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Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading — Chapter 83 Obito: Then, happy cooperation (4k)

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In the Hokage Building, in a dark meeting room, the atmosphere seemed a bit solemn.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and four Konoha high-level officials sat in the main seats.

In front of them, a figure was half-kneeling, with his head lowered, and his expression hidden in the shadow could not be seen clearly.

Except for Danzo, who had a slight smile in his eyes, the other three people all looked serious.

“The Uchiha clan has decided to launch a coup!”

Uchiha Itachi completely revealed Uchiha Fugaku’s plan.

—— Fugaku attempted to use his identity as an Anbu to quickly control the Konoha high-level officials, and then achieve a bloodless revolution and establish a regime that belongs exclusively to the Uchiha clan.

After listening to Uchiha Itachi’s brief narration, both Uta-ne Koharu and Mito Kado En’s faces changed.

Although they knew that some Uchiha clan members had ill intentions, they never expected that the Uchiha would go to the point of a coup.

Shisui, Itachi, Fugaku and Hiruzen, haven’t they been dealing with the village and the Uchiha clan, trying their best to maintain the fragile balance?

How come now…

However, compared to the two of them, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo seemed much calmer.

“It seems that the situation is urgent, and we must take the initiative before they launch a coup.”

Danzo, with an empty right arm, looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, suppressed the joy in his heart, and said in a deep voice: “It’s time to make a decision, Hiruzen.”

Orochimaru has been using “no Sharingan” as an excuse, repeatedly shirking and refusing to help him transplant a new arm.

Now as long as the Uchiha clan is completely destroyed, there will be as many Sharingans as you want?

“Wait a little longer.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his cigarette and said in a heavy tone: “Uchiha was once a comrade-in-arms. I want to solve the problem through communication, not resorting to force.”

Although he always likes to exclude dissidents, this time is different from the past.

The Uchiha clan is indeed arrogant, but after all, it is one of the founding clans of Konoha, and it is also an indispensable and important fighting force.

If the Uchiha clan is wiped out before the rebellion, it may cause panic in other clans.

And Konoha without the Uchiha clan is equivalent to cutting off one arm.

“Still waiting? If we wait for them to really take action, the damage to Konoha will be even greater!”

Danzo and Hiruzen looked at each other, and their eyes were unyielding.

“Danzo! Don’t say this in front of Itachi!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen scolded Danzo, and then turned to look at Itachi.

He said earnestly: “Itachi, I have to trouble you to continue to monitor the movements of the Uchiha clan. Once there is any abnormality, report to us in time. I will try my best to think of countermeasures during this period.”

“The future of the village and the clan is up to you.”

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi’s eyes trembled slightly, and then he nodded gently.

“Hokage-sama, I will withdraw first.”

As soon as the voice fell, Uchiha Itachi flashed.

He was no longer in the meeting room.


Seeing Uchiha Itachi leave, Danzo snorted in dissatisfaction.

Then he ignored the three Hiruzen who were discussing “countermeasures”.

He waved his robe and stood up from his seat without saying a word.

And in his heart, he had already made up his mind.

“Since Sarutobi can’t do it, I will be the villain as before.”


After leaving, Uchiha Itachi did not return directly to the Uchiha clan.

Instead, he came to the Root headquarters with an expressionless face.

“Itachi, you are here after all.”

Itachi looked at the man in front of him who was known as the “Darkness of Ninja”, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

This man was one of the murderers who killed Shisui.

Now the murderer stood in front of him with his back to him, less than three meters away from him.

“It only takes one Amaterasu that never extinguishes to burn him to ashes.”

However, reason told Itachi that he couldn’t do this.

There was no point in killing Danzo.

What’s more, Konoha needs the Dark Ninja…

“You must be very clear about the Third Hokage’s solution style.”

Danzo turned around and said to Itachi in a calm tone: “Don’t look at the Third Hokage’s nice words, but at the critical moment he will still choose to protect Konoha, but by then everything will be too late.”

Since Uchiha has made up his mind to launch a coup, there is no turning back.

If we really wait until Uchiha starts to act, even if Konoha will win, it will definitely suffer heavy losses.

The war in the ninja world is likely to start again.

Such a scene is definitely not what Itachi wants to see.

“So I hope you make a choice.”

Danzo’s eyes were sharp, and his words were full of oppression: “Are you standing on the Uchiha side to participate in the rebellion and perish with your family, or are you standing on the Konoha side and helping to kill all the Uchiha people?”

Hearing Danzo’s cold words, Uchiha Itachi’s body suddenly tightened.

Although he had expected it in his heart, he couldn’t help but feel cold in his heart when he suddenly heard this order.

Kill all the Uchiha clan…

Kill all, it’s easy to say, but if you really do it.

