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Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading — Chapter 254 Bastard! Are you crazy? !

The land within a thousand meters was completely destroyed at this moment, forming a solid wall that completely trapped Menma inside.

And the wind and fire that swept in instantly completely swallowed up the area within the wall, and in an instant, the wall that was thousands of meters long turned red.

The three jumped onto the high pile of stones and watched the scene in front of them quietly.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

“Ha, is this what you call powerful?”

Setsuna looked disdainful and sneered: “I think I can get rid of that guy without the power of Master Wuliang.”

Shizuku’s face also showed a little more surprise.

“Did I really make a wrong judgment before?”

Although the three people’s words were full of disdain, they actually attached great importance to Menma.

Otherwise, they would not have directly swallowed the Wuliang power given by Huangquan in the first place, and would not have directly entered the final form like a monster.

In this monster form, their strength can be greatly increased, thus gaining more chances of winning.

When necessary, as long as the body can bear it, it can even swallow more alienated chakra, that is, the purple snake-like thing.

Jiusha maintained the most rationality among the three people, and said in a deep voice:

“Don’t be careless, that guy…”

Before he could finish his words, he heard a violent noise from below.

Boom! ! !

The stone wall was instantly broken, and countless boulders splashed.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a figure slowly walked out of it.

“Is it only this level?”

Menma led Shion and appeared in front of them intact.

“If that’s the case, I’m curious why you can come to me alive.”

Shizuku’s ferocious face was a little surprised, and the corners of her mouth tore open: “How is it possible? Why don’t you have any injuries at all?”

Setsuna’s face sank, and those words that he had just vowed were like a slap in the face.

“If one attack doesn’t work, then try a few more times!”

As he said that, Setsuna’s hands quickly formed seals, and a large amount of chakra gathered in his body, and the chakra all over his body almost condensed into substance.

“Fire Style: Fire Dragon Technique!”

Boom! !

In the cave behind him, countless flames quickly condensed and turned into a huge fire dragon. Its body of dozens of meters gave people an extremely oppressive feeling.

The next moment, under the control of Setsuna, the fire dragon locked onto Menma’s figure, opened its bloody mouth and rushed over instantly, wanting to swallow Menma and the others.

Looking up at the fire dragon, Menma smiled with interest.

“In that case, why don’t I also play the role of a copy ninja.”

After saying that, a scarlet color appeared in his eyes, and three magatama slowly flowed.


With a roar, Menma did not make a seal, and a terrifying fire dragon also rose behind him.

And unlike Setsuna’s technique, Menma did not use the existing flames.

He completely relied on his own terrifying chakra to condense a terrifying fire dragon out of thin air.

Boom! !

The two fire dragons bit each other, and Xiao Shiyuan raised her head with her mouth open in an O shape.

A large amount of flames were sprinkled in the air, just like fireworks, and the scene became very spectacular.

Setsuna showed his sharp teeth, and he could not accept the scene in front of him.

Even if he had the advantage of the terrain, he could not gain the upper hand? !

“Don’t stand there, let’s fight him together!”

Jiusha gave an order, and as the leader, his words still had some effect.

Then, Setsuna ran down the rocks, and the several slender arms growing behind him made him like a spider, and he quickly climbed in front of Menma.

“Go to hell!”

Setsuna’s pupils were all black, full of madness: “All the rebellious people who blocked the arrival of Lord Wuliang, go to hell!!”

Accompanied by the arrogant voice, the strong wind that came, and several huge fists wrapped in rocks, rushed straight to Menma’s head.

Crack! !

A crisp cracking sound rang out.

Looking at the weak fist that collided with him, a trace of clarity appeared in Setsuna’s eyes.

“… Is it broken?”

The next second, a shrill scream came from Setsuna’s mouth.


He held his arm tightly, his face twisted and painful: “My hand is broken! Broken!”

His arm showed the opposite direction of the break, looking as weird as an arthropod.

Menma retracted his arm and said calmly: “This power is too weak. Is this the only level of the followers of the ghost?”

Setsuna’s expression was twisted and hideous, and he roared: “Damn it, I’m going to tear you into pieces!”

As soon as the voice fell, a purple light column burst out of his body again, rushing straight into the sky, and the momentum looked extremely terrifying.

“Ah, it’s really spectacular.”

