

“Wooden clone” looked down at the people of Konoha and said indifferently: “You dare to say that you can defeat me. You are really ignorant and fearless.”

The sense of oppression emanating from him made everyone’s breathing stagnate.

Only Naruto stood in front of everyone, and asked with a serious expression: “Who are you, why can you use the first generation’s Wood Release?”

“Akazuki, Takamikoto, as for Wood Release…”

“Wooden clone” said coldly: “What an arrogant guy, Wood Release is not only owned by Hashirama Senju, nor is it unique to your Konoha.”

After that, he put his hands together, and the chakra in his body surged.

“Wood Release·Sea of ​​Trees Birth!”

69 Book Bar

Crack! Boom! !

Several cracks appeared on the ground and spread rapidly towards everyone.

The next moment, a large number of black vines burst out from the ground, and several black giant trees directly tore the ground apart.

Faced with the sudden outbreak, everyone retreated quickly, looking at the black forest full of murderous intent and dead silence in front of them, their eyes were full of fear.

The trees began to multiply wildly, the branches on the trees kept swinging, and the leaves were as sharp as blades.

“How is it possible, the sea of ​​trees? Why is it this ninjutsu?!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen was in doubt, and he shouted loudly in a somewhat inappropriate manner: “Takamikoto, who are you, and why do you want to attack Konoha? What is your relationship with the first generation?!”

Wood Release·Sea of ​​Trees is similar to Wood Release·World of Trees, but the attack range is smaller in comparison.

But they are both Wood Release secrets developed by the first generation Hokage.

In Sarutobi Hiruzen’s heart, even if Wood Release has become history and legend, Wood Release has always been the first generation Hokage’s unique bloodline limit, and it is also Konoha’s unique symbol and secret.

So when he saw that this guy who called himself “Takami-kun-ming” could not only perform the bloodline limit·wood escape, but also use the wood escape secret technique, the shock on Sarutobi Hiruzen’s face was completely beyond words.

“I have already said that you are too arrogant. Wood escape is not unique to you. As long as I want to use it, I can use it.”

Looking down at the old Sarutobi Hiruzen, the “wood clone” did not have the slightest intention of explaining.

“As for my identity, I believe you will know it soon.”

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and cursed in a low voice: “Damn! Inexplicable guy!”


Before he asked again, countless black tree trunks in his field of vision, like countless swords, stabbed at him layer by layer.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s figure quickly retreated, avoiding the branches that stabbed at him.

“Asshole, don’t underestimate me!!”

Looking at the black wood escape in front of him that seemed to symbolize death and ominousness, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s face suddenly sank. He suppressed the terrible thought in his mind, gritted his teeth, raised his hand and threw out the Vajra Ruyi Stick.

Ruyi Stick·Wild Wind!

The wind escape chakra in his body surged out, combined with the Vajra Ruyi Stick, and set off a raging hurricane forward,

Crack, crack!

With the indestructible body of the demon, coupled with powerful wind escape and physical skills, with crisp sounds, several tree trunks were broken.

Although he was old, he still showed strong physical skills and amazing combat experience.

However, the strong vibration from the stick made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel that his arms began to numb, and the expression on his face became even uglier.

“This hardness, is it really wood?!”

After slashing out a piece of open space, it was quickly covered by black wood.

He realized that using physical skills to resist these black wood escapes was simply the worst and stupidest choice.

And the disdainful voice came from a distance:

“You have already decayed, so give up your position as soon as possible!”

At this moment, the Anbu ninjas rushed over and tried to stop the invasion of the trees.

“Secret Technique·Parasitic Insect·Hurricane!”

Many black insects gathered, a large amount of chakra was consumed, the insects expanded in size, rushed into the forest and began to bite wildly.

Swish, swish, swish!

Accompanied by a terrible roar, a large number of black trees surged out, arranged each other to block everything.

There were also large branches swinging, easily rolling those insects in, crushing them into dregs.