It’s not just about killing all the ninjas of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Itachi knows it very well.

As long as there are still members of the Uchiha clan alive, the hatred of genocide will accompany them for the rest of their lives.

For Konoha, that is countless hidden bombs.

Therefore, he still wanted to kill the thousands of Uchiha civilians, the old, the weak, women and children.

“Duanzo, you…”

Uchiha Itachi looked gloomy and wanted to say something else.

But at this moment, another smile appeared on Danzo’s face and he said: “Although the Uchiha clan must perish, your brother can survive.”

younger brother? Sasuke!

It was clear that he had killed all the Uchiha people just now, but now he could actually let Sasuke live and retain the Uchiha’s fire.


For a moment, Uchiha Itachi’s heart was completely confused.

Danzo could also clearly sense the other party’s struggle, and a sarcastic smile couldn’t help but appear on his lips.

“Itachi, anyone with a dark heart will definitely be controlled by me.”

Uchiha Itachi was not as indestructible as he thought.

His ideals, his Sasuke, these are his weaknesses.

“In order to protect the village, we must suppress the situation before chaos occurs no matter what. You are the only one who can shoulder this important task. Are you willing to accept this task?”

Danzo’s words kept echoing in Itachi’s ears, eroding the last bit of conscience in his heart.

Do you choose to be destroyed together with Uchiha?

Or should we sacrifice our clan, save the village, and keep Sasuke?

It seems like there is no choice from beginning to end.

“You… remember your promise to me.”

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha Itachi’s energy and energy disappeared instantly, and his eyes became gloomy.

“Of course, you will be the hero guarding Konoha in the dark from now on.”

Looking at the lost Uchiha Itachi, a trace of sarcasm flashed in Danzo’s eyes.

What a useful tool.

Unfortunately, it’s just too stupid.


“It’s such a useful tool, but unfortunately, it’s just too childish.”

In the Death Forest, there were constant sounds of beatings coming from a small stream.

Naruto looked at Uchiha Sasuke who kept attacking him, with a smile on his face, but a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

He could feel that his physical fitness was constantly getting stronger, and his practice of taijutsu and ninjutsu was going very smoothly.

Moreover, it seems to have hit a bottleneck of strength.

But even so, Naruto was still dissatisfied with his own strength.

Because he has noticed it.

Brother Menma may have to leave him soon.

Although this day had been expected for a long time, Naruto’s mood became more impatient as the day of departure got closer.

It is a pity that the young eagle will leave the warm nest and the protection of the eagle sooner or later.

That’s all Naruto can do now.

Just hand in a satisfactory “answer sheet” before Brother Menma leaves.

During this time, Naruto has won the recognition of all the students in the class and is as popular as the king in the entire lower grade.

Both teachers and students are very friendly towards him.

Including the Pig Deer Butterfly, and also the Mizuki.

Oh, no…

It should be said, except for a certain white-eyed lady.

“Kid, you’d better not mess with me. As soon as I see your face, I think of some annoying guy.”

Thinking of Hinata Hinata’s words again, Naruto felt a dull pain in his shoulder again.

That white-eyed lady is different from me.

She can show her strength unscrupulously, but she can’t.

This led to the battle between the two. Although Naruto won in the end, the helpless Naruto was beaten badly by Hinata.

After that, Naruto never took the initiative to contact Hinata.


“When you see my face, do you think of some annoying guy?”

Naruto caught Sasuke’s blow again and frowned.

Is that eldest lady the one you are talking about, Brother Menma?

Although he said he was disgusted, it looked more like resentment.

Thinking of this, Naruto laughed and shook his head.

Bang! !

“Okay Sasuke, that’s it for today’s taijutsu training!”

Naruto punched Uchiha Sasuke back with a simple punch.

Although Sasuke seemed a little reluctant, he didn’t mess around in the end.

He just said as stubbornly as ever: “Tch, isn’t this okay? I will definitely beat you next time!”

Naruto’s mouth twitched and he turned his head to look aside.

“Nine hundred and eighty-one, nine hundred and eighty-two…”

I saw a guy wearing white training clothes and a pair of thick eyebrows, still doing sit-ups on the stone platform.

“Xiao Li, you should also take a rest. Don’t forget, too much is never enough.”

Hearing Naruto’s words, Rock Lee blushed and replied, “I’ll be fine soon.”

Seeing Locke Li who was shaking but still persisting, Naruto didn’t stop him.

Locke Li was a senior one year older than him, and the two happened to meet during a training session.

Naruto also had some appreciation for this simple and passionate fool who had been working hard to become an excellent ninja.

Getting along with such a pure guy, Naruto felt relaxed from the bottom of his heart.

“I don’t know how to use ninjutsu or genjutsu, and I don’t have any innate bloodline abilities, but I have a perseverance. It may be a help in the future.”