Menma looked normal, and praised without sincerity.

In the spiritual space, Miroku looked worried, and murmured: “Is it really okay? It looks like it’s very strong…”

But before she could finish her words.

On Menma’s fist, light blue chakra condensed, exuding a faint sense of oppression.

“Really? It takes so long to transform. Who would wait for you to finish?”

A faint complaint came, and the next second the fist hit the purple light column directly.

Crack! Crack, crack, crack…

The seemingly mighty purple beam of light, under Menma’s light punch, was like a fragile piece of paper, without even a single blockage, and shattered in an instant.


Under Setsuna’s confused gaze, Menma’s very straightforward punch hit him on the chest.

In an instant, the whole person flew out like a cannonball.

Boom! !

There was another earth-shattering sound, and Setsuna was directly blasted into the mountain wall, leaving only a huge pit.

No one was seen, and life and death were unknown.

Seeing this scene, Jiusha and Shizuku showed a look of horror on their faces.

Setsuna, who had strengthened his own strength to the extreme, could not even withstand Menma’s light punch.

Even though their sanity had gradually been lost, after seeing this scene, they could not help but feel an uncontrollable fear in their hearts.

“Is this guy a monster in human skin like the Fourth Raikage?”

Menma looked at the two people blocking the road in the distance, with a slight smile on his face.

Seeing his smile, Jiusha and Shizuku felt a chill from the soles of their feet, spreading along their spine to the top of their heads.

Fear completely enveloped them.

It was like a mouse is naturally afraid of a cat, a fear that comes from the level of the food chain.

“Brother, let’s run away.”

The fear on Shizuku’s face twisted her already hideous face, “This guy is not a human at all…”

But before she could finish her words, she saw Jiusha’s horrified expression.

As if she realized something, her body suddenly became stiff.

“It’s really rude to say bad things about people behind their backs!”

A playful voice came, and Shizuku’s pupils suddenly dilated, and only fear remained in her heart.

She had never felt that she was so close to death.

When Shizuku had this thought, there was only darkness in her eyes.

The severe pain spread over her body, but she couldn’t even shout.

Then, she completely lost consciousness and disappeared from this world forever.

Aster beside her opened her mouth slightly.

Under her gaze, Menma only slightly opened his eyes and looked at the two quietly.

Then, the two were completely swallowed by the “darkness” that suddenly appeared.

The whole process took less than a second.

“Nisan.” Shion pulled the corner of Menma’s clothes, tilted his head and asked curiously, “What was that just now?”

“… Well, what is it?”

Menma lowered his head and pretended to be in deep thought.

After a moment, the corner of his mouth raised an arc: “It’s the world.”

A world that belongs to him alone.

Little Shion tilted his head, and the expression on his face seemed to understand.

Menma didn’t care, just smiled, and continued to move forward.

The violent and hot breath kept blowing from the depths of the cave.

The further you go, the more you can clearly feel the dull and powerful heartbeat of a certain creature, echoing throughout the cave, and it never stops.

The golden chakra chain kept swinging, constantly smashing the attacking stone soldiers.

The two soon reached the end of the road.

In front of him was an extremely spacious volcanic cave, with hot magma constantly emitting bubbles.

A huge shadow could be vaguely seen in the magma.

A series of narrow roads crisscrossed each other, allowing people to walk on the magma.

Menma glanced and found a figure sitting on a stone chair, wrapped in a layer of darkness.

It was a boundless darkness, like the darkness of a bottomless abyss.

Only the eyes, like magma, burned with a strange red light.

Judging from the breath, it was more like a humanoid monster than a human.

“Miroku, you are finally here.”

The dark figure turned his eyes and looked at the position behind Menma.

Even though they were a hundred meters apart, the low voice could still be clearly heard by Menma.

At some point, a beautiful and holy figure was standing behind Menma.

This holy figure was the previous priestess Miroku.

“Did you finally escape the seal?” Miroku looked at Wuliang with a serious expression.


The dark figure sighed and asked in a low voice: “Why is it like this every time? Why would you rather accept the help of ninjas than merge with me?”

“I know very well that you hate ninjas, including the Six Paths Sage who established the Ninja Sect and spread the power of chakra among humans.”

“It is the malice and desire of humans that impose missions that the miko should not bear and many unnecessary responsibilities on the miko.”