“Damn, are these things really techniques?! My kunai broke, and I couldn’t leave a mark on it!”

“Run away, find a way to escape from here!!”

“Who is that guy, could it be the first generation of Hokage?!”

The Anbu ninjas in front roared and resisted with all their might.

However, facing the unheard-of strange Wood Release, the Anbu who lacked relevant information were caught off guard and quickly fell into a disadvantage.

The countless bodies and weapons were so fragile in front of the madly expanding forest that they were shattered with a slight touch.

All that could be heard was the shrill screams in the black forest.

Looking at the dead and wounded Anbu of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen, holding the Vajra Ruyi Stick, warned loudly: “Be careful, the hardness of these trees is very terrible!”

The Anbu ninja who escaped by chance had a solemn face, with a little anger and fear in his eyes.

“I didn’t expect that our Konoha would be hit by Wood Release one day.”

Wood Release, the significance of Konoha to Konoha is self-evident.

But the long-lost powerful Wood Release was mastered by Konoha’s enemies, and was even used by that guy to kill them.


Many Anbu ninjas formed seals and spit out fire release ninjutsu.

And the people behind them also used wind release ninjutsu.

Boom! !

The wind helped the fire, and countless flames burst out, hitting the black forest that seemed to be able to devour everything, burning wildly.

The aftermath of the battle between the Hokage and Wood Release easily covered a large area, causing a heart-pounding roar.

But soon, their faces changed.

“Why can’t these trees burn? How can we stop this?!”

“It’s not that they can’t burn, but the temperature is far from enough!”

“Even if we can’t win, we have to go up, no matter what, we have to stop him!!”

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying black bush began to expand again, and one tree after another rose from the ground, defeating a large number of Konoha ninjas one after another.

Roars, shouts, and roars were mixed in it.

After finally cutting off a tree, a new tree immediately emerged from the ground, attacking with even more exaggerated might.

No matter how hard they tried, they could not really break through the forest. Instead, they were forced to retreat step by step by the black forest, provoking the fear of the Konoha ninjas.

“You are really tenacious.”

Looking down at the heavy task struggling to resist below, the “wood clone” said meaningfully: “Very good, then be serious.”

After that, the chakra in the body surged again.

“Wood Release: Tree Realm Advent!!”

The black forest, which was several times larger, began to grow and spread wildly.

In a very short time, countless black trees emerged from the ground, including countless Konoha ninjas.

“Tree Realm Advent, could it be that Gao Yuhunming is really that person?” Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and trembled all over.

First, the sea of ​​trees was born, and then the tree world was descended.

Someone who can use Wood Release Ninjutsu to this extent… No no! Absolutely impossible!

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was ready to do his best.

Boom! !

An amazing blue-purple ball of light came from the side of the crowd and hit the dense forest head-on.

The terrifying high temperature brought by the aftermath also caused a fierce burning in an instant.

“This is…”

“It’s Uzumaki Naruto! He can do it with his power!”

Facing the terrible power of Wood Release, they could only feel trembling and powerless.

And Naruto took the initiative to stand up at this time, which was definitely a heroic move.

“Hurry up, follow behind Naruto, we might be able to create a close opportunity for him…”

An Anbu ninja shouted loudly.

But before he finished speaking, Naruto shouted directly: “Retreat!”


“Please believe me, I can deal with this guy!”

Under the shocked and expectant eyes of countless people.

Naruto’s palm was slightly lifted, and the tailed beast Rasengan was condensed.

The purple-black spheres gathered, surging with terrifying pressure, which made everyone tremble.

Naruto said in a solemn and steady tone: “You are all fellow countrymen of Konoha, and my cherished family. Please don’t stay here any longer, let me deal with this guy!”

After that, he threw out the purple-black chakra ball in his palm again, and it directly hit the black forest.

Boom! !

At the moment of the collision, after the violent roar, a super-high temperature horror explosion sounded, and the smoke and dust scattered under the impact.