Who says that a genius who works hard is not a genius?

After a while, the three of them finished their training and walked on the streets of Konoha.

While ignoring the strange looks around him, Naruto frowned secretly.

“What’s going on? Why is someone watching me again?”

Think carefully for a moment to make sure that there is nothing revealing about your usual disguise.

Naruto’s brows furrowed even more.

So, those people were not spying on him.

Then, it can only be Sasuke as an Uchiha.

“Although the reputation of the Uchiha clan is very bad, Sasuke is still a child. Why spend manpower monitoring him?”

With doubts in their hearts, the three of them slowly walked towards the barbecue restaurant.

But, just where they didn’t see it.

A figure squatted on a high telephone pole.

Uchiha Itachi looked at the three people who were laughing and playing and walking together, and looked at his younger brother with a smile on his face.

“You’ve made a friend, Sasuke.”

Itachi couldn’t help but have a smile on his face.

But when I think about my family and the village, I think about the choice Danzo gave me.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and his expression became deep and cold.

“For Sasuke, for Konoha, I…”


Night gradually fell, Uchiha Itachi stepped on the shadow of the tree and came to the depths of the forest.

A figure wearing a black robe and a striped mask with only one eye exposed stood there.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, the masked man slowly turned around.

Itachi’s eyes were gloomy, revealing cold murderous intent.

“Do you want to kill me and avenge your companions with this look in your eyes?”

Uchiha Obito raised the corners of his mouth and said, “Then, let’s do it quickly.”

Looking at the man in front of him who called himself “Uchiha Madara”, Uchiha Itachi forced himself to suppress the hatred in his heart.

He said word by word: “I need your help.”

Uchiha Obito’s tone was indifferent: “Uchiha has finally reached this point.”

“Is everything under your control now?”

Uchiha Itachi asked with a frown.

When Uchiha Obito heard this, he pretended to be majestic and said: “When the clan members chose to stay in Konoha instead of following me, I have already seen their ending.”

Looking at the man in front of him who called himself “Uchiha Madara”, Itachi’s eyes flashed with fear and doubt.

Although I’m not sure if this guy who hides his head and shows his tail is actually Shura from the ninja world.

But his eye power, which is more powerful than the Mangekyou Sharingan, cannot be faked.

“I will take action next Sunday night. I hope you can help me deal with the Uchiha in the police force.”

Itachi’s tone was calm, but the words he spoke were cold and cruel.

The corners of Uchiha Obito’s mouth hidden under the mask were slightly raised.

“Then, happy working together.”


At the same time, in Menma’s underground laboratory.

“It’s unmistakable. This is the power of the universe.”

Menma looked at the test report in his hand and reopened the sealing technique on Hashirama’s cells.

On the operating table in front of him, there was a humanoid body that was in basically stable condition.

However, you can still faintly see the green grass sprouts emerging from the flesh.

Although the growth rate is slow, it is still visible to the naked eye.

“The all-encompassing formula for White Zetsu’s body has been worked out, but it still lacks the formula for Hashirama’s arm as a control group, so it’s not completely stable.”

He has no shortage of Hashirama cells, and he also has a kaleidoscope in his Sharingan.

But after many experiments, Menma determined that there were not only Hashirama cells and Sharingan in Hashirama’s arm, but also a special substance.

This special substance plays a very good role in harmonizing Hashirama’s cells and the Sharingan. It can greatly restrain the powerful vitality of Hashirama’s cells and the squeezing of physical energy by the Sharingan.

“Is Uchiha Nobu’s physique?”

Menma narrowed his eyes slightly and tightened Hashirama’s arm into the sealing scroll.

It just so happens that I also need a lab assistant.

Then go to “Uncle Snake” for a visit.


Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Naruto: Uzumaki Menma walks out of the infinite moon reading

Status: Completed Author:


【Travel】【Contending】【Invincible】【Behind the Scenes】
Under the enchanting blood moon, ten figures stood in the sky, facing the 80,000 ninja coalition, and behind them was the ninja army of the new era.
They are a mysterious organization called [Red Moon], the nightmare of all ninjas of the old era.
Uzumaki Menma looked down at the ninja god and the Shura of the ninja world at his feet.
"We serve the light, but work in the darkness. Everything is false, and everything is allowed."
A small ball with a black body and a halo like a star ring condensed in his palm.
"This is a farewell gift. From now on, I will stand at the top!"
The black-bellied Naruto, the scumbag Sasuke, the iron-blooded Hinata, this ninja world was turned upside down by Uzumaki Menma, and the fate of countless people was changed because of it.
[PS: Uzumaki Menma is an original villain created by the animation production team of "Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja". He is the counterpart of the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto in the "Limited Tsukuyomi" illusion world. ]


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