“It’s all these hateful humans, all these boring ninjas, why don’t you join me to destroy this ugly world?”

Compared to being sealed again by the miko, the miko’s trust in humans is the real reason that makes the ghost angry.

Why fight for humans?

Why always go against it?

Obviously, they are the same kind!

They are companions on the same front.

Why kill each other for ugly humans?

Pathetic! Stupid!

The ghost doesn’t understand and can’t agree.

Humans are not qualified to have the holiness of the miko.

“Are humans really worth your efforts? Answer me, Mi…”

“You are talking too much nonsense.”

Before Wuliang could continue to say anything, Menma interrupted him with an expression of impatience on his face.

Bang! !

Instantly, terrifying chakra burst out from his body, like a surging wave, sweeping around.

“…Ame no Michu?”

Miroku subconsciously raised his arms, then remembered that he was only a soul left.

She never expected that Menma’s body actually contained such a terrifying power.

“If you are on different paths, you can’t make plans together.”

Menma said lightly: “I always keep my word. Since I promised to get rid of you, you must die.”

“Wangliang… and Huangquan.”

Hearing this, Miroku was stunned.

“…I was discovered.”

After a moment of silence, the dark figure slowly stood up from the chair, looking at Menma with a fiery red gaze.

Menma looked at the dark figure, and smiled again: “Where is Orochimaru? Call him out. It’s really too boring to have only a waste like you.”

The dark figure’s eyes suddenly changed.

“Hmph, I am stronger than Orochimaru now! I want you two to become part of me. This is your destiny.”

After saying that, his fingers trembled, and several chakra lines manipulated the scalpel, directly using the dark medical ninjutsu to cut open his abdomen.

Not a drop of blood flowed out, there was only deep darkness, like an abyss.

A familiar voice suddenly appeared in Huang Quan’s opened chest.

“Hehehe! Very good.”

“When I take back my body, I will grant you eternal life!”

Hearing this, Huang Quan’s mouth corners slightly raised, and his hands kept making seals.


The deafening sound echoed in the cave, and the evil light and shadow bloomed in the cave.

The ground that maintained the seal barrier was instantly crushed into dust that was invisible to the naked eye. The mountain began to make a crackling tearing sound, and countless rocks fell from above.

The blood-red light shot up into the sky, spreading and spreading around, covering the entire cave and completely enveloping the entire mountain range.


The monster’s roar pierced the eardrums. The ancient monster was bathed in the light of the magma and completely awakened.

Countless dark tentacles extended upwards, twisting and swinging, like a sign of a group of demons dancing wildly, and their size was completely unknown.

Visually, the size of the body of the Wuliang hidden in the magma is probably larger than the tailed beast.

At the same time, an extremely hideous huge black shadow emerged from Huang Quan’s chest.

The black shadow turned into a dark torrent, as if it wanted to rush to the magma at the bottom.

But Huang Quan’s face showed a trace of hideousness, and he laughed wildly: “Where do you want to go! Merge with me, Master Wuliang!”

As he said, his hands quickly formed seals, and the black lines on his body suddenly shook restlessly.

No, to be more precise, it seemed that he wanted to trap the soul of the Wuliang.

“Asshole! Are you crazy?!”

The ghost screamed in a hoarse voice.

It was like gravel rubbing against sandpaper, and just listening to it made people feel numb.


Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Status: Completed Author:


【Travel】【Contending】【Invincible】【Behind the Scenes】
Under the enchanting blood moon, ten figures stood in the sky, facing the 80,000 ninja coalition, and behind them was the ninja army of the new era.
They are a mysterious organization called [Red Moon], the nightmare of all ninjas of the old era.
Uzumaki Menma looked down at the ninja god and the Shura of the ninja world at his feet.
"We serve the light, but work in the darkness. Everything is false, and everything is allowed."
A small ball with a black body and a halo like a star ring condensed in his palm.
"This is a farewell gift. From now on, I will stand at the top!"
The black-bellied Naruto, the scumbag Sasuke, the iron-blooded Hinata, this ninja world was turned upside down by Uzumaki Menma, and the fate of countless people was changed because of it.
[PS: Uzumaki Menma is an original villain created by the animation production team of "Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja". He is the counterpart of the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto in the "Limited Tsukuyomi" illusion world. ]


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