The earth collapsed, and sections of depressions were triggered. The terrible hurricane set off a huge storm. The nearby land was almost turned into a crystal by the shock wave and the terrifying high temperature.

The terrifying power ravaged everything, and the unstoppable trend of the black forest was reversed, and it was stopped by the endless explosion.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, and hope appeared in their eyes.

This huge and terrifying power actually came from the “Nine-tailed Jinchuriki” that they had always feared, from Uzumaki Naruto who was only more than ten years old.

“Isn’t the power just now the limit? Does Naruto have the power to fight against Gao Yuhunming?”

The high temperature that escaped after the collision alone was extremely terrifying, far exceeding the result of the joint ninjutsu just now.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen’s face suddenly changed.

“Back off!!”

The rapidly rising temperature has made him feel painful.

This Rasengan, which is similar to the Tailed Beast Ball, is even more powerful than the one just now. Naruto already has such a terrible power!

“Retreat! Don’t cause trouble to Naruto. We can only be his concern now.”

Many Anbu ninjas retreated one after another.

And Naruto looked at the blazing forest in front of him with a serious face, as if he had made up his mind.

Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a worried look and couldn’t help but remind loudly: “Naruto, be careful, don’t resist!”

“Don’t worry, please stay away, I will deal with him.”

Naruto’s face was calm and his tone was very open.

After that, he directly entered the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, with an indomitable momentum, and his golden figure suddenly rushed into the darkness.

“Hahaha! You’re so brave!”

Seeing this, the “wood clone” also jumped down: “Then let me see your power.”

Crack! Crack!

A terrible roar broke out, and the earth collapsed.

Naruto stretched out his arms, and the burning flames rushed straight into the sky, easily tearing apart several large trees.

The terrible dark forest was rapidly expanding forward, and was destroyed by him again.

This ferocious scene alone made everyone feel at ease.

Boom! !

But more black trees surged out, quickly blocking their view.

And the terrifying chakra fluctuations that are constantly bursting out in it, the sensing ninjutsu can’t even detect the situation inside.

However, many people have just seen that Naruto has met “Gao Yuhunming”.

A ferocious confrontation broke out between the two, and the power displayed by both sides was far beyond the understanding of ordinary ninjas.

The fluctuations of the fighting, the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, made people feel frightened.

Even at such a distance, he could still feel the horrific aftermath of the battle.

“Naruto, who has the power of the Nine Tails, will definitely be able to defeat that guy!”

Listening to the huge roars that sounded in the depths of the forest, cold sweat appeared on the foreheads of the ANBU ninjas, hoping that Naruto could defeat the enemy and defeat the mysterious “Gao Yuhunming”.

Feeling the unity and excitement of the people behind him, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t help but reveal a happy smile on his worried face.

“This is the will of fire, the will of fire is burning!”

However, it is deep in the forest that they cannot see.

The “Wooden Clone” continuously controls the Wood Release, making huge noises and bursting out a large amount of chakra, pretending to be in a fierce battle.

Naruto sat down on the stone, looking at his busy wooden clone, holding his chin with a thoughtful look on his face.

“It’s my first time to use Wood Release with all my strength. It feels really good.”

The wood escape plant produced is very hard and tough.

The terrifying Wood Release that was full of life in Senju Hashirama’s hands was filled with darkness and death in his hands, making people feel uneasy and frightened just by looking at it.

However, there are also many shortcomings exposed.

Even with his chakra, if he wanted to use this kind of wood escape, the loss would be too terrifying.

After using large-scale ninjutsu such as Wood Release and Tree World Advent, almost all the chakra of the wood clone has been consumed.

You must know that Mu Fen’s body contains only one-half of his own chakra.

“Teacher Fox.”

After thinking for a moment, Naruto calmed down and asked: “How does my Wood Release compare with the first generation Wood Release?”

Within the sealed space.

“Oh~ I’ll give it a scratch down there too~”


Kushina sat cross-legged on the ground, rubbed Nine Lama’s soft orange hair, and asked with a satisfied look: “Or here?”

“Yes, right here, it’s comfortable~”

Holding his round belly and enjoying Kushina’s “service”, Nine Lama stretched out comfortably.

Then, he turned his head again, took a sip of Coke, and burped.

It’s gone now.


It’s all bullshit!

Since you can’t resist, you might as well just enjoy it.

Kushina, Nanai and Bainai are all servants of the Nine Lamas.

Just then, Naruto’s voice came.

Hearing him mention Senju Hashirama, Jiulama wrinkled his nose and showed a disgusted expression.

Although it hated that fool in its heart, it still thought carefully for a moment.

Although Naruto can now use the Bokujin Jutsu, in front of that idiot’s “True Thousand Hands”, the Bokujin’s size is smaller than the head of a Buddha statue.

That huge Buddha statue with a thousand arms easily broke Madara’s “powerful Susanoo” with all his strength, and he could directly pinch the Nine-Tails’ body with one hand.

Thinking of this, Jiu Lama decided to tell the truth.

“Naruto, you are still far away, let me tell you…”

But before Jiulama could finish speaking, the palm on his body suddenly twisted.

“Ouch! It hurts, it hurts! Don’t pinch! Bastard Kushina! Ouch~ You can’t do it there~”

Outside the sealed space.

Listening to the sour screams of the fox teacher, Naruto couldn’t help but laugh and scratch his nose.

“It seems that if you want to use the more powerful Wood Release Ninjutsu, and if you want to have a longer battle, you must prepare your best condition in advance.”

However, is the amount of chakra in Senju Hashirama so terrifying?

With his own chakra and that of Mr. Fox, it was already very difficult to achieve this level.

Suddenly, Naruto’s figure flashed and he came to a tree, looking up into the distance.

“This chakra…has Jiraiya returned? Who is the strange woman next to him?”

After hesitating for a moment, he looked at the “wooden clone” wearing a three-eyed cat-face mask.

Well, not bad, it feels mysterious and powerful no matter how you look at it.

Whether it is Uzumaki Naruto as Konoha, or Gao Yuhunming as Akazuki.

In this double performance show, both of them performed very well.

At the same time, outside the black woods, two figures also came to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Old man, this…”

Jiraiya stared blankly at the black forest in the distance that exuded silence and murderous intent.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen did not respond.

He just looked expectantly at the woman who came with him.

After Jiraiya reacted, he also looked at Tsunade aside.


Tsunade was silent for a moment and nodded: “Although I feel unbelievable, the facts are before my eyes.”

“This is Wood Escape, the unheard-of black Wood Escape.”

boom! !

A roar sounded again, and a figure suddenly appeared.

Standing on the black wooden dragon, the “wooden clone” stared at them.

“Very good. As expected of Konoha, you have a genius Jinchuuriki.”

After saying that, before everyone could react, the black wooden dragon instantly disappeared in front of everyone.

And Naruto’s figure suddenly appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other two.

“He escaped…” Naruto said with a lonely expression.


Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Status: Completed Author:


【Travel】【Contending】【Invincible】【Behind the Scenes】
Under the enchanting blood moon, ten figures stood in the sky, facing the 80,000 ninja coalition, and behind them was the ninja army of the new era.
They are a mysterious organization called [Red Moon], the nightmare of all ninjas of the old era.
Uzumaki Menma looked down at the ninja god and the Shura of the ninja world at his feet.
"We serve the light, but work in the darkness. Everything is false, and everything is allowed."
A small ball with a black body and a halo like a star ring condensed in his palm.
"This is a farewell gift. From now on, I will stand at the top!"
The black-bellied Naruto, the scumbag Sasuke, the iron-blooded Hinata, this ninja world was turned upside down by Uzumaki Menma, and the fate of countless people was changed because of it.
[PS: Uzumaki Menma is an original villain created by the animation production team of "Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja". He is the counterpart of the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto in the "Limited Tsukuyomi" illusion world. ]


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